
The Novel's Worst Healer

Theodore Lettore a 27 years old man working at a black company realise that his favorite novel that he's been reading for 12 years is getting cancelled. Devasted from this news as this novel was the only thing keeping going, he decides to kill himself. ...but wakes up in the hospital in a world that he knows very wells but is not his own.

vister71 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

First Day of School. (part 3)

There was every type of weapon, having never used any of them I selected the thing I was most familiar with, a baseball bat. Or was it a staff?


There was really no need to worry about what weapon I picked anyway, since I could always change.

Using [Reader] on it to see if it had any effect, I was pleasantly surprised.


[Training Staff] : improve Mana related skill used with it by 2%.



"So it was a staff."

It wasn't going to make me win the upcoming fight in any way, but it still was better than nothing.


"Stop mumbling to yourself and come fight, since you're so weak, I'll even give you the first strike."


Seeing that the asshole was confident, I decided to look at his stats to see if his arrogance was justified.


Name: George Vance

Race: elf

Age: 16

Class 1: [Swordsman]

Class 2: [Hunter]


Strength: 1.240

Defense: 1.454

Agility: 0.863

Mana: 0.989

Spirit: 1.178

Intelligence: 0.611

Perception: 0.649

Dexterity: 1.067

Charisma: 1.431


--[Potential stats]--

Strength: 12.3 / 20

Defense: 11.2 / 20

Agility: 9.2 / 20

Mana: 8.6 / 20

Spirit: 11.4 / 20

Intelligence: 8.5 / 20

Perception: 9.1 / 20

Dexterity: 10.5 / 20

Charisma: 15.9 / 20


Class skills:


[Swordsmanship]-LV1-68% : Gives better understanding on how to wield swords.

[Cut]-LV1-45% : Makes slash attacks hit harder and cut deeper.

[stab]-LV1-78% : Makes stab attacks hit harder and stab deeper.



[Tracking]LV0-25% : Track a target using the traces it left behind.

[Trap]-LV0-50% : Set up and hide a trap.

[Camouflage]-LV0-80%: Camouflage yourself using Mana.



Yeah, ok, he had a reason, he might not be as strong as the other status I've seen thus far, but that's just because the others are monsters.

In any case, he only had two basic class, and he was clearly neglecting the [hunter] skills.

I feel like in a not so far future I could surpass him, making him my first goal isn't a bad idea.


I might have never fought, but I read a lot about a main character who knew how.

Digging through my memory of 'Records Of Heroes', I searched for the most appropriate stance, in the end I opted for a standard hanging right sword stance.

Though I wasn't holding a sword, this stance allowed me to better react to incoming attacks.

Using [buff] on agility, I felt a little faster, but not by much.

Keeping my stance without moving, I waited, without giving in to the provocation, ready to summon a shield at any moment.


"PUAHAHAHA, IS THAT HOW YOU HOLD A STAFF!? Hahaha, what a dumbass, well if you're not gonna come, I'm coming."

Going straight for me at high speed, he swung his sword to my left, where I was open.

Seeing this, I immediately stepped backward to give myself a bit more time.

Scared of being hurt by the fierce blow coming for me, I used everything I had to swing down towards it.






To both mine and his surprise I managed to block it but after that, let's just say it was a one-sided massacre, I just couldn't keep up with him because of the stats difference.

Even when I managed to summon a shield to block his hits, it just broke immediately after getting hit.

And whenever I attacked, he would block or dodge.

The spar ended quickly, and the professor stopped him before he got too carried away.

After that the normal class finally began, he had us run 20 lap around the arena, I used [Heal] while running to recuperate from the injuries I endured during the spar.

Then he guided everyone on how to train with their weapon, but for some reason, I felt like he was harder on me.


He made me wear a weighted jacket that was so heavy I could barely stand up, and told me to run while swinging my staff. Every time I would want to take a break or slow down, he would hit and yell at me.

I had to use [Buff] at every occasion to help me, even if just a little.

By the end of the class, [buff] had reached level 2.

Laying on the floor covered in sweat, depleted of energy and Mana I could barely breathe.

I could hear the snickering of other students looking at me.


'what the hell is he crazy?'

Removing the weighted jacket, I wobbled towards the door. I headed straight for the showers.


While showering, I checked my status.


Name: Theodore Lettore

Race: Human

Age: 16

Class 1: [Healer]

Class 2: [Alchemist]


Strength: 0.628 + 0.014 (0.642)

Defense: 0.257 + 0.020 (0.277)

Agility: 0.634 + 0.015 (0.649)

Mana: 0.761 + 0.021 (0.782)

Intelligence: 1.243

Perception: 0.315

Dexterity: 0.256 + 0.005 (0.261)

Charisma: 0.203


--[Potential stats]--

Strength: 7.6 / 20

Defense: 6.2 / 20

Agility: 9.3 / 20

Mana: 10.9 / 20

Intelligence: 14.4 / 20

Perception: 8.2 / 20

Dexterity: 6.5 / 20

Charisma: 6.1 / 20


Class skills:


[Heal]-LV3-41% : The basic skill of all healers, heals injuries.

[Shield]-LV1-67% : It is in your nature to protect others, generate a shield out of Mana.

[Buff]-LV2-3% : It is your duty to help others, give a buff to one's stats.



[Analyze]-LV1-24% : Analyze the subject.

[Modify]-LV2-70% : Modify the analyzed subject.

[Copy]-LV0-55% : Copy analyzed subject.



[Reader]: Allow the user to read status and understand every language, user will remember what he read forever.


Synchronization: 53%


Though it felt like torture, I had to admit that his method showed better results than the training I've been doing so far.

Perhaps I could train like that on my own, albeit less intense.

I wanted to train my skills some more, but I lacked the Mana to do so, I was in so much pain I had to use [Heal] on myself every time I had enough Mana. This went on for about 2 hours until I could finally tolerate it.


Feeling hungry, I headed to the cafeteria and filled myself until I couldn't eat anymore.

Not having the motivation nor the energy to do more training, I went to my dorm.


Arriving, I was once again met with the minuscule quarters.


"Sigh~ better get used to it."


Flopping on the bed, I began to brainstorm.

I was able to get in the academy using [Alchemist]'s skills, but it still wasn't enough, even if I used it for strength and agility, I was ignoring the others stats.


If it continues on like this, I won't make it past the first event, I need to find a solution for my lack of stats and quick.

In about two months, every class will be sent into a low ranked goblin dungeon, it's supposed to be a simple one-day expedition to learn about dungeons and monsters in person.

At first everything goes well, but unfortunately, the dungeon entrance is sealed, turning a one-day trip into a three days labyrinths survival. The reason for the dungeon to be sealed was the appearance of a boss monster.


To get out, Luke and the rest of the main cast defeat it. It's in this event that they meet each other and become friends.

If i want to be part of the story onward I need to somehow be part of the fight, even if it's just as a support.


Motivated to grow stronger, I used [Modify] like usual, only to be filled with regret immediately after.


"ARG!!! FUCK!"


But even if it hurts, I forced myself to continue, I did the same with Agility but didn't stop there today, I wanted to try increasing my other stats as well.

First, I tried boosting my Defense by making my skin tougher, just like strength and agility it hurted like hell, and bore similar results.

But I wasn't done just yet, thanks to [Analyze] leveling up I recently noticed I had another set of veins, not for blood but for Mana.

And said Mana veins had spots where Mana flowed slower, as if blocked by something.

So, concentrating on one of those spots, I tried unblocking it.


And to no surprise it hurts, at this point I was starting to get used to the pain, for better or worse.

I didn't manage to fully unblock it, but if I had to guess, I got one third of it.

When looking at my status to see how much I gained, I was baffled.


[Mana: 0.782 + 0.040 (0.822)] [Mana: 10.9 + 0.1 (11) / 20]

Not only did I gain a larger amount of points compared to other stats, I also somehow boosted my potential.


This was an absolute game changer, if I can find a way to do the same with my other stats, I'll be able to get rid of my biggest weakness.

Problem is, I have no idea how to do that, I'll need to do some experiment later on.


Feeling exhausted from today activity, I took out my iPod and searched a song to help me sleep.

I'm the type of person that can sleep with any music, even if it's heavy metal.

I scrolled until one song in particular caught my eye.


[Sleep is for the Weak - by The Dreadnoughts]



With the sound of Polka blasting my eardrums, I peacefully fell asleep.




Two days passed in the blink of an eye without anything special happening, apart from Professor Martinez hellish training.

When I asked him why he made me do such training, and he told me with the serious excretion he always has.


'You lack the sufficient strength to participate in class, and due to your lack of potential, you have to work harder than others.'

'As a teacher, I want to make sure you don't fall behind, but heed my advice, not as a teacher but as a hero, you should quit wanting to be a hero before you get killed.'


What he said was true, and I knew it, but I still felt bad when it was told straight to my face.

But thankfully that only applied if I did things normally, I had the powerful knowledge of the future as my trump card.

And using that knowledge, I planned to steal certain artifacts from some of the story's villains.

But it won't be possible until after the first event.


I'll focus on what I can do for now, and that is building a relationship with the main cast.

I was given an excellent opportunity by Manami to join her study group.

She contacted me today, giving me the time and place for the first meet up.


And I'm currently on my way there. Thanks to her rank in the top 100 she managed to reserve a private room for club related activities.

Upon arrival, I noticed a girl fidgeting and mumbling to herself near the door, as if scared.


"Sh-should I go in? B-but what if they hate me? What if I'm not good enough…"

This went on for quite a bit of time, and I was going to be late to the meet if this continued. So I decided to butt in.


"Um, excuse me."



Startled, she made a noise that reminded me of a scared mouse.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

It really wasn't my intention, and I did feel a bit bad about it.


"It-it's alright."

She responded in a meek voice that I could barely hear.

She had short silver hair and big round glasses, it was hard to see her face as she was rather shy and kept her head down.


"M-my name is Chloe. N-nice to meet y-you."

I don't remember reading about her in the novel, she's probably just a mob.


"Nice to meet you Chloe, I'm Theo, are you also a part of the study group?"




"Then why don't you go in? You'll be late at this point."


"I-I know, b-but what if they hate me."

This girl had some serious anxiety, my past self would have just walked past her, but now I felt like helping.


"Why would they hate you?"


"I-I'm just a low ranked student, I-I shouldn't even be there."


"That's it?"

If it's about being low rank, then nobody can beat me.




"Look, don't worry about useless stuff like rank, if you're here it means Manami saw something in you that made her invite you."

Opening the door and getting in, I stopped halfway, turned around and grinned.

"Besides, you can't possibly be lower rank than me."


Getting in, she followed with a confused look.

Inside was a medium-sized round table surrounded by bookshelves, and one big window with a view on the forest behind the school.


At the table, a tall green orc of about 2 meter tall with short dark brown hair and deep blue eyes was sited calmly reading a book.

He was so immersed in is book he failed to notice us enter.


Looking at his status with [Reader] to confirm my suspicion.


Name: Jogur Quint

Race: Orc

Age: 16

Class 1: [Orc Mountain]

Class 2: [Tank]

Subclass: [Librarian]


Strength: 2.045

Defense: 3.421

Agility: 0.954

Mana: 0.201

Aura: 3.214

Intelligence: 1.942

Perception: 0.648

Dexterity: 0.946

Charisma: 1.506


--[Potential stats]--

Strength: 17.5 / 20

Defense: 19 / 20

Agility: 8.4 / 20

Mana: 2.5 / 20

Aura: 18.7 / 20

Intelligence: 16.8 / 20

Perception: 7.4 / 20

Dexterity: 9.6 / 20

Charisma: 13.4 / 20


Class skills:

----[Orc Mountain]----

[War Cry]-LV0-95% : perform an Orc war cry that puts your opponent in a trance that make them focus on you only.

[Mountain]-LV1-15% : Root yourself in place like a mountain and become immovable.

[Retribution]-LV1-5% : Give back the damage you blocked in one powerful attack.



[Steel Skin]-LV2-15% : Makes you more resistant to every type of damage.

[Shield Bash]-LV1-24% : Stun your opponent with a well-placed shield bash.

[Block]-LV2-31% : Block hits with your shield more easily.


Subclass Skills:


[Bookshelf]-LV4-67% : create subspace to store books and other literature.



Jogur Quint, one of the novel's protagonist and my current homeroom teacher son.

Contrary to his appearance and position as a tank, he's actually a bookworm. He even sacrificed his subclass to take something that would help him with his hobby, much to his father displeasure.

In the story, it was explained that he didn't like fighting nor seeing others get hurt.

But just like every Orc, he lacked magic talent and couldn't become a healer, so he chose to become a tank that could protect everyone since it paired well with Aura, the specialty of the orcs.


'with this, there's only two protagonists I haven't met yet.'


Sitting myself opposite to him, I picked a random book and started reading while waiting for the rest to arrive.

It didn't take long and soon and two other students joined us.

One was a half dwarf with red hair, he didn't seem too keen on the all study thing and just slept.

The other was a blond human who looked like he didn't get enough sleep, the dark bags under his eyes were proof of that.

Still, he didn't sleep and pulled out a computer and wrote some code I didn't understand anything about.


Soon, Manami joined us as well and began our first study group meet up.


"Hello, I want to thank everyone who accepted to join us today."

"Now let's introduce each other, I'll start first to ease everyone."

"As you may know, my name is Manami Hanabira, I'm currently fourth on this year ranking and my classes are the following, [Magic Archer], [Spirit Archer] and [Archer] as my subclass."

"I hope we will get along well."


After her, the blond guy introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is James Miller, my current rank is 386 my class are [Hacker] and [Gunner], no subclass."

Damn two rare classes, I'm getting jealous, unlike what you would think hacker can still be used in combat, and is pretty dangerous to fight against.


Next was Jogur, who finally put his book down for the first time since I got here.


"My name is Jogur Quint, rank 3, my classes are [Orc Mountain], [Tank] and [Librarian] as my subclass.

Immediately after he finished, he went back to reading. Is this bookworm for real?


Next was the half dwarf, what surprised me was his heavy Scottish accent.

"The name's Rigor Carvat, me rank be 245 and me classes be [Blacksmith] and [Gnomes whisperer] no subclass."

Gnomes are a subrace of high rank spirits, but are more commonly found underground.

To find someone who can see and speak to them is like finding a needle in a beach.


Next up was Chloe, she shyly introduced herself.

"H-hi m-my n-name is Chloe Vandil, m-my rank is 556 and m-my classes are [Healer] and [Priestess] n-no subclass."

Even though she was anxious to no end, she managed to pull through and introduce herself.

I was a bit shocked to learn she was a [Priestess] as this was an extremely rare job with only 2 appearances in the past, in the future she would even get the ability to revive the recently dead.

Even the others were visibly surprised, but what shocked me the most was there was no mention of such [Priestess] in the novel, I'll have to investigate her later.


But for now, it was my turn to introduce myself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Theodore Lettore, but you can call me Theo, my rank is 600..."

At the mention of my rank Rigor quietly laughed and didn't do much to hide it.

Ignoring him, I continued.

"And my classes are [Healer] and [Alchemist] with no subclass."

as of right now the story is a bit slow paced, but i intended to make it a bit faster after all the important characters have been introduced.

vister71creators' thoughts