
Meeting the family

Standing at the door was a lady with very elegant features. She was petite and had a heart shaped face. Her long black wavy hair fell to midway her back and it framed her face perfectly. She wore a green dress that covered her to the knees and held her in the right way showing off her perfectly curved body.

Kendra walk the distance from the door will wearing a warm enchanting smile. Tessa and Greg exited the car and Tessa couldn't help staring at her aunt. The lady was just magnificent. She looked so young for her age and could easily be passed for a lady in her mid twenties.

"Tessa." came the soft melodic voice. Kendra approached Tessa without delay and wrapped her in her embrace. Her warmth sipped into Tessa and for some reason she felt calm and it was like a puzzle piece finally fell into place. The feeling was new but surprisingly exhilarating.Tessa raised her hands and returned the hug. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment and feeling of it.

"Oh my goodness. Look at you. You look big and all grown up." Kendra said entangling herself from the hug and look at Tessa up and down.She placed her palms on Tessa's cheeks and observed her keenly. "You look just like your mother." she added.

It wasn't the first time Tessa heard this but it made her feel warmth spreading throughout her chest. Kendra gave her another hug before letting her go and turning to the side. She embraced the man who was obviously a few inches taller than her."Greg it is wonderful to see you again." she said

"You too Kendra."Greg replied returning the embrace before letting her go.

Tessa turned back to the direction of the door when she heard light footsteps immerging from that direction.

Standing by the door was a girl who looked like she was her age starring at them. One thing that Tessa noticed immediately was the striking resemblance between the girl and her aunt. The same black hair and the same facial features. The only difference was that where her aunt had brown eyes, the girl had a deep ocean blue colored irises and where her aunt had a long straight nose, the girl had a small button nose. There was no doubt about it. This was her aunt's daughter.

Tessa had never known that her aunt Kendra had a child! Heck she didn't even know she was married!

Her aunt seems to notice her reaction and follows her gaze. A gentle smile adorns her lips as she walks towards the girl and gently holds her hand. They descend the stairs and stood right Infront of Tessa's father and Tessa.

"Tessa. Greg. This is Pennelopi. My daughter." Kendra says gesturing to the girl. "And Penny. This is you uncle Greg and you cousin Tessa. My baby sister's daughter. Your aunt Kelly." she adds in a matter-of-fact way.

Pennelopi looked at them and something crosses in her eyes. An emotion Tessa was not quite able to read or understand. She stared at Tessa very intently and Tessa felt herself captivated by her ocean blue irises. There was something about her. She just couldn't quite place her finger on it.

Pennelopi's lips curve into a small smile. She walks toward Tessa's father with an outstretched hand."It's a pleasure to meet you uncle Greg. Mother has told me so much about you." she says and her voice is almost melodic. Greg returns the gesture and shakes her hand with a bright smile. He diverts his gaze to Kendra who was watching the whole exchange between them. "Kendra. I didn't know you had a daughter?" he says quite astonished at the news.

"Yes well she lived with her father for the past few years until last year when I was able to claim castody over her."

Pennelopi walks over to Tessa and gives her a hug. The action is abrupt and takes her by surprise. It takes her a will but she finally return her hug. She pulls away and says "It's nice to finally meet you Tessa. Your all mother talks about."

Tessa smile at her and look behind to find aunt Kendra looking at them. She gives her a smile and goes behind to the trunk calling Pennelopi to help with the bags. Tessa couldn't shake the feeling that she saw a wry look on her aunt's face.' Was there something wrong? Maybe not. Maybe her aunt was just worried if they will actually get along. ' Tessa thought.' Ya that must be it. She is worried if we will get along. I was just over reacting.' she added to clear her head of all doubts. Shaking her head she walked to the trunk to help out with the bags.

With Kendra and Pennelopi's help, they were able to clear the car trunk of all the bags as them placed them in the house. Tessa looked around and was astonished. Not only was her aunt elegant as it is, it seems her house was more or less the same. The was were a light color of beige with a mixture of white. The room before her had a set of white leather couches with a coffee table at the center. There was an bookshelf at the far end that seemed to be made of some type of black hard wood.

"Greg. I'll show you to your room and Penny can take Tessa to hers."Kendra says as she leads everyone through the door. Greg nods and follows her will holding his bags.

Pennelopi leads the way up the wooden stairs to the top floor of the house. Everything seems to have the same design as the lounge room. Pennelopi stops at the far corner of the corridor Infront of a brown door. She gently turns the knob and opens the door to a beautiful room. The walls are a vibrant purple color. There is a bed in the middle of the room and a night stand just next to it. A bookshelf at the corner next to a closet.

"You can place you thing in the closet and take a shower before dinner. Bathroom is down the hall." she says with a smile

"Thank you "

She gives Tessa a nod and leaves her to her own devices. Tessa looked around the room, trying to get familiar with the place. She walked over to the night stand as she spotted something on it. It's was picture of two girls. They practically looked alike . But what caught her attention is the locket around the neck of one of the girls. The same locket her dad wears that he said belong to her mother. 'Does this mean that's my mother? And the girl next to her must be aunt Kendra.'

Tessa was still observing the photo well she noticed it peeking out of the frame. She gently pulled it out and observed it better. Turning it around she found writing in a pretty feminine handwriting. ' Τη νύχτα που θα πέσει η καταστροφή και θα ρέει ο ποταμός του αίματος, οι εκλεκτοί θα σηκωθούν για να κυριαρχήσουν σε όλους».'

Tessa couldn't make sense of any of the letters of figures. She placed everything back, and headed to take a shower and prepare for dinner.