
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

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235 Chs

109. Duel Rankings I

I arrive at the second duel arena. It is only eight in the morning but the place is bustling with people. There are also numerous reporters equipped with cameras and microphones.

Coincidentally, a nearby reporter is talking about why.

"Today, Chae Nayun, Kim Suho, and Kim Horak are scheduled to duel from 9 A.M. to 11 A.M."

I plow through the crowd of people and walk towards the duel arena. Suddenly, I am stopped by a man in an official Cube uniform. I ask, expecting that I might be in the wrong place. "What is it, good sir? I am a participant, am I in the wrong place?"

"It is not that. Cadets need to go that way." He answers, his eyes remaining eagle-eyed, making sure no incident gets past his guard.  The man points at a pathway next to the main entrance.

I nod in gratitude. "Thank you." I walk through the pathway and arrive at my assigned waiting room.

[Waiting Room 5.]

I sense a déjà vu. My memory of TNE is not accurate word by word, but I feel that Hajin was once in a similar situation. I recall from TNE that Hajin is also challenged by Kim Horak. That fight is what attracted Yi Byul to want him.

The phase-1 of our plan to get connected to Chameleon Troupe is for me to give them an impression, and through that, establish a meeting point. Phase 2 is for Hajin to seduce Yi Byul, attracting her to recruit him.

Since Kim Horak will be dancing with me, Hajin has to choose another dance partner. I hope he succeeds. Meanwhile, I have to try my best not to be showy.

I open the door. 30~40 cadets, who are talking among themselves, ignore my existence. I will give them the props if they manage to see me, while I am under [Always Here].

I sit in a corner and deactivate my [Always Here].

I glance around the room. The room is likely full of extras like me. I have to play the role of an extra nobody perfectly. "Hey, nervous?" I make casual talk to my seatmate, but he seems to have not heard me as he focuses on praying for good fortune. "Good luck man…"

People like Kim Suho and Chae Nayun are in waiting room 1, which is closest to the reporters. Pfft… Special treatment! Bah~! They are special after all. I guess the waiting rooms are arranged according to rank.

I see a familiar face. I cannot put a name to it, but then my AI System reminds me. "Sen Chul-ssi… How are you, bro?" He apparently belongs to Veritas class, meaning he is my classmate.

"I am not your… bro…" He spindly replies, clearly reluctant to talk to me.

"Kim Horak challenged me, bro. He must be targeting me, do you know why? The guy is pissing me off…" I complain to Sen Chul, trying to glean the reason why Kim Horak is being such a bitch of all times.

Sen Chul sighs exasperatedly. "You don't remember, huh? You tripped him."

Huh? I don't remember at all. In fact, I don't even think about it. I trip a lot of people. I just don't count how much. Recently, I just tripped Cheok Jungyeon. I recall doing it on Nayun on time in the cafeteria. Even now, I think she doesn't know it is me who tripped her and made her fall to Hajin.

"Yeah, I remember… When someone suddenly flops in the cafeteria, chances are it might be me…" It is good training for my [Always Here] and practicing my sneak attacks and hiding abilities. I recall tripping a lot of people— on top of having a laugh out of it, I also get good training because there is a stake.

Sen Chul pales. "So it was you… I tripped at that one time, and my face planted to my soup!"

"Wow," I murmur in disbelief. I am frankly sure Hajin knows I am the culprit. "I thought the others already knew. That is why I kind of stopped recently…" I confess to Sen Chul. It is just a short episode of my life, so I don't really think about it.

"There is actually an urban legend about it that there is a ghost in the cafeteria, but it is actually you all along. How did you even do that? That's amazing… Did you have enlightenment?" Sen Chul directs me with an admiring look.

Only now did I notice that Sen Chul's rank is at double digits— rank 99. That is a high rank. It makes me wonder what he is even doing in Waiting Room 5. People have circumstances, and even extras have their difficulties, I guess.

I casually make a lie, engineering a reason that can explain my neck injury. "Yeah, it is enlightenment. Do you see the cast on my neck? I become too fast, I cannot even see myself." A silent lol to myself.

While at it, I make sure to give the impression my enlightened Gift is related to speed and not invisibility.

"So, how did Kim Horak learn that I am the tripping ghost?"

Sen Chul shows a confused look. "It has been widespread in the classroom since yesterday. I think it's Chae Nayun who ratted on you. As expected of the rank 2, she saw through your tricks."

Of course, it is Nayun. Such oddly nice timing. I bet she only got lucky. Her thinking process is very peculiar but in some way, she is able to finally connect the dots to me.

I forgive you, Nayun.

I am a forgiving person after all. That doesn't stop me from continuing more ridiculous stunts in the far future.

"Oh, right." Sen Chul shows a gossipy look. "Is it true that you and Kim Hajin are in a relationship?"

What the fuck? To think that there is such an overblown rumor running around. I shake my head furiously. No. No. No! Not in this life or the next. Never! "What kind of relationship? We are just friends!"

But Sen Chul interprets it differently. "Friends? Not just a business partner... hmmm... So you really are in a relationship!" This crazy fucker! I might as well get some fun from it, and feed the rumor mill.

"You know what… Why don't you ask Nayun? She seems to know a lot about Hajin." I smile conspiratorially. This should increase Hajin's SP. I should have Cube AI photoshop some Nayun and Hajin pictures. He he he he…


The duel arena is a miniature version of the Roman Colosseum. The central arena is slightly bigger than a standard soccer field. While the seats circling the arena can seat about 5000 people. There are also further modifications sponsored by Dhaeyun Corporation to incorporate an additional 5000 people.

The design is a great success.

Ten minutes before the start of a duel, the guest seats are packed full of people.

"How did you get such a nice seat?"

The High-Rank Hero, Oh Junhyuk, asks in surprise as he hands Seo Youngji a hotdog. The seats she grabs are the foremost seats, which have the best view of the arena.

"You tell me to focus on the mission, but you come here first thing in the morning to grab the best seat…" Oh Junhyuk scolds her jokingly.

"Shut up and sit down."

Oh Junhyuk sits down next to her, snickering. "…Wow, it sure brings back memories."

"You must mean bad memories. I remember you saying you are beaten so hard that you cannot even watch mixed martial arts afterward." Seo Youngji counters in revenge for Oh Junhyuk's joking remarks prior.

"…I've gotten better because it's always on TV. My son loves it too."

"Must be difficult being a single dad." Seo Youngji murmurs softly.

Oh Junhyuk pays no mind to her comment and simply smiles.

Mixed Martial Arts are one of the most popular sports worldwide. It is especially popular among kids and teenagers. The sport features one-on-one or team battles between superhumans.

Naturally, the fights are extremely flashy, with magic power blowing like storms and strikes cutting the earth in half. The might they display serves as the perfect motivation for young children to pursue strength.

"Really? That's nice to hear."

"Nice to hear? Hmmm… I guess you are right. With DDT and geniuses like Kim Hajin, this world is in safer hands. It is sad that Cube Cadets would rather go into sports than join small to medium-sized guilds though. This is the time when we most need Heroes to finally purge the Djinn blight. I am afraid a war is coming…"

"That's too much pessimism." Seo Youngji frowns at the thought realizing on her own a war against all of Djinn-kind is most likely.

Because of Kim Hajin's new technology for accurate anti-Djinn detection, the Djinn factions around the world might be forced into a corner, thus developing an all-out war.

"No, I am being optimistic." Oh Junhyuk ends their exchange with almost too much passion. Suddenly, he feels an extremely battle-thirsty gaze. "…Who is that guy?" He stares at the seat on the opposite side of the Arena.

A man is giving a menacing look and smiling with his teeth out. His fearless and unrestrained smile is clearly aimed at Oh Junhyuk.

"He's been doing that for a while. He must be a fan." Seo Youngji comments, a DDT magnification glass already sizing up the other person from the Arena. "At least he is not a Djinn." She adds.

"A fan? He can see through our disguise?"

  "I guess so. Ah, it's starting."

No matter how suspicious the other guy is. Seo Youngji and Oh Junhyuk have no plans to confront the other guy as it is their highest priority to make sure that no incident happens. As long as the other guy behaves, there will be no problem.

Seo Youngji immediately takes out her laptop as the host of the event announces the start of the day's duel. The Duel Rankings are finally starting!