
The Novel's Reader Ordinary Choice System

The Beings That Brings All Existence Into Ruins. That’s A Characteristic Of A Successful Demon God! The Person Who Brought Salvation For The World. That’s What People Call The Hero! Then What About The Protagonist Of The Story ? The Protagonist Is The Winner, Lucky Encounter, Beautiful Heroine, Breathtaking Adventure, All You Can Pick Crazy Fiesta Kind Of Character. So What About Me ? Just Died Of Old Age And Reincarnated Into This World. Wait.. Isn’t This That Insane Hell Difficulty Level Apocalyptic Novel World! Forget It.. There’s No Hope.. I’m Just Gonna Be A Salted Fish In This Life.. [Ding!] [Ordinary Choice System Has Been Bound]

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41 Chs

First Fight

The three spread toward their positions.

After the water is poured down, they can see the figure of the freshwater murloc.

A monster as high as an adult human, with membranes on its hands and feet standing in front of them. He has a fish-like appearance with some fins and gills. The murloc holding a blunt weapon made of some coral on his right hand. A gourd made of hardened shell can be seen on his waist. It's trying to intimidate us by showing its sharp teeth and making some indescribable roar.

'We should initiate the attack, this is our first team battle, I shouldn't let our enemy have the initiative over us'

Zeon's throwing a smoke bomb at the murloc to interfere with its vision.

Zeon: "Now!"

Toast's throwing an elemental bomb to the murlock and some electric current can be seen after the bomb exploded near the murloc.

Li's shooting at the murloc until his gun was out of bullets.

The smoke settled and we could see the murloc again.

A water shield formed on the murloc left hand. No bullet wound can be seen on its body, but a little eclectic current can be seen to have some effect.

'That gourd is an artifact to keep water in it. Every murloc usually has a common artifact to store water when they invade the land. It used some mechanism similar to our engraving using their version of water domination power, this process will make the water stored inside the artifact easier to control and use less energy to manipulate.'

Zeon thought for a moment about how to injure the murloc. How to bypass those water shields when neither of them master the runic crest. Having no certain solutions as to what happened, Zeon just going to do whatever he can to create a little opportunity.

Zeon: "We'll do the previous strategy again. Li, you need to keep shooting later so it will open his water shield again, water will strengthen the flow of electricity. We'll throw the elemental bomb together at the same time after that."

The murloc angrily runs toward Zeon swinging its club made from many combinations of strange looking coral.

Zeon holds the shield tightly and readying himself for the impact. His eyes looked focusedly at the club to predict its attack path.

The murloc finally hit Zeon's shield with his weapon.

Zeon defended himself with the shield, but the momentum behind the murloc attack sent Zeon flying far. His shield bends showing how strong the hit that he takes.

'It hurts, I think I'll lose my hand if I don't have the shield.'

Zeon's already readying a smoke bomb on his other hand.

Zeon throwing the smoke bomb to the his previous location while soaring in the air after got hit by the inertia of the murloc's club.

Smoke began rising again to disturb the murloc eyesight.

After landing from the air with his legs still standing straight, Zeon quickly changed his shield without tending to his wounds.

Zeon: "Li, shoot!"

Li summons another shotgun and shoots with two shotguns at the same time. His fat bodies enable him to hold his ground while shooting both weapons at the same time.

Blue light starts shining through the smoke, an indication that the murloc started creating his water shield again.

Zeon: "Li, stop shooting, everyone prepare the elemental bomb!"

Li and Toast take an elemental bomb on their hand.

Zeon: "Throw at the same time now!"

Three elemental bomb volleying toward the murloc location inside the smoky area.

An electrical current stronger than the previous elemental bomb started to explode. The electric current started to interact with each other and an electrical sphere started forming in the middle of it. Huge high voltage damage should have attacked everything in the smoke area.

The three waited for a while until the smoke and electrical current subsided. A burnt scent can be smelled waving through the air.

Finally, the three saw the murloc burnt figure with a lot of small wounds around its body.

Li: "Oh my holy lord, it's still standing straight after all of that attack!"

Toast: "So.. What should we do next?"

Zeon: "How many elemental bomb you two still have?"

Li: "4 elemental bomb."

Toast: "3 elemental bomb."

Zeon: "Alright, we still have 10 then. This is our last chance, just throw all the bomb when the opportunity happen."

The murloc started creating a water ball around him.

Zeon: "Toast protect Li!, it started forming some kind of attack."

The water ball started forming a bullet shape. 6 of them formed around the murloc. A while later the attack shot out to all of them.

3 shooting toward Zeon direction and the other 3 shooting toward Li and Toast.

We successfully blocked some water bullets, but many wounds can be seen where our shield doesn't reach. Blood trickled from the wound to our foot and the grass area under us.

'Is this it? We'll lose if it continues like this, I cannot allow it to create another water bullet.'

Zeon runs toward the murloc and bumps with all he got toward it.

The sound of a shield and club bumping into each other started sounding after that.

Zeon will throw the damaged shield toward the murloc and instantly change to another one until he's out of shield.

Zeon jumping back and throw a smoke bomb toward his area hiding their party movement from the murloc.

The murloc looked left and right searching for any small movement that he could feel.

Then, many bomb get thrown out from the smoky area flying in the air toward the murloc.

The murloc looked at the things and this time it started using more energy to form a thin water barrier around it.

Unknown to it, the bomb exploded creating a blinding light attacking its eyes.

The murloc eyes blinded by the strong light and it started swinging his club everywhere trying to defend another incoming attack without knowing where it would come next.

Zeon, Li, and Toast running out from the smoky area and throwing all the elemental bomb they had.

An electric current started creating many small sphere lightning which seriously damaged the murloc.

The murloc roared and trembled in pain after being electrocuted everywhere around its body.

Many big wounds started to form on the murloc body, it feels a pain worse than before.

A thin mist of smoke can be seen around the area, some electric current still can be felt running on the air, many small holes formed around the area, the riverside that was full of flowers and trees before is gone.

After everything subsided, the murloc kneeling and bowing toward the ground did not move.

Li: "Did we win? It should be dead right?"

Zeon feels his leg weak and he falls sitting on the ground. Many wounds and bruises can be seen on his body. He's been tanking the murloc attack many times.

The three of them run out of energy, they feel tired after all the fighting.

The place remained calm for a moment until the three of them heard a small movement sound from the murloc.

It started to get its consciousness back and tried to get up slowly.

Li came toward Zeon and carried him on his back.

The murloc started forming water balls again.

Toast seeing that throwing his shield to the murloc in hope to buy some time.

Li and Toast started walking away but a water bullet shot toward their feet.

They fall down to the ground and cannot seem to exert energy to walk anymore.

Another water bullet started forming beside the murloc.

Seeing this, Zeon walks in front of Li and Toast trying to block the attack with his own body.

Zeon waits for the incoming attack with a slightly blurred vision, he's trying so hard to open his eyes and not losing his consciousness.

A white light so dazzling exploded around the murloc annihilating its body from inside out until nothing left.

The pope: "Hahaha.. You had a really good fight little Zeon, I'm proud of you."

Zeon sees the pope and a cardinal walking toward him. After that, his tense body started to relax a little and he lost his consciousness in his grandpa's hands.

The pope: "Samael, bring these kids to the nearby pavilion and tend to their wounds."

Many murlocs started to surface from the river trying to invade the empire.

But suddenly light with many different colors started volleying through the air from many high buildings near the river toward their location, panic started to form on their faces. It was supposed to be a surprise attack but somehow these humans unexpectedly knew beforehand.

Many god's blue panels started showing up around the river area. Savoring the story made by the human and murloc, the god showering the winner with many SC.

After the attack subsided, many murlocs corpses can be seen around the riverside.

The pope is still preparing the barbecue equipment to have a picnic with his grandson and his new friends. Seeing his grandson fighting so hard from afar makes him remember his younger days. Except that he's definitely stronger and wipes out his enemies.

The pope really trusts the younger generation of the empire, especially the church members who are working hard around the river area. He can see a bright future ahead. At least today he'll have fun with his grandson, because starting tomorrow, it will be another long day.