
The Novel's Reader Ordinary Choice System

The Beings That Brings All Existence Into Ruins. That’s A Characteristic Of A Successful Demon God! The Person Who Brought Salvation For The World. That’s What People Call The Hero! Then What About The Protagonist Of The Story ? The Protagonist Is The Winner, Lucky Encounter, Beautiful Heroine, Breathtaking Adventure, All You Can Pick Crazy Fiesta Kind Of Character. So What About Me ? Just Died Of Old Age And Reincarnated Into This World. Wait.. Isn’t This That Insane Hell Difficulty Level Apocalyptic Novel World! Forget It.. There’s No Hope.. I’m Just Gonna Be A Salted Fish In This Life.. [Ding!] [Ordinary Choice System Has Been Bound]

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41 Chs

Evacuation (3)

After seeing Deacon Bob coming to help, Li's expression brightened because the kids seemed a bit calmer seeing someone familiar to them. Some kids with a smaller age come running to hug Deacon Bob. Li and Toast bring the other children to the direction of Deacon Bob to leave the church together. Unexpectedly, someone chooses to stay to help Zeon.

"Grandpa Capricorn, you should leave the area with Li and Toast. We don't know when the bomb will start to explode. I doubt that those criminals won't notice the noise that we make. They should be either somewhere around this area or already fleeing the church. This area is no longer safe. I only need to delay some time in case the bishop becomes mad enough and starts to hurt the orphans or the deacons outside."

"Zeon, that makes even more reason for me to help. A bishop of the church should have already awakened their runic crest. You're not his opponent alone with how weak you are right now. Even though I look old I can still feel that your strength compared to that bishop is far behind. You'll even be in more danger in case you are injured and can't get outside the church on time. I'll help support you from the back, when your friends are already bringing those orphans outside, I'll inform you right away and we will get outside together."

"I'm really sorry grandpa Capricorn, it's me who invited you into all of this problem and dangerous situation. I'll thank you properly later, for now we still have a piece of garbage that needs to be bashed to the ground."

Zeon summoned his spear from the dimensional pocket. Bishop Haris looked angry and want to torture Zeon and the old man after he defeat them. Bishop Haris summoned a blunt mace from his dimensional pocket and was ready to fight the kids and the old man. The old man…

"Grandpa Capricorn, didn't you want to help me to fight? Why do you pick a stone from the ground? You didn't bring any weapon with you?"

"Zeon, I'm a businessman and my purpose for coming into the empire is to have a business meeting with our partner. Why should I need to bring a weapon with me? It's okay, a stone is enough to support you from behind, also there are many stones on the ground, my supply of projectiles won't be exhausted soon enough. Don't lose focus when fighting, especially someone who is stronger than you, always keep your eye on your opponent! He's coming!"

Bishop Haris, who is really fat, coated his weapon with runic force to strengthen its attacking power. He runs toward Zeon's direction while swinging his mace above his head trying to build the momentum to smash Zeon with his weapon. Zeon can feel the area shaking because the bishop weighs. Zeon feels that the bishop's strength is stronger than the last murloc that he fought before. He's pretty sure that he can't take the bishop's attack directly. The only option left to defend himself is by evading the bishop attack.

Zeon is backing off to evade the bishop's vertical attack to the ground but his timing is off a little and he is still within the bishop attack range after bishop Haris adjusting his attack pattern a little to the front. Zeon started panicking and tried to bounce off the bishop mace momentum with his spear, but the bishop mace didn't budge and was still heading toward his target. Zeon gets pushed and his point of gravity is off, so he falls to the ground and can only wait for the bishop attack to hit him.

Time seemed to pause for a second and without Zeon noticing a stone already being shot with a terrifying speed from behind him. The stone hit the bishop's ankle and he slipped to the ground. The mace that should have hit Zeon flashed a few inches away in front of his eyes and hit the ground between his legs. Zeon cannot imagine if that attack really hit him, maybe he will have an amnesia like Toast.

"Zeon, you need to keep your eyes always in the direction of the weapon and evade his attack at the right timing. That bishop is alive and not a machine, his attack will follow you if you evade his attack too early. You also can't be late too or it will be the end. This may be your first real battle against another being with high intelligence. They are different from the toy that you always play at home. C'mon get up, keep fighting! We need more time until all the orphans get out of the church. Your weapon rank should be a tier higher than his weapon. Use your advantage properly and maybe you can even win against the bishop."

Zeon gets up from the ground and tries to calm his panicked state from before. His heart still raced even after the bishop's attack missed. The bishop also tried to stand up after falling to the ground but his ankle hurt a lot and he can only kneel in place at the moment. Zeon takes this chance to begin his advance to the bishop, it feels a little unfair with two versus one situation, but Zeon really didn't mind because he's still just a weak chicken who needs help from a veteran player right now.

This time Zeon didn't forget to channel his runic force into his spear. Zeon swipes his attack as hard as he can and his attack connects to the mace making the bishop's hand that is holding it tremble. Noticing this hard earned opportunity, Zeon swings his other spear handle to hit the bishop's hand, sending his hand which is still holding the mace hovering in the air. Zeon finishes his attack by swiping the spearhead toward the direction of the mace to send it flying away from the bishop's hand. After losing his weapon, the bishop started to feel afraid and asked Zeon to spare his life.

"Wait-wait kid! Don't hurt me. I can give you anything you want. Those orphans? You can take them all away I don't mind, or do you want money? That.. I still have some that I stored inside my house. Get away.. Don't come closer kid. I still have SC, I can give some to you. Just keep your weapon away, we can still discuss it, kid. I am a bishop of the church you know. If you hurt me the church won't let you get away with it."


The Horizon Fisherman urges Zeon to end the fight early and gives 100 SC.


Battle Me Slaughter You are cheering for the kid and ask the bishop not to become a loser "Fight back, fatty!".


The Sage Who Reach Enlightenment doesn't like the bishop's cowardness. Actually he doesn't like the bishop at all, he despised him.


Zeon takes a deep breath trying to stabilize himself. The battle that should have been lost suddenly turns around and now Zeon is the one standing. A veteran player is really different with a stone he paralyzed the bishop movement and a bit of advice can even make Zeon realize his current disadvantage and advantage against the bishop who is stronger than him.

Zeon stored his spear in his dimensional pocket and wanted to arrest the bishop by summoning some rope that he previously got from the wilderness camping section in Arcadeus Weapon Shop. But Zeon forgot something, when he started to get close, the bishop's hand started to shine and a runic pattern started to form on his backhand. The bishop uses his runic crest intending to attack Zeon who is unprepared. Wind started to form behind the bishop to push Zeon away with its strong velocity. Zeon flew away and fortunately got caught by grandpa Capricorn before he could hit the building behind him. Not wasting this opportunity, Bishop Haris faced the other way and started to run with a half limping leg from the back church. Even Grandpa Capricorn didn't expect that someone so fat can run that fast when push comes to shove.

"Zeon, you should never let your guard down in any battle or your life will be gone in a second. Fortunately, that bishop attainment in the wind runic crest is still lacking, he can only form an incomplete shape with less power, otherwise.. If a professional caught you off guard with the wind runic power, they can even cut your body into pieces. Let's go, he's already gone, let's get out of this area quickly. We don't know when the explosion will happen. Those criminals should have fled from the church."

Zeon's leg trembled, he felt weak after being hit by the bishop wind runic crest head on. If grandpa Capricorn didn't catch him on time maybe he will get hospitalized later with a spinal fracture in his back after hitting the building on his back. Grandpa Capricorn carried the weak Zeon on his back and started running outside the church area.