
The night of the howling woods

A group of friends wondering the woods, one gets lost, they all get found, but is it friend or foe. How will this story end.

Ruby_N_Oreo · Fantasi
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3 Chs

chapter 2

They searched and searched for her, but they couldn't find her they circled round and round trying to find the other group, but they couldn't find them or ruby.

It was still pitch black and the moon was almost gone there was only three of the friends left together, sophie, Ellie and elizabeth.

They were wondering where the others could have gotten to and if they found their friend, ruby. The moon was starting to set and it was starting to brighten up, they were hoping they may be able to find their friends or find their way out so they can get help from someone.

It was bright now and they were still looking around for their friends but they can't find them, they decide that they are going to look for an exit instead.

As they were looking for a way out Ellie sensed that someone was watching them she told Sophie and elizabeth, they started to run they didn't look back they just kept running and hoping they would find a way out.

It was gaining on them, Sophie could hear that this thing or things that were following them had either got four legs or there was two of them.

As they heard it almost breathing on their necks they turned around. It was a wolf, a beautiful brown wolf, it didn't seem to want to harm them though. Sophie was acting brave, but to be honest she was terrified, she reached her hand out towards to as if it was a dog, the wolf just let her pet it.