
The Oanns World

In the beginning there was nothing but the empty world, until one day two sisters discovered two powerful stones which held elemental powers. Young Allie has suddenly been told that she is the prophesied Goddess of Light. Now she must learn to live in the highest, most renowned royal family in the world.

demdeec33 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 12

"... Now This school is aimed for those of the highest class, therefore we expect only the best behavior. We will NOT tolerate any stepping out of line of any sort. You are expected to walk on the proper side of the halls, speak only when spoken to, keep organized and most of all you are to perform well and one must wear their uniform properly at all times. There is no skipping classes, spending time outside the school without permission, sending of letters without permission, visitations without permission. Overall you must acquire or ask for permission before you do anything out of the ordinary. If you wish to change classes for example you must ask and we MAY not allow you to change. As for your classes…"

The headmaster went on and on, I could barely take in everything she was saying, I could hardly remember what she started her speech with. She gave us an overview of our classes, then she continued with explaining the rules. By the end we had heard all about the dormitories, the cafeteria and food, the baths and library, the shops, and our days off. Apparently we are in fact encouraged to go out into town every once and a while, she says it benefits our education and retention levels or something.

"... And that concludes everything I have to say, once again, we, the staff, bestow our greetings to all of you. You may all now make your way to the courtyard to receive your dorm information, you should find all of your items have already been delivered. You are all excused."


After making my way to the courtyard along with all the other first years I received my dorm location. The Middle School's academic levels are different from normal school levels. First years start as level ones, then you move up each year, finally reaching level ten. The Middle Schools level ten is equivalent to, normally what would be level seventeen. Along with this unique leveling system, we are also grouped into different colours, based on your year. Years one through three are Orange; four through six are Green; Lastly, seven and eight are Blue. Second year Blues usually choose to graduate, Purple, containing years nine and ten, are the Middle School's version of finishing school.

Anyways, your colour determines where your dorm is, since I'm orange, my dorm is on the southwest side. I've been given a dorm all to myself, though they're normally share'd.

I reach my room and open the door with the key I was given. Inside I find all my belongings have been delivered, just as the headmaster said. I do kinda wish that I could share a room with somebody else, It'll be pretty lonely.

Checking my schedule, it seems normal, aside from the fact that after hours, when all our normal classes would be finished, I still have private lessons with Aunt Sauntie. I let out a small sigh. I hoped that I would be given a sort of break at least.

Aunt Sauntie also is an overseer of the school, she teaches advanced elemental lessons here, so I won't have to travel back to the palace every day at least.


"Ahhgg! Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Sorry." I say and keep walking with my head down.

"Wait! Don't just walk away, who do you think you are! Do you know who I am?!" she shouts back at me.

I turn round, books fill my arms, I see a very pretty girl, and Orange, I think from my class. She twirls her curled blonde hair around her finger, she looks at me and makes a face of disgust. "Excuse me?" reply softly.

"I am Cassity Tollkrek, and you have the GAUL to run into me. Uhhg!" she turns to her friend, who's equally 'disgusted' in me. "Who even are you anyways?"

"Forgive me, my name is Allie. Allie Lynn."

"Hmmm, have I ever heard of you? Have you?" she turns and asks her friend.

"No, Maybe she's an honor student-" the friend says.

"HA! An honor student, how low! Well whatever, you're not worth our time." The girls pass me both wearing horrible grins on their faces.

Once they pass I let out a deep breath, I've only been here a week and I've already found some snobs who want to mock me.

"Don't let them bother you." Says a voice from behind. I turn to look and just behind me is a girl, another classmate. She's beautiful, the most beautiful person I've ever seen probably! She has smooth, dark skin, like a deep chocolate, extremely rare. "I don't know who she thinks she is but- she's not even that pretty."

"U-um Thanks." I say flustered. She's the first person who approached me so far at school.

"I'm Gabby by the way, your Allie right."


"Yes! Then, let's be friends kay?"