
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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66 Chs


One month has passed since Starfire defeated her evil sister, Blackfire. She may still love her, but sadly, the feeling isn't mutual. Now, something very serious is happening. Victor can not find the remote.

"This can't be. It has to be here somewhere," said Victor.

Victor lifts the couch and doesn't find the remote. Beast Boy transforms into a dog and starts to smell the ground to find the remote, but he also doesn't find it.

"How did you lose the remote?" asked Victor.

"Why do you think I lost it?" asked Beast Boy.

"Because you're you," said Victor.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Beast Boy.

"You lost my football, the video game, my toothpaste, and the waffle iron," said Victor.

"It's not my fault that stuff just disappears," said Beast Boy.

"How am I supposed to watch tv?" asked Victor.

"It's simple. Just get up and change the channel," said Rachael.

"Don't joke like that," said Victor.

"I wasn't joking," said Rachael.

"Good because it wasn't funny! Just keep on reading your weird book and butt out of it!" exclaimed Victor.

"You're wasting your time and energy and interrupting my reading," said Rachael.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Victor and Beast Boy.

The three friends continue to argue for a few minutes until Jordan and Starfire walk through the door.

"And that's the secret to traveling past the speed of light," said Starfire.

"So, all you have to do is fly or run super-fast," said Jordan.

"Yep," said Starfire.

"I already knew that stuff," said Jordan.

"It's always wonderful to learn the new things," said Starfire.

"Sure, but what are they doing in here? Hey! What are you guys arguing about now!" said Jordan.

"Beast Boy lost the remote!" exclaimed Victor.

"I didn't lose anything!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"I don't care who lost the remote. Just stop yelling," said Jordan.

"To end disputes, we must share the unhealthy junk foods. I will fetch them," said Starfire.

"I don't need snacks! I need the remote!" exclaimed Victor.

Starfire walks over to the cabinet containing the junk food and opens it. She looks inside and sees a blue organism moving. It roars to assert dominance. Starfire shrieks and blasts the cabinet with her Starbolts, covering the entire room with the blue organism.

"Maybe we should just get pizza," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. The Titans now sit at a table at the local pizzeria holding menus.

"What are we getting?" asked Jordan.

"Pepperoni," said Victor.

"Anchovies," said Starfire.

"As long as it's vegetarian, I don't care," said Beast Boy.

"How could you deny yourself the all meat experience?" asked Victor.

"Dude, I've been most of those animals," said Beast Boy.

"I demand a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting," said Starfire.

"Eww," said Rachael.

"Just because it's on the menu doesn't mean it's a pizza topping," said Jordan.

"Double pepperoni," said Victor.

"I told you that I'm not eating meat," said Beast Boy.

"Pepperoni isn't meat," said Victor.

"Yes it is," said Beast Boy.

"No it isn't," said Victor.

"Can you guys stop arguing for two seconds for christ's sake. We're here to get fresh air, not to embarrass ourselves in front of everyone, so can you please stop acting like children and-," said Jordan.

"It's a baby on the road!" interrupted Beast Boy.

The heroes stand up and see a baby carriage in the street and a large bus speeding towards it.

"Why would someone just leave a baby in the street? This is a trap," said Jordan.

"Trap or not, we have to save that child. Titans, go!" said Victor.

The Titans hop off the second floor and run towards the baby. Starfire flies towards the carriage and grabs it. Victor hops in front of the bus and tries to stop it with his strength. Rachael uses her magic to force the bus to brake.

"Don't buses usually have drivers?" asked Victor.

"And don't carriages usually have babies in them?" asked Beast Boy.

"Are you pipsnippers usually this stupid?" asked the teddy bear.

"I knew it," said Jordan.

The teddy bear explodes and sends the three heroes flying into a building. Before Victor and Rachael can help, the bus is lifted and smashed on them.

"This was way too easy. Wanna get pizza?" said the midget.

"You ruined my favorite shirt. We're going to kick your ass firmly and quickly," said Jordan.

The three young villains turn around and see the young heroes wiping dust off their clothes and getting up. Victor blasts the large bus with his sonic cannon and the bus flies off of them.

"Who are you guys anyway?" asked Beast Boy.

"We are the HIVE," said the female villain.

"Your worst nightmare," said the buff villain.

"And this is Attack Pattern Alpha," said the female villain.

The midget villain darts towards three of the heroes and blasts the buildings around them with laser bolts, causing some of the wall to fall on them. The female villain tangos with Rachael as the buff villain wrestles with Victor.

"What do you call a retard with a rocket on his back?" asked the buff villain.

"Huh?" asked Victor.

"You!" exclaimed the midget villain.

The midget villain places a giant rocket on Victor's back and hops off him. He then presses a large button on a remote and Victor rockets into the sky. Starfire sees her friend rocketing towards the heavens and flies up to get him. The female villain tries to kick Rachael, but she easily dodges it. The female tries to punch Rachael multiple times, but she easily dodges them.

"You fight like a boy," said the female villain.

"And you're going to croak like a frog," said the midget villain.

Rachael looks up and sees that the midget villain is now in a spider mech and is blasted by a laser blast. She is sent flying backward but is caught by her leader. Beast Boy runs towards the villains and transforms into an elephant. He is unable to even touch them when he is picked up by the buff villain and thrown back in the direction of his allies.

"Is it just me or are we getting our asses handed to us?" asked Beast Boy.

"It's just you," said Rachael and Jordan.

"No way," said Beast Boy.

"These guys are just a bunch of kids. We stopped an alien invasion. We can deal with them," said Jordan.

"How?" asked Rachael.

"I have a plan. I'm taking the brute. I've dealt with people like Bane before. I can take him. Gar, you can take the midget. Raven, you can keep on fighting the girl. Titans, go!" said Jordan.

Jordan pulls a utility belt out from his pocket and places it on his waist. He then charges at the brute.

"So, you want to fight me, little man? That's cute," said the brute.

"I'll show you cute," said Jordan.

Jordan jumps into the air and roundhouse kicks the brute. The kick causes the brute to nearly fly into the same building that the heroes once flew into.

"Wow. You are stronger than you look," said the brute.

"I work out a lot," said Jordan.

"Pure strength isn't going to save you," said the brute.

"Then, let's try some new methods," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a few gadgets and throws them at the brute. The gadgets latch onto him and electrocute him with a high voltage. After a minute of electrocution, the brute has had enough and charges at Jordan. Jordan easily jumps over him and the brute runs into a parked car.

"Come on, bastard. I'm over here," said Jordan.

The brute turns around and charges at the hero once again, but Jordan slides between his legs and punches him in the family jewels. The brute grabs his Dragonballs and waddles away.

"Who would have thought that such a big dude would have such a small pair," said Jordan.

"You cheap shotting bastard!" exclaimed the brute.

Jordan runs up to him and right hooks him in the face and then hits him with a left one and a right one and a left one, over and over until his face is bloodied. The brute slowly backs up and tries to turn around, but a gadget hits him and he is frozen in place.

"Starfire was able to break out of this ice, but she's a Tamaranian. You're just a dumb brute," said Jordan.

The brute groans in annoyance, but he truly is stuck. In another fight, Beast Boy confronts the midget villain.

"Why would your dumb leader put an idiot like you against me? This will be a breeze," said the midget.

"You're underestimating me. That's a mistake," said Beast Boy.

The midget villain tries to blast Beast boy, but he transforms into a rhino and blocks the blasts. Like a rhino, Beast Boy charges at the midget, but he just jumps over the green animal. The midget tries to blast Beast boy again, but the blasts still don't affect him. Beast Boy turns back around and transforms into a gorilla. He quickly runs up to the midget, tanking his blasts, and grabs him. The midget touches a button and electrocutes both him and his opponent. Beast Boy is sent flying back by the electrocution.

"Hah. I knew that you were too easy," said the midget.

"Me beating you wasn't the plan," said Beast Boy.

"Huh?" asked the midget.

"Behind you," said Beast Boy.

The midget turns around and catches a kick to the face that sends him flying into a building.

"Did you have to kick him that hard?" asked Beast Boy.

"He's a villain. Do you want me to go easy on him?" said Jordan.

"No. He seems like he's as old as me. They're all just kids," said Beast Boy.

"They're just kids that commit crime. They came here to take us down. They came here to hurt people. They're nothing special," said Jordan.

"I guess you're right," said Beast Boy.

"Come on. We have one more to take down," said Jordan.

Only a few blocks away, the female villain uses her magic to cut off pieces of the buildings around Raven to try to hit her, but she uses her magic to create a shield to block the debris. The female tries to attack her multiple times, but the shield easily blocks her attacks.

"Why are you hiding behind that shield like a coward?" asked the female villain.

"I'm not a coward," said Raven.

"Then, why are you hiding behind that shield?" asked the female villain.

"I'm not scared of you," said Raven.

"Then, come out and fight me," said the female villain.

"I'm just buying time," said Raven.

"For who?" asked the female villain.

"For him," said Jordan.

The female villain turns around and sees a giant green T-rex standing behind her. Beast Boy roars and spit flies all over the girl.

"I would surrender if I was you. Beast Boy didn't get much to eat today," said Jordan.

"Slade won't be happy," said the female villain.

Jordan grabs the girl's collar and brings her closer to his face.

"Slade? Why is he here? Why did he hire you to take us down?" asked Jordan.

"He didn't want us to take you down. He knew that we would lose. He wanted us to deliver a message," said the female villain.

"What's the message?" asked Jordan.

"He's here to take over Jump City. He won't stop until everyone and everything in this town is under his control and he hopes that you will lead it beside him," said the female villain.

"Never," said Jordan.

"He won't take no for an answer," said the female villain.

"I know that," said Jordan.

From the dark hideout full of large gears at the same time, the mercenary looks at the screen. He sees his female operative being questioned by the young Titan but isn't disappointed. He smiles behind his helmet.

"Your operatives did a good job, headmaster. You're good at your job," said Slade.

"I only give people like you the best of the batch," said the headmaster.

"Now that he has received the message, we can kick our plan into overdrive. Jordan, you will be mine," said Slade.

Two DC shows that are always compared and talked about are "Young Justice" and "Teen Titans". I understand because they are both good (or used to be good) and are shows about a team of superpowered teenagers. We all know that I'm a fan of this show, but I also enjoyed Young Justice (only season one of course). I'm currently rewatching it for the first time with my dad, so that's why I brought the topic up in the first place. So, which show is better? Each show has its strengths and weaknesses and I like both (season one of Young Justice), but there can only be one winner and I choose "Teen Titans". Shocking, I know. I like darker and more mature stories/shows, but I put quality over what I like. Season one of "Young Justice" was amazing. I loved nearly every episode. I loved the plots, storylines, and characters. How could they screw that up? Well, Invasion came. Invasion was just meh. Not bad but nothing amazing or spectacular like season one. Then, it got canceled and in 2020 I believe, Outsiders dropped and it was just cheeks. It was no longer "Young Justice". It was DC Superhero Team-Up Hour. We were forced to focus on characters that I don't care about and the budget was absolutely destroyed. I liked a few episodes, but that's not enough. "Teen Titans" also had its hit and misses in terms of episodes and seasons, but it was never too boring or unwatchable. Phantoms is seeming like the same old shit, but hopefully, it gets better. I know that this chapter was shorter, but not every chapter will be a million words. Enjoy the chapter and have a good night! Fun fact: the entire show+ comics+ Trouble In Tokyo take place in a span of around five years. I know that they all look the same, have the same hairstyles, voices, and still wear the same costumes, but that's just cartoon logic. The thing that I loved about "Young Justice" was that the characters aged and you could see them age. That was always cool to me. If you need more proof, look up ChannelFrederator on YT and you will find their timeline video on the series.

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