

You can never find a corrupted soul with a pure heart. Clean the darkness in the soul and the heart shall be free.


The servant stationed near Regina was startled when he heard pounding on the door from the inside.

Lela had gone to the door to pray to the goddess for the safety of her niece.

Even though the relation was not by blood, she had still seen the child grow.

Lela felt bad and was about to offer a sacrifice to the gods because it was the dies lucis on behalf of Zelda.

What she didn't expect was the pounding on the door and for the servant to bolt straight past her immediately after.

"Let me out of here! I don't want to be queen anymore. I don't care just let me out!" Melaine screamed from behind the door. Though it came out muffled, Lela could make out what she was saying.

Melantha ran with all she had as soon as she had heard.

She heard Melaine scream from behind the door.