This is the story of Norman and how he grew in the world of Pokemon with his normal typed team... In the first chapter it will be a little slice off life in this world (our world), we will be substituting to the world of Pokemon really quickly so no worries! I deleted all old chapters and have spent multiple hours rewriting the concept of this story and feel a lot more happy about it. Let me know how you feel when they upload tomorrow. -YourGramps-
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today I welcome you to the 'International World Cup of Pokemon 'our first candidate is the 'Normal type Champion' Norman. He is going to take on Devon who has very strategically chosen to use multiple fighting and steel types.
Norman continues with only his normal type Pokemon team. He uses Oranguru, Pidgeot to open against Machamp with Pangoro. Oranguru starts with fake out on Pangoro so it can't launch a dark type attack. Pidgeot is the fastest and lands a brave bird on Machamp. It's a crit so Machamp is down for the count, what a good start for Norman. Devon takes his celestele as his next pokemon which is strong against normal type attacks. A very good choice that could get Norman in trouble.
Pidgeot can launch a heatwave at the Celestele, but unfortunately Devon has very cleverly decided to use protect so no damage comes to him. Pangoro does land the knock off on Oranguru this round which does a lot of damage. oranguru just gets a trick room set up so he can launch 1 more attack next round.
Whichever move Oranguru uses here doesn't Pangoro of the same, but what a surprise we get here! Norman uses the move instruction. (Instruct makes the pokemon you're in a double battle with attack twice with the same attack). Pidgeot's double heatwave takes out Celestele with ease. Pangoro sneaks in an attack on Oranguru that has caused a lot of trouble and takes him out.
For Norman, his favourite pokemon takes the stage to fight. This is his slaking, although this pokemon is not often seen in competitive battling because of its ability called truant, Norman uses it very well. Devon is now down to his last two pokemon his Sylveon which he just summoned to the battle field and his Pangoro which has been standing tall as of round one.
Slaking opens the fight with retaliate (does double damage if a pokemon on your team fainted last round) on Sylveon which is an instant KO due to the double damage with the knockout of Oranguru the previous round. Pidgeot's air slash hits Pangoro and takes him out as well, meaning Norman is the ultimate winner with his team full of normal type pokemon.
Norman POV
Wow I never expected this after all the hard work to form a good competitive team with my normal type pokemon I finally made it. Now I can use the prize money to buy some more instant noodles and keep watching pokemon. Hmm yes some instant noodles and pokemon the pokemon fight of Ash against Norman would be nice to see.
Ah it's this episode I must have. Now take a good bite of my instant noodles. Ah, this is the good life. Oh what a good episode...and good instant noodles. it's even starting to make me a bit sleepy, yes some sleep would do me good.