
Chapter 12

Amidst of them eating, someone's phone rang and t'was Irene's so she excused herself to answer it.

"hello, yes?"

"hello, ma'am Irene! This is Veronica, sir Greggy's secretary. I heard that you're already in the Philippines po, if it won't take so much of your time can you pass by here in the company?"

"oh yes Veronica, I remember you. Why? Is it important and is it today?"

"um, if you're not busy ma'am. I will just make you sign some important papers."

"okay, I'll go there later, see you goodbye!"

Irene ended the call and she just realized that she agreed that she'll go there and going there means seeing her ex-husband again, what was I thinking? Am I ready? Again? She thinks.

"Who was that?"

Patricia asked as soon as she saw Irene going back to the dining.

"Nothing important, may errands lang ako today. You stay sweetheart, 'kay?"

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere, I'll be back asap."

Irene said, Amara didn't insist her mother to tell her but she do told her to update her, Irene agrees as she excused herself and made her way to their room to change.

Afterwards, she went out and drove to the company, when she arrived, she was greeted by the employees and received such respect like before.

And fate is fate, when the elevator opened, she saw her ex-husband right away. What a day! She can say. She saw him talking with his employee while holding a folder, she hopes that he won't notice her but eventhough so she hoped for that, she knows that it won't be possible. He's still her ex and it'll be impossible if Greggy won't recognize her even if he's facing her back, but the man was too focus not until someone greeted her, what a timing!

"Good day po, Ma'am Irene!"

Irene bit her lower lip, that greetings made her heart leap for a minute because that made everyone's attention focus on her, she lightly smile at them awkwardly, yes who wouldn't feel awkwardness.


"Uh hi, I- I am here f-for V-Veronica, where is she? Can I talk to her?"

She's nervous, she's stuttering, she's trembling, she's breathing hardly but she manage to act normal. Greggy didn't think twice to walk towards her and gives her a tight hug after giving her a beso for a greeting... I mean no, scratch that, that wasn't a beso neither a typical touch of both's cheeks but a  kiss on the cheeks from him, that's right and that left Irene dumbfounded. She wasn't able to move, she doesn't have the courage and strength to.

"Ma'am Irene, you're here already.."

That's when she gathered all her strength to push Greggy gently and glance to Veronica.

"Shall we go? Excuse us, sir.."

"Of course.."

They were about to go when a voice made Irene stop and glance at the two. Two persons.


The woman is approaching the man, Irene looked at the man as she saw the spark in her ex-husband's eyes, perhaps he'd been in love with her totally already, happier than they was, more in love than he was with her, she witness how the woman wrap her arms to the man that was once hers.

One emotion she's sure that she was feeling was only..


"Damn you, Greggy.."

"Uh ma'am, are you okay?"

Irene's eyes were still on the 'couple'.

"I'll follow, I'll use the bathroom first."

Veronica nodded as they walk to different ways, Irene hurriedly went in and fortunately it was only her inside the comfort room. She look at herself through the mirror, her tears were flowing, she shouldn't feel this way, all memories should stay in the past and remain that way, move on, she should because he did already right?

"What's this Irene? Why are you crying! You shouldn't feel this way, let them.."

She console herself and took her handkerchief out of her bag as she carefully wipe her tears away and breathed-out.

"You got this, you'll get through this, you can, you will and you need to."

She sighed again and finally gets out of the comfort room as she proceeds to the hall where they'll discuss the agenda/s.

"Okay let's start, Roni.."

"Okay, this are the files ma'am, You need to sign this all po."

Veronica put down the files infront of Irene, a ton, a lot, this will take her hours!

"Do you want any beverages ma'am? To help you deal with this documents.."

"A coffee will do, thank you.."

"Okay ma'am, I'll be back with it."

Veronica left, Irene started to read the documents one by one before signing it, perhaps she forgot that she still has a position here in the company.

Minutes after, Veronica came back with a cup of coffee for Irene but she excused herself right away since Greggy called her, leaving Irene alone.

"My eyes weren't wrong with who I saw earlier."

A feminine voice from behind, Irene glance at the direction and saw the mistress—I mean the fiance itself. Irene looked at her, a questionable one as if asking her what she's doing here.

"I don't want to fight nor argue with you so please leave me alone."

Irene said with all calmness she has, she focused her eyes unto the papers as she continue to sign it.

"Why? Are you thinking that I'm here to fight with you? Why would I, right?"

"Correct, so why are you here?"

"Shouldn't be I, asking you that Miss Marcos?"

Irene softly laugh at her, a teasing one. She stood up to face the woman.

"In case you forgot miss Dela Fuente, I still have a share in this company, a big one, because let me remind you that I am one of the owners & stakeholders of this company. This will not be yours, never, this company will be inherited by my childrens with Greggy's and no single peso will be given to that child inside your womb, go on take the CEO but not my share and the share of my childrens dear, I'm one of the biggest investors here so I could throw you out whenever I want that Greggy can't protest or do something to stop me, so I suggest for you to stay out of my sight and don't you ever bother me because the next time, I may not be so nice."

The woman can't utter a word after hearing those, she felt embarrass, she thought that the company was Greggy's only.

"What? You're surprise, and also for you to be aware everything small and big property that Greggy has are also mine, keep that in mind darling. Tell him also to talk with you regarding conjugal properties of ours so that next time you won't be embarass this way, now the door is widely open you can go out already."

Irene went back to her seat and continues to work. Antonette was about to go out when Irene called her once again.

"And Antonette, don't be too paranoid. If you're afraid that I might take Greggy from you, don't be because I don't have any plans unless he falls into the trap, kidding, go on.."

Antonette left the room with full of annoyance and irritation, a powerful words from the legal wife deserves an applause.