
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 3: The Object? in Space

Once the broken dummy and riot shield hit the ground, I ended my swordplay. I loosened my my tense muscle fibers, and began to activate my heart once again. I deactivated most of my organs so that the internal vibrations that they produce can disrupt the essence of the sword.

I placed the Philippium coated wooden sword and placed it on the prepared 500% diamond synthetic cloth and a special staff wrapped it and took it away. I then stretched the placket of my polo, undoing the buttons, and my neck tie as to release the collected heat surrounding my chest. I tried to look cool.

As of this moment, there were cheers and discussion among the crowd about my demonstration.

"That was an amazing swordsmanship!" An amateur swordsman exclaimed.

"The Philippium coated sword did its job and disintegrated the dummy and the riot shield!" An officer focused on the dummy laying on the ground.

"But did the sword technique or the blade itself cut the dummy?" An analyst said while he analyzed my demonstration.

I understand their insights and I have reasons why I did my sword technique just to slice a dummy, rather than just going at it and casually slice at it with no pressure.

First thing is that, I performed my personal sword technique to release this force that can overwhelm an individual when I made the stance. I did this to show everyone that I am not someone to be scoffed at.

Next thing I know that these presidents and military forces will send me assassins or attack force to forcefully take a sample of my element. They clearly saw how I easily cut the riot shield, that is made out of the strongest metal on Earth, with ease.

The second reason why I chose the particular sword technique, <Slice: Falling Leaf>, is to emphasize that I am not applying force to my sword to cut the dummy and let the Philippium do its thing. It creates the illusion that I only tapped the riot shield and the sword went through the shield and the dummy like butter.

As to whichever the masses believe what happened, I'll leave them to their own imaginations and analysis. But for the sword masters and mystical masters out there, they believe that the Philippium did all of the job slicing the dummy.

I did not go immediately to my grand personal sword techniques. <Slice: Falling Leaf> one of my weakest techniques when it comes to offence. The best that it can only cut wood and concrete with ease. It cannot cut the strongest metal on Earth, the TTC alloy. I only did the technique to draw in everyone's attention at the blade, as if watching a leaf falling from a tree to the ground, like watching a movie.

Now that's out of the way, It was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I had to wrap up and let everyone get their lunches and send them home.

I ended my presentation with a few more examples of the dangers that the Philippium element can do, like if I dropped this Philippium crystal on the floor, it will disintegrate everything until it reaches the inner core where 500% diamond is abundant in the place.

"This element is not for sale nor I will donate this on military or any organizations, this is only for me and my company to use for the advancement of the world! I will also never publicize the recipe and formula for the element. I just wanted for the world to know how powerful my extended company is, with this element." I then gave the government, military, and the organizations that wanted to get their hands on the recipe of my element a warning.

"Now, for those people or organizations that wanted to get their hands on this and will do everything to obtain one with any means, harmful or not harmful. Let me give you a warning. Whether you're the government or the military or any of the organizations out there, even the mystical people, if you have even the slightest intent to harm anyone that is involved to me..." I paused for several seconds. The important people seem agitated.

I then lifted the Philippium crystal with my glove. "Don't let me use this on you or my swordsmanship to show you who's boss and I will destroy everything you own if you ever ignore my warning."

I then placed the crystal back on the suitcase and closed it and lifted it. The clamp mechanism started to work its way to my right arm. I turned my back and headed to the backstage. A staff handed me my tuxedo and carried it with my left arm.

There was an uproar in the complex, it was as if the whole complex is rumbling, as I entered the backstage. I smirked and imagined the faces of the people that I pointed at.

The presidents and generals had their jaw dropped. The organization leaders who are watching in their office or lairs laughed and smiled at the declaration. The mystical masters looked at the projection on their television with a cold and empty look as if they don't care about the events of the technological side of the world.

As I stepped in the backstage, I saw the staff that are cowering at the corner. I then saw Ysabelle who is biting his lower lip and had cold sweat on the right side of her forehead. Eduardo, however, approached me and placed his left hand on my right shoulder.

"H-hey Philip, y-you can r-relax now, i-it's over, o-okay?"

What is he talking about? Why is there stuttering on his voice? Eduardo is knitting his eyebrows and seemed tense. I then feel that his hand is tightening on my shoulder.

I came to a realization that I was releasing an invisible aura of killing intent. That's why the people seem to cower whenever they look at me and Eduardo seem to able to not handle it because he's the closest to me.

I then relaxed myself and apologized to everyone present. "I'm sorry everyone! I didn't control myself, I sincerely apologize."

"There's no need to apologize Philip. We understand your intent and it's a good way to scare off those power hungry people." Eduardo released his hand on my shoulder and reassured me.

"Okay, since we haven't been able to talk for three years. Why don't we have lunch at our usual place?!" I offered both Eduardo and Ysabelle and reminded them of our reunion.

"Really? How about the press conference, 30 minutes from now at 'that' place?" Eduardo had a worried look but seem to already know what I'm thinking.

"Press conference?! Who does that? I'll skip that. I already told them everything at the stage. Don't let them disrupt our reunion after three years!" I said loudly to the husband and wife.

"Haha, same as always, huh Philip?" Ysabelle giggles.

"C'mon! Let's not waste anymore time and go! I'm starving after all of that." I pushed both of them forward like we were in our junior high school days. How times have passed, I missed these two!

"Alright! But the we'll divide the bill, okay?" said Eduardo.

"What? It was my big day! Treat me!" I teasingly said to Eduardo.

"What?!! Go die in a sidewalk or something! You can clearly pay for yourself!" Eduardo was angry.

I suddenly felt my eye tickle and vertigo for a split second. I didn't mind it. I then turned to Ysabelle. "C'mon Sabelle, how bout you?"

"Now now Philip, we're not children anymore, are we?" Ysabelle turned me down.

"Okay fine! We'll pay for ourselves!" I groaned.

Ysabelle was giggling and Eduardo was smiling. We'll make this day worth it!

We then left the complex and left the supervisors to wrap up the event. We then rode Eduardo's flying vehicle and rode to our lunch place.


Lunar Base - Full Moon - Same day - 4:37 pm at Earth

There are two individuals that are residing at Luna, the name of the moon of Earth. These individuals are not human nor aliens, they were entitled as superhumans by certain organizations that know of their existence. Their existence is unknown in Earth, only a few important people knew of them.

They were named as Mystery and Mysterious.

Mystery, or more famous in the legends as the Boogeyman, resides in the light side of the moon and governs it. Her appearance strikes as a glowing angel or a luminescent ghost. She has no physical hair but possesses an astral looking hair that flaps in the zero atmosphere of the moon gracefully. Her body seems transparent and non existence as if objects can pass trough her. But in reality, her body is solid, the transparent look has to do with the light side of the moon.

Mysterious on the other hand, also known as Nightmare, resides and govern the dark side of the moon. His appearance is completely dark and black, only his silhouette can be seen. The only special about him is that whenever he smile, his pointy teeth extends from both of his cheeks, earning him the title of Nightmare.

Both superhumans mean no harm against the humans. In fact, they enjoy the company of humans on Luna. They sometimes interact with the humans and helped build their cities and home on Luna. Other humans are scared at Mysterious at their wits end but they can somehow manage whenever Mysterious don't smile.

The reason that they are called as superhumans is that they can control a certain aspect of the moon. Mystery has the power to control the tidal waves of the Earth. She also has an influence among the mystical masters and cultivators, but nonetheless, they don't know the existence of Mystery. They only think that the moon itself is influencing them. Mystery is also the one who is responsible for the Genesis Flood from the story of Noah's Ark mentioned in the Holy Bible. She is also able to manipulate gravity with gravity orbs.

Mysterious, however, completely control the moon. The moons rotation and revolution. Mysterious calibrated the speed of the rotation and revolution of the moon to suit Mystery's ability to control the tidal waves on Earth every time. Mysterious is also responsible for the many craters on the moon as he moves the moon to shield the Earth against asteroids. However, he mostly can't block all incoming asteroids and let smaller asteroids come through as the Earth's atmosphere will burn them before touching the ground. He can also control the very essence of flame and control it at will.

The two superhumans had a rivalry as to who is stronger and who really owns Luna. But several years later, they got tired of their rivalry and lived in peace before humans colonized the moon.

Truth be told, both of them were never humans to begin with. They were born billions of years ago when the moon first formed and the Earth was still a burning planet with lava and volcanoes everywhere on its surface.

Mystery cooled the Earth down by controlling the tidal waves of lava via convection currents so the lava will solidify and form the continents. Mysterious worked as to shield the Earth from stray meteoroids and asteroids so that the Earth will not become a lava planet again.

Millions of years later, Mysterious spotted an ice comet in a collision course with Earth. He let the comet crash on Earth and that's how the seas and the oceans are formed. Mystery was ecstatic about this for some reason and thanked Mysterious. She had a feeling that this is what she wanted.

Hundreds of millions of years later, Mysterios detected an asteroid hurdling towards Earth at an impossible speed and angle. He tried to strain himself to place the moon in between but Mystery stopped him, because if Mysterious tried to move the moon vertically perpendicular to the direction of the rotation of the Earth, Mysterious would disrupt the magnetosphere of the Earth and start the phenomenon called the polar shift. They watched as the asteroid crashed on Earth and the crash site released a blinding light in the horizon.

This event marked the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Back to the present day. Mysterious was agitated as he is detecting an anomaly that is approaching the Earth. He sat down on his self-made pedestal and concentrated.

Was is an asteroid? A spaceship? Mysterious doesn't know. The object also seem to be moving very fast.

He kept focusing on the said object but can't really pinpoint what the object is. He waited until he could see the object with his naked eye. Even though he has no eyes.

He then saw a bright yellow glowing object coming towards Earth at breakneck speed. This was almost faster than the speed of light.

He immediately controlled the speed of the revolution of the moon with all of his might as he tried to block the object. He hasn't exerted himself this much since the last time he tried to block the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. He screamed as he strained himself.

The sudden movement of the moon surprised the resident of Luna and Mystery. They sensed that the moon revolved around the Earth faster than the last time Mysterious blocked an asteroid. This made Mystery worry a bit. She couldn't forget that time during the end of the dinosaurs.

Moments later, Mysterious successfully moved the moon against the trajectory of the object. As the object dart closer, Mysterious came to a conclusion that the object is just a rock, same as the asteroids, and is glowing golden yellow, probably due to its ignition state. The asteroid probably came from a nearby system that got flung out by a gravitic slingshot that reached almost the speed of light. Until...

"WHAT?!!!" Screamed Mysterious as his nightmarish teeth showed its true form.

The unexpected happened. Several thousands of kilometers away from the moon, the rock instantly changed its direction seemingly breaking the laws of inertia and went around the moon to the other side resuming its original trajectory. Its as if the rock shot through the moon but it looped around the moon instead as if the moon was never there to begin with.

Everyone on the moon heard the scream that reverberated throughout the surface. This startled Mystery as she never heard Mysterious screamed like that until he saw a glowing rock pass above her and changed direction, ignoring inertia, towards Earth

This shocked Mysterious as if he just died. He immediately flew towards the light side of the moon and went towards Mystery's pedestal where she could be seen.

As Mysterious landed crudely beside Mystery. They both watched as the glowing rock approaches the Earth. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm sure then humans have their instrument and gadgets that can intercept that measly glowing rock." Mystery, with her angelic voice that resembled a song, reassured Mysterious.

"But that rock is clearly different. It looped around Luna! It dodged me!" Said Mysterious furiously with a deep groggy voice.

This made Mystery's non-existent eyes open wide. They watched and waited until the humans intercept the rock. The humans seem to not be doing anything.

"Well, sweetie. Looks like we will be witnessing an extinction once again. This time, it's the humans from Earth." Mystery bit her lips as she clenched her hands until it bled out white fluids.

Mysterious knelt down and punched the ground that caused a moonquake and blamed himself.