

Tylos had left more than two weeks ago, but Liria and her group were still in the village, everyone was wondering why they were still there if their mission was over, however, Liria responded to their concern.

-Liria: I know you're wondering why we haven't returned to the city in the south yet? And I would have liked nothing more than to follow this guy who is heading there, because the questions I have to ask him keep asking me. thoughts in my head, but now comes the truly important part of this mission.

The mountains in front of the coast, we need to investigate them, there are rumors of merchants who avoid that route due to a sinister power that resides in that place.

-Robert: I do not advise you to go to that place, even the animals are scared every time they approach the place along the path, although I must add that I found their missing friend unconscious on the slopes of those mountains.

There are rumors of a presence, something dark on that mountain, the ancient fortress that lies there holds secrets that only an unwary person would dare to seek.

-Saria: someone is approaching, well I would say many.

Franz quickly went to the top of the church bell tower to see what it was about, as no one had sounded the alarm.

Coming out of the forest as if it were a mist, hundreds and hundreds of knights of the church came to the crimson village, all ordered and very well presented, they made way for their leader who knocked on the patched doors of the village.

"It's the church," Franz shouted. "The old man is here," he said.

Franz quickly slid down the outside of the structure.

-Franz: Liria, what does this mean, we were supposed to be the only ones to come here, what makes a legion of church knights here.

-Liria: That's what I would like to know! What the hell is happening, this was supposed to be a secret mission assigned directly from the high command.

-Saria: If that old man is here, something serious must happen

-Rose: Rosinante?

-Saria: That's right, I have heard many rumors, even when she was linked to the nobility there was talk of the strong tortures that she carries out in the name of the church, more than a captain he is an executioner... He does not show himself unless he has a special mission.

-Liria: I know him, I have seen him up close talking to my superior. I have to talk to him and find out what's going on. Mr. Robert, please let them in, it could be misinterpreted if they ignore it.

They quickly opened the doors and Liria greeted them in full armor and bowing. -Lord Rosinante, it is a surprise to see you in this distant place, I hope you have not thought that we failed in our mission, as the town can see, although damaged it was protected from the beasts-

-Lord Rosinante: Oh, you are a disciple of the great Archer of the city if I am not mistaken.

-Liria: that's right, it's a pleasure to see you here.

-Rosinante: I had no idea there was a crack in this place, congratulations for having survived, it is a great feat for a knight of your age. And I suppose those adventurers are your companions.

They all responded with a bow affirming her comment.

-Liria: the battle took place a few weeks ago, however, we were quite injured and the town decimated so we decided to stay to recover and help its people rebuild it.

-Rosinante: without a doubt the choice of a faithful devotee of the church, don't worry, my business is not in this place, I'm just passing through on another incursion.

-Liria: I could ask where you are going, noble sir.

Rosinante's calm look changed, and he frowned somewhat annoyed.

-Rosinante: that is no longer your concern, knight... now leave this place with your assistants by dawn of the next day. Go to church to have your feat honored, that's all.

The legion set up camp outside the village, all kinds of knights, sorcerers, spearmen, heavy armor knights, even siege weapons, at a glance you could see that they were preparing to make an invasion.

-What is the church up to with a crusade of that caliber- said Franz, -Since there is nowhere to support such an armed force and all the nearby villages including this one which is the border near the coast are affiliated with the church, "I suspect they are heading to that place," Liria added.

They soon began to pack the luggage in the cart during the night and once everything was finished, they decided to begin the return journey towards the southern city without even saying goodbye to the villagers. They passed through the center of the entire camp of the legion of church knights, being seen by Rosinante who only bowed his head as a sign of respect.

The pace of the cart was slow, and Liria in the back looked suspiciously in the opposite direction in which they were heading, she felt that something was not right, they advanced for two hours and soon she would know that her premonition was true.

- Don't you think it's too dark to go with just some torches along the way? Why don't we wait until dawn? -Rose replied, to which Franz replied -It would be best if his Excellency Rosinante had not thought of running us out of town... damned arrogant old man, although I understand why you do it Liria, that old man is very dangerous.

-Liria: we better stop, something has been bothering me for a while, we must return, but let's hide the cart here.

-Franz: Are you crazy? It would be better not to contradict that guy.

After Franz finished opening his mouth, a roar was heard in the distance and after it an immense wave that made them fall to the ground, accompanied by this in the sky a huge column of green light was seen in the direction of the village or perhaps further away, they could not distinguish it from that place.

A little dazed, they got up with a bad feeling that tightened their stomach; they knew that something very bad was happening.

-Liria: we must run.

-Franz: if we must escape to the southern city and warn of what is happening.

-Liria: let's take the horses and go towards the crimson village.

-Franz: damn I knew he would say that.

They left at full speed on the horses that had been pulling the cart, knowing that it was possible that they would not arrive in time, "please go faster," Liria said. "Come on my friends," Saria said as she invoked her spell on the steeds.

Fast as the wind they advanced under the green glow that dyed the sky, the uncertainty grew and the way back seemed long, since the anxiety and fear that invaded their hearts seemed to eat away at them with each step of the horses.

Their surprise was greater when they came out of the forest and saw that the church camp was completely empty. They quickly checked, but they did not find any knights. The tents, the war machines, everything was abandoned as if they had left in a hurry.

They quickly prepared to enter the village, but no matter how many times they called, no one answered.

Franz decided to climb the outside wall and could see many people on the ground.

-This is bad- said Franz, quickly, come in, there are many people in bad condition.

Everyone entered and Rose headed to the first houses.

A relief invaded her heart, the people seemed only to be unconscious, but the ephemeral tranquility disappeared when she saw that no matter how much they tried to wake them up, they did not react.

A green dust that settled on them like a dew that could barely be seen was what they observed above all the people that Rose was trying to heal with all kinds of spells against paralysis, enchantments, curses and many more causes that could cause them to They wouldn't wake up, but it was all in vain.

House to house, surveillance posts, all the people were the same.

"Please, someone answer," Liria shouted desperately as she walked through the town until she headed to Robert's cabin.

Suddenly some faint voices were heard... they came from that cabin.

-It must be old Robert and his family-said Saria, come on, let's hurry up.

They quickly came to her aid as a chill invaded their entire bodies. They arrived and forced the door of the cabin, and only a few screams coming from the old man were what they could hear.

In the living room of the cabin, without any light, in the darkness, Robert was on his knees holding his wife on his lap and his grandchildren lying on both sides.

"Because all the misfortunes fall on us, what we did to deserve this, my lady... oh my lady... so kind, so sweet and generous, and my grandchildren who are just beginning to live... who have done wrong," said Robert, while caressing his wife's hair until he was also unconscious.

- It's that light, the cause of this disaster must be there! It is imperative that we go to that place to look for the cause and help them – Liria said.

-They haven't died, they're just asleep like everyone else- said Rose- we can't go and leave them to their fate, if monsters appear, it would be the end of them, we can't all go.

I'm sorry Liria, I can't abandon my friends here to their fate, we must protect the village... we will take everyone to the small chapel and stand guard there, it is the most sensible thing to do, you should stay with us, let Rosinante take care of it, whatever. Whatever he's up to, this looks very bad – said Franz – nothing good can come from a raid of that size.

But since they disappeared from this place immediately, it didn't take us long to return and even then there was no trace of any knight in the town – said Rose.

They wouldn't have dared... how could they be so cruel... the chains in the camp, they really saw them - said Saria - those damned ones, they sacrificed the slaves to go to that place.

I must go there, I will do it cautiously, I must not fail, where that column of green energy is, the cause of this disaster must be, protect the town... Saria, if something happens, launch a signal fire towards the sky, with this darkness The light is always visible even in the distance – said Liria – as she prepared Robert's horse to leave for that place.

May the light of our lady protect us – Liria shouted – as she walked away at a fast pace, disappearing into the darkness of the path, at a fast gallop and on an enchanted steed, the place would not be too far away.

She rode for a long time in the darkness trying to follow the green light, but every moment she felt a heaviness that increased as she got closer. It soon began to rain or that's what she thought because the rain was green... it was magic... it was power that emanated from the top of the tower, it was so dense that it fell in the form of rain.

A scream, like a roar, was heard throughout the forest that made the earth tremble and make the air rush, causing the horse to fall to the ground convulsing and throwing her against the ground in the process, the force of the roar was so great that it made her remain prostrate. against the ground to Liria.

I can't move, my body feels so heavy...what is happening in that place, I must hurry, who knows what else could happen... Goddess, grant me your strength to go through this darkness - said Liria - while her shield and sword began to shine, recovering their forces.

A large number of screams began to be heard from the direction where the light came from, which made her quicken her steps.

Without a doubt, what she saw did not seem like an invasion, much less a battlefield, it was just a massacre, the soldiers fled in terror, some without limbs, crawling towards the forest, but she could not see what was happening because the great The structure was located on top of a mountain facing the sea and you had to walk quite a bit to get there.

A greenish mist covered the slopes of the mountain that protected the ancient fortress kingdom that stood at the top.

As Liria hurried forward, she found more and more corpses until by chance she heard some branches breaking and turned towards some bushes with sword in hand ready to cut through whatever she was hiding there.

Don't kill me...they...they're coming for me...fuck, fuck, damn... Rocinante, you bastard, he only used us as bait, those monsters from hell are coming for me aaaahahahahgggggg - exclaimed a man tied by shackles on his hands and feet - calm down once and for all, be quiet, tell me what happened, who you are – said Liria while holding the man tightly, trying to make him see reason.

The man told them to retreat towards the forest in desperation because that place terrified him, the fear in his eyes made his gaze get lost in the horizon, so Liria found no choice but to carry him on her back to where all those who were heading were heading. They were fleeing.

Liria decided to slow down and not rush into the darkness without a plan when seeing such carnage. Slaves and knights who were fleeing the battlefield and had not yet died of bleeding or fear began to gather far enough away to talk.

We are quite far from that place, if you continue along the path, you should reach the village where we met this afternoon - said Liria - but before you go to take refuge... what is happening there, you are very well-trained knights, the elite of the church, I would understand it from the slaves, but what kind of creatures lurk in the shadows, how they have left them in ruins and forced them to flee.

The wounded knights looked at each other and turned to look at the slaves, without further ado they began to tell what was happening.

Perhaps Lord Rocinante will kill us for telling you this, but in the same way if we return there those creatures are going to devour us, and there is no guarantee that that old man will get out of there alive - said one of the knights - the plan was to enter into the ruins of the Fortress city of ARISE, the church is looking for something, a kind of artifact of great power, I couldn't say what it is, but it is something really valuable, our team is full of elite knights with the best weapons technologies and the strongest armor ever created by the HOLY EMPIRE and still those monsters took us down as if a giant stepped on an ant. Speed, strength, cunning, martial arts, they surpass us in everything! And what to talk about non-humanoid monsters and those skeletal giants...

Nooooo... no... they will come for us, I can feel it, they are getting closer, they will not leave anyone alive, they are even annihilating those who escape from the battle - the man with shackles shouted - while sobbing on the verge of convulsing Silence slave – shouted one of the badly injured knights – I know you; you are the protégé of the great archer… I will only tell you this, that place is cursed, if you go there, it will be your end, you must leave these lands as soon as possible, let those villagers die there, maybe they'll buy some time while they're torn apart by those creatures.

If what worries you is your life more than that of your people, you should never have become a knight, get out of here with the others, because I will decide my place of death and it will not be this place... pray that I end the root of this problem before not the monsters, but your fear takes your life – Liria said – as she walked away in the darkness again towards the great fortress.