
The Nihility Chef

In a World of swords and magic, schemes and conspiracies and the looming threat of the fucking abyss can a chef truly survive and cook his way to the top? A young chef reincarnates into a fantasy world with his golden finger being his pseudo OP physique and bloodline. He strives to reach the peak of cooking and on his journey he becomes a legend, he becomes the strongest. In this world strength is all that matters. The strong rule and the weak serve. So tell me what are you, the strong or the weak? Will you control your own life or be at the mercy of others? Will you fight for your rights, for your freedom or will you surrender? I do not own the cover art :0

GluttonyAndGreed · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


(Before we start I just want to say when I'm describing a person's appearance and I say of _________ descent, the country doesn't exist in Verus. I'm just trying to make it easier for you to imagine their looks.)

The man had curly ginger hair and was around 1.87 metres tall but he looked even taller due to how thin he was. The man was also in the Earth Combat classes and his name was Jack Tahra.

Jack was only Ranked 37th and he successfully destroyed 3 of Moriko's phantoms seemingly with ease. Even if Moriko wasn't going out it shouldn't have been that easy.

Jack licked his lips, "Scared yet."

Moriko frowned displeased and continued playing her shamisen the music notes that formed this time were much more opaque. The black notes formed into nekomata (Two-tailed cat Yōkai.) The Yōkai had orange flames, that flickered like candles, on the ends of their tails and gave off a shadowy aura.

Moriko plucked another string and the cats dashed towards Jack.

They performed acrobatic skills gracefully, jumping and flipping in the air, the phantoms quickly reached their target swinging their tails at him sending streaks of fire and darkness hurtling towards Jack.

BOOM! The thin man was left embarrassed as he was sent flying into the wall. The explosion created a crater 5 metres deep however most of energy struck Jack's body.

[cough, cough, cough], "You dumb bitch!" Jack wheezed as he hacked up blood, "Bo Shixi, where the fuck are you!"

A man stepped from seeming no where and appeared in front of Jack, he was wearing thin black leather and a featureless black mask was on his face, "You don't look like your having a good time." the man joked.

Even though, the man said a playful sentence his voice had no fluctuations, it was just like a robots. The man turned towards Jack and saw his sorry state, Jack was covered in injuries, specifically at his abdomen where there was a huge black char mark. You could still hear the sound of sizzling from the injury as his flesh cooked.

"Fuck off, or I'll slice you up, ya bastard."

"Hahahaha, I thought you wanted help." the emotionless voice joked again.

"Damn it, stop playing around, just execute the plan!"

"Alright, alright, I'm starting." and with that Bo Shixi once again disappeared.

More and more people from Brahma Valley disappeared, reducing the population of people on the arena. Moriko felt uneasy about this and signalled her guild members to group up, she knew there was a grudge between The Void's Owl and Brahma Valley so she wanted to take precautions.

However no one reached her, as the spirit beast looked around she saw her allies defending at what seemed to be air.

Everyone not from The Void's Owl or Brahma Valley were very confused no one knew why these two guilds had it out for each other so they had to fight among themselves. The two guilds had around a total of 70 people from the Earth and Mortal classes and the remaining 155 were from other guilds/parties.

Samael in the stands was looking around the field his expression becoming darker and darker every second. His eyes were completely blank right now, his iris and pupils had completely disappeared just leaving pure white.

He was using Nihility's eye and what he saw enraged him, countless figures were targeting his guildmates. It was the invisible Brahma Valley members, they were ambushing The Void's Owl, they wanted to eliminate them!

They were using a technique that controlled Neutral Aura. As Neutral aura is the main type of aura in the world, the Brahma Valley members could use it to camouflage themselves with a special technique.

Sami clenched his fists. He couldn't do anything, it would be cheating if he tried to help his people down there but how could he sit here and do nothing, damn it!

All he could do right now is pray and hope someone had an eye technique that could see from through Brahma Valley's treacherous invisibility. All he could do is rely on luck.

Luck you say ;) (hehehehe)

An inconspicuous member of The Void's Owl was also fighting a Brahma Valley member. He was a dark skinned man and had beautiful honey coloured eyes, he seemed to be of Akan descent (Ghanaian/ Ivorian). He was 1.75 metres tall and had a lean physique and beautifully braided cornrows, he was wearing orange and black clothing and was extremely handsome.

His name was Nyadi (Nigh-add-e) Ofosu and was the 249th in the combat classes rankings. He joined Void's Owl but has stayed pretty low key however today he would be known by all, as the hero who broke Brahma Valley's conspiracy.

Nyadi had an excessive affinity in neutral aura and could feel the invisible figure using the neutral element. He waved his hand and successfully stripped the invisibly straight off his opponent.

Gasps rang throughout the colosseum, all eyes turned to Nyadi and the fights almost stopped. Han Moxie glared hatefully at the man who ruined his plans. If eyes could kill Nyadi would have died dozens of times.

"Quickly everyone, come to me, I will be able to prevent those bastards from going invisible but they will target me from now on, so you need to protect me!" Nyadi exclaimed.

The Void's Owl swiftly got into action, pushing their movement techniques to the maximum as they rushed towards Nyadi. This was their chance to reverse the situation, during last week everyone pushed themselves, watching Samael training, motivated them immensely. Many of them have broken through to tier 7 or even tier 8.

Alice and Acala successfully broke through to Tier 9! Those two had already absorbed enough aura they just needed to understand the realm and breakthrough their respective bottlenecks.

Xiao Ying easily reached tier 8, Feng Yutu broke through to Tier 7, Thorus reached Tier 9 and Awa is close to breaking through Transcendence.

Moriko plucked a string sending a deathly shockwave to the five people on her and transformed into her true body. Her cat form, skipped across the arena reaching Nyadi first, she was soon followed by a whoosh of wind, it was another member, a girl with teal coloured hair.

It was like a chain reaction, more and more members reached Nyadi, The Void's Owl were gathered together and Brahma Valley were all exposed, making this fight easier.

The guildmates released a terrifying counter attack, aura being fired into the bodies of their enemies. The Void's Owl were finally not on the defensive and they weren't going to let this chance slip so they went all out, they were like ferocious beasts.

The girl with teal hair, shot wind arrows from her bow, they ripped through the air, moving as fast as a bullet. The arrow was blocked by Jack who had recovered. Jack's body had become very burly, he almost seemed like a different person.

You could see the blood under his skin evaporating, he had too much energy in his body that it was overheating his insides. You could literally hear a roaring sound as aura flowed through his veins, this was definitely a forbidden technique.

Bo Shixi dashed behind Jack and threw him into the middle of guild members. His skin was turning a crimson red and looked like it was about to tear. Blood was spilling from the corners of Jack's eyes, the red liquid was glowing brightly and when it dripped onto the ground you could hear a horrifying sizzling noise as Jack's blood burnt the floor of the arena.

Moriko looked terrified, "Everyone dodge or block! QUICKLY" she screamed.


A small mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the people in the stands looked shocked, the other members of The Void's Owl were staring at the centre of the stage trying their best to see through the smoke and flames.

Wind rushed from the bottom of the arena colliding it to the barrier erected by the members of staff to protect the audience. They were also shocked by how far Brahma Valley went to harm The Void's Owl but they could do nothing as it technically wasn't illegal.

Sami tried his best to look through the smoke, but it was like trying to stare through a brick wall and his eyes couldn't do that. His heart was beating restlessly, his anger at Brahma Valley rose once again and his killing intent leaked throughout the stadium, he truly was pissed!

Han Moxie on the other hand was smiling maniacally, 'This is what happens to anyone who refuses me.' he thought as he grinned at Awa.

Awa saw the Rank 1 alchemist's smile and felt horrible, even though she was kind she wasn't dumb she knew what that smile meant and was filled with immense guilt.

Her face became twisted and she seemed to be struggling with a decision, a voice in her head was screaming at her, "Kill him, you know you can, it would be easier just to get rid of him, all you have to do is let me out."

'No, I'll never let you out, your a monster.'

The voice chuckled, 'I am you and you are me. If I'm a monster aren't you one as well'

'Stop it, your lying, you say this every time, I will never let you out!'

While Awa was having a mental battle the smoke finally cleared, revealing the aftermath of that explosion, a charred body was in the centre, it was Jack, the explosion damaged him as well.

No one else could be seen in the close vicinity of the explosion, was The Void's Owl killed?

The students in the stands watched closely and finally spotted the remains of a huge steel wall and the members of The Void's Owl behind, they seemed to be unharmed.

Wait! There was one person injured, it was Nyadi, he was breathing heavily his skin seemed to be extremely pale, the steel wall probably took everything out of him.

The MVP of this battle royal, Nyadi quickly sat in a lotus position and began absorbing the Neutral Aura, the injuries on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye and his skin quickly regained a healthy complexion.

Nyadi stood up and looked towards the shocked Brahma Valley members and screamed, "GET THEM!"

(I just wanna say before anyone comments there is a reason why Nyadi is in such a low rank, I never make mistakes.)


Info of the day - Phoenixes

Phoenixes used to be as strong as dragons and where called their own race but during one of the wars with the terrifying abyss a lot them where wiped out leading them to be lumped in the same race as Spirit Beasts.

They can be reborn 9 times but each time they are reborn their talents become weaker so they still try their best to stay alive.

The main elements of this race is fire, death and life.

They currently live in a hidden secret realm, no one knows where it is located and no one has seen a phoenix in the past 7021 years. This race has truly been lost in the river of time.

Every time Verus has to fight a war with the abyss countless powerhouses die, those days were truly dark times, however cheer up it has been 7021 years since the last war.


Next Chapter: The End of the Battle Royal.

Well what an exciting chapter. New abilities new characters and the hateful Han Moxie.

Remember Guys, #FuckBrahmaValley.


If you were born in the abyss what would you do?

GluttonyAndGreedcreators' thoughts