
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

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Chapter 22: Peculiar Meteor

Manila Bay - National Capital Region - Luzon - Philippines

"So, how are we going to stop that?"

Jacob asked the others as they stood by the shore of Manila Bay while looming on the falling meteor.

"The meteor is taking its time and it's falling slowly, isn't it?"

"That's because Mystery is manipulating the gravity around the meteor."

Sean said as he can feel Mystery's power from the drifting moon in the high noon clear sky.

"Look, seems like Mystery is getting serious!"

Sean pointed to the sea as they saw two huge pillars of seawater burst out from the sea only to shoot towards the direction of the meteor.

Little did they know, the whole surface area of the pacific ocean had pillars of sea water going towards the meteor. As the volume of the Pacific Ocean is getting thinner as pillars of seawater goes up, the seawater from the other side of the world is flowing towards the pacific. Volcanoes around the pacific ring of fire, Hawaii, and hotspot under the ocean are also creating pillars of lava that shot out and flowing towards the meteor. There were no eruption and earthquake happened as Mystery controlled the flow of the lava.

They also sensed and spotted Mysterious as he flew around the meteor while launching and bursting waves upon waves of flame and fire towards the meteor to somehow push it back or slow it down.

To the surprise of everyone in the surface, they saw by their enhanced sight that the flames and fire of Mysterious is not having any effect on the meteor. The pillars of saltwater that had also managed to reach the meteor somehow dispersed as they touched the meteor. The seawater fell back on the pacific as rain or steam.

"What is happening?"

No one answered Jacob's question as all of them, except for Eduardo, concentrated on the meteor and further observed the peculiar sight.

"Hey, Eduardo! I think we really need your strength right now! I can't fly and I can't reach the meteor if I jumped here!"

"Shut up for a second!!! I'm searching for Ysabelle!!"

Eduardo shut down Jacob when he was searching for Ysabelle by closing his eyes and putting two of his fingers in his forehead in order to scan for Ysabelle's ki and power.

"Damn it!! I can't find her!!"

Jacob could not help but stare at Eduardo as Eduardo stomped on the ground hard that created a 10-meter wide crater. He then looked back at the peculiar meteor as the Myst couples tried to stop it.

Then suddenly, from the far distance, they could see a bright beam of light that disperses into a multitude of staccato lightning towards the meteor. The thunder roars were deafening even though the source of the beam of lightning came from Malaysia, particularly, from Charles.

The purple, blue, white, yellow, and red colored lightning struck half of the surface of the giant meteor as the main arcs of the lightning flowed and scattered in the body of the meteor.

Nevertheless, even though the lightning looked like it did a massive amount of damage to the meteor, the meteor was unscathed nonetheless. Until the flow of lightning stopped, another type of lightning came forth.

Half of the remaining spaceships on the Earth and all of the electricity powered machines in the world malfunctioned, shut down, and ceased to function. The sky darkened even though there were no clouds present, then suddenly, a thick streak of black lightning travelled towards the meteor.

The thunderous roar that was heard around the world made Eduardo wake up from his stupor and turned his head towards the origin of the sound. What Eduardo saw is a black lightning that looked like a harpoon as it traveled in the sky.

The black lightning flowed in the sky as it converged into one point to form a needle to pierce the meteor in one point as it roared like a black dragon.

To everyone's surprise once again, the black lightning immediately dispersed as it almost touched the surface into several streaks of black lightning and flowed around the meteor, only to converge once again to the rear side of the meteor. It's like the black lightning avoided the meteor completely and returned back to its original form as it passed the meteor.

The sky began to brighten up again to its original brightness setting as the black lightning has dispersed as Charles cancelled the lighting. As the others in the Manila Bay are oblivious to Charles situation in Malaysia, Charles body has been charred into black and streaks of molten lines was apparent on his skin. He coughed out smoke as he ended the black lightning attack and he fell forward as he couldn't handle the strain of black lightning.

His clothes was evaporated from the heat of the black lightning except for the <Cap of Two Wills> and <Watch of Power>. Charles also managed to break his limits without him knowing as he used three wills, instead of two.

He used <Lightning Flare> to release all kinds of lightning in his arsenal, then he used <Lightning Spear> to launch <Lightning Flare> in a straight line, instead of releasing it in a wide area. Without him knowing, he subconsciously used <Railgun> to propel the combined lightning towards the meteor.

This show of power also led him to unlock a portion of the <Lightning Concept Manifestation> that caused the global machinery malfunction and the enhanced spear of black lightning. Due to this, his body couldn't handle the strain of the concept manifestation and therefore, he suffered as he lied down on the roof of a high rise building as a molten and charred human body.

After Jacob, Sean, and William removed their hands from their ears because of the deafening roar of the black lightning, they could hear Eduardo chanting.

"KA... ME..."

Eduardo became furious as he could find Ysabelle anywhere on Earth and in space. He knew being furious will not help in this situation, but he could not help to become furious. He was awoken from his stupor from the roar of the black lightning. He decided to channel his fury to an attack that can destroy the meteor, he didn't care anymore if the debris will cause numerous but minimal damage on Earth.

"HA... ME..."

Eduardo returned to his super saiyan 3 form and opened his monkey spirit wings wide. Energy and wind from the surroundings gathered around Eduardo towards the area in between his hands as his golden flare of aura intesified further which was felt around the world.


Eduardo released a 10-meter wide beam towards the meteor in the sky as lightning surged around Eduardo from the intense energy of the beam and the transformation. The monkey spirit wings also flared up as the beam was released. Orbits of energy that are 50 meters wide formed around the beam as it traveled towards the meteor.

As everyone watched the light show, everyone became slack-jawed. The reason for this is not because the meteor is getting destroyed, but the beam is also actually being dispersed. The same thing that happened from Mysterious' flames, Mystery's water pillars, and Charles' lightning strikes.

"What the heck even is that meteor?!!"

Eduardo can't help but complain as he ended the beam when he observed that his attack can't even touch it.

"Jacob, you're our only hope this time."

"What?! Don't overestimate me! If you didn't even scratched it, how could I?!"

"Oh! Don't be such a baby! It's not that hard to try!"

"I know my limits and I know I can't destroy that after watching all of that!!!"

"Why are you so hard headed?!! The least that you could do is try!!"

"I don't wanna!"

"W-what the?! Now you're like a child that is throwing tantrums!"

"What did you say?!!"

Jacob glared at Eduardo as Sean and William could help but slap their foreheads from what they are witnessing.

"At least avenge Charles from his sacrifice!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Jacob and the other two turned their attention to Eduardo with serious faces as they heard his statement.

"After that strike of the black lightning from Charles, I sensed his ki disappearing overtime. His life force is also waning."

The other three couldn't help but gulp.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go and help him now!"

Sean shouted as he prepared to jump towards Malaysia but to his surprise, Eduardo stopped him.

"Don't bother, his ki signature disappeared just a second ago."


The four of them looked towards the ground with regret. Then, a rumbling was felt from the ground.

"Okay, I know that this is my fault. If only I didn't became a sissy and a pussy and destroyed the meteor from the start, who knows if Charles would be living right now."

Jacob turned his back on the others as he jumped up to a ledge. The ground cracked as from his steps and the air around him is vibrating.

"Don't expect me to destroy the meteor with this, because from what I observed earlier, I know it won't do anything. But at least I can try, right Eduardo?"

Jacob slightly turned his head towards Eduardo while still facing his back towards them. He then put an evil looking smile and a furious piercing eyes that glows yellow. His hair that was spiky from before that extends twelve inches diagonally up from his head towards his back became even more spikier from before. It's as if his hair has been electrocuted by lightning.

He then punched his right fist on his left hand and held it.

"Time to avenge Charles."

As Jacob prepared to confront the meteor, Eduardo muttured to himself,

'If only I could have given you the Ylium crystal...'

Eduardo clenched his fist that it almost bled despite him being a super saiyan 3 not because of regret, but also the hopelessness that he can't find Ysabelle.


??? - 5th Dimension

Before Philip could recover from his disorientation and confusion from the system, his left cheek met a bionic fist. The bionic fist came from Trail that seemed to be healed and clean as new.

"What the-?"

"Let me guess, you're gonna ask about how I healed my injuries from your beam, aren't you?"


"Really? I guess that's fine. I have no plan to tell you anyways!"

Trail and Philip exchanged numerous blows and attacks and it seemed that they are still evenly matches.

Philip has trained martial arts from Kurt, but even that can't help in this situation as Trail managed to counter, block, or dodge his attacks.

Same as for Trail, he could only rely on his bionic arm as his main power came from the arm itself. Then, Trail struck a conversation while they are exchanging blows.

"Have you ever wondered about the giant meteor that appeared on your planet earlier?"

Trail launched a right hook only for Philip to block it.

"What about it?"

Philip struck a right hook of his own only for Trail to catch it.

"Well, the meteor is not your ordinary meteor. In other words, it's special!"

Philip broke free from the stalemate of their strikes as he shot ki blasts after ki blasts.

"What do you mean?!"

Red lightning surged from Trail's bionic arm as it blocked a few ki blasts.

"I somehow picked up that meteor from the infinite abyss and brought it here as a souvenir. Mind you that it was hard to contain it or even break it."

Trail dodged the rain of ki blasts as he flew towards Philip.

"What are you getting at?!"

Seeing Philip becoming agitated, he displayed an evil smirk as he disappeared in the area of the ki blasts barrage. He then appeared next to Philip as he punched him in his right cheek once again.

"The meteor is actually made from <Breaker Essence>. It can break, delete, erase, or disperse any odd forms of energy and power that strays from the reality. You can imagine what happens when you companions back on that planet confronted the meteor."

Philip became wide eyed as he heard Trail's explanation. He then stared at Trail that was smiling at him with pity.


"You can talk all you want but as far as I know, we got transported in another dimesion. Probably because of the magnitude of the impact of our fists earlier. Nonetheless, we can't get out of here and by the time you get back to your world, it is already destroyed! HAHAHAHA!"

Philip kept staring at empty space with wide eyes. He seemed to be in the brink of despair.

[9 Gates of Wrath: 3rd Gate opened]

He slowly turned his head towards Trail with wide eyes that are shining gold and the shard of Imagination materialized and floated around his left hand. He then muttered quietly that Trail couldn't hear it.


How will Jacob stop the meteor?

How will Philip deal with Trail?

Find out next chapter!


Thanks for reading!

Prologue is almost over with this climax. Look forward on Volume 1: Book 2 as it will answer most of our questions as what the f*ck is actually happening.

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