
Eldar's wager

A deep growl responds to the queen's statement.

'Calm down Egan, you know what she's saying isn't the truth. We know the dragons' future is safe somewhere on the island where we grew up. No one has come in all these years, the future of the dragons is secure, your race is not in danger of extinction.'

After listening to my words, he stopped growling and asked the queen 'How many eggs does he have?'

She was clearly taken aback by his change of attitude and by his question but she answered anyway.

"I don't understand the point of your question since he has all the existing dragon eggs, but I'll answer anyway, he has three dragon eggs left. »

Egan relaxed and a wicked smile spread across my face.

"Egan, don't hesitate to cut me off and speak up if you disagree with what I'm saying or if you want to express a difference of opinion, but I also caution you against such practices. We are not the smartest and we are sorely lacking in knowledge. Now that we are going to meet new people, don't forget that their interests do not necessarily converge with ours. We are obviously very important to my people so they will try to take advantage of us as much as they can. Take great care to analyze everything you are told, but don't just listen, try to understand why they are bringing up a subject and for what purpose they are doing it. Otherwise you will find yourself fighting a Dragon Rider who not only survived the Dragon Rider War but also managed to annihilate all the others. If you don't think more, you will die convinced that it is your will to face this enemy of the dragons and you will even be stupidly proud of your death, thinking that it served a worthwhile cause. »

"You are paranoid! You see evil everywhere, I was just asking your dragon for his opinion, he is your equal and his opinion is just as important as yours"

My evil smile widens and I feel my eyes light up.

"It was tempting to set Egan against me knowing that I can't refuse him this kind of decision if this choice is really legitimate for him. But I will repeat it one last time, since apparently I was not clear enough. If you want to get anything from us, be honest and direct. I hate this kind of practice, if you're the kind of person who favors trickery and manipulation, I'd rather we didn't meet again at the risk of you gaining a new enemy. You may think I'm paranoid, but I'd rather see evil everywhere than become a puppet by being too naïve. Also your manipulation was far too obvious, so don't act like a victim when I warn you. »

The queen gauges me with her gaze and I seem to rise in her esteem oddly when I have just threatened her.

"I apparently misjudged you, you are very wise for a savage incapable of the slightest politeness. However, you remain young and your vision of things is incomplete. Cunning and manipulation are absolutely essential skills for anyone with powers. People like you. I am the leader of my people and I have had to use trickery and manipulation countless times for the good of my people. Seeing a trait or skill as absolutely bad is a sign of stupidity and a lack of open-mindedness. You still have a lot to learn. Besides, you can't blame me, I respected your conditions, I was frank, honest and direct. As you said, this attempt at manipulation was not discreet and I was clear about my intentions. »


"Am I too naive to hope for a transparent relationship? Is it really necessary that we have to have to use this kind of artifice? If so and if the other elves are like you, pompous, fake and manipulative. I'm going to regret leaving my island, and I'm likely to dislike the company of my own race. »

Egan scolds his agreement 'If I have to analyze every situation, every hint, every conversation I'm going to end up going crazy and I'm going to end up devouring the first biped that tries to communicate with me'

A big smile forms on the queen's face and I must admit that the sight is somewhat unsettling.

"Is your beauty also a weapon you can use? Because I find that a bit unfair…"

A loud, musical laugh is heard and the accompanying elves stare at her with eyes as large as they are round. It's a sight that seems unusual judging by their reactions.

Egan sneers 'Calm your emotions little brother, you're not going to woo the first female you meet, are you?'

I feel my face heat up and the queen's laughter redoubles, she is now holding her loins with one hand and with the other wiping away a tear.

I'm now really embarrassed and a bit mad at Egan "You know damn well there was no undertone behind what I said Egan, so please hold back your need for playfulness or I'll make you pay dearly for your bad taste jokes. »

He smiles at me too and replies

'It seems that there are not only bad sides to dating new people, I feel that I will be less bored.'

A deep sigh leaves my lips and I feel a headache point the tip of his nose.

The queen eventually regains control of her laughter but still keeps a big smile on her face.

"To answer your question young Eldar, yes you are naive to think that I will follow and respect your will only because you believe that your principles are right and that we must apply them if we wish to interact with you. Ah… It's been many years since I laughed like that. »

I frown "Your laughter has completely taken the tension away…. For a few moments you even managed to make me forget my grudge against you. Was that laugh real or was it also one of your tricks? »

I'm not sure of my accusation and I'm afraid for a moment of offending her but I need to know.

She raises an eyebrow (again) and looks at me with her ever-present smile.

"If I answer your question, what makes you think I'm telling the truth?" »

I feel a grimace forming on my face and I try, "Out of politeness, out of honesty, in order to keep a good relationship with us, he is spoiled for choice. Why would you want to complicate everything and turn a simple conversation into a cerebral battle? Why make it all complicated when you can just be honest? »

A more measured laugh answers me and I mumble "I don't think I'm going to like you..."

"Because you can't win a brain battle against me?" »

This time she clearly annoys me "Because these battles don't interest me!" »

'Do not sulk partner, you make a fool of yourself in front of yours'

His smile widens further at the thought of Egan and I could see one of the guards pinching himself, he still seems bewildered at his queen's behavior.

"I just decided that I like you Eldar. Rude and naive young savage but also brave, loyal, wise, honest, charming and funny. You're also the person with the greatest magical potential I've ever met. »

'It seems that your attempt at seduction has been a resounding success Eldar!'

"You will stop at the end Egan! Stay serious for five minutes, will you? »

The two then leave in a laugh and discover a complicity, brought together by a common passion...

"I think I figured out the kind of people you two are, I'm going to trust you for now and not push any further in my demands for explanations." However, you will have to do something if you want to stay with us. »

She leaves time out to make sure we have her full attention

"The language you use is a dead language known only to the oldest living elves who dwelt on our former residence, in the ancient continent of Alalëa and the royal family. You're too young to have lived on our old home so you must be of royal blood. »

She looks at me with her eyebrow raised and waits for the response as if to challenge me to go back on my word on honesty

"Damn manipulator… Like I told you, I'm going to be honest with you and hope to receive the same favor at the risk of severing any relationship." I hold secrets far more important than my life so I won't answer your questions if I think they might threaten those secrets. I swear, however, that they pose no danger to your people. They're just too dangerous for me to tell anyone. »

A silence settles and his smile has now disappeared. She scrutinizes me attentively "Answering my question endangers these famous secrets? »

I shake my head "No I don't think so, I am of royal blood just like Egan"

She widens her eyes and watches Egan with a look of amazement.

"It's not possible, the royal line of dragons disappeared a long time ago, moreover I reign now for several centuries and my mother reigned before me too for many centuries. »

I take the greatest pleasure in raising an eyebrow and scrutinizing her in turn.

"The world is big and mysterious dear queen where then do you have the arrogance to claim to know everything? »

Those eyebrows are furrowing and her nose is rolling up, it's my turn to laugh and it's the queen's turn to be annoyed by the teasing.

"Have you ever been told that your eyebrows are particularly expressive? I raise an eyebrow for better effect.

Egan bursts out laughing again and flames come out of his mouth he laughs so much.

"Not a very pleasant feeling of being made fun of, is it?" I chuckle but when I see she looks like she's about to explode, I come back to my senses, trying to ignore Egan's laughter.

"I give you my word that I have told you the truth, I hope that our common status will give me the right to discretion, I do not wish my status or that of Egan to become public. I simply made a bet, a symbol of goodwill. The ball is in your court, we can get along even if I don't become the soldier you expected or you can choose to offend me to make us enemies. »

It's his turn to sigh under the nervous gaze of his guards who seem to fear his wrath.

"It's the most surprising news but I give you my word that I won't tell anyone without your agreement. »

I make her a bow of thanks and surprise, she returns it to me.

"Let's get back to what you have to do to be able to stay here. The language you use is that of a dead language, the one we used on the continent of Alalëa, our former home. A queen teaches this dead language to her children to transmit our traditions and our history to the next generations but we no longer use this language for a long time. The one we use now is quite different. It helps us in the practice of magic and it has another particularity that you will appreciate a lot…"

I watch her as she leaves a theatrical suspense…

"We can't lie when we use this language"

I'm on my eyes sparkle right now and a mocking smile is once again on the queen's face.

"Is it totally impossible to lie in this language? Is this the truth? »

Her smile widens and it's Egan who answers me.

'Naïve child !'

This time I'm sure my face is in a deep pout of anger and the two burst into thunderous laughter...