
Chapter 2

2 weeks passed..

Her contract had just been done, the company offered her another but she told them that she'll sign it once she gets back. She also told her secretary to not accept any such appointments about work because she'll be totally busy preparing. It's already first week of September and she's planning to leave approximately next week to surprise her mom. She have also decided to go home on her mother's birthday week and not specifically on the exact date, so she could help them prepare.

"So, how long will your vacation take Dominique? You know that you can't be away for such a long time."

Her manager asked her, Amara sighed, she knows her obligations and it saddens her that she'll be just staying in the Philippines for a short period of time.

"It'll just be 2 weeks and few days, it won't take a month or two. I know that I need to go back here as soon as possible." She uttered dismayingly, but shrugged that thoughts off, she wants to enjoy.

"Be sure, inform me once you decided when.."

"Will do Therese, just please don't bother me about work once I get to the Philippines. I want to rest, get it?" Amara said softly but firm, her manager rolls her eyes and nods.

"Well okay, you deserve it though. You've been so extra this year and for the past."

Amara grins and smile sarcastically, both of the ladies talked randomly, catching up as if they're not seeing each other everyday.

"I've already transferred all your money to your bank account, it's up to you if you spend it or not."

"I will really, I'll treat my niece and nephews.."

Amara is really a loving tita to all of her pamangkins, she spoils them whenever she's going home.


Today will be Amara's flight back to the Philippines, no one knows because again it's a surprise except for a one person she seek for help. She manage to make herself unknown, she also didn't use a private airplane, she chose to just be in a business class aircraft.

Hours passed, she finally arrived at her beloved country the Philippines. A lot of people were staring at her and she's afraid that they might recognize her so before anyone could ever do so, she walks while rolling her luggages fastly but classy.

Her tito Chris knows that she's going home, she told him because she needs someone to fetch her, Chris as the uncle he is, treating his niece as a one and only immediately reprimand his guards to send a limousine car to the airport to fetch the only girl among his other pamangkins.

"Miss Amara?"

One of the police went near to her, Amara was startle and heart begins to beat fast.

"Don't worry ma'am, sir Chris told us to fetch you here. The car is right there, we'll be heading directly to sir Chris' residence."

"O-oh I'm sorry, sure, let's go.."

All the people were mesmerize to see the unknown lady entering the limousine car with a lot of guards around her.

"Sino kaya 'yon?"

"Parang anak ng Presidente e no.."

"Mayaman yan, for sure."

"Naks, limousine."

"Sana pala nagpa-picture tayo."

Those were the few lines people has commented upon seeing the unknown lady riding the limousine, not knowing, that it was one of the millionaire's daughter.

When she arrived at the house, she was accompanied by the guards to guide her and to carry her things, she finally removed her mask, cap and shades.

"Amara, dear!"

Amara was surprised when someone suddenly called her name, she directly glance to the direction where the voice was coming from it was her tito's wife, Maya, her aunt.

"Tita Maya!"

She exclaimed, she headed to her aunt as she hug her tightly.

"I'm glad to see you again, rang.. It's been awhile!" Maya affirms while cupping Amara's cheeks, Amara smile at her adorably.

"Likewise tita, I missed you!" Amara replied softly, they share a hug once again.

"Come, let's go to your tito Chris. I know he misses his favorite niece."

"Of course he did, I'm the only one!" Amara proudly utters, Maya giggles and didn't protest at all since it's so true. They head their way to Chris' office inside the house.

"Hi Mr. Ceo.."

Chris glance at the door as he immediately smile and stood up to greet his niece.

"Amara Ysabella Dominique.."

Amara raised her brows after hearing her full name, is it required though? Hmp.

"Hello there, Mr. Christopher Jr.."

She teasingly said and proud at the same time, Chris kissed the side of her head.

"Congrats tito, you really made it to top!"

I could've been more proud and greet him whole-hearted, finally in person.

"Thank you 'nak, come sit while we wait for your tita Pat.."

"Oh, where's the Senator?"

"She'll frown at you if ever she heard you calling her by that."

"I'll call her that later, hehe.." Amara mutters with a teasing laugh that made Maya and Chris chuckles.

Amidst of them talking, the door suddenly swung and reveal the woman they've been waiting for hours now.

"So where's- there you are my dearest Amara! It's been a long time since I last so you!"

Patricia half-shouted gesturing Amara to go near her for a hug, the lady greeted her aunt with a cheek kiss and a hug.

"I missed you, rang.."

"Aw, I missed you too tita.."

"You're so sikat na! Buti at hindi ka pinagkaguluhan sa airport."

"Well, I disguise myself.."

"You're so clever, mana ka talaga sa'kin."

Both of the ladies laugh as they shared a hug again, they indeed missed each other.

"Your mother will be so happy when she sees you! So when are you planning to surprise her?"

"Maybe tomorrow tita, I want to help on preparing for her celeb.."

"I heard, they're just having it in North Forbes and great choice, less gastos and you have a wide backyard naman."

"Perhaps, mommy's ilocana side was in the presence when she was choosing an event's place.."

Patricia, Maya and Chris laugh at what their niece has said.

"I think so too.."

"So, Senator how's you naman?"

Patricia's brows immediately raised after hearing what Amara has called her.

"You're starting to tease me ha.."

"What? I'm not doing anything. I just called you Senator because you are one.."

Patricia narrowed her eyes to her niece that made Amara laugh.

"I'm just kidding, love you ta.."

"Sus kung hindi lang talaga kita love, pinatapon na kita sa ibang lugar!"

Patricia hilariously said, she hug her niece sideways, kissing the side of her head.

"I'm going to attend an event , do you want to come with me?"

"Mkay, I would love to do that!"

"Okay then, nakapagpalista na 'ko señorita."

"Yes yes, copy Sen."

"Talaga namang umuna nang magpalista si Senator kaysa sa nanay.." Chris interjected, the three woman release a soft laugh.

"When's that, ta?"

"Next week? I'll check it later then I'll inform you.."

Amara agreed, after few minutes of taking, one of the helper interrupted by informing them that the foods are ready.

They've followed right away since they know that Amara is already famished and tired at her flight at the same time.

After eating, Amara excused herself to rest. She's tired, indeed, eyes were heavy and she really wants to lay down which was agreed by her aunts and uncle.

Meanwhile, Irene is currently calling her but frowns when her daughter didn't answer at all.

"It's almost my special day love, I wish you could come.. I've missed you.."

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