
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

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235 Chs

First Iteration II

Rachel opens her eyes, blinking against the harsh light of the medical camp. It's disorienting, like waking up from a fever dream, but this is no dream. A day has passed since she inexplicably found herself in this alternate timeline devoid of magic, monsters, dungeons, and towers. She navigates through the unfamiliar reality by engaging in casual conversations with the nurses and staff.

"So, no magic here, huh?" Rachel asks a nurse while sipping on a bottle of water.

The nurse chuckles, "Magic? You've been reading too many fantasy novels, dear. This is just a regular world, with no dungeons or mythical creatures. Reading so much manhwa, young lass? My boy loves them so much it is annoying sometimes..." She sighs, looking at the scenery around them. "The earthquake sure did the damage… huh?"

As Rachel continues her idle talk, the people in the medical camp express surprise at her fluent Korean.

"Where did you learn to speak our language so well?" a curious nurse inquires.

"I... uh, picked it up along the way," Rachel replies, struggling to come up with a convincing explanation.

The nurse raises an eyebrow but moves on as more patients flood the camp.

In her interactions, Rachel learns more about the absence of magic power in this world. The stark contrast to her previous reality forces her to reassess everything she once knew.

"Never thought I'd miss devils and heroes this quickly," she muses to herself, earning a sympathetic smile from a passing staff member. "Did I screw up?" Rachel thinks of Hyon Hyung, and wonders where is he.

In the crowded medical camp, Rachel engages in idle talks with fellow conscious patients and nurses, trying to piece together the events that led her to this strange reality. The hushed conversations reveal the aftermath of a destructive earthquake, leaving her with a growing sense of guilt. A realization dawns upon her - the powerful earth elemental magic she unleashed before leaping through the portal with Hyon Hyung might be the cause.

A fellow patient, noticing Rachel's troubled expression, asks, "You look like you've seen a ghost. Everything okay?"

Rachel hesitates before responding, "I... I think I might have caused that earthquake. I had to do something to escape, but now I fear I've made things worse."

The patient gives her a sympathetic look, understanding the weight of unintended consequences. "Hmmm… You must have hit your head pretty hard, you innocent little thing…"

Rachel embarrassedly shakes her head at the fellow patient's hurtful accusation… And then, Rachel realizes she's no longer in her familiar hoodie and jeans but clad in a hospital gown. It's a small inconvenience compared to the bigger problem at hand. Her worry intensifies when she realizes she has lost her prized possession, Lionheart, her trusty sword.

"Lost my sword," she mutters, a sense of regret evident in her voice. "It was more than just a weapon."

A nurse passing by overhears her and offers reassurance, "Don't worry too much, dear. Swords can be replaced. Your well-being is more important."

Rachel sighs, still troubled. "I just hope Hyon Hyung is safe. Losing Lionheart is bad, but losing him would be worse."

The uncertainty of her situation weighs heavily on Rachel as she contemplates her next move, knowing that leaving freely is not an option. In the midst of her concerns, her priority remains Hyon Hyung's safety, overshadowing the loss of her sword.

Amidst the medical camp's commotion, a police officer named Yun Seung-Ah appears, introducing herself and signaling a need for a private conversation. Rachel follows her into a secluded area, where the partition of her ward is moved for added privacy. The policewoman takes a seat on a plastic stool, her gaze fixed on Rachel.

"Let's start with your name," Yun Seung-Ah begins, her tone professional yet probing.

"Rachel Park," she replies, keeping her voice steady, lying about her surname in particular.

Seemingly routine questions follow, but Rachel senses the underlying skepticism in the policewoman's eyes. She's well aware that these seemingly normal inquiries could quickly turn into a more intense interrogation. Rachel finds herself on her own stool and sits face to face with the policewoman.

Yun Seung-Ah leans forward, studying Rachel closely. "Can you tell me what happened? How did you end up here in the aftermath of that earthquake?"

Rachel takes a moment, then begins to weave the tale she prepared during her short stay – a simple story of selective amnesia. She recounts a blurry version of events, explaining how she can't recall the details due to memory gaps caused by the earthquake. The story is delivered with practiced ease, the product of her quick thinking.

The police officer eyes her skeptically, clearly doubtful of the explanation. "Selective amnesia, huh? Convenient."

Rachel meets Yun Seung-Ah's gaze with a calm expression. "It's the truth as I remember it. I'm just as confused as you are."

The policewoman remains unconvinced, but Rachel holds her ground. She knows that despite the doubts, Yun Seung-Ah can't force the truth from her. The air in the enclosed space hangs tense, each word exchanged a delicate dance between deception and scrutiny.

"Tell me, Rachel, what's the last thing you remember before waking up here?" Yun Seung-Ah is persistent and she is not leaving until she gets something.

Rachel hesitates, weaving a tale with a blend of lies and a hint of truth. "I... I was with someone. Hyon Hyung. That's the last clear memory I have."

The mention of 'Hyon Hyung' prompts a subtle reaction from the policewoman. "Hyon Hyung," Yun Seung-Ah repeats as if testing the sound of the name. "Is that the boy you were with during the earthquake?"

Rachel nods, feigning concern. "Yes, that's him. Is he okay? Have you seen him?"

Yun Seung-Ah's response is cryptic, "He's being taken care of." She avoids providing any concrete details about Hyon Hyung's well-being.

Growing more persistent, the policewoman probes, "What's your relationship with him, Rachel?"

Rachel feels the weight of the decision ahead. "Step-sister," she considers, but the complications of that lie become apparent. DNA tests could easily expose the falsehood, and Rachel lacks the resources to fake one in this unfamiliar world.

Adopted sister or lover—two choices that both come with their own set of challenges. Rachel contemplates, knowing that the wrong answer could lead to further scrutiny. The difficulty of the decision becomes more apparent as Yun Seung-Ah waits for a response, the air heavy with anticipation.

Rachel takes a moment, carefully choosing her words to navigate the delicate situation. "We ran away together," she admits, a somber tone in her voice. "Hyon Hyung and I. We're... lovers."

Yun Seung-Ah raises an eyebrow, her expression a mix of surprise and disapproval. "Lovers? You ran away together?"

Rachel nods, maintaining a facade of conviction. "Yes, we left home. We couldn't stay there any longer."

The policewoman sighs, adopting a stern tone. "Rachel, misguided love can lead to serious consequences. Running away isn't the solution. You need to go back, and reconnect with your parents."

Rachel shakes her head, feigning determination. "No, you don't understand. It's not that simple. We had to leave. There were reasons."

Yun Seung-Ah leans back, her gaze probing. "Reasons? What could possibly be so grave that you had to resort to this?"

Rachel hesitates, conjuring a pained expression. "I can't go back. You have to believe me. Our families... they wouldn't understand."

The police woman's disapproval deepens, her concern evident. "Rachel, running away is a serious matter. You're putting yourself in danger. Your parents might be worried sick."

Rachel maintains her story, refusing to back down. "I can't go back. Please, just let us be. We'll find our own way."

Yun Seung-Ah shakes her head, still admonishing, "This is not the solution, Rachel. You're making a mistake."

But Rachel, determined to protect her cover, remains steadfast. "It's the only choice we had. We can't go back. Please, just let us go."

In this world, records of the persons 'Rachel' and 'Hyon Hyung' don't exist. If she says 'adopted orphan', it will quickly complicate things, since it will be quickly revealed that she has lied given that 'adoption' either means an orphanage or a prior family. 'Adoption' after all indicates 'documents' and documents leave traces. Rachel must make it so that the policewoman might think of her as a normal runaway case who has run away from home—something actually difficult to solve if the 'parents' are not looking for their runaway children. Thus, Rachel has concluded a perfect cover-up— she confesses to Yun Seung-Ah that Hyon Hyung is her lover, and the two of them have run away from home.

Rachel's eyes narrow with concern as she presses Yun Seung-Ah for information. "You know something about Hyon, don't you? Tell me, how is he?"

Yun Seung-Ah sighs, her gaze sympathetic. "Hyon has been in surgery for the past 17 hours. It's not good, Rachel. He's got a lot of parasites in his system, and they're threatening to kill him at any moment. And there's a stab wound, too, punctured his lung."

Rachel's world shatters at the revelation. Panic sets in, and she jumps to her feet, desperate to go to him. "I have to see him. I have to be there!"

Yun Seung-Ah stands as well, firm in her resolve. "Rachel, panicking now won't do anything good. Sit down."

"I can't just sit here! He needs me!" Rachel pleads, her voice edged with desperation.

The policewoman places a steadying hand on Rachel's shoulder, her tone gentle yet resolute. "I understand your worry, but rushing in won't help him. The doctors are doing everything they can. You need to stay calm for his sake."

Rachel hesitates, torn between the urge to be by Hyon's side and the realization that Yun Seung-Ah might be right. Reluctantly, she sinks back into her seat, anxiety etched across her face. "I just... I need to know he's going to be okay."

Yun Seung-Ah nods, her expression softening. "I know, Rachel. We're doing our best. Just trust the medical team. Panicking won't change the situation, but your support can make a difference when he wakes up."

Rachel nods, the weight of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. She grips the edge of the seat, trying to find strength in Yun Seung-Ah's words, all the while yearning to be by Hyon's side.

Rachel takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She circulates what's left of her magic power in a subtle attempt to calm herself, drawing on the familiar energy that has always been a source of comfort. Yun Seung-Ah, oblivious to the unseen magic, watches Rachel with a concerned expression.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Yun Seung-Ah says softly, trying to comfort her. "You're not alone in this. We're all hoping for the best for Hyon. Especially the doctors…"

Rachel manages a weak smile, appreciating the attempt at reassurance. "Thanks. It's just... everything happened so fast."

Yun Seung-Ah chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, you certainly know how to make life interesting. Eloping with your lover in the middle of a crisis. I envy the fieriness of youth."

Rachel blushes at the unexpected joke, momentarily distracted from her worries. "I... well, it's not like I planned it that way. It just happened."

Yun Seung-Ah leans back, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Funny how life works, huh? In another world, I might be a Hero with magical abilities. Here, I'm just a regular person. No magic, no special powers. This kind of earthquake, it is beyond me… "

Rachel looks at Yun Seung-Ah, the irony not lost on her. "I get that. It's strange being in a world where you can only leave your life to fate, and to the whims of Mother Nature."

The policewoman nods in agreement. "We adapt, though. It's what we do. But right now, focus on what you can control. Be there for Hyon when he needs you."

As Yun Seung-Ah continues to offer words of comfort, Rachel can't help but wonder how long her contracted spirits can sustain her. In this world where Outcall hasn't occurred, she is just as vulnerable as any other person, her magical abilities only a distant memory. The uncertainty of the situation weighs heavily on her, even as she tries to find solace in the support around her.