
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 23: Casualty

Upper Exosphere - Earth

"Why are my flames not affecting this meteor?!"

Mysterious bellowed as he kept on releasing waves of fire and flame towards the meteor. As he kept attacking the meteor, the surface of the meteor just disperse the flames before it touches it.

He then, for the first time ever, used his skill <Clone> to duplicate himself for him to be able to release more fire and flames with the same amouny of power.

He cloned himself four times for a total of five Mysteriouses. Each of them is releasing different kinds of flames; an orange flame, blue flame, yellow flame, white flame, and red flame. All of the flames are incinerating the meteor, but to his surprise, it still didn't have any effect.

He felt dejected, he then called the other clones and, due to frustration, he tried to push the meteor back with his clones. Surely they can push the meteor back somehow with their combined strengths.

But as soon as they touched the meteor, a bright light flashed for a split second and all of the clones disappeared and Mysterious, himself, was ejected for a few meters away while smoking. He then felt a tingling sensation coming from his back. He turned around only to meet a massive amounts of arcs of lightning with different colors coming his way.

Mysterious haven't been able to collect himself after he touched the meteor, thus he can't get out of the lightning's way. He was then suddenly pulled from his place by a force. It was Mystery.

During the bombardment of Mysterious' flames, Mystery on the other hand tried to slow down the meteor with gravity manipulation and with the pillars of seawater and lava from Earth. She was sitting on the light side of the moon as she did all the work. However, she was surprised when her attacks and Mysterious' attacks are not affecting the meteor in any way shape or form. She was also surprised when Mysterious' clones disappeared as soon as they touched the meteor.

Mystery immediately pulled Mysterious with gravity manipulation as soon as a lightning arc is heading in his way. She plomped Mysterious right next to her on her pedestal as Mysterious can't move after he touched the meteor. It will be a while before Mysterious can move again. Mystery then stopped controlling the pillars of water and lava as she knew that the pillars will not do anything at this point and let the seawater and lava fall to back Earth.

Their attention was caught again when a loud roar and crackle of black lightning surged from Earth towards the meteor, but to their expectations, the black lightning left the meteor intact.

Then, a few moments later, Mystery saw a beam of energy that is surrounded by orbits of energy from Earth towards the meteor. She can immediately deduce that the beam came from Eduardo as he is the only one who can perform that kind of beam. Nevertheless, the beam didn't scratched the meteor a bit.

A few seconds later, Mystery felt a literal chill in her spine. No, deep within herself. She slowly turned her head towards the source of the mysterious energy, it's from Mysterious himself.

Mysterious slowly stood up from his slumped position on the ground. His chest was the first one to rise along with the rest of his body, then his head hung from his back. Mysterious became unconscious and he is supposed to not be able to move because of the peculiar meteor.

Then, his head slowly rose upright and there was a milky white glow on his non-existing eyes while a white flame burns his eyes. He then smiled that showed his creepy smile with a hundred teeth of different sizes as his smile reaches from ear to ear. He then hovered a few kilometers from the surface of the moon and pointed his pitch black right hand on the meteor.

Mystery is dumbfounded from what she is seeing. She clearly knows that the Mysterious that is hovering in front of her is not the usual Mysterious, she feels a lingering chill from her soul. Then, an extremely chilling sight filled her view as Mysterious launched an attack.

Mysterious released a pure white flame that seems almost sparkling to the meteor. The intensity of the white flame cannot compare from his previous flame attacks as the white flame completely devoured the whole body of the giant meteor.


Manila Bay - National Capital Region - Luzon - Philippines

As Jacob was preparing to confront the meteor, he felt a chilling sensation when suddenly, a massive wave of pure white flame engulf the entirety of the meteor. Eduardo also felt the chilling sensation as they saw the white flame.

"Mysterious is not giving up is he?"


Sean commented as they watched the white flame devour the meteor but then suddenly, a bright flash of light almost blinded them that came from the meteor. The white flame was then extinguished as soon as the flash of light happened.

"Even that kind of attack was still not enough to stop the meteor huh?"

"No wait! Look closer!"

Eduardo told Sean to look closer as he saw something peculiar happening to the peculiar meteor. Jacob is still standing on the ledge with crossed arms and emanating an aura of pressure while observing the meteor after Mysterious' attack.

The meteor rumbled as cracks formed around its body. The cracks are big enough that it seemed that the meteor will crumble at any moment now. It seemed that Mysterious' white flame had an effect on it.


Akihabra - Tokyo - Japan

Erica came straight to this city as it was the center of anime culture in Japan. She wanted to protect all anime and manga in this place as the invasion ensued.

She almost eliminated all spaceships that went in Japan as she erected a barrier of invisible Fuzetzu that if any spaceships passed through it, they would hit a solid wall instead.

After hours of protection, Erica saw the giant meteor in the sky. She wanted help as stopping the meteor but she can't reach the meteor with any of her skills and she can't reach it with her jump which tells that she can't fly along Jacob and Sean.

She then saw the pillars of water in the sea, a barrage of colorful flames, a beam of lightning shot towards the meteor, a black lightning bolt, the Kamehameha from Eduardo, and a white flame that gave her a chilling sensation that are aimed towards the meteor.

She strained her ruby red eyes as she observed the attacks that seemed to have no effect on the meteor, but when the white flame engulfed the meteor and a sudden flash of bright light happened, she already knew why the attacks of the others had no effect on the meteor.

"Imagine Breaker?!"

She concluded that the meteor is some sort of <Imagine Breaker> with the flash of bright light as the white flame was extinguished. The <Imagine Breaker> is the power from a certain magical anime that negates anything supernatural, magical, and fantastical aspects that it touches. Erica trembled in fear as she imagined as to what will happen once the meteor struck the Earth. She wanted to warn the others but she then saw a silhouette in the horizon that was flying towards the meteor.


She was helpless and cannot do anything as she only reached out her hand to the flying silhouette in order to stop him, but it was ineffective. She helplessly watched as the silhouette flew towards the meteor with booming speed.


Manila Bay - National Capital Region - Luzon - Philippines

As Jacob watched the meteor as it cracked from the white flame that was released by Mysterious, he formed a sadistic smile.

"Great job Mysterious!!!"

This was the first time Jacob called Mysterious by his name, he usually call him by creepy dude or creepy guy. This made Eduardo and company look towards Jacob as the area around them began to tremble.

Jacob then stomped as hard as he can to propel himself towards the meteor with speeds greater than sound. The ground the cave in by 50 meters deep and a crater formed with a diameter of 500 meters. As Jacob jumped from the shore, the water from the shore also caved in because of the impact and it created a mini tsunami. Eduardo, Sean, and the quiet William on the other hand, flipped 180 degrees as they didn't balanced themselves by the sudden jump.

Truth be told, this was the first time Eduardo and company experienced the intense but compact pressure that Jacob exerted since they were on the red planet.

Jacob on the other hand was propelling himself towards the meteor as he stomped the air with massive force that creates sonic booms and orbits of vapor in his trajectory. He was currently traveling at mach 10 and will reach the meteor at any second now.

Since the meteor has cracked, Jacob had more confidence to completely destroy the meteor unlike from before. Now, he plans on to hitting the meteor with everything he got.

He was already 10 kilometers away from the meteor by this time. This scenario reminded him about an anime that destroyed the meteor that is falling towards City-Z with one punch. He then had an idea to copy that particular scene.

"Even though I'm not Laurence to copy a scenario... I will still do it!! Hahahaha!!"

Jacob pulled his right arm back and put his left arm in front as if to act as an aim assist or scope. His right arm then flashed as it entered ignition point and burned with bursting flames. Energy swirled around his right arm and air also swirled around his arm even though he is in space by now. Orbits of energy and vapor began to from and lighting crackled around his arm. The space around his arm began to tremble with pressure as he is nearing the meteor.

He then release his punch as he made contact with the meteor.


His right fist came in contact with the surface of the meteor and then, as if time has stopped, there was a few seconds of silence. One second, two seconds, three seconds... Nothing was happening. But then...

An extremely blinding flash of light engulfed the world and perhaps the Solar System that lasted in an instant, almost like a supernova but there was only light!

A defeaning explosion then occured, it was not the explosion of the meteor, but the explosion came in between the meteor and Jacob.

Jacob was then launched back to Earth in a speed that seemed faster than light. No one reacted fast enough to catch Jacob as they processed what they just witnessed.

Jacob came crashing in the eastern part of Russia. A 50-km wide crater was formed with Jacob being the center of it. He lied there as if he was a lifeless body. His right arm is no where to be seen and his clothes was in tatters. His eyes was open as he unwillingly looked towards the meteor.

Moments later, smoke escaped from his opened mouth and light faded from his open eyes.

Eduardo sensed Jacob's ki disappear. He then became angry as ever before and looked straight towards the meteor only to witness a peculiar sight.

Jacob actually managed to deal damage to the meteor despite him being a casualty. The meteor formed bigger cracks and broke apart into several pieces. The meteor was 10,000 km long and it broke into 8 main parts, each having an average of 5,000 km in length and 400 km in width. The parts revealed runes from within that made them look like floating giant runestones

What's peculiar about this is that the eight parts of the meteor didn't fell down on Earth, it drifted apart from each other while the smaller debris fell down around the world.

The eight giant runestones then began to drift around the Earth while one fell straight in the Pacific as if stabbing a knife on a watermelon.

Erica in Japan had a bad premonition as the giant runestones began to drift around the world. The falling smaller debris penetrated her invisible Fuzetzu around Akihabara. She then unconsciously created a pocket dimension from Fuzetzu for her to escape.

Jacob, on the other hand, as if he's oblivious to what's happening around him is not moving.


Red Superplanet - Mantle


Is Jacob truly dead?

Where did Erica go?

What is up about the floating giant runestones that is drifting in the Earth's atmosphere?

How will Eduardo and the others going to deal about the runestones?


Thanks for reading!

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