
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 31: Hex

Southern Mongolia - Northern China - Former Location of the Chinese Runestone

The man with a tail that sat near Philip observed his body and meditated. He went to this place to thank the individual who released him and the others from being imprisoned by the Runestone.

The man with a tail is named, Sun Wukong, although his body is a recollection of his spirit.

Wukong observed Philip's body as time goes by. He knew that Philip had taken peak quality pills... In one go.

"What an energetic individual haha!"

Wukong can't help but laugh on Philip's bravery on taking six pills in one go. Little did he know that he stupidly and recklessly ate the pills because of his excitement.

A few minutes later, the body of Philip started to show signs of change.

The most obvious one is his skin, more particularly his ivory armor. The ivory armor started to show change because the ivory armor originally melded wiyh his skin.

The ivory armor stood up on its end like hair on skin. The difference is that it's not hair but rather spikes that are continuously standing up non stop. There are ones that stood up and immediately returned back to the skin.

A few seconds later, Wukong then started to hear a stomach churning cracking sound originating from Philip. He knew that the cracking sound came from Philip's bones.

The sound of cracking bones was so loud that it can be heard up to 50 meters away. Then suddenly, Philip's body began to twitch and move uncontrollably. His arms, body, and legs trembled and flailed upwards, almost like someone who is having an epilepsy.

This is because of the Blood Refining Pill, Nerve Refining Pill, Muscle Refining Pill, and Tissue Refining Pill showing its effect all at the same time.

The 「 Shard of Consciousness 」 then started to spin and rotate faster as Philip twitched and trembled. Then suddenly, Philip stopped twitching and lied on the ground like a lifeless body.

The 「 Shard of Consciousness 」 stopped spinning and went back inside Philip's left hand and golden light swirled around his body.

Wukong then sensed a surge of energy from Philip and decided to jump away from him.

Moments later, a small explosion of golden light happened and Philip emerged from the light while floating in the air. He let out a scream.


The golden light then faded and he fell to the floor feet first then he kneeled with his right knee. He supported himself with his right hand on the ground and left hand on his left knee.

"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa... That was painful!!"

「 Serves you right!! Why would you even take those pills in one go?! You should've known that you need to take those pills one by one! 」

"Well, if I took those pills one by one, wouldn't it take more time?"

「 Grrr... You fool! Don't you know that I was w-worried a-about you?!! 」


Emily stuttered when she said she was worried about Philip when he took thise pills all at once. Philip then realized that Emily actually cared about him and decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry Emily, it won't happen again, I promise."

「 Hmp! Okay, if you say so. 」

Of course, all of that conversation happened in Philip's head and he is actually not talking with his mouth but his head. The duration of the conversation also took for about a few seconds, faster than talking with your mouth.

Because of that, Wukong didn't hear their conversation and slowly approached Philip.

"Excuse me, young man."


Wukong approached Philip from his back and that caused Philip to be startled and swung his left hand into a horizontal hand chop. Wukong lifted his staff onto his left side to block Philip's hand chop.

Wukong was successful in completely stopping Philip's hand chop. Even though the had chop was blocked, a large shockwave originated from them and a small crater formed around them.

"Young man, you actually had the intention to kill someone that approached your back? Rather than confirming about who that person is?"


Philip pulled his left hand away from the staff.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't held back at all. I had the mindset of someone stabbing my back."

"Fufufu, is that so?"

"That is so."

Wukong and Philip stared at each other for awhile. Wukong looked deep in Philip's eyes, he could see the Omega symbol in his right eye and the Alpha symbol in his left eye. He tried to look deeper but to no avail. Philip on the other hand, looked at Wukong because of his familiar appearance.

"Hahahaha! Young man! You are certainly very powerful!! Probably more powerful than me!"

"Hahaha! Please don't jest! We both know that you are more powerful than me, and a god at that, Sun Wukong."

"Hahaha! Certainly! Although, I am but a recollection of my spirit. My real body is in another realm. May I know your name, young man?"

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Philip Ibasco."

"I see, young Philip. I came here to thank you on behalf of the mystical realm here on Earth."

"Thank me?"

"Yes! You have destroyed the Runestone over there. That Runestone was suppressing all of the mystical powers in the world."

"I see..."

Then, Sun Wukong was surprised as if he was struck by a lightning. He looked straight at Philip's eyes.

"Young Philip, do you perhaps know of a person name Eduardo Ylo?"

This time, Philip was surprised.

"Yes! I am actually his best friend! How did you know and what is your relationship with him?"

"I am actually his mentor in martial arts when he trained here in China over 13 years ago."

"Oh! That makes sense!"

"As to how I knew, I seem to sense something from you that belonged to him?"

Philip pondered for a moment and he immediately knew what he had that was supposed to be Eduardo's.

"You mean, this?"

Philip took out the Ylium Quartz from his 「 Hotbar 」 and showed it to Wukong. He didn't directly touched the quartz as he knew what effect it will give it to him. Rather, the quartz is floating in his right hand.

"Yes, that's it. I see now..."

"How did you knew about this Ylium Quartz?"

Then, Wukong and Philip took their time having a conversation about their lives and Eduardo's and how Wukong knew about the quartz and how it came from a meteorite.

"I also sense something within you that seems to destroy your very origin and your humanity."

"Humanity? Ah, ahahaha..."

Philip scratched his right cheek.

"Haaai... Whatever power you have that destroys your origin and humanity, I suggest you avoid from using that power."

[9 Gates of Wrath: 1st gate opened]


Philip was genuinely startled when the 1st gate opened when there is nothing to be irritated about.

"Like that, young Philip. Refrain from using that because if you keep using that, you will become a different person in the future."

"Yes, yes. I will."

A few hours later, Philip stood up and sensed a space distortion to the northeast from his location. Completely opposite of the giant Runestone towards northwest. He smirked as he knew the power signature from that space distortion.

"I see that you will be departing in a while, young Philip."

"Yeah, I think I need to go towards to where my other comrade is."

"I see..."

Wukong also stood up and face Philip.

"Then, if you found Eduardo, tell him my best regards..."

Wukong closed his eyes and his spirit body dissipated into mist. To Philip's surprise, the mist didn't scatter but flowed to him. His body seem to absorb the mist.

「 Looks like Sun Wukong took a liking to you and gave you inheritance to his knowledge. 」

"What do you me-"

Before Philip could finish his question, a string of display showed up.

[You have learned Staff Arts (Master)]

[You have inherited Sun Wukong's knowledge: Realm of the Lower Gods]

[You have received Basic Elemental Aptitude (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind)]

[Congratulations! You have obtained three variables by completing a condition or requirement]

[You have obtained the variable of Fantasy]

[You have obtained the variable of Heaven]

[You have obtained the variable of Hell]


「 Fantasy. You can now perceive fantastical aspects of the universe. You are not bound by the rules of reality anymore. All fantasy is startinh to become a reality. 」

Then, an invisible wave of energy surged out of Philip and travelled around the world, or rather, the whole universe and probably beyond.


Philip held his head after he heard Emily's explanation.

"What happened?"

「 Uhm, all realities and fantasies started to merge together and you, who is a fantastical being, began to power up because you are not bound by the rulesof reality anymore. 」

"How about the others?"

「 It's only you because you hold the variable of Fantasy. But, from this point onwards, the universe, the reality, will start to produce fantastical beings and objects. 」

"Is that bad?"

Philip has recollected himself and stood up while with a serious face.

「 Not really. 」

"I see... Then continue."

「 Heaven. Heaven is off limits to you. You govern heaven. 」


[Due to obtaining the variable of Heaven, you have received 「 Halo of Heaven 」 ]



「 Halo of Heaven 」 (Passive)

「 The halo that tells you that you can't go to heaven. 」


「 Ark - purges impurities and evil. 」

「 Ray of Light - send an intense hot ray of light in an area. 」


"Wait wait wait!! Too much information! What is this Halo of Heaven?!

「 It is the exclusive item of the variable of Heaven. 」


「 I suggest you wear it right now. Not that you have any choice because it'sa passive item and you can't remove it! Hahahahaha! You look so good! 」

"Huh? Wha? What the?!"

Philip searched around his body and found the halo on top of his head. Emily was correct, he can't remove the halo in any way.

「 Huh? What the?! Pfft! Why would you search your body if you know that halo are supposed to be on top of your head! Hahahahaha! 」


Philip had a poker face while listening to Emily laugh all this time. He didn't get irritated by it, he somehow was enjoying it.

Emily blushed when she unconsciously received Philip's intent when she was laughing. She calmed downand continued.

「 Hell. Hell is off limits to you. You govern hell. 」


[Due to obtaining the variable of Hell, you have received 「 Horn of Hell 」 ]


Philip just kept quiet as he had already expecting this series of events since the variable of Heaven.


「 Horns of Hell 」 (Passive)

「 The horns that tell you that you can't go to hell. 」


「 Beneath Hell - show the realm under hell. A mind attack skill. 」


"Let me guess, this is also a passive item and exclusive item of the variable of hell?"

「 Correct! No you're learning! 」

Philip tried to carefully find the horns on his head because he didn't want Emily to mock him again. To his surprise, he can only find the spiky ivory armor as hair on his head, no horns.

「 It's next to your nape, under you ears. 」

Philip subconsciously touched under his ears and there it was. There were two horns that are pointed downwards and slightly curved to the side. The color of the horns are like flesh and muscles.

"Is that all of it?"

「 That's all of it. 」


Philip faced the direction towards northeast and decided to meet one of the omega ones. He flew up in the air and boosted towards the direction opposite from the giant Runestone in the distance towards northwest.

「 You're not going to ask about Sun Wukong's knowledge that was passed to you? 」

"Let's talk about that after we go and meet her."

「 Okay. 」


Rural Province - Central China

"What is this situation?"

Smith complained as he was unintentionally brought along by farmers, because of his straw hat, and started collecting cabbages in the rain.


Akihabara City - Japan

"Emily, was this the place where that space distortion originated?"

「 Yes, it's somewhere around that alleyway over there. 」

Even though Emily didn't have a physical body and she can't point her finger, Philip can know where she is pointing with his mind.

Philip then landed inside the alleyway, despite many people can see his eye catching appearance. As he landed inside, Philip can feel the space distortion.

"It's definitely here. Emily, how do I open this?"

「 Since you have the variable of space, you can just touch the focus of the space distortion and it will mend itself. Whatever is inside that, it will forcefully spit it out. 」

Philip nodded on Emily's instruction. He touched the center of the space distortion. Then as soon as he touhed the space distortion, not only the variable of space but also the variable of dimension acted. Philip didn't know the reason and ignored it.

Moments later, the space around them expanded and crushed the walls of the building beside it as well as the ground. It created a total of three craters. Obviously, Philip is not bothered by the expansion of space.

As the space expanded, the space immediately condensed and then collapsed as two individuals came out from the sapce distortion.

One person was familiar and the other one was not.

"Haah! Haah! Haah!"

"Phew... Phew..."

The petite girl with short hair that was hiding her eyes were panting heavily while she knelt on the ground in an "orz" position. The man that was supporting his body on the crushed wall of the building was catching his breath.

Philip then spoke.

"Hi there, Erica!"

The girl that came out of the space distortion was actually Erica. The girl with the power of Fuzetzu.

As soon as Erica heard that voice, she stopped panting and she immediately looked up in front of her.

There was a man standing before her, skin of white that looked like armor with three spikes on his forearms and legs, five pointed rods that looked like pillars that are protruding on his back like wings, white spiky hair, a halo on his head, gross looking horns underneath his ears, an Alpha and Omega symbol on his chest, golden eyes, and a white mask.

As soon as Erica scanned the man if he was really him, tears started forming in her eyes.

"It's really you!"

Tears then gushed out of her eyes as if a dam was broken. She stood up and ran towards Philip and hugged him. She planted her face on Philip's hard ivory chest armor while crying uncontrollably.


The man that was catching his breath straightened his body as he heard Philip's voice. He went on guard as they came from a dangerous place, what if someone ambushed them.

But to his surprise, Erica ran towards the odd looking man while crying. This led to his conclusion that this odd looking man is a friend. He then smiled genuinely as he knew that they were safe for now and thisman saved them.

Philip placed his right hand on Erica's back and then patted her head. He may not know what has happened, but all he could do is to comfort Erica.

"There there, it's fine now. You're safe now. Let your emotions flow and cry it all out."

Philip said to Erica as he said it with next to an angelic voice trying to comfort a lost soul.

[You have unlocked 2nd Gate of Serenity]

[Gate 2: Pleasure]

[9 Gates of Serenity: 2nd gate opened]

「 Gate 2: Pleasure 」

「 Removes all negative emotions around you and induces positive emotions. 」

Philip was about to get mad about the system having him unlock the 2nd Gate of Serenity, which is pleasure, just because Erica hugged him or he patted her head. But that immediately disappeared after he heard the effect that the 2nd gate will give.

[Due to unlocking the 2nd Gate of Serenity, you have unlocked the passive ability, 「 Empathy 」 ]

「 You're getting too much abilities this day, huh? Not that I'm complaining. 」

「 Empathy 」

「 You can now feel the emotions of beings around you and absorb them in a form of positive or negative energy. You can also induce these energies as a form of emotion to other beings. 」

[Conditions have met. Due to obtaining the passive ability of 「 Empathy 」, you have unlocked 「 Four Crystals of Esper 」]

Philip can't grasp the information again as it was too many. One thing only caught his eyes and it was 「 Empathy 」. Maybe he could use it and calm Erica down, and the system said that is was a passive ability.

Moments later, Erica has calmed down and slept within his arms. He then looked at the man that was staring at them with a genuine smile on his face. The man the spoke when he notice Philip's gaze.

"My name is John Greminn. You can call me Hex. I accompanied Erica in the other dimension when I found her entering there and led her to safety as we ran and ran nonstop for 10 years."

Philip frowned when he heard the gist of the story from John, or Hex.

Philip received Sun Wukong's knowledge about the realm of the lower gods. What will Philip learn?

He also found Erica along with Hex. Who is this Hex and what happened to them in that other dimension?

Find out next chapter!


It has been a week before I uploaded, I would like to apologize because it has been depressing in school. I will try to catch up with the chapters soon!

Thanks for reading!!

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