
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

Chapter 2: Surprises

As I walk towards my podium at the stage, I hear boisterous clapping and shuttering cameras. I then placed the suitcase on a platform provided and released the clamp that hold my arm and the suitcase together.

Honestly, I feel nervous. I then entered the passcode on the suitcase. '3-2-3-O-A'. I also input my fingerprint, my voice, and retina.

By this time, the whole complex became quiet and only a few shutters of camera can be heard. As I inputted the last passcode, the suitcase clicked and released compressed air.

The cover slowly opened up and a projector projected the suitcase in a bigger screen so that everyone in the complex can see.

I then shouted to the mic. "I present to you! The Philippium element!!!"

The audience are awestruck at what they saw and clapping began roar and camera shutters began to stampede.

The projector presented what seems to be a mineral or a rock, perhaps a crystal, that has a purple or magenta color on it and a shape of an irregular hexagonal prism. The crystal has a decent luster on it and is partially see through.

The crystal is laying on a magnificent looking diamond. No, this is not a diamond, it is even more beautiful than a diamond! Those contours and the purity, it makes your eyes want to bleed as if your seeing a god.

At the corner of the suitcase lies a container with magenta colored fluid inside. The container is also made of the same diamond as the bedding of the suitcase.

As I opened the lid of the container, it revealed the magenta colored fluid inside. The fluid had a viscous look on it but it actually is runny, like your typical tap water.

I then went to the main event and explained the element that everyone sees.

"As you can see, this is the Philippium element, number 323 in the periodic table. One of the five man-made element in the earth!" I then put on my glove that is made and tailored with synthetic 500% diamond and picked the crystal up.

"What's so special about this element, you ask? Well, it can cut almost anything, to be exact, it can disintegrate anything within 2 centimeters of its body! Well, only the solid form can do that."

The audience went to an uproar. The presidents that are present in the venue expressed their disbeliefs. The military commanders and generals, secret and non-secret military organizations, took note of the crystal. While the super secret organizations such as agents in the Pentagon, Area 51, NASA, Kremlin, the Illuminati, the monks in China, and the leaders of the Amazon expressed their interest at this fantasy-like object right in their eyes and televisions.

"That's impossible! How can man make that?!" Exclaimed a well-known scientist.

"Mr. Secretary, make note of that crystal. We must have that and not let any other countries obtain even a speck of that." A particular president called his secretary.

"This element or whatever you can call it, can be installed on our weapons" A certain military general exclaimed.

"But how can he hold that crystal if it can disintegrate anything within 2 centimeters of it body?" A nobody exclaimed.

I waited for the uproar to boil down before I resume my presentation.

"As I was saying, this crystal can disintegrate anything, and I mean anything! From air, to light, even the hardest mineral, metal, or alloy!" I left the information that it can even 'cut' time, space, energy, and gravity because it is a exclusive super top secret of mine because of its dangerous capabilities.

"But how can you hold it?!! And if it can disintegrate air, why is the air around the crystal stable?!!" A person in a crowd shouted as a staff went towards the person and handed a mic so that everyone can hear him.

I personally requested this to Eduardo for a staff to hand a mic over if a certain question is important for a mic to be handed over.

"I'm glad this gentleman asked! As for your first question, this glove is no ordinary glove, but a glove which is tailored with synthetic 500% diamond!"

Scientists and important personal squinted their eyes and mumbled. "500% diamond?"

I answered their question as if I read their minds and heard their mumbles. "Yes, 500% diamond. As I was brainstorming as to how I can contain the crystal, I thought about the hardest mineral on Earth, which is diamond. With enough research, I found out that your average rare pure diamond only makes up of the true 1% diamond. This means that the carbon structure in the molecules are very thin and cannot resist the disintegration from the crystal."

Typical averaged intelligent people only understood the explanation. But certain gifted individuals were shocked out if their wits with this findings. It could break everything they know about mineralogy and molecular physics!

"What I did is to weave those carbon structures, modify them and copy them into identical patterns for five hundred times. The weaving cannot surpass 500 times because it would turn into an explosion equivalent to a ballistic missile. Oh man, what I experienced that time was horrible!"

The individuals that understood the analogy had their faces turn pale.

"I also discovered that 500% percent diamond exists in the Earth!"

This made everyone's eyes that are present bulge wide open. They though that 500% diamond is another one of those man-made super minerals. Who would have known that this super mineral would form naturally!

"But this type of diamond can only be found at the edge of the inner core, the Lehmann discontinuity, and traces at the edge of the outer core, the Gutenberg discontinuity. As to how I found about this, it's a trade secret!" I winked at the camera.

"With this 500% diamond, it can contain this current mode of the Philippium element!!" I proudly declared.

At the backstage, Eduardo and Ysabelle exclaimed in their minds. "Current mode??!"

I know everyone heard what I said and yet again, I read their minds and mumbles! "Yes, this current mode! Which leads us to the second question of our gentlemen earlier!"

The people that are present in the complex and the people that are watching at their homes can't handle anymore surprises, especially the scientists and the military. Nonetheless, they waited for Philip to continue.

"This crystal has five modes! The first one is the stable mode. This mode is so stable that it can't disintegrate air and light which is the current mode which I am holding. The second mode is of course, if there is a stable one, there is an unstable one. This mode can now disintegrate air and light but still can't disintegrate 500% diamond."


Philippium Crystal (Stable)

Quality: Legendary

Type: Item, Weapon

Hardness: ???

Durability: ???/???


Disintegrate - disintegrates objects within 2 centimeters of its body.


Solid form of the Philippium element. Was created by Philip. Can disintegrate almost anything.


Philippium Crystal (Unstable)

Quality: Legendary+

Type: Item, Weapon

Hardness: ????

Durability: ???/???


Disintegrate - disintegrates matter and energy within 2 centimeters from its body.


Solid form of the Philippium element. Was created by Philip. Can disintegrate almost everything.


The audience have this astonished look in their eyes. This is like something that came out from a fantasy story.

I admired the people that are looking at my creation, I then continue. "Finally, the third and last mode, the overloaded mode. As to what it can cut, that's a secret, but in this mode, 500% diamond can't resist the disintegration from the Philippium crystal."


Philippium Crystal (Overloaded)

Quality: Mythical

Type: Item, Weapon

Hardness: ?????

Durability: ????/????


Disintegrate - disintegrates space itself within 2 centimeters from its body.




"Didn't you say it was five modes?!" A staff went to another person and handed a mic. Others also wondered why I said that the third one is the final one and began supporting the person that asked the question.

"Did I say five? I though I only said it was three? Well, moving on..." I quickly changed the topic and went to the phases of the Philippium element.

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure he said there are five modes." A military general mumbled.

"I wonder what are the last two modes. I don't believe there are only three, I heard him say five and these eyes and ears don't deceive me. I'm not that old yet." A certain super leader of a secret organization exclaimed in her office.

"I don't know what you are doing, Philip, but all this mysteriousness will only make trouble for you." Eduardo said to himself in the backstage.

"Now onto the phases of the Philippium element, as you can see, this crystal is the solid form. Now you may wonder as to how I formed this without my tools being disintegrated. The answer is, I didn't shaped it or used any tools!" I looked at the faces of the audience before continuing.

"The original form of this element is it's liquid form!" I picked up the container that houses the magenta colored viscous-looking fluid.

"This liquid is very special. It coats everything it touches and solidifies immediately!"

With this little information, literally everyone was shocked by this so little information! The whole world was rumbling because of this surprise. Some with excitement, some with panic, and some with skepticism. With the liquid form of Philippium, anything is possible with its flexibility and application.

"I know what you're thinking. What if you can obtain this liquid and coat your knives, your bullets, your swords, your missiles, your drills... Let me tell you something you selfish and war freak people! I will not hand over the formula for this element to anyone unless it is needed to!!"

This statement had a blow to certain people from the government, military, and secret organizations.

"This liquid cannot coat 500% diamond, that's the reason why this container is made from it. As to how that works, the molecules in the Philippium and the 500% diamond simply slides off each other. If you look closely, the liquid and the diamond aren't even touching each other, it's as if the liquid is hovering inside the container." I then quickly moved on to its gaseous state.

"Finally, the Philippium's gaseous state. Yes, it has a gaseous state. There's nothing special about the Philippium gas but it can be substituted to Oxygen gas."

Once again, to people that understood that statement was surprised! This is literally came from a fantasy world!

"Philippium gas is not flammable and is very, very stable! It can be inhaled by living organisms and once they exhaled it, Philippium gas will also come out."

This time, NASA fell off of their seats. With this gas, they can make space exploration even for easy as now, there is a perpetual source of breathing gas that can support life!

"Let us move on to my final demonstration."

I raised my hand up prompting a signal to the staff to bring out a dummy with a riot shield. A staff then handed me a simple wooden sword with a 500% diamond guard and handle. Simple and easy. I then picked the Philippium liquid and applied it to the wooden sword, only coating the half of the wooden blade. Signs show that the Philippium is already disintegrating the other half of the wooden blade but I can manage.

The audience had their eyes peeled and curiously looked on as to what will happen.

"As for my final demonstration, I will slice this riot shield along the dummy with this Philippium coated sword."

Now the audience leaned more to their chair and intently watched the whole demonstration.

Truth be told, I have practiced and studied swordsmanship during my early days. I was entitled as a Masterful Swordsman granted by the Legendary Masters from Japan. Their circle are extremely secret that only 8 of us know of their existence.

I readied my stance as a Masterful Swordsman and prepared to launch my personal signature move on the dummy without revealing it's origin. I bent my right leg down and stretched my left leg in front of me while I twisted my waist to the right assuming the offensive stance. I then raised my left arm parallel to my left leg and I closed my left hand into a fist and flicked it upwards then twisted it to the right focusing on the dummy, then I lifted my index and middle finger pointing at the sword that I lifted with my right arm. I raised my right elbow to the height of my head behind me and raised my sword parallel to my left arm and leg while pointing to the dummy. I immersed myself in complete concentration and closed my eyes.

The audience became immersed as if they are seeing a living sword hovering above the stage and pointing at the dummy. The image seems mystical.

I immediately opened my eyes.

'<Slice: Falling Leaf>!'


Slice: Falling Leaf

Type: Sword Technique

Rank: C

Power: C


Slice like the flow of a falling leaf. Gentle as the wind guides the leaf. Forceful as the gravity pulls the leaf. Gracefully as the air resistance lets the leaf dance in the air.


As I began to take the first step, the complex begin to dim a little and I began to glow. I became the center of attention, even though I am one from the beginning. I gracefully dance on the stage as I approached the dummy. I twist my body along with my sword as if the sword is the leaf and I am the force guiding it towards the ground, which is the dummy. Once I have approached the dummy, I elegantly let my sword fall and cut through the dummy. I finished my dance when I stepped further away from the dummy to the other side of the stage and let my sword quietly settle at my side.

The dimmed complex began to turn back into its original brightness as I finished my sword technique.

A few seconds later, the sliced part of the riot shield and the dummy began to disintegrate and fell to the ground.