
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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66 Chs

Two Worlds

Five months have passed since the Titans destroyed their evil alternate versions. That day brought them to the brink of death and caused distrust in the team. Even though they may not state it, the relationship and chemistry of the team are on the rocks. This causes Jordan to spend some time outside of the city. Now, Jordan holds a ball in his left hand that has a baseball glove on it. He throws it at his daughter and she nearly catches it but drops it at the last second.

"I missed," said Jordai.

"It's ok. It's your first time playing catch. You'll get better," said Jordan.

"But, I want to be good now," said Jordai.

"Patience, young one. You will never improve unless you put in the effort," said Jordan.

"Then, throw the ball again. I will catch it this time," said Jordai as she throws the ball back at her father.

"Alright. Here it comes," said Jordan as he catches the ball.

Jordan winds up and then launches the ball in the direction of his daughter. She jumps into the air and catches it in her outstretched glove before it flies over her. She lands a few seconds later and starts to smile.

"I got it!" exclaimed Jordai happily.

"You sure did," said Jordan.

Three minutes pass. Jordan and his daughter walk towards a bench that the girl's mother is sitting on. They all take a seat and the mother stops looking at her phone.

"So, that was quick," said Jade.

"If you think that thirty minutes is quick, I wouldn't want to know how long three hours is to you," said Jordan.

"Mommy, I caught the ball," said Jordai happily.

"Very nice. You're getting better," said Jade.

"I'm going to be the best catcher in the world," said Jordai.

"You sure will if you keep on working hard, but you can't do that if you don't eat your vegetables," said Jade.

"Never!" exclaimed Jordai.

"Ok then you will never become the world's greatest catcher," said Jade.

"I will show you that I don't need nasty veggies to become the greatest," said Jordai.

"If you want to become as big and as strong as us, you need those 'nasty veggies'," said Jordan.

"Your father's right. People who don't eat well, don't get superpowers," said Jade.

"And people with superpowers can easily become the world's greatest catcher," said Jordan.

"You can't trick me. I'm eight," said Jordai.

"Nearly eight. Your birthday hasn't passed yet," said Jordan.

"I feel it, so I am it," said Jordai.

"My father figure had his life turned upside down when he was eight. You won't understand that. You're not mature enough," said Jordan.

"You're talking about Batman?" asked Jordai.

"Yes. I'm talking about him," said Jordan.

"Will I ever get to meet him?" asked Jordai.

"Yes, but not now. He's pretty busy," said Jordan.

"What about grandma? I have two right?" asked Jordai.

"Well, we have complicated relationships with our mothers. You will meet them soon though," said Jade.

"We don't have a date yet," said Jordan.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Jordai.

"I need to talk with your father. Stay here ok," said Jade.

"You have to talk with me about what?" asked Jordan.

"Just come," said Jade as she grabs Jordan's hand.

"Where are you going?" asked Jordai.

"We'll be around the park. You'll see us," said Jade.

"Just stay there and don't move. Scream for help if someone touches or tries to take you," said Jordan.

"Ok," said Jordai.

"So, Jade. What do you want to talk about?" said Jordan.

"I'm glad that you chose to stay with us for the past month. She has loved you being there," said Jade.

"I'm just doing what a father needs to do," said Jordan.

"But, you didn't have to. You didn't even know that she existed until a few months ago," said Jade.

"I never met my father. Bruce was like a father to me, but he wasn't blood. It just didn't feel the same for some reason," said Jordan.

"So, you chose to not be like your blood father. That's very honourable," said Jade.

"I'm not trying to make myself look good. I just don't want her to end up like me when I was that age," said Jordan.

"Well, we both suck, but hey. It could be way worse," said Jade.

"You're right about that," said Jordan.

"So, how're the Titans? I can tell that you're uncomfortable over there," said Jade.

"It's just not the same. Ever since that day, they don't trust me as much. Before that, I was the alpha of the pack. Now, I'm just an outsider. Even Raven doesn't like me as much," said Jordan.

"Strange. You have done must worse," said Jade.

"Yes. I have," said Jordan.

"At least I don't hate you. Your daughter doesn't either," said Jade.

"I know, but I just miss them. I miss the early days," said Jordan.

"We're getting older, but that doesn't mean that we can't mirror who we were before. Only a year ago, I was still an assassin. Now, I work at a bank. Odd how things change," said Jade.

"I used to be a fan of change, but not anymore. I wish things could just go back to normal," said Jordan.

"You have us," said Jade.

"I know, but I want more. No disrespect," said Jordan.

"None taken," said Jade.

"What will you do when I leave?" asked Jordan.

"Live life normally. It will be harder to not have a man around the house, but I can survive," said Jade.

"You will. You're very strong," said Jordan.

"Don't flatter me. You're not too weak yourself," said Jade.

"Thanks for the compliment," said Jordan sarcastically.

"You're welcome," said Jade.

"Help!" exclaimed Jordai.

Her parents quickly turn around and see that their daughter is being grabbed by two men in yellow armor. They instantly dart towards the two kidnappers and try to save their daughter, but more of them pop out of the trees and fire at them. They dive out of the way and hide behind a bench for cover.

"What are those?" asked Jade.

"HIVE," said Jordan.

"I thought that those guys were defeated years ago," said Jade.

"They're supposed to be dead, but they're back. We have to focus on saving Jordai," said Jordan.

"Do you have your utility belt?" asked Jade.

"Always," said Jordan as he pulls it out.

"Cover me. I have to get to the car and grab my gear," said Jade.

"I can deal with them myself," said Jordan.

"You're rusty. You haven't gone superheroing for a month. Let me do this," said Jade.

"Fine. Just hurry," said Jordan.

Jade runs towards the car as Jordan pulls out three Explosive Claws. He throws them at the ground and they explode, sending the HIVE agents flying back. He then hops over the bench and runs towards his daughter. He is sidelined by a kick to the face and sent into a tree. He gets up as quickly as he can and sees his opponent. A HIVE agent holding two thick yellow energy blades.

"Don't do this. You don't want to piss me off," said Jordan.

"I don't care," said the HIVE swordsman.

"You just screwed up," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his two blades from his utility belt and lunges at the HIVE agent. He slams his blades across the energy blades of the HIVE agent and easily destroys them with his raw strength. He is then grabbed and headbutted into a tree. He is hit by a big boot and grappled to the tree. He has been defeated.

"You should have stayed home," said Jordan.

"Daddy! Mommy! Help!' exclaimed Jordai.

"I'm coming!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan zooms toward the HIVE guards on his way to save his child. He runs towards them until they reach the parking lot. He sees her be thrown into the back of a van and the van speed off. He tries to chase after the van, but his car appears beside him.

"Get in," said Jade as she rolls the window down.

Jordan doesn't respond and just slides over the vehicle's hood. He then enters the vehicle on the right side and Jade hits the accelerator. They quickly exit the parking lot and hit the road.

"Why are they going after our daughter?" asked Jade.

"I don't know. Maybe it's payback," said Jordan.

"It better not or they are dead," said Jade.

"Relax, Jade. We will just break their bones to get some answers," said Jordan.

"Then, we kill them," said Jade angrily.

"I don't like this side of you," said Jordan.

"Get ready to hop out, pretty boy. We're close to the van," said Jade.

"I'm ready," said Jordan.

"Then, go!" exclaimed Jade.

Jordan opens the door and uses his strength to hop on his roof. He then hops off the roof of the car and lands on the top of the van. He looks down and flips his way in front of the van. Then, he kicks the window in and forces the van to swerve in the street. Jade arrives beside the van and pushes it the other way. The van goes off the street and runs into a hard pillar. Jade exits the car and Jordan hops off the van. They both walk to the back of the van and open it, but don't find their daughter. It's a man in a wig.

"It's not her," said Jordan.

"It's a damn decoy. We were played like a fiddle," said Jade.

"Where's Jordai?" asked Jordan as he grabs the decoy.

"In another van. It went in the other direction. It's far gone from here," said the decoy.

"Where is it?" asked Jordan.

"I won't tell you," said the decoy.

"Then, let's start breaking bones," said Jade.

"Not here. Let's go home," said Jordan.

Thirty minutes pass. In the basement of Jade's house, the decoy sits in a chair, strapped to the brim. He won't be escaping soon from this "interrogation session". Jade and Jordan circle him like they're sharks and he is a human that can't swim.

"You won't get any answers from me. I won't talk," said the decoy.

"You will once we get to breaking," said Jade.

"Start talking or you will get hurt," said Jordan.

"You're bluffing," said the decoy.

"Are we!" exclaimed Jade angrily as she hits him with a crowbar.

He spits out some blood and is a little bloody, but he has not felt enough pain to start talking.

"Start now," said Jordan.

"No," said the decoy.

"Hit him," said Jordan.

"Gladly," said Jade.

Jade slams the crowbar on the decoy again and bloodies him some more, but it's still not enough. Jordan nods and she starts to go ham. She starts to beat the decoy. Over and over and over with no relent. He becomes more bloody, starts to lose teeth, and starts to scream. He tries to put his hands up, but he can't move them. After one more strike, he has had enough.

"Ok! I'll talk!" exclaimed the decoy in pain.

"Tell us everything or my partner may mess up and kill you," said Jordan.

"Your daughter was taken because of my boss. He wants vengeance against you. He says that you killed his mom," said the decoy.

"How? HIVE has been gone for years. If I killed someone's mom, I would know," said Jordan.

"He doesn't work for HIVE. The big man put him to the task of destroying you and only you," said the decoy.

"Who's the big man?" asked Jordan.

"A god and he wants you superheroes out of his way," said the decoy.

"Who is the big man's underling?" asked Jordan.

"A kid who wants your heads on his wall. He may be young, but that boy is a menace," said the decoy.

"Where's the boy?" asked Jade.

"We work out of an ice cream factory near South Beach. He should be there. He's expecting you," said the decoy.

"Then, we shall not disappoint," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. Jordan and Jade land on the rooftop of the factory and then hop to the ground. They walk up to the door and press their ears to it. They hear nearly nothing and decide to bust down the door. They get in a fighting stance as they sneak into the factory. They reach the center of it in only a few seconds and see someone standing in the center with their back to them.

"Are you the boy?" asked Jade.

The person doesn't respond.

"Are you the boy!" exclaimed Jade.

The person still doesn't respond and this angers Jade.

"Answer me! Where is my daughter and who are you!" exclaimed Jade.

"Jordai isn't here. You have walked right into my trap," said Damian as he turns around.

"You're just a kid," said Jordan.

"And you're just a murderer," said Damian.

"Who even are you?" asked Jade.

"You kill my mother and don't even remember her spawn. You're evil. The both of you," said Damian.

"You're Talia's son aren't you?" said Jordan.

"You're correct," said Damian.

"I didn't kill your mother, boy. She died in an accident," said Jordan.

"A boat accident wouldn't kill her. She's too strong to die in such a weak way," said Damian.

"She was killed by someone else, but I don't know. I'm being honest," said Jordan.

"You expect me to trust you? Do you think that I'm stupid?" asked Damian.

"No," said Jordan.

"Maybe," said Jade.

"Just let my daughter go. She has nothing to do with this," said Jordan.

"She does. She's your spawn and I was my mother's. I will take away her mother or father and she will understand my pain," said Damian.

"Who is your father?" asked Jordan.

"You wouldn't want to know," said Damian.

"I do," said Jordan.

"He is Bruce Wayne," said Damian.

"Bruce Wayne. Impossible," said Jordan and Jade.

"I was born ten years ago on Infinity Island to my mother. I have never met my father. I doubt that he would want to meet me. I was raised in a test tube without his knowledge," said Damian.

"So, that's why Bruce was kidnapped years ago. He was getting it in with your mom. So, that makes me your uncle. Weird how things work out so well," said Jordan.

"You're not my uncle. I won't accept you until I have your head," said Damian.

"Come on, kid. You will get destroyed if you even think about taking either of us on," said Jade.

"Just tell us where Jordai is and you can walk free," said Jordan.

"Fight me. I need to avenge her," said Damian.

"Use your head. Please," said Jordan.

"Fight!" exclaimed Damian as he pulls out his katana.

"Come and get some," said Jordan.

Domain runs back and then charges at Jordan. Jordan easily jumps over him and kicks him in the back of the head. Domain quickly turns around and tries to slice Jordan, but he catches his blade and snaps it in half. Damian then leaps on Jordan and tries to punch him, but he is slammed onto the ground hard and stepped on.

"You lose," said Jordan.

"No. I have to win," said Damian as he squirms.

"You won't. You will just knock yourself out," said Jordan.

"Get them, boys!" exclaimed Damian.

From behind the boxes and big machines, HIVE guards pop out and aim at both Jade and Jordan. Jade gets in a fighting stance and Jordan gets his foot off of Damian. He then picks him up and places his blade to his neck.

"Make any sudden moves and he dies," said Jordan.

"Don't fall for his tricks. Fire!" said Damian.

"Do that and the big man will be pissed. You don't want to piss him off do you?" said Jordan.

The HIVE guards hesitate and our heroes take advantage of this distraction. Jordan and Jade both drop smoke bombs and disappear into the smoke. The HIVE guards fire but hit nothing because they are gone.

"They disappeared like ninjas," said a HIVE guard.

"Oh come on!" exclaimed another HIVE guard.

Two minutes pass. Jordan's car zooms down the street. Damian is tied up in the back and continues to scream expletives and insults. This does affect the two parents.

"Where are we going next?" asked Jade.

"Ask him. I'm just trying to get out of this area," said Jordan.

"Kid, any more bases?" asked Jade.

"I'm not going to tell you bastards anything," said Damian.

"I'll untie a little bit of your rope if you are honest," said Jade.

"Eat a dick," said Damian.

"You kids are so rude these days," said Jade.

"While we were in the factory, my cowl was recording and analyzing everything. All of those machines were very advanced tech disguised as ice cream machines. When I say advanced, I mean very advanced. Too advanced to be from this planet," said Jordan.

"Alien tech?" asked Jade.

"Not just any alien tech. An alien tech similar to The Joining, but even more dangerous," said Jordan.

"Too dangerous to be in the HIVE's hands," said Jade.

"There are a few more bases in the city. I doubt that they would take her out of this city or state," said Jordan.

"Which one is she most likely in?" asked Jade.

"The base in Flagami. There are many alien tech alerts over there," said Jordan.

"Then, that's our stop. She better be there or you will have a bad evening," said Jade.

"Your threats don't affect me," said Damian.

"A crowbar will," said Jade.

"Relax, guys. This will be a long trip," said Jordan.

An hour passes. Jordan's car rolls into the parking lot of the tech center. Jordan and Jade hop out but don't close the car doors. They both look at Damian who is still tied up in the back.

"Hey. You stay here. We will be back in a flash," said Jordan.

"Hopefully not," said Damian.

Jordan and Jade close the car doors and run toward the tech center. Jordan pulls out a grappling hook, grabs Jade, and grapples to the roof. He then lets her go and they run to the ventilation system. Jordan and Jade remove it and hop into the vents. They scowl through the vents for a few minutes until they reach their destination. Jade quietly opens the vent and they both exit the vent. They slowly walk into the room and they see their daughter, tied up to a chair in the center of the room.

"Hologram or real?" asked Jade.

"It's the real deal," said Jordan.

This is all Jade wanted or needed to hear. She runs up to her daughter and instantly unties her. He takes the tape off of her mouth and Jordai starts to open her eyes.

"Mommy?" asked Jordai.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here," said Jade as she hugs her and a tear falls down her cheek.

Jordan starts to smile and is about to walk towards them, but he is slapped away and sent flying through a window.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Jordai.

Jade turns around and sees a giant robot walking toward them. She pulls out her katana and prepares to fight.

"Jordai, run. We will catch up with you," said Jade.

"But," said Jordai.

"Go!" exclaimed Jade.

Jordai darts out of the room. The robot tries to chase her, but Jade throws a few shuriken at it to divert its attention to her. She gives it a serious face and puts her mask back on.

"Come and fight me, you bucket of bolts," said Jade.

"It will fight us," said Jordan as he hops back into the room.

"Let's turn this thing into scrap," said Jade.

Jade and Jordan rush the robot. Jade throws some more shurikens as Jordan grapples to the roof. He then dive bombs and hops onto the head of the robot. He pulls out his blade and stabs it in its metal head. Jordan then hops off the roof and lands next to Jade.

"Hopefully, that's enough," said Jordan.

"It's never enough," said Jade.

"Power Switch: Superman," said the android.

"It's not a regular robot," said Jade.

"It's Amazo. It's an android that has copied the powers of the Justice League. We need to take it out now before it gets loose or it's used by HIVE," said Jordan.

"I thought that we were just saving Jordai," said Jade.

"Switch in plan. We are now on duty," said Jordan.

"How do we take this guy down?" asked Jade.

"He has the same weaknesses as a human, but this one seems to have different abilities. Just abuse the weaknesses of the stolen superpowers," said Jordan.

"I'm not as prepared as you," said Jade.

"Just follow my lead," said Jordan.

"Let's do this," said Jade.

The android sends some heat vision toward the duo and they easily dodge and run in different directions toward the walls. They reach the walls, run up them, hop off of them, and then they throw either shuriken or explosive disks at the android. He destroys them with some heat vision, but this was their plan. Jordan pulls out some Kryptonite and runs towards the android. As he gets closer, the android starts to fall back and cover his face.

"Power Shift: The Flash," said Amazo.

Amazo stops falling back and zooms towards Jordan. He barely dodges the charging android as he jumps out of the way. Jordan makes a hand signal and Jade nods. She then pulls out a couple gadgets and drops them on the ground. Water spills on the floor and Jordan throws a couple ice grenades down and they turn into ice. Amazo slips and falls on his metallic butt.

"Power Shift: Shazam," said Amazo as he rises into the air.

"This is the lightning guy, so all we have to do is overload his systems," said Jade.

"That's right," said Jordan.

"Throw me," said Jade.

"Why?" asked Jordan.

"Do it before he gets accustomed to his powers," said Jade.

Jordan grabs Jade and throws her in the direction of the floating Amazo. Amazo sees this and tries to stop her from reaching his head, but his hand is hit by a putty bomb and is destroyed. Jade reaches his head and pulls out two tasers. She turns them on and slams them on his head. His head is electrocuted with a high voltage and it tries to shake Jade off. Jordan sees this and throws his last blade at Amazo's chest. He then tases the blade and electrocutes Amazo as well. Amazo has had enough and grabs Jade and throws her back to her partner.

"Power Shift: Green Lantern," said Amazo.

Amazo grows a Green Lantern ring on his last arm and tries to create a construct, but a paintball is thrown at his eyes. This isn't any regular paint. It's yellow. A very fear-inducing yellow paint. His construct stops forming and he falls to the ground.

"Let's end this hunk of junk," said Jordan.

"You read my mind," said Jade.

Jordan and Jade charge at the downed Android. Jordan pulls out his bo staff and Jade pulls out a couple sai. Jordan leaps onto the android's head and Jade leaps on its back. A mini taser pops out of the edge of his bo staff and he slams it on the android's head, starting to overheat it. Jade uses her sai to cut through the android's metal skin. She then pulls out a few explosives and Jordan throws some of his. She stuffs them into the android and hops off. Jordan does the same and runs away from the android. He pulls the trigger and the android explodes in glorious fashion. Jordan and Jade pant because fighting a superpowered android is unsurprisingly tiring.

"That was fun," said Jade.

"You need to learn to take things more seriously," said Jordan.

"I can. I just had fun," said Jade.

"Me too," said Jordan.

"You guys did well. I'm shocked," said Damian.

Jade and Jordan quickly turn their heads and see the kid standing before them. He is not tied up or in the car.

"I said stay in the car," said Jordan.

"You're not my father," said Damian.

"Why did you come here?" asked Jade.

"I wanted to see you guys get slaughtered, but you guys didn't die. Very sad," said Damian.

"You don't mean that, so stop talking like that. There's no need to pretend to be evil," said Jordan.

"I'm not pretending. I'm legit," said Damian.

"I don't need to be a detective to see through that bullshit," said Jade.

"Whatever. I don't need the validation of two peasants," said Damian.

"Act like that and you won't get dinner," said Jordan.

"You're not my father!" exclaimed Damian.

"For now I am, so get to the car. We're going home," said Jordan.

"Hmmph," said Damian, annoyed.

An hour and a half passes. Jordan walks outside and pulls out a hologram projector from his pocket. He turns it on and waits for someone to answer. Someone answers, but it wasn't someone that he wanted to see.

"Raven," said Jordan.

"That's my name. Why are you calling?" said Raven.

"I have had one hell of a day," said Jordan.

"What happened?" asked Raven.

"Jordai was kidnapped by H.I.V.E and we went searching for her. We met Talia's son and we defeated an Amazo made from alien tech," said Jordan.

"You mean you and Jade," said Raven.

"Yes, but nothing happened," said Jordan.

"Hopefully, not. I don't wanna hear about any more secret children," said Raven.

"That was a one-time thing," said Jordan.

"Better be," said Raven.

"Look, girl. I want to fix us, but I can't do that if you don't change too," said Jordan.

"From the last time I checked, I don't have any children with a different dude," said Raven.

"Don't do that," said Jordan.

"Yes, I will. You hurt me and you may have stabbed too deep," said Raven.

"We've been together for too long for you to do this. Just give me a chance instead of turning into an emotionless stone," said Jordan.

"You already had your chance. Now, you earn one," said Raven.

The call ends and Jordan just drops the hologram projector. The entire time, he was being watched by Jade and she sadly walks away. Jordan turns around and walks into the house. He tries to walk toward his daughter's room, but he sees Damian sticking his dirty hands into the fridge.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Jordan.

"Looking for food," said Damian.

"Did you ask? Did you even wash your hands?" asked Jordan.

"Stop asking so many questions. Is this an interrogation?" said Damian.

"Just be polite as you stay here. Show some respect," said Jordan.

"Sorry," said Damian softly.

"Huh?" asked Jordan.

"I'm sorry alright. I'm not used to having a home. My mother was something. That is all I can say," said Damian.

"Damian," said Jordan.

"Don't feel bad for me though. I kidnapped your daughter," said Damian.

"You're still a kid with bad influences. I forgive you," said Jordan.

"You're naive," said Damian.

"How?" asked Jordan.

"Young people are always the evilest ones," said Damian.

"You can change. You're not even a teen or a preteen," said Jordan.

"I don't know about that," said Damian.

"You will stay here with Jade and Jordai. You guys will be a little happy family. I promise you that you will be a completely different person after only a few months," said Jordan.

"You're putting too much faith into a kid that was born to be a monster," said Damian.

"Then, I'll just become a bigger monster. One big enough to prevent the world from seeing you as one," said Jordan.

"Thanks for the kind words, but you don't have to lie," said Damian as he tries to hide a smile.

"I'm not lying. I don't lie to kids," said Jordan.

"Even if you are, you aren't that bad of a guy," said Damian.

"Tell everyone else that," said Jordan as he walks away.

"I will," said Damian to himself.

Jordan reaches his daughter's room in only a few seconds and opens the door. He sees Jade telling his daughter a story and just leans in the doorway to just listen.

"Then, the brave man thought that because he couldn't get the girl that he saw in his dreams that his life was over. He was wrong. Everyone else in the small village loved him and that was enough for him to recover and grow into an idol for the next generation to achieve things even if they don't get everything they want. The end," said Jade.

"Cute story," said Jordan.

"It's her favorite," said Jade.

"Is it? It looks like my girl is a young bookworm," said Jordan.

"I love books, daddy," said Jordai.

"I do, too. We are very similar," said Jordan.

"I feel kind of left out. I hate books," said Jade.

"Then, we will make you love them," said Jordan.

"Or hate them more," said Jade.

"That depends on you," said Jordan.

"Look at the time. It's time for you to catch some zzzzs," said Jade.

"But, it's Saturday," groaned Jordai.

"You have had a very hectic day. You need the rest. Trust me. I know the best," said Jordan.

"Fine," said Jordai disappointingly.

"Good night. Sleep tight. And don't let those bed bugs bite," said Jordan.

"If you see or hear anything, scream. We will be here in a flash," said Jade.

"Really?" asked Jordai.

"Always and forever," said Jordan.

Jordan and Jade lean in and kiss both of Jordai's brown cheeks. She blushes for a few seconds before her parents' lips move away from her cheeks.

"Sweet dreams, kid," said Jade.

Jade and Jordan exit her room and close the door behind them. They both walk towards the same bedroom and enter it. They hop into the bed and Jordan turns off the light.

"Today was wild but very interesting," said Jordan.

"Hopefully, we can just chill tomorrow. Being a parent is hard," said Jade.

"It's not supposed to be easy," said Jordan.

"But, I wish it was. I work too hard," said Jade.

"I won't disagree with you on that," said Jordan.

"I love you," said Jade.

"Me too," said Jordan.

In a base back in Jump City, the leader of H.I.V.E isn't too happy. He throws his glass of wine at the wall and frightens his underling standing in front of his desk.

"They destroyed Amazo!" exclaimed Blood.

"Yes and they took their daughter back," said the underling.

"I don't care about that. Do you know how much it cost me to get that advanced android?" said Blood.

"An arm and a leg," said the underling.

"My pride. I'm a god, but I'm taking orders from an alien who hasn't taken a foot on this planet," said Blood.

"At least he won't kill us. That's always better," said the underling.

"Get out," said Blood.

"Yes, sir," said the underling as he quickly walks out of the office.

Blood puts his hand over his forehead and rubs it. He lays back in his chair and tries to close his eyes, but he hears his hologram projector turn on and instantly gets back up.

"Blood, how was the field test of the new Amazo?" asked the grey alien.

"Ok. It got destroyed, but it nearly killed its targets," said Blood.

"Almost isn't good enough. I hired you to take down the Titans. You need to get started now," said the grey alien.

"I'll be on my way to do that, sir. Don't worry about me," said Blood.

"I better not. I want this planet. I need it to find the equation of anti-life," said the grey alien.

"And you will receive it in good shape, Lord Darkseid," said Blood.

"It better be," said Darkseid.

Blood ends the call and then calls someone else. Darkseid disappears and Slade appears on the hologram. He looks like he has been waiting for this.

"What do you want, Blood?" asked Slade.

"I need help," said Blood.

"I'm not a lapdog. Look for a jobber to do your work," said Slade.

"One hundred million," said Blood.

"Start talking," said Slade.

"I need the Titans alive. After I'm done using them, I will kill them or you can. It doesn't matter to me," said Blood.

"A hundred mil to have fun with old friends? That's such a good deal," said Slade.

"Then, you're in?" asked Blood.

"Yes. We're in," said Slade.

"Who's we?" asked Blood.

"None of your business. I will get the job done with a little help from family," said Slade.

"The more Wilsons the merrier," said Blood.

Hi. Welcome to the final season. I know. It feels strange, but we got here so quickly. The original series only got five and now we've got to seven. Seven! I've been in love with this series for so long and to not just write 60+ chaps, get to nearly 300k viewers, and over 1k colletions has warmed my cold, cold heart. All I can say is thank you my loyal reders. Honestly, that's all I can say. To thank you, I may be planning some extra content for you all to just flesh out the story. It's a BIG maybe, so take this with a grain of salt. Anyways, enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts