
The Novel's Reader Ordinary Choice System

The Beings That Brings All Existence Into Ruins. That’s A Characteristic Of A Successful Demon God! The Person Who Brought Salvation For The World. That’s What People Call The Hero! Then What About The Protagonist Of The Story ? The Protagonist Is The Winner, Lucky Encounter, Beautiful Heroine, Breathtaking Adventure, All You Can Pick Crazy Fiesta Kind Of Character. So What About Me ? Just Died Of Old Age And Reincarnated Into This World. Wait.. Isn’t This That Insane Hell Difficulty Level Apocalyptic Novel World! Forget It.. There’s No Hope.. I’m Just Gonna Be A Salted Fish In This Life.. [Ding!] [Ordinary Choice System Has Been Bound]

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41 Chs

Golden Mask Pursuit (2)

"The church was bombed by those people from before. I fight with the kid and the old man before getting defeated in a fierce battle while fighting both of them. After this, I think if anyone is alive from the west branch church, my dark past will be revealed and I will definitely get a bounty on my head by the church. I need help, an unsuspicious place to hide away for the rest of my life, I think this place is a good one. Can I have it? I will pay whatever you want." said Bishop Haris trying to look intimidating after battling two people at the same time.

"No one is following you here, right? After knowing you for years, I'm pretty sure you are not right in the head, what I mean is that you are pretty dumb. Tell me how you get to this place, it would be dangerous if you bring someone unrelated to our hiding place."

"No.. no way someone is following me after that.. After the fight I blew the kid away and the old man tried to help him so they can't follow me as I'm already running outside the west branch church. After that I don't dare to take the train since there would be some guards wandering around the area. There's some camera in the train station which will definitely be checked by the church personnel to catch me. I'm wearing a hood while on the way to obscure my face and identity. I even walked for hours to reach this place to avoid being recognized by someone. To be more sure, I also avoided those federation patrol teams and mingled with the crowd along the way. Don't worry, this time I used all of my brain cells and intelligence to make sure no one had the chance to follow me." Bishop Haris is trying very hard to explain his safe route to reach this place. He needs to convince them so that his chances of getting this hiding place is even greater. Looking back at their past relationship, Bishop Haris can only depend on them to help him avoid the pursuit of the church.

"That's very meticulous of you, I'm very surprised that this time you are really smart. Tsk.. tsk.. If you are this smart everytime maybe we will be losing money in the future. Hahaha.. I'm just joking Mr. Haris, you are not a bishop anymore.. What do you think you can give us in exchange for this comfortable hiding place? We can give it to you as long as you pay the right price."

"Huhh.. I'm sorry.. I'm a little bit tired after walking for a long way. Let me think for a bit, I still have some money in my dimensional pocket and the SC I accumulated for a pretty long time. How about I give all of them to you in exchange for this place? And for a bonus, I need the room certificate and a new identity.. It's too risky for me to register everything myself." Bishop Haris is trying to negotiate the price with his criminal friends, ^very smart^ of him. Even the golden mask who listened to the conversation going on between Bishop Haris and his friend through the one eyed golden bug thought that the ex bishop is really fearless. If his colleague from the Darkwave organization hears this heroic story, they will laugh it off and pray to the holy one for the ex-bishop's safety so they can hear more of his heroic deeds in the future.

"It's pretty fair, we can accept your condition as long as the money and SC is in the correct amount. Hey man, give some drinks for our rich friend here, he looks thirsty after walking for a long distance to reach this place." The man in the middle smiling while looking amiable as he gives a positive answer to the bishop's plea. He even let his friend take some drink from the refrigerator for ex Bishop Haris.

The man who is getting ordered goes to the small kitchen to take the bottle containing orange juice inside the refrigerator and pour it in a glass, but unknown to ex Bishop Haris, the man also pouring some white powder like medicine into the drink. He also added some extra ice cubes and stirred the drink so that everything is evenly mixed. He put the drink on the table in front of the former bishop.

"Thank you for the drink.. As I thought, I can only trust all of you when I'm in trouble. Then I will allow myself to drink it. Hahaha.." Former Bishop Haris, who didn't suspect anything dangerous would be added to the iced orange juice, drank it happily because he was thirsty after a long walk. The five people in the room looking at the fat former bishop finish his drink as their smile gets more sinister without the guy noticing. Bishop Haris finished his drinking feeling satisfied by the hospitality of the people he has been familiar with for a few years.

"It's not a problem, we have been friends for a few years already. We've known each other long enough for us to help each other for the appropriate benefit. Hahaha.." the man makes some small talk with the former bishop, but behind it he is waiting for something to take effect. The other people inside the room are already preparing for any unexpected situation in case something unexpected happens. They already make sure that the dose of the medicine is on the correct amount to have an effect on someone on the bishop level, they already prepared for this day and bought it some time ago from their organization and it's pretty expensive.

Even though they are from the Dusk criminal organization, they are only an outer member and they didn't even have the chance to make some contract with the demon. Demon is not some wild grass that can be found everywhere, to make a contract with them is really hard because there are many criteria that must be met. If you are not careful, then you can only be a slave. It's like signing something before you get a good money from a job, you need the strength to fulfill the demand or you will only become a corporate slave because when you want to get out from that contract, it was already too late and many punishment are awaiting for you if you break the contract. The worst case is not losing your life, but losing everything that has a connection to you.

In simple terms, their strength is not comparable to an official member of the church. Maybe they can gang up on a deacon and win the fight, but it's almost impossible because the churches are always working in a team and when one team is in danger, the other team in the vicinity will flock in to come to help. And this is also true for a bishop level character from the church, even though they have more people, but an outer member of a criminal organization is only stronger than a thug and they have a little bit of access to the organization's technological resource, that's all of it. They need a sneak attack, poison, blackmail, bomb, and many other ways to win a battle against this fatty.

The waiting creating an awkward situation where the man keep being understanding and talking with the former bishop, ex Bishop Haris also trying to negotiate the price that will please these people because he is wary of the organization behind them and he don't want to make another enemy when he is already being pursued by the church and the federation members soon.

After an hour of talking, the group of people finally come to an agreement and approve ex-bishop Haris' request. He gives the fatty the certificate of the house so he can re register it later with his other identity as a deceased person. The people in the house have noticed that the medicine is already taking effect and the bishop's hand movement stopped. The medicine mixed in the orange juice will paralyzed the bishop's whole movement for hours. It should be taking effect immediately, but as he is quite strong, the effect only works right now. The bishop is shocked and doesn't understand what happened to him.

"What happened to me? You betrayed me after all of our cooperation?" The bishop could only move his mouth slowly and asked the man with his eyes wide open.

Without answering the former bishop, the man takes out his weapon. He held a dagger in his hand while coming closer to the paralyzed bishop Haris.

"This is a poisoned dagger, one injury and the poison will seep into your blood killing you slowly. Be grateful old friend, because today you will meet with the holy one that you people always hold high. Hahaha.. You are paralyzed and poisoned, sadly we cannot be here to witness your slow and painful death. Old friend, have a nice retirement in hell." After finishing his laugh, the man stabbed his dagger to Bishop Haris' body and left a few bleeding wounds on his body.