
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 5 : New Friendship

Thomas was in a state of panic as he realized the truth about the intentions of the AK07 people. He knew that they were planning to invade Earth and capture it. But the question was how to convince others about this threat. He was scared and unsure about how to prepare Earth for this invasion. Thomas felt a sense of urgency as he considered his discovery and the danger it posed to Earth. He knew he had to act quickly to convince others of the looming threat. He decided to create a new Nexusgate and open the portal once again, hoping to provide irrefutable proof of his discovery. Though he knew it was a risky idea, he believed it might be the only way to get others to take the threat seriously.

With determination in his heart, Thomas made his way to his table, where he retrieved the file containing all the information he needed for the Nexusgate project. He carefully pored over the blueprints, realizing with growing concern that building the machine would not be an easy task. It would take months to construct, and even then, it might be too late for Earth to prepare for the impending invasion.

Undeterred, Thomas continued to scour the pages of the file, searching for any information that might help him speed up the construction process. He knew time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste a single moment. With a heavy heart, he realized that he might not be able to prevent the invasion, but he was determined to try his best to save his planet from destruction.

Thomas pondered how he could accelerate the development of Nexusgate and prove to others the imminent threat. He recognized that he couldn't accomplish this task alone, and thus, decided to seek the assistance of his team and others. He believed that their help could enable him to complete the project within a few weeks.

Consequently, Thomas swiftly composed an urgent email to his manager requesting an emergency meeting with all of the staff. In the email, he expressed his grave concerns about the fate of the Earth. He wrote:

"Dear Manager,

I urgently request an emergency meeting with all of our staff to discuss a grave matter. Based on my observations and understanding, I have discovered a highly unusual phenomenon that poses a significant threat to our planet. I believe that an extraterrestrial civilization from a planet in our universe is planning to invade Earth and wage war.

I understand that this may seem far-fetched, but I have witnessed their activities with my own eyes. We must act quickly and decisively to prepare for their arrival.

Therefore, I implore you to take my concerns seriously and assist me in convincing others of the danger we are facing.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



With a sense of urgency, Thomas hit send, hoping that his manager would recognize the gravity of the situation and take immediate action.

Upon receiving the letter, the manager was taken aback to see it was from Thomas. To his recollection, Thomas had never sent him any correspondence before. Intrigued, he opened the email and read its contents. Finishing the message, the manager chuckled to himself, thinking, "What a fool. He wants to squander not only his own life but ours as well with this ludicrous idea."

Just then, Thomas's assistant entered the manager's office, requesting to leave early for a medical appointment. The manager approved the request and, on a whim, inquired about Thomas. The assistant responded, "I've never worked with anyone quite like him. He's incredibly intelligent, despite appearances. What I appreciate most is that he never forces me to participate in his projects. He only asks for help when he truly needs it."

The manager confessed, "To be honest, I don't have much respect for people who waste their potential like he does. I've never seen anyone squander their talents quite like him. No offense, but we all know he has 13 PhDs at his age, which is extraordinary. He was even offered my position but turned it down to pursue inventing, even though my job pays ten times more than his current salary. I was astounded by his decision. Anyway, I suppose I'm boring you with my ramblings."

The assistant replied, "No, sir. I'm actually quite curious to learn more about him. Even though I work with him, I know very little about his background. What you've shared is surprising, and I can't help but wonder if he might be the next Einstein, revolutionizing the world."

The manager laughed sarcastically, "Haha, well, I'll be waiting for that day." He then instructed the assistant to inform Thomas that his request had been denied, as emergency meetings were reserved for genuine emergencies.

As the assistant made his way to Thomas's room, he heard some unusual sounds coming from inside. Upon entering, he was surprised to see Thomas performing handstand push-ups in the corner of the room. The assistant realized that Thomas was not what others had made him out to be, as he clearly took care of his physical health.

"Hello, sir. Wow, I didn't know you worked out," the assistant said.

Thomas replied, "Oh, no, I don't do this for exercise. It actually helps me keep my mind calm, and I can feel the blood rushing to my head, which is a strange sensation, but I find it helpful."

The assistant replied, "Oh wow, okay. I didn't know that. I'm here to inform you about your request to the manager. Unfortunately it has been denied. He told me to inform you that he can't arrange an emergency meeting."

Thomas shook his head in disappointment. The assistant continued, "He also said that he can't accept your reason for an emergency meeting. I'm sorry about that. Is there anything else you need help with?"

As Thomas was thinking, he realized that he couldn't do this alone. He told his assistant, "Listen to me carefully. I know how it sounds, but trust me, I'm not joking. The machine I was working with was designed to open portals between parallel universes, and I actually succeeded in doing so. I entered a medium where I was able to see another planet and overheard their plans to capture Earth because their planet is becoming difficult for them to live on. They want to make Earth their own place." The assistant looked shocked but somehow believed Thomas.

Thomas continued, "As per my calculations,we have only 69 days left before they enter Earth. It's almost a day for them but the time rate on both planets is different; therefore, for us it's 69 days. That's why I asked for an emergency meeting so that I can build the machine again with the help of others and to prove that what I'm saying is true."

The assistant asked, "What happened to your machine? Did it break or something?"

Thomas replied, "No, it's stuck in the same medium where I was stuck and it didn't start for me to get back to Earth. But somehow I was brought back through a strange light which I believe could be their portal."

The assistant didn't know what to believe but he trusted Thomas and told him that he would help him rebuild the machine. He said that he had to leave early that day but would join Thomas from tomorrow. Thomas was surprised that the assistant believed him and was happy about it. He agreed to the assistant's offer of help.

Thomas was thinking of other possible ways because he knew that even if he and his assistant worked on building the machine again, it would be too late for them. After thinking for some time, he went to his table to do more research and see if there was any possible way to stop the aliens from entering Earth's portal. He knew that he had to act fast before it was too late. He thought about all the possible ways he could stop the aliens from entering Earth's portal. He knew that he had to be creative and think outside the box if he wanted to succeed.

The next day, Thomas's assistant came early as Thomas had fallen asleep at his table. He woke him up and Thomas's assistant was excited to start working on the machine again.

Assistant: "Good morning, Sir! I'm excited to start working on the machine today."

Thomas: "Good morning! I'm sorry but we don't have enough time to finish it."

Assistant: "What do you mean? We can work on it together and finish it in no time."

Thomas: "I appreciate your enthusiasm but even if we build it, it would be too late for Earth to prepare for the invasion. I don't have any ideas yet but we should be researching this. But I have found something amazing that I want to share with you."

Assistant: "What did you find?"

Thomas: "I discovered the time delay theory by knowing that one month had passed when I had actually stayed only for a few hours on the other planet."

Assistant: "Wow! That's incredible! What else did you find?"

Thomas: "What we actually think of as a parallel universe is not actually what it is. It is actually a planet which is an exact replica of Earth in the same universe as ours instead of being a totally different dimension or out of our universe."

Assistant: "That's amazing! How did you figure that out?"

Thomas: "It was a long process, but I finally found the answer."

After an in-depth discussion about his groundbreaking discoveries in the parallel universe, Thomas's assistant posed a more personal question. "What do you like to do for fun?" he asked. Thomas was taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation, but he responded truthfully. He revealed that he enjoyed researching and learning about various topics, and even indulged in a game of chess from time to time. His assistant nodded in agreement, expressing that he shared similar interests.

As their conversation progressed, Thomas and his assistant discovered that they had more in common than they initially thought. They both had a love for science fiction and fantasy genres, a passion for astronomy and Physics, and a sense of humor coupled with an insatiable curiosity about the world. They also opened up to each other about their personal lives, sharing their hopes and fears, dreams and regrets.

Thomas learned that his assistant had grown up in a small town with a close-knit family and a handful of dear friends. He had always harbored a dream of becoming a scientist and had worked tirelessly to gain admission into a prestigious university before joining Thomas's team. While he was content with his career trajectory, he admitted to feeling lonely and disconnected in the bustling city.

In turn, Thomas's assistant discovered that Thomas had led a vastly different life. From a young age, Thomas had been curious about everything around him and had harbored a desire to explore other planets. He had always been an avid reader and learner, which had led him to become an exceptional scientist. However, despite his professional success, Thomas had never formed any meaningful relationships. He confided that he didn't have any family or friends and didn't believe he needed them.

As the day drew to a close, Thomas and his assistant realized that they had spent hours talking about their lives and interests. But as the sun set and the sky darkened, a sense of unease settled over them. They had yet to prepare for the impending invasion from another planet that threatened to capture Earth. How would Thomas convince others of his discovery about the invasion? Would they be able to come up with a plan in time? The questions hung heavily in the air as Thomas and his assistant sat in silence, lost in their thoughts. The fate of their world hung in the balance, and time was running out.