

[WARNING:MATURE CONTENT] He was as charming as he was dangerous and he became dangerously obsessed with a mysterious woman. He was obsessed with her mind and body and every taste of her left him yearning for more. The city of seoul had been terrorized by the infamous serial killer, known as the anonymous gift killer, who was none other than Dae Hyun, the protagonist and villain. Oh Yoo Na is a highschool girl from a low class family but after witnessing her best friend been gruesomely murdered by the infamous anonymous gift killer, she goes down the path of revenge that trails with blood on the dark path she has chosen. Her revenge slowly ends up taking the lives of people she cares about till she's left with an empty soul, at the end, will her revenge destroy her or will it make her become stronger to finally get her hands drenched with the blood of the killer like she had always wanted or will the killer get to her first?

Mel_goddess123 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs


A grin cut through Dae Hyun's lips as she spoke. He was aware she had killed before but he didn't think she would do it again, since she was reasonable and thoughtful and most of all, she avoided stressful living.

"Wait for me and don't do anything, I'll be there." She heard Dae Hyun say and she wasn't surprised that he would help her but still, she sighed in relief.

"Thank you." She said with a small voice.

"I'll do anything for you." Dae Hyun said and a smile crossed through her lips before ending the call as he had to get ready quickly to help her with the body.

Dae Hyun threw in gloves, a gas mask, a can of acid, a hand saw, a plastic apron and a can of bleach into the boot of his car, looking around the area in every second making sure no one saw him acting suspiciously in the middle of the night.

Min Hye waited patiently for Dae Hyun as she sat on the couch, staring at the bloody body on her marble floor, wondering how Dae Hyun was going to get rid of it with no remorse or hint of empathy on her face. Any normal being would have been panicking a lot but she was too calm for someone who just murdered a person.

She finally heard the doorbell ring and she stood up abruptly, thinking it was probably Dae Hyun but she had to be careful, she figured it might not be him even though he was likely to be the only one coming to her place at the moment in the middle of the night to get rid of a body. She walked quickly to the door and took a peak at the eye hole and she sighed when she saw that it was Dae Hyun.

She opened the door and he studied her face for a moment before walking into her apartment. He put the black bag he was carrying down as his eyes fell on the bloody man on the floor with a deep gash on his neck where the blood slowly poured out from and a bloody knife beside him, the murder weapon. She watched him as he opened the bag and took out a glove, putting it on nicely.

"Won't you ask what happened?" She asked as she noticed he was getting ready to get rid of the body.

"You killed him, that's what happened." Dae Hyun said casually.

"You didn't ask why." She said as he moved towards the body with the black bag in his hands.

"He sneaked into your house and tried to steal from you?" He asked as he noticed the man's outfit.

"Yeah." She replied, not surprised he knew because he observed what he was wearing.

She watched him unzip the bag and take out a body bag which he effortlessly put him into and zipped it closed. She thought he would probably bury the man but he dragged the body bag with the corpse into the bathroom and she wondered what he was going to do next. She watched him come out as he took the black bag in his hold.

"Come on." He said, gesturing for her to follow him into the bathroom and she did. She watched as he put on a gas mask and wore a plastic apron, protecting his body from blood stain and then he brought out a saw and a can of acid.

"What are you doing?" She asked eagerly.

"Disposing the body." He said as he unzipped the bag, revealing the bloody corpse. After wards, he opened the bottle of acid and the harsh stench filled the air as he emptied the contents into the bathtub till it filled half of the bathtub.

"What exactly are you doing?" She asked again as she covered her nose from the harsh smell of acid in the air.

"Acid is the best way to get rid of a body since it'll leave nothing behind and then we can flush him into the drainage." Dae Hyun said as he took off the man's clothes leaving him completely naked.

He stretched out one lifeless arm of the corpse with the hand saw in the other and started sawing through his arm with force, making blood gush out from it. Min Hye watched as he did the same to the other hand and to the rest of his body, cutting him into bloody pieces and disposed the pieces inside a bucket. Soon, the ground was covered with blood as well as the apron he had put on and his gloves which were also soaked with blood.

After he was done sawing through the man's body and the bucket had been filled with his bloody parts, he took a bloody piece and slowly put it inside the small pool of acid that sizzled with immense heat emanating from it. The flesh and bones of the man dissolved into a small bloody mush as it went into the acid that sizzled loudly and melted the piece of flesh immediately it came into contact with the acid.

The man's head he had cut off took a bit of time to fully dissolve and they watched as his facial features melted into his skull and his bones shrivelled up before fully melting and he continued the action with the rest of the man's dissected parts till they all fully dissolved into nothing but a bloody mush.

The acidic colourless liquid had now turned into a blood red colour floating in the bathtub and Dae Hyun had to unplug the drainage to flush out the bloody liquid but first, he threw the man's phone and belongings into the acid puddle to get rid of evidence, since he couldn't afford to make a mistake.

He opened the drainage with the help of a long metal object and the bloody liquid whirled into the drainage till the bathtub was empty but he still poured bleach on it since the bathtub had a tinge of red on it.

They had a lot of cleaning to do since the spot the man had died was still covered in blood as well as the bathroom floor. He applied bleach on the floor before scrubbing as hard as he could to get rid of the blood and Min Hye gave him a helping hand too but he didn't let her do much.

They cleaned the bloody floor in the living room with bleach and got rid of evidence as they burnt the man's clothes in the fireplace till it turned to ash. Dae Hyun cleaned the bloody knife thoroughly with the bleach, as it sparkled neatly looking nothing like the bloody knife she had used to murder someone earlier.

They spent all night cleaning, scrubbing, bleaching and getting rid of evidence with Dae Hyun going through everything carefully in order not to make a mistake but everything was perfect, even the house as it sparkled neatly from all the cleaning they had both done in the middle of the night. It looked nothing like a murder scene and Dae Hyun was satisfied with the work done on getting rid of the body and evidence.

Min Hye would have expected Dae Hyun to be tired but he didn't even break a sweat and she was impressed on how strong he was. She felt oddly aroused as she watched him get rid of the body and evidence, she was drawn to his dark side and he attracted her even more when she watched him take care of the body and the feeling was mutual as Dae Hyun felt the callous desire to take her as doing the dirty work with her by his side made him hard and he couldn't wait to fuck her.

"Let's get cleaned up." Dae Hyun said and she silently followed him into the bathroom with unholy thoughts running through both minds.