
The Ninja Who Loved

CathyCode779 · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Last Survivor

"mum, dad, no, don't leave me." said little Micheal crying near on his knees near his parents' corpes.

He saw all what had happened, the little boy had been playing hide and seek with his two sisters and while hiding, some ninjas came into their home from nowhere. At least he could identify them as ninjas since he watched films and saw what ninjas looked like.

They had tore his whole family to pieces he saw that, he could see clearly from where he hid himself. His sisters' heads were cut off from their bodies, his father's eyes were plucked out, and his heart removed.,his mother was cut into two at her waist, going outside he saw the dead bodies of the two security men and that of the househelp,and the tears never did stop flowing.

Going out of the gate to call for help, he saw the police coming towards him. The moment a police man got down from the van, Michael ran towards him and dragged the officer into the house to show them what the ninjas did.

"Did you just say ninjas!"