

charles_echeta · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Honestly I feel that I am the weirdest guy in the planet, plus I am really awkward. So that's the reason why I avoid people.

Ever since I was little, I was never the type to stand out among others. I was always the invisible one in class and I liked it. No one would suspect I have powers if they don't know I even exist. Genius right?!! I know😎😎.

It's been two weeks since I resumed and the only friend I have made is the cafeteria lady. I help her sometimes to tidy up the school's kitchen and because of it she gives me extra of any lunch that I like. Honestly, at first I only helped because I was looking for my mental block ring that my brother made for me. It suppresses all my mental powers, especially my mind reading ability.


I am finally done with classes for today. " Finally I can go home. Then I remembered that there is a special today in my fav restaurant. They just invented a new gelato, so today being the first day they are selling it way lower than the actual gelato price. If I get there before 4:00pm when the close for the day, I might be able to buy three gelato plates (a gelato is 3 kili, but today it is being sold 1kili which means I can buy three).

I could easily teleport there to get it, but I am being accompanied by best friend, Maiki, who loves gelato(but not as much as I do though😏😏) So we left school 3:35pm to get there as early as 3:55pm. The gelato shop is almost at the other side of town. Normally it would take thirty minutes to get there from school but Maiki knows a shortcut so it will take twenty minutes.

" Let's take that alley, the road will lead us to the back door of the film store which is facing the gelato shop" he says as he pulls me to walk faster. We head into the alley and follow the road. The alley looks abandoned and it felt like there were people around lurking in the shadows.

" Well well well...who do we have here boys? We got ourselves some school boys". The voice came from the back of a huge dumpster. An average guy comes out and approaches us and two other guys come out from other corners and gets close to him.

"I know you don't want trouble, so give us everything you have on you and we would leave you guys and be on our merry way, OK?" he continues.

Maiki then says " We don't have anything bruh apart from our books and the only cash I have is the one I need to get some gelato with"

"Don't tell me that crap boy...Hey fellas, go get them" as he says this, his two accomplice come towards up and tries to grab Maiki's bag from him. Maiki struggles and doesn't let go of his bag, suddenly their leader hits Maiki with a stick at the back of his head which knocks him out.

"That will teach you to play with us you dummy. Get the next guy and if tries to act tough knock him out too" Both of them jump at me. " Now you got me pissed" I catch both of them and teleport to the police station and left them there. Then I came back. "What the hell, how did you do that...no..stay away from me you weirdo" I grabbed their leader and flew very high. " Help, HELP!!.....please let me go" the leader says. " Well if you say so" and I left him to drop from the sky. He was shouting, scared and terrified at the same time. Before he could hit the ground I caught him, then I teleported him to the police station as well.

Now I return to the crime scene and pick Maiki from the floor. I check the time and see that it's 3:58pm. " There is no way we would make it in time. Oh well!" I teleport to Maiki's room and drop him on his bed. Then I teleport to the gelato shop after taking Maiki's money. They are still open so I buy for me and Maiki. I took five, three for me and two for him and I teleport to his house to drop his and teleported to mine.

" I'm really lucky that I have this powers, Its really helpful at times like this". Most people would use their power for evil, some would wish they didn't have it, but me.....all I think of is being a normal high school kid with powers. I won't wish it gone, neither would I misuse it.... Well, I can misuse it a bit(who wouldn't😇😇) but I would set a limit.

The next day, Maiki meets me during lunch hours. " Hey Mitch, I had a weird dream last night. I was with you trying to buy some gelato and we got attacked by some dumb thugs" He tells me and takes a bite from his sandwich. " That is weird, seeing that we bought gelato yesterday. It was sweet right?" I said that to him acting like what he said didn't happen. " I mean yeah, I guess it was alright. But it felt real, like I got hit on my head" he says. " If you were hit that bad you would have a bump on your head.....do you have a bump on your head?" I ask him and he doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Yeah, you are right. I'll forget about it, it was weird though" Maiki says. Everything is always weird when it comes to you" I reply.

He was right but I couldn't tell him we got attacked and I used my superpowers to send them away, get some gelato, get him home an heal his wound. He would go CRAZY!!

A wise man once said to a cool dude" WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES". I guess I understand what he meant. It is my responsibility to protect those around me and they don't need to know about it. That way they are safer, especially when I am being hunted by an enemy.... that's if I have one😂😂😂😂😂