
Chapter 6

They started to have their dinner in a long table, Amara was sitting between Irene and Greggy.

"Mom, I'll just go to the restroom to retouch.." Amara told her mother, Irene glance at her as she nods.

"Do you want me to accompany you, sweetie?" Irene asked her daughter, Amara refuse to so Irene let her.

Amara classily walks out of the venue, she went directly to the restroom. When she entered, she was wonder-stricken to saw the woman who keeps on staring at her dad but it didn't bothered her, the woman smile at her through the mirror and since she doesn't want to be disrespectful, she also returned a smile to her.

"Good evening, Miss Amara.. It's nice to see you here."

The woman uttered softly, Amara was surprise to hear her name being said by the woman.

"Good evening too, miss. Sorry but, how'd you know me?"

Amara asked respectively, the woman softly chuckle as she looks at her.

"You are too humble, dear. You are Amara Araneta, an international model and the Presidential's niece, of course everybody knows you." the woman replied, Amara shrugged it off as she just nodded.

"Anyways, I love your bag!"

The woman complimented looking at Amara's bag, the lady secretly rolls her eyes, she doesn't like the company of this woman infront of her, she's starting to get irritated.

"Yeah thanks I guess, I need to go."

I was about to exit the restroom when it suddenly opens and revealed my mother.

"Mommy, what are you doing here?"

Amara asked her mom, Irene looked at the woman behind first before looking at her daughter.

"I came here to check up on you, what's taking you so long?"

Irene asked her daughter softly, she tucked few strands of Amara's hair behind her ear.

"Oh I'm done, let's go?"

Amara replied, she clung her hands unto her mother's arm. Irene nodded as they both went out of the restroom, the woman followed.

When they entered the venue, Greggy was shocked to see Amara and Irene with Antonette, both of the ladies quietly went back to their seat. Irene is now sitting beside Greggy because Amara requested that she wants to sit beside Elizabeth, Amara's grandmother.

"H-hun, where'd you guys went and why are you guys with Antonette?" Greggy asked nervously, he's stuttering. Irene glance at him blankly.

"Why'd you ask? Don't worry, we didn't talk or what. It just happened that she was also in the restroom." Irene replied calmly, using her low voice.

"Let's not talk about this here please, I don't want to argue with you." Irene added, she gaze back to the center of the venue to watch the talented persons perform.

Amara's Point of View

That was weird, a weird interaction of mom and the woman in the restroom. This is really getting into my nerves, I want to know who's she—I mean an information that is related to any of my family, an information that will be the key to answer my questions!

I don't like the woman's company earlier in the restroom, is she going to look at me from head to toe and say something about it? Hell, I don't know! She looks nice but I don't want to be friends with her, she's not my type when it comes to friendship.

"Amara, do you want to eat desserts sweetheart?"

I was taken aback when tita Patricia suddenly asked me, she's sitting infront of me so I composed myself right away.

"Ah, I'll just get later tita."

She nodded at me, I responded a light smile as I looked behind, my mom is silently watching the performers same with daddy. Moments after, ate Xandra asked me to accompany her to the restroom, when we exit the venue, we were talking random topics while casually walking until we suddenly heard a woman talking loudly as if scolding someone.

Ate Xandra and I decided to check it and in our frustration and surprise, it was the woman earlier, yes the Antonette scolding my nephew Andy, how dare is she!

I didn't think twice and immediately rushed towards them, ate Xandra took her phone out to dial kuya Alfie's number.

"What's happening here?"

I asked half-shouted, Antonette looked at me in so much surprise while Andy was secretly wiping his tears away, his head is bowed down. I glared at the woman as I kneeled down to face my nephew.

"Hey kuya.. What happened, hm?"

I softly asked him, I cupped his cheeks as I help him to wipe his tears.

"S-she scold me tita, I-I didn't mean to spill my juice on her clothes, I promise I didn't mean it.."

He replied at me stuttering, I know that my nephew is nervous and scared. I sigh and stood up, Ate Xandra called Andy so he walk towards her as ate Xandra hugged her immediately.

"Why'd you scold my nephew?"

I asked the woman seriously, there's no apologies when it comes to any of my pamangkins, especially if they didn't mean to do what happened.

"Your nephew?"

She asked unbelievably, I guess, she doesn't know that Andy is my nephew.

"Yes, my nephew."

I replied firmly but calm, I want to know her side before bursting out.

"I didn't mean to—"

"Now you'll said that you didn't mean to, ngayon na after you scold and made my nephew scared? Seriously? How dare you!"

I muttered in my low voice but I know that she can hear the anger in it, she doesn't have the right to scold him!

"I didn't know that he was your nephew, I'm sorry."

"Even so! My nephew or not, a family or not, what you did was wrong! I heard Andy kept on apologizing but then you kept on scolding him."


I glared at her before looking behind, I saw my parents and my brothers approaching us. Kuya Alfie and mommy immediately went to Andy to check on him while kuya Luis and Daddy went on my side.


I looked at my father confusedly.

"You know her dad?"

I asked daddy firmly, my heart starts to beat faster while waiting for his answer.

"Yes, he does."

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you!"

I exclaim, half-shouted.

I glance behind and I saw how mommy gripped on her bag as she walk towards us.

"Do you also know her, mom?"

"N-no I don't know her.."

Mommy answered right away, I gaze back to my father who's forehead is already sweating.

"Daddy, what now? I'm asking." 

"I'll explain to you later, Antonette let's talk."

Daddy replied as he hold at the woman's arms hardly, he pulled her as they walk away, leaving us dumbfounded.

I was about to follow them when kuya Luis held my arms softly as if saying don't, I also looked at mommy as she said.

"Let them, your dad will explain it to you later hm'kay?"

Mommy cooed, she caress my face and pulled me for a hug. With that I know that my instincts were right about that woman, I saw the hurt on my mother's eyes when daddy pulled the woman outside.

I don't know how to comfort her at this time because I'm also processing the happenings, what a great timing!

"I love you mom.."

That was the only word I can able to say right now to my mom, I felt her kissed my head as she keeps on whispering 'I love you too' to me.

I held her hands as I told her that we should go back to the party right now but she told us that she'll be going to the comfort room first alone, I can't smile nor properly talk as of the moment.


"What was that Antonette?"

Greggy firmly asked the woman, Antonette tried to caress his arms but Greggy immediately take her hands away from him.

"Can you please stop?"

"Greg, I'm sorry. I didn't know that he was your grandson."

Antonette confessed softly, Greggy face-palmed and shook his head.

"Of course you didn't know! Who are you to know who are the members of my family? Amara's right, a family of mine or not you shouldn't did that sh*t."

"Sorry okay! You're so much aware that I don't like someone who's stupid and dumb."

That words made Greggy's eyes turned dark.

"No one in my family is dumb nor stupid, You don't have the right to talk shit or to discriminate any of my love ones, y toou're a professional so act like one!"

Greggy shouted at her, he was about to enter the hall again when Antonette hug her from the back.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to apologize to him? I will."

The woman pleads, Greggy can't move or do anything to stop the woman and in their unawareness someone was witnessing the moment and it was no other than the original, Irene.

The wife felt a heavy burden thrown on her shoulders after seeing the woman hug HER. HUSBAND. She's waiting for Greggy to unfasten the woman's arms unto his waist but in her disappointment, he didn't.

She can't stand seeing this scene so she decided to move back, she secretly wiped her tears as soon as she turned and walk back inside.
