
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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The Court That Watches All the Time

"Many times, Gotham City has been deemed the worst city, or to be more specific, the worst place to live. As a police officer, I can confirm this. There are many murderers, thieves, and criminals in this hellhole. I would love to leave this place, but I can't. There is something about this place that won't allow me to leave. Is it the food, or the people, or my weird obsession about wanting to take down all the criminals? This place may be the worst place on Earth, but there is no place better than this," said the vigilante.

We now exit the vigilante's mind and now look through her eyes. She stands in front of the exit to the asylum and stands before the majority of Batman's rogues gallery. A small drop of sweat goes down her forehead.

"Who is the girl?" asked Two-Face.

"Don't know, but she seems to be helping the bat, so let's kill her then send her to Batman in a box," said Mr. Freeze.

"I'm new around here, so can you guys just go back into your cells and act like regular humans for once?" asked the vigilante.

"No. We would rather have fun with you," said Killer Croc.

"Well, you asked for it," said the vigilante.

The female vigilante pulls out a smoke bomb from her utility belt and throws it at the mob of villains. It explodes and cloaks her movements as she pounces onto Two-Face and punches him in the face. She then turns her attention to Killer Croc and kicks him in the knee. She delivers a right hook to his green face and then an elbow to knock him out. Mr. Freeze tries to attack her from behind, but she elbows the large chunk of ice protecting his face and breaks his nose. Clayface tries to grab her, but she throws a couple ice pellets into his clay body and freezes him. She turns her attention back to Freeze and kicks him in the face to knock him out. Penguin tries to slice the vigilante with his umbrella blade, but she easily dodges the swipes and knees him in the face, knocking him unconscious and breaking his large nose. Firefly rockets towards her, but she flips off the ground and lands on his jetpack. She grabs a Batarang and uses it to carve a hole into the jetpack. She then grabs the wires and pulls them out, causing Firefly to crash land on the ground. She curb stomps him and knocks him out.

"Is that it? I can't believe that I thought that you guys would be a threat," said the vigilante.

"So, the bat has got a new sidekick. I wished that he would accept my application, but I guess that I'm not fit for the job. I'm so unlucky," said Joker.

Joker walks out of the shadows as the vigilante quickly turns around to see the madman staring at her with a large creepy smile. She pulls out one of her pistols and aims it at the clown.

"Woah there. Doesn't he have a no gun rule?" said Joker.

"These don't have bullets, but they will hurt a lot," said the vigilante.

"I don't want to cause any trouble. I just want to make people laugh. I have a new comedy show already prepared," said Joker.

"The only thing that you should be prepared for is another life sentence," said the vigilante.

"Confident, aren't you? I guess that I will just have to get past you," said Joker.

"You won't, so don't even try," said the vigilante.

"Take these!" exclaimed Joker.

Joker pulls out a few throwing cards from his long coat and throws them at the vigilante. She easily dodges the cards and fires a couple shots at the clown. He dodges a couple of the shots but is hit in the leg and electrocuted.

"Oww. Those hurt," said Joker.

"I'm not done with you," said the vigilante.

The vigilante charges at the clown and jumps into the air and knees him in the neck. He spits out blood, but he hasn't finished receiving his beating. The vigilante punches him a couple times and then headbutts him. She picks him up and slams him against the wall to the left of her and punches him in the stomach.

"Who planned this escape?" asked the vigilante.

"Wanna know something funny?" asked Joker.

"I don't want to hear any of your jokes," said the vigilante.

"Hold on. This is a good one. I don't know," said the Joker hysterically.

"You're lying. You always plan these types of things," said the vigilante.

"How would you know? Isn't this your first night out?" asked Joker.

"If you're lying to me, this will hurt more than it already does," said the vigilante.

"What do you-," said Joker.

Joker is unable to finish talking before his head is grabbed and slammed into the wall a few times until he falls unconscious. His unconscious body hits the ground and the vigilante just stares at it.

"That's for Ethan, bastard," said the vigilante.

The vigilante walks towards the exit and exits the asylum. She walks away until the Batmobile enters the gates and stops in front of her. The right door opens and she enters it.

"Another breakout?" asked Batman.

"Yes, another one," said the vigilante.

"Third one this month. I don't know who's doing this, but they must be doing this for a reason," said Batman.

"Maybe to test us?" asked the vigilante.

"Probably. I don't know why someone would break out my rogues gallery every week just for fun," said Batman.

"There are some wackos in this town," said the vigilante.

"Yeah. I know," said Batman.

"Let's hunt down who is doing this and bring him in. The night is still young," said the vigilante.

"I would love to, but we can't," said Batman.

"We can't? Why?" asked the vigilante.

"Gala. I have to present the plan to the elites. I can't skip. This isn't a regular meeting," said Batman.

"Well, I can skip. I'm just a detective. I don't have to be there. I'll go hunt down our perpetrator," said the vigilante.

"Yin, if you get in trouble, call. I'll send someone to assist you," said Batman.

"I don't need help, Bruce. This may be my first night out, but I'll be fine. I know this city like the back of my hand," said Yin.

Yin exits the Batmobile and grapples away. Bruce closes the door and zooms off back to the manor. His heart aches because he can't do his job tonight. His other job has more priority. He speeds through the busy and loud streets and reaches the manor in around ten minutes. The secret entrance opens and the Batmobile quickly enters it. It continues to speed until it reaches the center of the Batcave. Bruce hops out of the car, quickly pulls off his suit, and runs towards the elevator. He nearly enters the elevator until he hears the concerned yell from his butler.

"Master Bruce!" exclaimed Alfred.

"What is it, Alfred?" asked Bruce.

"Don't forget your tie. You want to impress them, don't you?" said Alfred.

"Of course," said Bruce.

"Then, take this," said Alfred.

Alfred tosses the tie over to Bruce and he grabs it. He ties it around his collar as the elevator rockets up to the large mansion. He exits it and quickly moves towards the foyer until he just stops and turns around. Surprised, he sees Dick sitting in a seat, staring at his phone.

"So, you came. I'm kind of surprised. You don't like responding to my emails," said Bruce.

"Bludhaven is just a few miles away, Bruce. Why would I not come?" said Dick.

"Is Jason or Barbara or Jordan or Tim coming?" asked Bruce.

"Jason is still in Steel City, Barbara is hanging out with friends, and Tim is still looking for that Dollmaker guy. Jordan is off the grid. He said he's preparing for something big," said Dick.

"I wish that we could all just attend things together, but we all have things to," said Bruce.

"Don't tell me that the big bad Batman is scared to talk to a bunch of rich folk?" asked Dick.

"Of course not. I would like to hang out as a family. We are the Batfamily, but we are barely together," said Bruce.

"One day, Bruce. One day," said Dick.

Bruce looks at his expensive watch as it slowly ticks to eight o'clock. It's showtime for the billionaire.

"It's my time. See you later, Dick," said Bruce.

Bruce exits the small room and walks into the large foyer. The large crowd claps as he walks towards the stand behind the miniature version of the city. He adjusts the mic and clears his throat.

"I've been thinking about a phrase. Gotham is what? What is Gotham City to me? Is it home? Is it family? To be honest with you all, I don't have an answer. Well, that is only half honest. I used to not have an answer until I remembered something my father told me. Tomorrow is one dream away. When my parents were gunned down, every day for a small-time was the worst day of my life. Fear, anger, resentment, and sadness were the only things that I could feel for a while. That phrase kept on popping up in my head and I started to change. Even though it hurt, it would somehow get better. So, why did I tell you guys that? The answer is pretty simple. Asking what our city is now is useless. Tomorrow is only a dream away and my company has many dreams," said Bruce.

Bruce lifts his hands and holograms extend into the air from, the miniature version of Gotham. The holograms are what the future Gotham will look like once Wayne Industries completes its ambitious plan.

"This is what this city will look like tomorrow. Not tomorrow, but a few years from now. We will no longer be known as the laughing stock of this nation. People will not fear living here. Wayne Industries will build a brighter future and I hope everyone in this room will be here to witness this," said Bruce.

"Bravo!" yelled an elite.

"You're amazing!" exclaimed another.

A few minutes pass and Bruce now walks through the large crowd of people. Shaking hands and having small talk with his guests. He continues to walk through the crowd until Vicki Vale, the only Gotham Gazette reporter the citizens of Gotham know, pops out of the crowd.

"Vicki?" said Bruce.

"Don't seem surprised. It's my job to be here," said Vicki.

"I wasn't surprised. Just curious," said Bruce.

"I want to introduce you to someone. Meet-," said Vicki.

"Lincoln March. CEO of March Venture and candidate for next mayor of Gotham," interrupted Lincoln.

"I know who you are. Everyone knows. You seem to be a friend of Vicki, so a friend of hers is a friend of mine," said Bruce.

"So, do I have your vote?" asked Lincoln.

"Let's not go so far. I just met you," said Bruce.

"Come on, Bruce. I love your plan to fix Gotham and if I become mayor, I will make sure you will be able to do anything you want in your plan with no interference," said Lincoln.

"I don't like to be paid off Mr. March. I'll make my choice when Election Day comes around," said Bruce.

"Just make the right choice for the city that you love so much," said Lincoln.

"I will," said Bruce.

Bruce walks away and heads in the direction of a waiter. The waiter is carrying a platter of hors d'oeuvres and the waiter hands one to Bruce. Bruce takes a large bite out of it and pretends to visibly like it. It isn't very good. Bruce tries to walk away again, but he feels a tap on his shoulder.

"I thought that you didn't like to gain too many calories, Bruce. Did Jason's return send you into a depression?" said Jordan.

"Well, I have to blend in somehow. Why are you here?" said Bruce.

"I have some business to do here," said Jordan.

"What do you mean by business?" asked Bruce.

"I just wanted to return home. I haven't been here in such a long time," said Jordan.

"It's only been a year," said Bruce.

"Time moves slowly in Cali," said Jordan.

"What's going on in Jump City?" asked Bruce.

"I could try to lie, but you would expose me in seconds, so I won't even try. Slade's back and he's working for a demon called Trigon who wants to take over the universe. I came here to warn you. There isn't much time," said Jordan.

"That's a lot. Why didn't you just call?" said Bruce.

"I have some other things that I want to do while I'm here," said Jordan.

"If you're coming for help, then Trigon must be a threat. We can talk in the cave once the gala is over. Can't look too suspicious," said Bruce.

Before Bruce can grab another hors d'oeuvre, a window is broken and an assassin with an owl-shaped mask hops into the mansion. It looks around the large room until it sees March. It straightens its body and grabs a few sharp knives.

"Lincoln March, the court has marked you for death," said the assassin.

"Well, I guess you can disappear now. It won't be suspicious now, Bruce. Bruce? I hate when he does that," said Jordan.

As Bruce quickly enters his Batcave, the assassin walks towards March as he and the other elites start to run towards the exit. As the assassin gets closer, Jordan quickly runs towards a waiter and grabs his platter. He quickly dumps the hors d' oeuvres and throws the platter at the assassin. The assassin catches the platter and throws it back at Jordan. Jordan dodges the platter, expecting another attack, but the assassin continues to walk towards the mayoral candidate.

"So, that guy is only going after March? I bet that dude isn't any regular assassin. Time to test out my theory," said Jordan.

Jordan runs towards the assassin and punches it in the face. The assassin takes the hit and falls back, but gets back up and continues to walk after its target.

"He's just acting like I don't even exist. That kind of hurts. I should get suited up and take this thing down before it takes out March," said Jordan.

"No need. I got him," said Dick.

Dick runs past Jordan and leaps into the air, does a little flip, and kicks the assassin in the face. The assassin is sent flying into a large table but quickly gets up. This time, the assassin won't just be a punching bag. The assassin grabs a couple knives and throws them at Dick. He easily jumps over them and throws some Birdarangs at it. It dodges them and charges at the former Robin. Dick prepares to brawl with the assassin until his opponent is frozen to the ground from an ice bomb. An explosive is then thrown into the assassin's leg and explodes. Green blood oozes out of the wound.

"His blood is green," said Dick.

"That means that whatever this thing is isn't human. At least not anymore," said Bruce.

"Then, I can do this," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out one of his blades and decapitates the assassin. Its head falls to the ground as green blood spews out. Jordan crouches and grabs the decapitated head. He takes off the mask and sees a really pale face.

"Looks like a zombie," said Jordan.

"Probably because it is of some sort. Whoever sent this assassin has been around for a long time to have zombie assassins," said Bruce.

"Could be a witch or a necromancer," said Dick.

"Doubt that. Magical villains are foreign to Gotham," said Jordan.

"Let's analyze this head in the cave. We can see who this guy is if he did exist," said Bruce.

Back in the cave, the deceased head of the assassin sits on a machine that scans it. Hundreds of images appear on the Batcomputer, but not the one that fits this head. Another minute passes before some words appear on the screen.

"This guy is old. Too old to still be alive," said Bruce.

"So, he is a zombie. Cool," said Dick.

"How old?" asked Jordan.

"Pre-Civil War old," said Bruce.

"Pre Civil War? What did this guy do to be brought back after such a long time?" asked Jordan.

"He must have been one hell of an assassin," said Bruce.

"He dressed up like an owl. Why?" said Dick.

"Maybe he's crazy just like us," said Jordan.

"Or he could work for a secret organization that rules Gotham from the shadows," said Bruce.

"That's oddly specific," said Dick.

"My father always used to tell me a poem to scare me. Beware The Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them, or they'll send the Talon for your head. What if this guy is one of those Talons?" said Bruce.

"He was targeting Lincoln March. He's running for mayor and he doesn't seem to like organized crime. That may be why this Court of Owls wants him dead and they may want you dead too," said Jordan.

"They won't kill me, but we have to worry about March and probably others. I doubt that March is their only target," said Bruce.

"There could be hundreds of targets and the three of us won't be able to protect them all," said Dick.

"Well, the Batfamily is bigger than three people. I'll make a couple calls and we will be able to save more people. We won't be able to save everyone, but we'll try," said Bruce.

"When will they strike?" asked Jordan.

"No clue, but probably by the end of the week. They struck now, so they must be ramping up their efforts," said Dick.

"We stopped one Talon tonight, but there could be hundreds. Maybe even thousands. If we keep on interfering, they could try to take us down," said Jordan.

"Good thinking. I'll call Tim and tell him to return to the cave immediately. It isn't safe for him to be out there," said Bruce.

"Who's Tim?" asked Jordan.

"New Robin," said Bruce.

"New Robin! Didn't you learn that having kids as sidekicks doesn't work?" said Dick.

"Relax. He's old enough and super smart. He'll be fine," said Bruce.

Bruce touches a couple buttons and tries to come in contact with the third Robin. On the other side of town, the boy's communicator buzzes and he taps the earpiece in his ear.

"What is it, Bruce?" asked Tim.

"Come back to the cave. We were attacked by an assassin. It's not safe for you to be out there tonight," said Bruce.

"I'm fine. Nobody has tried to attack me," said Tim.

"This isn't a discussion. Come home," said Bruce.

"I've found him. I found Dollmaker's hideout," said Tim.

"That's cool, but we can deal with him later. We have a situation right now," said Bruce.

"I can't turn back now. He has kidnapped too many kids. His reign of terror on children ends tonight," said Tim.

"Dick and Jordan are here with me. They can deal with him tonight. You aren't ready," said Bruce.

"I am and I will prove it," said Tim.

"Wait," said Bruce.

Tim takes out his earpiece and destroys it with two of his fingers. Bruce lays back in his chair and angrily breathes out of his nose.

"I'll go get him," said Jordan.

"I'll contact Yin. She should be the closest," said Bruce.

"The Talons won't get to him. This isn't the night of the owls," said Jordan.

So, you guys wanted some original content huh? Here it is. Welcome to the "Court of Owls Saga" and it will be a little long, so be prepared. This is a Batfamily centered arc, so don't expect to see the other Titans. Also, you're probably wondering "Who the hell is this Ellen Yin girl?" I am here to explain. Ellen Yin is a character that was first introduced in the animated series called "The Batman" which, alledgedly, takes place in this universe. (You should watch the show. It's good. It's nearly the exact same length as Teen Titans and has shorter episodes, so you can get through it quicker. Yes, the quality decreases after Season 2, but it is still a pretty good show. A solid 6.5/10 to me.) She is an asian woman with brown eyes and dark hair. She was originally a detective from Metropolis, but she moved to Gotham and joined the GCPD in the first episode of the show. From there, she would make many appearances in the first two seasons, helping Batman, but disappears after Season 2 after being replaced by both Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon. She never made a physical appearance ever again and was only mentioned in one more epside in Season 4 which takes place hundreds of years into the future. So, why did I add her into this story? One, I liked her character and was very disappointed that she basically disappeared after Season 2. Two, she would either be a close ally to the Batfamily or become a member. I thought that this would be the most realistic choice and I added her into the story. If you have any problems with it, I don't really care, but you can still showcase them. Enjoy the chapter, have a good day, and have a Merry Christmas!

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