
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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Four hours have passed since Jordan became the heir to Slade's throne. Now decked out in Slade gear with Slade's mask as well and his katanas on his back, he is sent out on his first mission to steal for the mercenary. He now stands on the edge of a helicopter, preparing to jump.

"Are you going to jump or not? Don't tell me that you're scared," said Slade.

"Just give me a moment. I haven't been so high in such a long time," said Jordan.

"Are your friends' lives so insignificant to you," said Slade.

"No," said Jordan.

"Then get to jumping," said Slade.

Jordan takes a few more seconds until he runs back and hops off the helicopter. He falls through the sky for a few seconds until he crashes through the roof. He throws a gadget at a container and blows it up. He grabs the thermal blaster and looks at it until he hears guards running towards the room.

"Someone is trying to steal the thermal blaster. We have to stop them," said a guard.

"Please don't be Red Hood. I don't want to lose another gig because of that guy," said another guard.

Jordan dashes out of the room as the guards shoot at him. He continues to run until he jumps into the air and grabs onto the ceiling.

"Where did he go?" asked a guard.

"Not again," said another guard.

He hops off the ceiling and tries to run around the corner, but the Titans appear behind and in front of him.

"Freeze, thief," said Cyborg.

"I don't have time for this," thought Jordan.

Jordan runs towards the edge of the rooftop and prepares to jump, but the Titans charge up their attacks. To solve this issue without fighting, Jordan throws two smoke bombs at the Titans and allows the smoke to cover his tracks as he escapes.

"Good job, Jordan. You were able to steal the thermal blaster without having to fight anyone. You're better at stealth than you think," said Slade.

"You won't be giving me compliments for long. This deal will be over quicker than you think," said Jordan.

"Will it? In my opinion, it will last until I die," said Slade.

"I'll just have to make you face a quick death," said Jordan.

"Are you threatening to murder me? That is something that I would do," said Slade.

"Shut up. What do you want with this blaster anyways?" said Jordan.

"It's yours. You will use it to steal more things for me. You will keep on stealing for me. Once this lasts for a long time, you will see me as the father you never had," said Slade.

"I already have a father," said Jordan.

"Bruce Wayne or is it Batman? His name is always confusing," said Slade.

"What do you want me to do next?" asked Jordan.

"There's a drill gadget in a building a mile away from here. Steal it and bring it back. You will love it," said Slade.

"No I won't," said Jordan.

Ten minutes pass. Jordan lands on a rooftop and looks at a large name on the rooftop. The name is Wayne.

"Of course he would send me here. He loves to play mind games," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs a vent and rips it off. He slides through the ventilation shaft until he reaches the room with the drill gadget in it. He slowly takes off the vent and enters the room. Before he can grab the gadget, he hears a familiar voice.

"What has Slade put you up to, Jordan?" asked Batman.

Jordan turns around and sees his mentor standing behind him.

"Why are you here, Bruce?" asked Jordan.

"You're stealing my tech from my company for a psychopathic mercenary. Why?" said Batman.

"You wouldn't understand," said Jordan.

"Why are you talking to him? Get out of there before he stops you from stealing the gadget," said Slade.

"I have places to be, so I'll be taking this thing," said Jordan.

"He's blackmailing you, isn't he. After what he did to Jason, you would never actually consensually join him," said Batman.

"You don't know what he's capable of. I have to steal to save lives," said Jordan.

"Stop talking and move, Jordan. He will defeat you if you keep talking," said Slade.

"He's threatening to kill your friends, right? We can save them together," said Batman.

"If you cared, you would have already dealt with him years ago," said Jordan.

"Don't start this crap," said Batman.

"Your no-killing rule screws over everyone. I wouldn't be in this situation if you put your foot down and protected Gotham. Now, I'm forced to steal because of your stupid moral code," said Jordan.

"Move, Jordan, or I will kill your friends this instant!" exclaimed Slade.

"Move aside. Don't make me use force," said Jordan.

"Don't do this," said Batman.

"You leave me no choice," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs two Sladearangs from his utility belt and throws them at the Dark Knight. Batman uses his cape to block the attack. He tries to immediately go on the offensive after the attack, but he sees that his old sidekick has run past him. He turns and runs after him. Jordan jumps through a window and his mentor follows. He grabs Jordan midair and starts to fall out of the sky.

"Let go now or you will kill us both," said Jordan.

"I won't let him take you too," said Batman.

"He won't so get off," said Jordan.

"Never," said Batman.

"Then, take this," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs an electrical gadget and places it on the bat. It electrocutes him and he starts to lose his grip. Jordan takes advantage of his loosening grip and grabs his grappling hook. He grapples to a rooftop and looks as his mentor falls towards the ground.

"See you later, Bruce," said Jordan.

"Get back to the hideout immediately. We need to talk," said Slade.

"I'm on it boss," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. Jordan enters the hideout and places the gadget in Slade's hand.

"Brilliant work, Jordan. You defeated the Titans and the Dark Knight all in one night. I was right to choose you," said Slade.

"I'm good at what I do," said Jordan.

"Yes, you are, but you sometimes choose not to listen and I can't have insubordination when your friends' lives are on the line," said Slade.

"What do you expect? I'm a human after all," said Jordan.

"If you want to be the next me, you can't be human. You have to do what has to be done. You have to disregard feelings and friends to do your job. You need to learn how to control and destroy. You're too soft," said Slade.

"Maybe if I chose to be your heir, I would try harder," said Jordan.

"You don't get to choose your fate in this world. Only the most powerful chooses who lives and dies. Only the powerful choose who is poor or rich. If you don't have power, what is the point of living?" said Slade.

"That's pretty deep for a psycho like you. I'm going to turn in. I need some rest," said Jordan.

"Rest? There's no time to rest when there are things to steal," said Slade.

"I stole two things for you. That is enough," said Jordan.

"I tell you when enough is enough," said Slade.

"You don't own me," said Joran.

"Yes, I do and I order you to go back out there and steal," said Slade.

"I refuse," said Jordan.

"I guess that I have to teach you about discipline," said Slade.

Slade grabs Jordan's right arm and flings him across the room. He then runs up to him and tries to knee him, but Jordan rolls out of the way. He quickly gets up and charges at the mercenary. He tries to kick Slade, but he easily dodges the kick. He tries uppercut Slade, but he just moves out of the way. Slade kicks him in the chest and sends him flying into the large gears. Jordan grabs onto one of the gears and swings towards Slade, but he has disappeared.

"Where did he go?" thought Jordan.

Jordan looks around but doesn't see the one-eyed mercenary. He walks around the gears until he sees him standing on a large gear. He arrives on the ground like he's riding the gear like an escalator.

"Good, Jordan. You're doing better than last time. Maybe you will be an actual threat in a few years," said Slade.

Jordan pulls out his two katanas and Slade does the same. They run up to each other and their blades clash. Due to his enhanced strength, Slade easily pushes Jordan into a gear. Slade tries to stab him, but Jordan jumps into the air and forces Slade to stab a gear. Jordan slashes Slade's helmet, but it doesn't affect him. He tries to karate chop Jordan's neck, but he easily jumps and dodges the attack. He lands on another gear, but he no longer sees the mercenary.

"Why does he keep on doing this?" asked Jordan.

"Because it's fun," said Slade.

Jordan turns around and is tackled by the mercenary and sent flying to another gear. Slade tries to smash the hero with his fist, Jordan rolls out of the way. Jordan jumps up and spin kicks Slade, actually hitting him. He spin kicks him again and sends him flying to the floor and cracking his mask. Jordan jumps down and lands in front of Slade.

"You're going to wish that you didn't do that," said Slade.

"I wish that I did it earlier. I'm tendering my resignation. I quit," said Jordan.

"You're going to regret this," said Slade.

"I won't," said Jordan.

"Ahh!" exclaimed Slade.

Slade angrily punches at Jordan but he dodges them with ease. Jordan tries to kick Slade, but Slade catches his foot. Instead of breaking his leg, Slade just tosses him across the room once again.

"I have things to teach you. One is gratitude," said Slade.

"Gratitude this ass whooping!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan tries to punch Slade, but he grabs his right arm and slams him on the ground.

"I made you my apprentice. I gave you my knowledge, my skills, and you only care about your worthless little friends! I guess that I should just kill them to stop their distractions," said Slade.

"You won't," said Jordan.

"I will," said Slade.

"No, you won't because I am here," said Batman.

Slade looks up and sees his worst nightmare. The Dark Knight is in his hideout and is prepared to take him down once and for all.

"I knew that you would come, but you won't stop me. Jordan, get him," said Slade.

"Have you been paying attention? I don't work for you anymore," said Jordan.

"You bastard!' exclaimed Slade.

"The kid doesn't work for you anymore, so you should just give up before I get mad," said Batman.

"Ahhhhh!" exclaimed Slade.

"Bad choice," said Batman.

Slade charges at Batman and tries to attack him, but Batman easily dodges all of the strikes. Slade continues to try to touch the Dark Knight, but he can't. Even though his anger grows, it doesn't help him defeat the Batman. Batman finally gets tired of dodging and strikes Slade's ribs. He then strikes Slade's nervous points and kicks him in Jordan's direction. Slade tries to get back into the fight, but Jordan grabs his leg.

"Slade, it looks like you're having a hard time. Maybe I need to increase the difficulty," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and kicks in Slade's knee. Slade howls in pain and tries to get the kid off but Batman punches him so hard that his helmet breaks. Jordan then grabs his leg and breaks it.

"That's for Jason," said Jordan.

While Slade screams in pain, Jordan and Batman beat down on the mercenary. They break his nose. They give him a black eye on his only eye, knock out his teeth, and cut him up like he's sushi until he finally passes out.

"It looks like the big bad Deathstroke has finally met his match. Am I right, Bruce?" said Jordan.

"Whatever you say," said Batman.

"Thanks, Bruce. I needed the help. He would have destroyed me if you didn't show up," said Jordan.

"It's always helpful to place a tracker on someone," said Batman.

"You observe the tower every Friday and Tuesday. You can stop that. It's weird," said Jordan.

"I'm just making sure that you're safe, that's all," said Batman.

"I may not be as skilled as you or Dick, but I don't need you to watch me like a hawk," said Jordan.

"You'll understand why I do this later. Now, you have to take him to prison before he escapes. He is a slippery one," said Batman.

"Wouldn't it be smarter for you to take him in? He could easily overpower me," said Jordan.

"I believe in you. All you have to do is have a little faith, Jordan. Just a little," said Batman.

"That's ironic for someone who broods as much as you," said Jordan.

"Get out of here before your friends suspect that something's wrong. Plus, you should return the stuff that you stole. Your Red Hood days should be over," said Batman.

"Yeah, they are," said Jordan.

"Good. See you later, Jordan. I have to get back to Gotham. The Joker is up to no good once again," said Batman.

"How many people are you going to allow to die this time," said Jordan.

"No one," said Batman.

"You always say that, but it never happens," said Jordan.

"I'll find a way," said Batman.

"You won't and people will die and suffer again due to your moral code," said Jordan.

"Just focus on your city," said Batman.

"Whatever you say, Batman," said Jordan.

Thirty minutes pass. After dropping the mercenary off at the local prison facility, he enters the tower and walks towards the living room. He enters it and sees the Titans looking at the monitor.

"Where is he? He has been missing for the last five hours. We can't track him. We can't hear him. If we don't find him by tonight, he may be gone," said Cyborg.

"There's no way that Cinderblock could kill Jordan. Utterly impossible," said Raven.

"If he isn't dead. Where is he?" said Cyborg.

"I'm right here. Sorry to scare you," said Jordan.

The Titans turn around and see their leader standing behind them. They're happy that he's alive, but kind of scared that he magically appeared behind him.

"Jordan, is that you and not a robot clone from the 28th century?" asked Beast Boy.

"Huh?' asked Jordan.

"What this idiot is trying to say is, are you the real you?" asked Raven.

"I am the real me I guess," said Jordan.

"Where were you? We were scared and thought that you were dead," said Starfire.

"I beat him. He won't be bothering us for a little while," said Jordan.

"What do you mean?" asked Beast Boy.

"Slade will be imprisoned until he most likely escapes and when he does, we will deal with him once again," said Jordan.

"If Slade has been captured, we should celebrate our victory with pizza," said Beast Boy.

"Should we eat pizza this early? Sleep would be better," said Raven.

"You can't sleep after you defeat the big bad. We have to celebrate for the sake of mankind," said Cyborg.

"That makes no sense," said Raven.

"It shouldn't have to. Now, let's go get some grub," said Cyborg.

As the rest of the Titans walk by, the only Titans left in the living room are Raven and Jordan.

"So, did you defeat him on your own?" asked Raven.

"No, but I landed the most decisive blows," said Jordan.

"You did good," said Raven.

"I wish that you guys were there, it would have been easier," said Jordan.

"Probably, but you took him down. You did more work than us. Just for that, I'll pay for your slice. It's a thank you gift," said Raven.

"I don't want to be gifted for doing my job. It will build up my ego," said Jordan.

"I insist. You deserve it," said Raven.

"I'll owe you after this," said Jordan.

"I'm a simple person. You'll know what I want," said Raven.

"Herbal tea and a meditation buddy," said Jordan.

"That's right. You do know me," said Raven.

"I have to know about my teammates," said Jordan.

"But, you know too much. Why do you care so much?" said Raven.

"I used to have friends, but I threw them away to be a superhero. I guess I'm just trying to not mess up again," said Jordan.

"Slade's such an evil person because he doesn't have friends. You have friends, so you don't have to worry about becoming like him," said Raven.

"What do you mean?" asked Jordan.

"You wanted to take him down because you saw yourself in him. You didn't want to become him, so you decided to spend all of your time taking him down," said Raven.

"Wow, it's like you read my mind," said Jordan.

"I kind of did," said Raven.

"Huh?" asked Jordan.

"Don't worry about it. We have pizza to eat," said Raven.

Jordan looks at Raven as she walks out of the room. A smile grows on his face.

"I love this team," said Jordan.

Power scaling is a topic that is pretty weird. The plot and feats in stories can alter the power scaling of said series. Well, I decided to power scale my oc, Jordan King for you guys. This will be updated at the end of every season. I will explain a few things before we get to scaling. Attack Potency, or AP, is the destructive power of a character. Feats are things that the character does that helps you scale them. Now, let's begin.

Age- 16

Heifght- 6'1

Weight- 182 lbs

AP/Durability- Building Level- Jordan may just be human, but he is very physically powerful thanks to the skills he has learned and his crazy workout schedule. In the comics, basically, all of the Batfamily is scaled to be around Building Level, so that is where he will be. Plus, all the Titans at this point of time, even Robin, are scaled to be Building Level.

Speed- Relativistic to Lightspeed- This means that he can not move at lightspeed, but he is close. He can dodge Doctor Light's light beams most of the time. His reaction speed is at least light speed, but his moving speed is a little slower.

Intelligence- 157- Jordan is very smart. With his IQ, he can make many gadgets, be a very skilled detective, be an amazing strategist, and be a really good teacher. He also has a photographic memory which helps him very much.

Skills- Engineer, Chemist, Hacker, Detective, Leader, Martial Artist (Taekwondo, Jiujitsu, Ninjutsu, Kung fu), Acrobat

Notable Victories- Killer Croc, Bane, Manifestation of Trigon, Mammoth, Slade

Hopefully, this helped you learn about Jordan and his strength. You don't have to have powers to be strong. Enjoy the finale and have a good day!

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