
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 39: Escape

Quezon City Memorial Circle - Area 323 - NCR - Philippines

In the central section of the Horseshoe Containment Unit was a purple woman that is contained in a containment tube that is suspended in a fluid. According to Smith, this was actually Ysabelle. Go figure.

Several hours ago, Ysabelle and the other four omega ones were awaken by a powerful surge of energy originating from the northwest, particularly in Central Russia.

The Horseshoe Containment Unit had no guards are personnel guarding it because of the anomaly in Central Russia, only sensors and machines were the only ones guarding the cells.

The person that had metallic strings on his right arm the and left leg, who is actually Sean, took this chance when he was awaken. He manipulated the metallic strings and covered half of the Horseshoe Containment Unit and attempted to hack it, including the Breaker Collars that are on their necks.

Several hours later, Sean has been successful in hacking the Breaker Collars on each of them; Ysabelle, Eduardo, William, Jacob, and himself.

Ysabelle has been waiting for this moment and secretly used her 「 Virtual Realm 」 to scan the world and to see the state of it. She also tried finding the other omega ones because it has been more than 10 years since she was captured by her mentor, Doomageddon.

She immediately found UOMS and gathered information about it, the giant Runestones, the moon, the invasion 10 years ago, and this Area 323. But that's all what Ysabelle could find because their was an invisible force that was limiting her 「 Virtual Realm 」.

She decided to talk to others via her 「 Virtual Realm 」 and engage in some kind of Telepathy. She knew that Sean was the one responsible for disabling the Breaker Collars. She also found Eduardo who was meditating and gathering energy to himself and William also somewhat doing the same as Eduardo, although the energy was black and dark.

Jacob on the other hand was asleep, or rather was in a stasis as his body was constantly shaking and trembling violently as he was suspended in the in containment tube.

Ysabelle was about to act and will tell the others about her plan of escape from this facility, but her 「 Virtual Realm 」 scanned an anomaly from the far west. There was a man standing with his back facing Ysabelle's vision in a 20-meter long circular platform.

Before she could look closer, a bluish green shard with a tint of pinkish red hovered above the man's right shoulder while spinning and rotating. Ysabelle felt shivers on her spine as she felt like she was seen by this shard and she decided to pull herself back. She also couldn't turn a blind eye when she saw the dark clouds that was looming over the sky.

'Phew, what was that?'

'What was what?'

Sean asked Ysabelle as he heard her from the Telepathic link between the five of them.

'Nothing. Let's continue with the plan.'


After a few minutes of talking, Eduardo and William has finished meditating and gathering energy and joined in on the plan.

'Sean, you will overload the systems in here and fry them. Eduardo, you will also bust everything on your way out of here along William, that's the plan. Then we'll immediately fly towards the energy source that woke as up.'

'What about Jacob?'

Sean asked Ysabelle about Jacob.

'It seems that he won't be waking up anytime soon.'

'Well, Ysabelle, he actually died 10 years ago after he destroyed the giant meteor.'

Eduardo explained what happened to Jacob to Ysabelle.

'What?! No, that's impossible! Where was Kurt?!'

'We also didn't see him, the last tiem we saw him was when we separated from him and Philip.'

William answered.

'Philip? Yes! What about Philip?!'

'We don't know either, that was also the last time we saw him.'

Eduardo answered.

'Damn it!!'

Ysabelle was angry and hopeless after she heard the news. She was also worried at what happened to Philip, there was no sign of him during 10 years and if Jacob had died, he also probably had died, but where?

It also seems like she didn't remember anything that happened or what she did during the time the UOMS were controlling Ysabelle with the Breaker Collar. Although, Sean, Eduardo, and William could remember bits and pieces.

'What are we going to do, Ysabelle?'

Eduardo asked her.

'We'll stick to the plan and go towards the source of the energy surge that woke us up.'

'What about if that person was evil or something?'

Sean asked and Ysabelle pondered for a moment before answering.

'Then, we'll hope for the best that it was a good person.'

The other three nodded in their heads.

It was about time to start their plan of escape as Ysabelle and Eduardo readied themselves. Sean was one step away from overloading the system, he was waiting for Ysabelle's cue.

But then, the ground rumbled causing the whole facility to come in an uproar. Ysabelle took this chance and commaded Sean to do it. When Sean did it, there was a loud explosion a few meters away from the Horseshoe Containment Unit, inside the west wing of the main building of the facility, accompanied by a loud crackling and thundering sounds.


West Wing - Area 323

A few seconds ago, there was charred man that was also suspended in a containment tube with a strange liquid inside it. Before the energy surge that woke up Ysabelle and company, this man's body was on constant molten animation inside the cracks of his body while he was charred everywhere, like a burning piece of charcoal. But now, his body was like a fresh charcoal.

This was Charles, Eduardo and the others thought he had died after he launched the black lightning towards the giant meteor 10 years ago, but in actuality, Charles just overloaded and heated thus making him on the brink of death. The 「 Lightning Concept 」 then put his body on a stasis to preserve his life but to a cost. He was experiencing pain constantly, and he was experiencing thisfr 10 years.

Then, several hours later after the energy surge, lightning crackled around his arms and legs. The charred skin was chipping away from his body like flakes only to reveal a fresh body. Lightning kept flowing around his body up to his head, then his body turned good as new.

The ground then rumbled as electricity and lightning surged from Charles' chest and spread out to the rest of his body while it violently crackled and cracked as it was accompanied by loud thundering booms.

The whole west wing exploded as different colors of lightning surged out and Charles hovered up in the air while his eyes are closed. Then, the lightning clamed down as occasional streaks of lightning appeared around his body.

The hyper high tech cannons and tanks as well as the super soldiers of Area 323 had aimed towards the hovering body of Charles.

Then, Charles opened his eyes only to reveal his glowing whited out eyes that formed a streak of red lightning down to his face, as if he was crying red blood.

He then disappeared as an extremely loud boom was created and a streak of white lightning crawled in the cloudless sky towards the west as the sound of cracks was weakening.

Ysabelle took advantage of this situation. She was surprised when she only found out about Charles right now. She knew that the Myst couples were on the moon and Laurence was somewhere around South America, but he couldn't find Charles, Smith, or Erica anywhere. Turns out Charles was right on their backs.

Eduardo and William then destroyed their containment tubes along with the disabled Breaker Collars that fell on the floor. They went on a rampage against the forces of Area 323. William cloned his arms and he had a total of six arms and started throwing death balls and death rays everywhere, while Eduardo turned into 「 Super Saiyan 2 」 and destroyed everything in his way.

Sean then went and collected various kinds of machines and technologies to repair his metal strings of an arm and a leg. Later on, her limbs were back to the way it was.

Ysabelle managed to teleport out of her containment unit and regrouped outside with the others. The four of them were back to back as cannons and rifles were aimed at them.

"What is that on your back?"

Eduardo asked Ysabelle.

"What do you me- whoa!"

Ysabelle turned around only to see a crack in the space. It was no ordinary crack in the space but it was shaped like a wing that was attached to Ysabelle. She had one of this wing on her back to the left.

"Ignore that! We need to escape now!"

William growled as he complained about the attitude of the two of them.

"Eduardo, carry Sean and let's go!"

Ysabelle ordered Eduardo to carry Sean and ahe immediately flew up followed by William and then Eduardo as they flew towards northwest.

The cannons and rifles followed them until their range can't reach the fleeing escapees.

They were successful in escape.

But there was a man with shades and a business suit that walked in front of the Area 323's forces. He removed his shades and revealed a molten colored eyes and bright yellow iris. He glared specifically at Ysabelle. It was Doom, or rather, Doomageddon.

Doom then walked towards the center of the Horseshoe Containment Unit, in the center of the crater where an sword was stabbed at a glowing gold rock. There was a hovering amulet that is wrapped around the hilt of the sword.

Doom had a mad look on his face as he reached out towards the sword and pull it. But to his expectation, he still couldn't touch it as an invisible barrier prevented him to touch it.


Doom was mad as he released an overbearing pressure around him. His clothes were torn here and there and it revealed his molten looking skin. His body also exuded steam as if he was doused in water only to evaporate immediately.

He then looked towards the west.

"I will come for you one day!!"

Ysabelle and company has finally escaped! But they are heading in a completely wrong direction.

Speaking of direction, Charles was going in the right direction! But how did he know?

Doom is also stirring something up.


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