
The Nidaime Otokage

When playing with a snake everyday, you may just become cold-blooded yourself. Will the venom from it's bite kill him? Or will he manage to cut the head of the snake? .......... The Image is by BloodyNanka, if you want this image down, just tell me. I'll take it down instantly.

Turtle034 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Escort Mission?!(Old)

Name: Ormr Chinoike

Class: Genin

Age: 7

Title: First Oto Shinobi,

Level: 18 (75,984/86,504)

HP: 1,130/1,480

CP: 28,414/28,414 (5,560/5,560)

SP: 3,260/3,260

Primary Stats

Strength - 40

Vitality - 64

Stamina - 68

Dexterity - 74

Agility - 56

Intelligence - 46

Chakra - 30

Wisdom - 52

Stat Points - 110

Ryo - 0

Condition - Recovering

Skills -

[Ketsuryugan] - Active/Passive

(LV. 1): This skill allows you to use your Clan's Dojutsu.

Effects: Allows you to manipulate iron or anything with a high concentration of iron.

Allows you to place a target in a Genjutsu by skin or eye contact.

Protects your mind.

Cost: 100 CP/Per Second

[Detect Bloodlust] - Passive

(LV. 97): Increasing your skill in detecting Killing Intent.

Effects: You can detect Killing Intent within 97M.

[Basic Fuinjutsu] - Passive

(LV. 73): This skill gives the user's body basic knowledge in the art of Fuinjutsu.

Effects: +73% Increase in Seal Efficiency

-73% Chakra Cost to make a Seal

[Calligraphy] - Passive

(LV. 78): This skill increases the user's dexterity in Calligraphy.

Effects: +78% Hand Eye Cordination

+78% Artistic Capability

[Basic Bukijutsu] - Passive

(LV. 45): This skill increases the user's expertise in using Shinobi Tools.

Effects: +45% Damage Inflicted With All Weapons

[Bushin No Jutsu] - Active

(LV. 49): This skill increases the user's expertise in creating Clones.

Cost: 100 CP

Hand Seals: Ram, Snake, Tiger

[Kawarimi] - Active

(LV. 64): This skill increases the user's expertise in Kawarimi.

Cost: 100 CP

Hand Seals: Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake

[Henge] - Active

(LV. 57): This skill increases the user's expertise in Henge.

Cost: 100 CP

Hand Seals: Dog, Boar, Ram

[Basic Taijutsu] - Passive

(LV. 43): This skill is the basis for all future Taijutsu Techniques.

Effects: +51% Damage Inflicted

+51% Physical Stat Growth

+43% Chakra Growth

[Leaf Concentration Technique] - Passive

(LV. 89): This skill is the basis of Chakra Control.

Effects: Chakra Control +2% Per Level

Increases Chakra +1% Per Level

[Chakra Manipulation] - Passive

(LV. 30): This skill allows you to control Chakra.

Effects: Chakra Control +2% Per Level

Increases Chakra +1% Per Level

[Lesser Chakra Affinity] - Passive

(LV. 36): This skill gives you affinity with Chakra.

Effects: Chakra Control +2% Per Level

Increases Chakra +3% Per Level

Chakra Regeneration +2% Per Level

[Lesser Chakra Regeneration] - Passive

(LV. 40): This skill allows you to regenerate Chakra faster.

Effects: Chakra Regeneration +3% Per Level

[Basic Physical Conditioning] - Passive

(LV. 70): This skill gives the user's body an increase in strength, speed, vitality, and stamina through training.

Effects: +70% Damage inflicted.

+70% Movement Speed.

+70% Physical Stat Growth.

+70% Chakra Growth.

-70% Damage Taken.

Ormr stared at his status with an unusual intensity, only to let out a deep sigh.

"I'm fucked, aren't I?" he asked himself.

The mission Orochimaru assigned to him was to infiltrate Sunagakure and protect the Fourth Kazekage's Son. I.E. Gaara. Of course, he couldn't let it be known that he was a part of Otokagure.

The boy with the Ichibi inside of him. Or an insane racoon which the boy aptly calls, "Mother," after the boy himself goes insane when everyone he loves basically betrays him. He needed to survive Gaara, and the people who wanted to kill him.

"I mean, seriously! I literally JUST got out of torture both mental and physical, and he sends me on a suicide mission! Does the dude not have any fucking chill?!" Ormr ruffled his white hair in frustration, making it messier.

"Ugh! Jesus Christ. Okay, Ormr, look on the brightside," he told himself. The brightside, yes, the brightside...

What was the brightside in this situation!? "Erm, maybe I could prevent Gaara from being insane? Unless he already is insane, of course... Fuck it. May as well just do it," Ormr thought aloud.

Standing up from his bed and stretching, he decided he may as well get going. Orochimaru told him to meet Kabuto when he was ready to leave.

'If I can't survive that's too bad my ass, just making my life harder for the hell of it,' he inwardly whined. Though he knew he could do it.

Whatever. Traveling was on the list of things he needed to experience in this world anyways. Though it's not like a desert would've been his first choice...


"Ormr, this will be your partner for this mission. Another... successful experiment with a personality just as annoying yet way less problematic than yours." Kabuto placed a redheaded girl in front of him.

"Who the fuck are you?" The girl sneered.

"I'd rather do this by myself," Ormr requested blandly. She was going to be problematic, he could just tell.

"Too bad. It's about time you faced a bit of your own medicine." Kabuto shook his head, amused. After giving them backpacks with a bit of supplies, he left them to their own devices.

Ormr and the girl stared at each other. She gave him the stink eye, and he returned it with a fervor.

"It's like looking into a reflection I'm not too pleased with," Ormr murmured just loud enough for her to hear.

"How do you think I feel? Being paired with you? Some white haired, red eyed, freak!"

"I have a name, it's Ormr. You may as well tell me yours. Also, this is a skin condition," Ormr introduced himself.

"I'm Tayuya, fuckface," she replied proudly.

"Who taught you these words?" She was around his age, wasn't she? Her parents must've been irresponsible. Then again, her parents must also be dead since she ended up with Orochimaru.

"I dunno shithead, who do you think?"

"I don't know, it's why I asked," he shrugged.

"Anyways, how old are you?" She suddenly inquired, making Ormr blink.

"I'm seven."

"I'm eight! And since I'm older, I'm the leader of this expedition!" She declared, raising her flute to the sky.

Ormr pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a deep sigh. This was going to be very problematic. And he thought he had enough trouble looking after himself...


Ormr and Tayuya spent their first night out in the Land of Rice, sleeping in the forest. Ormr gathered some water from a flowing source of water, as he remembered those water sources were probably clean.

Hopefully. Besides that, they used a match to light a fire, and he caught some squirrels for them to eat. All in all, it wasn't the most productive day.


After a few days of traveling together, Ormr would like to say they warmed up to each other, but that just wasn't true. They constantly butted heads and argued. While arguing with a child was kinda pathetic, his excuse is that he was also a child.

Plus, the chilly headed kid just hit a specific spot within himself. It was like having a more irritating version of himself around, and he loved himself!


"Catch the squirrel!" Tayuya shouted, pointing at the furry critter. Hearing her voice, it leaped away, right as Ormr threw a Kunai at it.

"Oh my- I WOULD'VE if you hadn't fucking screamed!"

"How is this my fault?! It's your lacking skill!" Ormr was sure they wasted more time arguing than actually traveling.

"Then how about you do it!"

"Fine. I will!"


"I AM! DON'T RUSH ME!" Ormr huffed and crossed his arms as he eyed her, waiting for Tayuya to make a mistake. But to his surprise, she brought her flute up to her lips, and began playing. A squirrel wandered up to them as if dazed, and she stabbed it with one of her own Kunai.

"See?!" she exclaimed proudly, turning her gaze to Ormr. Only for her to frown. As the boy in question was currently massaging his temples.

"You could do that the entire time?"

"Yeah," she answered as though it was a given. The albino fought the urge to slam her head into a tree, child or not, be damned. But he knew that wouldn't work with her.

"Then, since you're..." It physically pained him, what he was about to say.

"Since you're so... so... good at it, why don't you do it from now on?"

"Maybe I will!" Her head upturned, chest puffed, Tayuya proclaimed her agreement.


"Are you sure we're going in the right direction fuckface?"

"For the last time, yes! We are going in the right direction! Maybe if you knew how to read a map, you'd have more faith in me!"

"I do too know how to read a map!"

"Do you now?" Ormr questioned dryly.

"O-Of course!" she sputtered, way less confident than she was just a few moments ago.

"Then what do these four letters on a compass mean?"

"Uhm... N, W, S, E?" he chopped her on the head.

"Ow! What was that for fuckface?!" She yelled, rubbing her head.

"That's for being a dimwit. Anyways, they stand for, North, West, South, and East."

"I knew that!"

"Ow! Why?!" she cried.

"For lying to me." Tayuya glared at him intensely, and just as he was about to chop her on the head, this time for fun, she...

"AHH! What the fuck?! Let go you goddamn brat!" he shouted, trying to tear her mouth from his hand.

"Thaths waht yu gwet!"


Despite their constant arguments and her slowing them down, Ormr took it for a welcomed change. Because while she was pretty problematic, he knew she meant well. Mostly.

He could tell because she was probably one of the few people who didn't have Killing Intent towards him since his time began in this hellhole of a world. That meant something, it had to.

So he put up with her. Or more like, they put up with each other.


"Hahaha!" Tayuya laughed boisterously while pointing at Ormr. He was covered in red itchy hives, coloring his usually pale skin a bright pink.

"I'm going to hit you."

"What?! Wait! Fuckface, you don't have to do this!" Tayuya ducked as Ormr swung, and instantly bolted from where she stood.

"Come here bitch!"

"I will not, fuckface!" she stubbornly denied.


'If Tayuya is eight now, and she's around fourteen to sixteen in part one, that means I have at least six years before Canon starts, right?' Ormr thought to himself.

It was a rare moment of quiet. With Tayuya asleep, only the crickets, gusts of wind, and the crackling of the fire accompanied his thoughts. It was rare for him to not be the one to fall asleep first.

"No..." he heard her whimper. Shit. Of course. The reason why he always fell asleep first was because she waited for him to sleep. She probably didn't want him to know she had nightmares. But she most likely was too tired after playing, "tag," with him, that she just fell asleep as soon as she lied down.

"Please..." she cried, slightly moving her arms in her sleep.

'Stop. Don't,' Ormr inwardly chastised himself. Compassion. Sympathy. Empathy. He couldn't feel those things, not for her, at least.

He knew what game Orochimaru and Kabuto were playing. They wanted him to get attached to Tayuya, so they could control him through her.

'I should just kill her and be done with it,' a part of him callously thought, his self preservation.

'Could I really kill her...?' Another part of him was reluctant, his morals.

'What's the point if I kill her? That's the easier choice. I won't become Orochimaru just to kill him.' He decided based off of his dream. After all, if he became an unfeeling monster only focused in removing obstacles in the path of his dream, he wouldn't be able to experience everything this life and world had to offer.

Plus, he never liked easy answers anyways. But while he liked to challenge himself, he wasn't a masochist. He had expected some sort of punishment for being disobedient, but not that much. It was fortunate that it paid off and he gained more of Orochimaru's interest, and a weird sort of trust from him.


A week and a half after they first left, they had finally reached the Land of Fire. Which wasn't saying much, since the Land of Rice and Fire were right next to each other.


Ormr's eyes snapped open as a familiar dread made it's presence known. He grabbed a Kunai from his pouch, and threw it in an instant towards the source of the sensation.


"Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Holy fucker! Who the hell is the asshole which set off a damn bomb!?" Tayuya woke up with a startle, shouting a flurry of profanity in a panic. Ormr quickly jumped to her and covered her mouth with one hand.

"Mhmmph!" She struggled, her voice muffled as it hit his hand.

"It's me, now shut up," he whispered. She writhed in his arms a bit more before reluctantly stopping. Taking her to behind a tree, he intently looked at the place where the Kunai exploded.

The dread was gone. Is it over? Was it really that easy?

'Well, then again, I guess not many people expect a seven year old to have explosives on hand. Or be able to throw them without getting itself killed,' Ormr thought. Commanding Tayuya to stay here and use a Genjutsu in case anyone appeared, he approached the scene.

It was just an ordinary person from the looks of it. As the body was completely mangled, beyond any recognition.

'I did only sense one person, but why would this guy attack us?' Ormr did his best to examine the corpse. Rolling it over, checking the clothes it wore. Nothing stood out to him.

'I guess we should get moving. Hopefully we can find a town to rest at instead of the wilderness,' Ormr thought.

Grabbing Tayuya by the hand, he began walking. "W-What're we doing f-fuckface?" Tayuya asked, pale in the face and obviously frightened.

"Someone tried to kill us. I blew him up. I don't know if there's more of them, so we need to get moving," he concisely explained.

"... Got it," she said, more calm now that she knew the situation. He was surprised at how well she took it, but then again, staying with Orochimaru didn't make someone a coward or easily disgusted. Quite the opposite, actually. He figured it had something to do with her nightmares.

"Do you... seriously just keep explosives on hand?" she inquired curiously.


"You need to teach me how to make those!"

"Maybe," he replied. Yeah, right. As if he could trust a seven year old to not accidentally blow herself or him up. He'd have a better chance making a squirrel tap dance. Which seems pretty plausible now that he thinks about it. Just one good Genjutsu and...


After the first incident with someone trying to kill them in their sleep, it became a common occurrence. It happened at least once a night. It was most likely Orochimaru's work, he couldn't imagine any other asshole who would mess with him like that.

He would've found it annoying, if it didn't turn out to be a nice, steady stream of experience. It was little, but that was better than nothing in his opinion.

After a month of traveling, Ormr and Tayuya finally made it to a town. A relatively small town, but a town nonetheless.

They spent a little bit of the Ryo they possessed, and slept the night at an inn. They didn't get an assassination attempt that night.

As Ormr lied in bed, he couldn't help but begin to ponder why Orochimaru of all people wanted him to protect Gaara. Orochimaru was once apart of the Akatsuki.

'Is he planning on experimenting with the poor boy?' Orochimaru did want to become immortal to complete his goal of learning all Jutsu. What better way than to study undying Chakra beasts?

'Or maybe he's already planning Konoha Crush?' he wondered. It felt like it was impossible to know for sure. Which it may as well have been.

Maybe the freak just wanted to fuck with him by sending him on a mission halfway across the world. He wouldn't put it against Orochimaru.

With thoughts addling his mind, Ormr knew he probably wouldn't be able to go to sleep tonight. Getting up from his bed, he decided to practice Fuinjutsu and Calligraphy.

He had gotten a pretty good grasp of the language in his time here. And he found Calligraphy more fun than Fuinjutsu. Maybe after the constant threat of death was gone, he'd take up painting?