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"I'm on a small street in Hollywood. I seem to have seen Zhou Liqing's person today. "I saw her face very clearly and was very sure that it was definitely Zhou Liqing's face. However, there were too many people coming and going, and the figure flashed past. Oh my God, I almost screamed at that time! "

Zhou Liqing recalled what had happened earlier and felt a lingering fear in her heart. "really, it's too similar. If Zhou Liqing was not so much shorter than me, I would have thought that the police in the country had made a mistake again. " Li Yan was not short After giving birth, she had grown a little taller. Now, she was 1.67 meters tall, but she hadn't broken past 170. It was still a pain in her heart.

"It can't be wrong. The police in the country used DNA to compare. "

Li Yan:"... that's not the point. The point is that it's too similar."

"is she very tall? " Xi Wan was suddenly puzzled.

"She's not very tall, but it's a fact that she's taller than Zhou Liqing, " Li Yan recalled "I think this is the person who was mistaken by the netizens. Sigh, I shouldn't make a fuss. After all, those people who appeared in the celebrity face imitation show can be mistaken for real. "

"Okay. "

"I'm going to film now. Talk to you later. "

Xi Wan:"... I'm going to sleep."

"Ah, I forgot about the important issue of jet lag. SOB, SOB, remember to visit me at work. "

"Okay. "

"No, it should be. Didn't you say that your nieces and nephews started filming after the first year? You've been resting for so long, hurry up and come to country M to film with me. You don't know... "

Du Du Du

"I'm going to sleep. " Li Zhan put one hand around Xi Wan's waist and conveniently placed her on the bed. His other hand conveniently helped Xi Wan make a phone call.

Xi Wan:"..."Xi Wan, that's your sister's phone number.


Lu Yuanshan had died in a car accident. Although his parents had passed away, he was still a member of the Lu family in Beijing. Naturally, the head of the Lu family would help to host the event.

As mentioned earlier, the Lu family was very protective of their own shortcomings. This was also the reason why Lu Yuanshan could still make a name for himself in the entertainment circle, which was full of fat meat, even though his parents were gone. Moreover, Lu Yuanshan was also very tactful The wealth in his hands would also give a large portion to his family. In addition, he had a very sweet mouth and was very pleasing to the elders of his own family.

But now, Lu Yuanshan had been killed by a truck driver. The people of the Lu family naturally would not let the truck driver off so easily. Moreover, in their opinion, even if the truck driver had ten lives, they would not be able to compare to Lu Yuanshan's one life.

Of course, under the feet of the emperor, they would definitely not be stupid enough to do anything illegal, but they would definitely hit the side of the road.

In the end, when they found out about the family of the truck driver, they discovered that the family of the truck driver had disappeared without a trace.

This was really a coincidence.

You See, even though you knew that the truck driver had killed someone, even if it was a drunk driver, his family would still appear at the police station, right In the end, they didn't!

Fine, I'll do whatever I want with this mountain. If you guys don't come to the police station to see that B * Stard who caused the death of our Lu Yuanshan, then our Lu family will come to look for you guys!

In the end!

This family seemed to have known something beforehand and escaped.

There were naturally many smart people in their family. As soon as they thought about it, they felt that there was something fishy going on.

Therefore, they checked all the information in their family, including their financial transactions. Although the Lu family had some power, they still followed the law. Therefore, they naturally would not act on their own. They did not do it openly either. They told the police about their findings and let the police investigate.

Naturally, the Lu family had a good relationship with the people in the police station. When they said so, the people in the police station heard that it made sense and went to investigate.

During the investigation, they indeed discovered something amazing!

On the bank card of the truck driver's wife, there was indeed an additional sum of 600,000 yuan in cash!

The police station vetted the truck driver overnight and asked him where the cash came from. They even told him that from the trajectory of his driving, it was clear that his appearance on XX street at that time did not match his usual driving trajectory. So what exactly was going on? If he confessed, he would be lenient, but if he resisted, he would be severely punished.

The truck driver could not withstand the pressure and admitted that he accepted the 600,000 yuan and then deliberately killed someone.

In his confession, he said that someone had called him and said that they would give him 600,000 yuan to help him kill a person. After the deed was done, there would be another sum of money. His family, on the other hand, had always been poor. There had been countless world wars between husband and wife because of money problems. In particular, his child had been diagnosed with leukemia. This was a money-burning illness.

After thinking about it, he decided to take the risk.

But when the police asked him who the mastermind was, he did not know.

When the Lu family saw the results of the police investigation, they were furious.

Especially a brother who played well with Lu Yuanshan. He immediately beat up the train driver in front of the police "F * CK You, murderer! My brother's life is worth 600,000? ! Ah! YOU HAVE GUTS! How dare you take such a hot 600,000! "

He kicked and hit the truck driver, causing him to fall to the ground and wail "F * Ck You, if you don't tell me who ordered you to do this, even if your wife is hiding in the ends of the Earth, I, Lu Yuanming, will find them and tear US APART! "

At first, the police tried to stop him, but when they thought that Lu yuanming had such a good relationship with his cousin, Lu Yuanshan, and that he would not be able to bear the sudden death of a relative, it was normal for them to beat up this murderer to vent their anger. Hence, they stopped him twice and let him go.

When the beating was almost over, Lu Yuanming did not have much strength left. Then, he said to the police officer behind him, "I'm sorry, I'm really too excited. "

"The main thing is, I didn't expect these animals to be able to kill for 600,000! F * Ck, it's only 600,000! My cousin is gone, and this f * Cking guy just came over to sell me the information. I'll give him even 6,000,000! "

The policeman patted Lu Yuanming on the back. "Sigh, I'm sorry for your loss. "

Lu Yuanming held the policeman's hand. "It's been hard on you. I hope you can quickly find out who the mastermind is. When the time comes, the Lu family will definitely repay you handsomely. "

"You're welcome. This is our duty. "


Lu Yuanshan's funeral was held at the funeral parlor in Area C.

There were many high-ranking officials and nobles who came to pay their respects.

Firstly, Lu Yuanshan had a wide social circle. Secondly, the Lu family was still around. There were as many people who wanted to curry favor with the Lu family as there were cows.

At that time, Xi Wan and Li Zhan attended the memorial service together.

After sticking a chrysanthemum into Lu Yuanshan's anus and burning three incense sticks, Xiao Cong rubbed the space between his eyebrows and went to Xi Wan's side.