
Defenseless village

It's in a foul mood and limping that I walk on the way back.

I hear behind me the characteristic sound of scales rubbing and throat clearing.

"What makes you laugh again?" »

The memory of the seal falling after the rope broke followed by the skipping dance in place that I do because of the pain my foot was transmitting to me flashes through my mind and Egan laughs again.

I grumble "I don't see what's so funny, especially since I did all this for nothing..."

A laugh starts again…

"Damn lizard…"

This time he passes on the memory of me asking him where his food is before dropping everything and swearing.

These teasing and my pain annoy me even more and I try as much as possible to move on and ignore him and my hurt ego.

After this famous memory that he has just shared with me, it took us almost 10 minutes to leave because he was rolling with laughter… And as much time as I insulted him.

We ended up leaving only because, running out of patience, I took our things and started the way back without waiting for him. He had to chase after me to catch me once he calmed down.

The way back was long… On the one hand, because I limp because of this damn rope and on the other hand, because the dragon who had his first fit of giggles can no longer stop and enjoy it !

Once arrived I face again the dangers that we will run this night. We need to be safe when we sleep. That a bear could come so close to our sleeping place is intolerable.

Worry takes precedence over anger and I lean against a tree to stop pressing my foot and relieve myself a little of the pain. Egan lays against me and prepares to sleep...

"Dragons must be a mixture of several species of animals. You eat like a hamster and once you're full you spend your time sleeping like a cat. »

Out of sheer childishness, I showed him with a smirk plastered on his face the mental image of a fat mini panther sleeping slumped with meat under one of his paws.

He sniffs and sends back the memories of my disgrace…

Seeing my change in expression he chuckles and it makes him jump against me.


I sigh, overcome by a newborn baby and think again about a solution to secure access to this village while Egon yawns and prepares to sleep.

I spent several hours thinking about all the possible and feasible ways to prevent the animals from entering the village.

I have already had to eliminate all the options that force me to intervene physically. My foot is hurting like hell and I'm starting to think I broke my foot from the swelling on it and the mix of blue, yellow and green colors it's getting into now.

*Sigh* I mumble out loud: "We really needed me to hurt myself unnecessarily…"

We can't go hunting now, I was planning to reproduce the ambush with the pieces of deer we brought back, but it's no longer possible now.

I'm trying to think of a solution that would allow us to protect access to the village and bring Egan's food to us without having to hunt or take any risks.

When I think back to the conditions I have just imposed on myself, it seems more like a fantasy than an achievable...

It's still taking me over an hour to come up with the idea that might just combine the ambush and the village restriction, but I think I've thought of something that might work. Excited I get up because I can't wait to try my idea. I'm so elated by my idea that I can almost ignore my foot pain.

Egan who was leaning against me yawns then growls annoyed that I woke him up. I ignore it and look for the easiest way for me to gain height without having to climb trees.

It comes to my memory that one of the trees had an open part on the upper floor which gave a view of the surroundings. So I head there and once there, sit down to calm the pain again and observe the surroundings.

Egan joins me and clings to me again before yawning and going back to sleep…

I laugh "Life is good for you little monster. but he doesn't answer me, he's already falling asleep.

I then connect to my magic and begin the work.