
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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I'm Back, Gotham

Jason Todd was a boy that had a terrible life. His mother was a drug addict and his father, a drug dealer. Everywhere that he would go, he would be abused or taken advantage of. Nothing good ever happened to him until he was saved and adopted by the Batfamily. They had a few good months together until he was taken from them by the Clown Prince of Crime. Now, let's go back to the past and figure out what caused this boy's untimely demise. Over the infinite desert called the Middle East, Batman, Batgirl, Robin, and, at that time, Barbatos, sit in the Batwing, preparing to drop.

"Why would he do something so stupid? He should have known not to go to such a dangerous place by himself," said Jordan.

"He was trained by Deathstroke. He should be fine. We'll find him," said Bruce.

"He may have skills, but these animals have skills too. What if they take him away from us?" said Jordan.

"Can you ever talk positively for once? We will save Jason and we may even find his mother. I know not a lot of stuff ever goes well for us, but this will. I know it," said Dick.

"Just have a little faith. If we work together, we'll be back in the cave eating cookies in a couple hours," said Barbara.

"Mask up. We're here," said Bruce.

The Batfamily puts their cowls or masks on and moves towards the exit to the Batwing. The exit opens and the family of vigilantes hops out of the jet. Their capes open as they glide through the orange sky.

"We're here to save Jason. This should be a quick operation. He should be in that building. He may be family and he may be a kid, but the no-killing rule is still in effect. Am I clear?" said Bruce.

"Yes sir," said the sidekicks.

"Good," said Batman.

The vigilantes reach the ground in a few more seconds and quickly move to the door of the small building. Batman places a gadget on the door and the door handle is melted. Batman slowly opens the door and the vigilantes enter the building. They sneak through the halls until they hear some chatter in a room.

"Wait. I hear something," said Jordan.

"What do you hear?" asked Dick.

"Terrorists talking," said Jordan.

"What are they saying?" asked Barbara.

"I don't know, but I'll find out," said Jordan.

"Wait. You can't just sneak in there. We'll be caught," said Dick.

"Relax, Dick. He won't be. Go," said Bruce.

"Ok," said Jordan.

Jordan quietly walks away from the other members of the Batfamily. He continues to walk until the chatter gets louder and crutches behind a wall. He slowly sticks out his head and sees two terrorists talking.

"So, what are we going to do with the kid?" asked the younger terrorist.

"I don't know. I'm not fond of killing children, but if the boss orders it, we will," said the bigger terrorist.

"Why are we listening to a clown and an immortal man?" asked the younger terrorist.

"They give us good pay. We are businessmen," said the bigger terrorist.

"No, we are firm believers of religion," said the younger terrorist.

"Did you lose some brain cells from too many missions? You never used to act like this," said the bigger terrorist.

"We may kill people for Allah and everything, but have you ever thought that maybe we're the bad guys? We kill a lot of people for a deity that may or may not exist," said the younger terrorist.

"You young kids these days will suffer in the afterlife for saying dumb stuff like that," said the bigger terrorist.

"How is it dumb? Has he ever talked to you?" asked the younger terrorist.

"No, but I know that he approves of my actions," said the bigger terrorist.

"What if he doesn't?" asked the younger terrorist.

"Stopa skiing all of these useless questions. Just get ready. Those bat vigilantes will be here anytime soon," said the bigger terrorist.

"They're going to be pissed when they find out that the kid isn't here," said the young terrorist.

"He isn't here. Where is he?" thought Jordan.

"You'll find out, but not from us," said the sneaky terrorist.

Jordan hears an older man speaking in his ear and he turns around to try to kick the man, but he grabs his leg and throws him into a wall.

"Look at what the cat dragged in," said the sneak terrorist.

The bigger terrorist grabs his walkie-talkie and holds it next to his mouth. He presses a button and starts to talk.

"Boss, they're here," said the bigger terrorist.

"Distract them. The clown isn't done yet," said Ra's.

"We will do that sir," said the bigger terrorist.

"So, what do we do?" asked the younger terrorist.

"We distract him for as long as we can," said the bigger terrorist.

"I say we beat him until he becomes a man," said the sneaky terrorist.

"Why should we beat up a child?" asked the younger terrorist.

"He's the enemy. He needs to be dealt with," said the sneaky terrorist.

"Why don't we just tie him up?" asked the younger terrorist.

"He'll just get untied," said the bigger terrorist.

"Where's Jason?" asked Jordan.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" asked the sneaky terrorist.

"Where is he?" asked Jordan.

"Not here," said the younger terrorist.

"Then, where is he?" asked Jordan angrily.

"We can't tell you. Even if we could, we wouldn't. We don't work for you," said the bigger terrorist.

"Speak now before you won't be ab;e to speak again for a long time," said Jordan.

"Are you threatening us, kid? We're the ones with the guns," said the sneaky terrorist.

"I can dodge bullets," said Jordan.

"But, can you dodge hundreds of bullets? Just face it, boy. You won't be getting past us," said the bigger terrorist.

"Look over there. Those must be my accomplices," said Jordan.

"Nice try, kid, but we're not-," said the sneaky terrorist.

"Where did he go?" asked the younger terrorist.

"We didn't even turn around. How did he get past us?" asked the bigger terrorist.

"He didn't," said the sneaky terrorist.

"What do you mean?" asked the bigger terrorist.

"Look up," said the sneaky terrorist.

The three terrorists look up and see Jordan clinging onto the ceiling. He lets go of the ceiling and drops on the sneaky terrorist, easily knocking him out with a few punches. He then moves out of the way to avoid being shot up by the other terrorists. He jumps off the wall and throws two Batarangs into the barrels of the guns and they explode. The terrorists try to engage in hand-to-hand combat but are swiftly defeated by the young vigilante. Jordan grabs one of them and slams him on the wall.

"Where is Jason?" asked Jordan.

"I don't know," said the younger terrorist.

Jordan punches a hole in the wall next to the terrorist to intimidate the terrorist.

"If you want to feel your face tomorrow, you will tell me his location now," said Jordan.

"He's in a small building a few miles away from here. The Joker wanted to talk with him," said the younger terrorist.

"You left a twelve-year-old kid with a serial killer!" exclaimed Jordan.

"We were just following orders," said the younger terrorist.

"If anything happens to him, you're dead. I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth until you're nothing but a cowardly, paranoid bum," said Jordan.

"Nothing will happen to him. The clown promised," said the younger terrorist.

"And you believed that lunatic?" asked Jordan.

"Ra's knows many things. He's been around for six hundred years. The clown won't defy him," said the younger terrorist.

"You don't know how crazy that demon is," said Jordan.

"You're right, but he wouldn't kill a child right?" said the younger terrorist.

"You don't know him," said Jordan.

Jordan punches the terrorist, knocking him out. He drops his unconscious body and runs towards his allies. He hears the sound of fighting behind a door and kicks the door down. He sees his vigilante pals combatting a large number of terrorists.

"I thought that you weren't going to get caught," said Dick.

"This is a trap. Jason isn't here. He's in a building a few miles away from here," said Jordan.

"Why would they move him?" asked Barbara.

"The Joker has him. I don't know what that clown is doing, but we have to get him now," said Jordan.

"Go, Jordan! We can handle these goons," said Bruce.

"Ok," said Jordan.

Jordan quickly maneuvers through the fight and reaches the door. He bursts through it and looks for a form of transportation. He finds a motorcycle and hops on it. He turns it on and speeds off.

"Don't worry, little bro. I'm coming," said Jordan.

Jordan nears the building after speeding through the desert for a few minutes. Once he gets close to the building, he hops off the motorcycle and runs towards the door. He reaches out to the door and grabs the handle, but he is too late. The building explodes right in front of his face and sends him flying backward. He lands on the desert a hundred feet away but quickly gets back up.

"Jason!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan runs towards the fiery building and immediately starts picking up parts of the building to find his little brother. He continues until he hears a moan from under some rubble.

"Jason?" asked Jordan.

Jordan runs towards the rubble and pulls it off of the person. He doesn't find Jason, but he does find an older woman.

"Who are you?" asked Jordan.

"This is all my fault," said the older woman.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jordan.

"Jason is my son," said Jason's mother.

"He was looking for you and he found you. How is this your fault?" said Jordan.

"It was a trap. The Joker came to me a day ago. He said he would give me funding for my clinic if I just brought him Jason. I didn't think that he would do this, but I underestimated his insanity. He beat Jason with a crowbar and made me watch. He then blew up the building with some explosives. Jason tried to save me even though I trapped him to this deadly fate," said Jason's mother.

"Where is he?" asked Jordan.

"Somewhere in here," said Jason's mother weakly.

Jason's mother is unable to mutter another word before she dies from her injuries. Jordan calmly places her body on the ground. He then returns to his search for Jason. It doesn't take him long until he finds him. The burnt and beaten body of the boy lays on the ground.

"Jason," said Jordan.

Jordan picks up Jason's body and puts two fingers on his neck. There is no pulse. He places his head on the boy's chest, but there is no heartbeat. The kid is gone. A tear streaks from Jordan's left eye than his right eye as he holds the dead body of his friend.

"I'm so sorry that your big brother couldn't protect you, Jason. I'm so fucking sorry," said Jordan.

Ever since that tragic day, Jordan has never been the same. After Jason's death, Jordan has evolved into an angry, vengeful hero looking to destroy the criminals that terrorize others to stop something like that from ever happening again. Now, Jordan rides in the T-car on a highway in the direction of Gotham City.

"Jordan. Jordan. Jordan!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Huh? What's up?" asked Jordan.

"Were you even listening to anything I was just saying?" asked Beast Boy.

"No, what did you say?" asked Jordan.

"Where are you going?" asked Beast Boy.

"Gotham. I have a lead on Red Hood. He will be there tonight," said Jordan.

"Why didn't you tell us about this before you jacked my car!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"I'm sorry, Vic, but I needed something to ride outside of my bike. I'll return it in perfect shape," said Jordan.

"So, how long will you be gone?" asked Raven.

"A few days. We won't be seeing him for a long time after I'm done with him," said Jordan.

"Go get him, friend!" exclaimed Starfire.

"I will. While I'm gone, Raven will be the leader of the team. Plus, I want a daily report. I need to know what's going on," said Jordan.

"I doubt anything is going to happen. When you're not here, nothing special seems to happen over here," said Cyborg.

"Good. I guess the city will be in safe hands. I'll contact you guys once I deal with him," said Jordan.

"Good luck," said Beast Boy.

"I don't believe in luck," said Jordan.

A couple miles away in the Gotham Docks, three criminals drive a stolen truck through the empty dockyards. They drive fast because they are being hunted by a giant bat.

"Where's Raymond and Denny?" asked one of the criminals.

"He grabbed them. Just get us out of here," said another criminal.

"I don't think we have to speed that much. I think that we're in the clear," said the driver.

"So, we're good?" asked another criminal.

"We're good," said the driver.

"No, you're not good. Not even close," said Bruce.

The Bat has landed on the hood of the car and scares the criminals inside. One of the criminals pulls out a shotgun and tries to shoot Batman, but he jumps out of the way. The driver drives into some spike balls and the truck flips over as it skids across the ground. They drop the package out from the back of the truck. A minute passes before one of the criminals tries to grab the shotgun, but Batman steps on the criminal's hand. He then picks him up by his collar.

"Who are you working for?" asked Bruce.

"Nobody," said the criminal.

"Lie to me again and getting your head crushed by my foot will be the least painful thing that you will experience today," said Bruce.

"I swear that I'm not lying. He honestly doesn't know who hired us," said the criminal.

"You're not lying, but maybe your partners will tell me something useful," said Bruce.

"Umm. I think that we may have bigger issues," said the criminal.

The criminal points at the container that fell out of the truck and it starts to open. A giant elf-eared android steps out of the container.

"What's that?" asked the criminal.

"Your cargo. It's called Amazo. It is designed to copy the powers of superhumans," said Bruce.

"What kind of superhumans?" asked the criminal.

"Strong ones," said Bruce.

"How strong?" asked the criminal.

"Justice League," said Bruce.

"Shit," said the criminal.

Amazo slams the ground with its two fists and creates a rupture in the ground. Batman jumps over the rupture and throws a smoke bomb at the android. The android catches the smoke bomb and crushes it, dispersing the smoke. Bruce takes advantage of the smoke bomb and kicks the android a couple times. The android grabs his leg and throws him into a container.

"Batman is having trouble with this guy? Who can beat this thing?" asked a criminal.

"I don't know," said another criminal.

The android walks towards the guardian, but a blue and white car drives around the corner. A rocket comes out from the roof of the car and is launched at the android. It makes contact and sends the android flying back. The car door opens and Jordan steps out.

"So, they are still making these Amazo guys? Do they ever have original ideas?" asked Jordan.

"Why are you here?" asked Bruce.

"Could you say thank you one time?" asked Jordan.

"He's not destroyed yet," said Bruce.

Batman runs towards the android as it starts to get back up.

"Thank you, Jordan. You're amazing," said Jordan irritatingly.

Jordan runs after his mentor as they prepare to double team the android.

"Who's that dude in the bird suit?" asked the criminal.

"One of Batman's old sidekicks. He used to be the Barbatos kid, but he is now the leader of the Titans, Dark Phoenix," said the other criminal.

"Why is he back here?" asked the criminal.

"I don't know, but it has to be for something big," said the other criminal.

Back to the fight, the android throws a trailer at Batman. He easily dodges while Jordan sneaks up on the android and kicks it in the face. The android tries to smash him with his fist, but Jordan dodges the giant fist and punches it in the face. The android turns around and Bruce punches him in the face. In a few seconds, Jordan and Bruce grapple to the same container and both punch the android at the same time.

"I don't think punches will put this thing down," said Jordan.

"Let's get more explosive," said Batman.

Batman throws an explosive Batarang at the android's leg. It hits the leg of the android and blows up.

"I don't think that will be enough to deal with this guy," said Jordan.

"Then, run," said Bruce.

Bruce and Jordan start to run across the containers as the android gets back up and leaps onto the container. The android runs after them as they try to outrun it.

"What are its weak points?" asked Jordan.

"Wherever a regular human being's is," said Bruce.

"Ok," said Jordan.

Jordan turns back around and runs towards the android. He then leaps into the air and grabs the android's head. He pulls out a taser and slams it on its head, electrocuting it. The android roars and grabs the young hero. He then throws him towards Bruce. Bruce catches him and pulls him up.

"We need to hit him with more power," said Jordan.

"We need to destroy its head," said Bruce.

"I'll distract him. You place explosives on his head," said Jordan.

"Ok," said Bruce.

Bruce hops off the container as Jordan continues to run across it. The android launches lasers from his eyes and Jordan is barely able to dodge. Jordan turns around and dodges another barrage of laser beams. Before the android can launch more, Bruce hops onto his back and places two puddy bombs on its eyes. The android tries to rip them off, but its head is blown up before it can do that.

"He's definitely down," said Jordan.

A couple minutes pass. The three criminals are now handcuffed to the container behind them.

"Who are you working for?" asked Bruce.

"We don't know. He just told us to steal this stuff from Black Mask or he would kill us," said the criminal.

"Do you know what he looks like?" asked Jordan.

"Red helmet, guns, a black jacket with a red hood, boots, and camo pants," said the criminal.

"What is his name?" asked Bruce.

"Red Hood. He wants to-," said the criminal.

The criminal and his two colleagues are killed by a sniper before they can continue snitching.

"Sniper," said Bruce.

"The shot came from a rooftop. Probably over there," said Jordan.

Batman pulls out a small pair of binoculars and sees a sniper preparing to escape.

"He's over there. I'm going after him. Stay here and call the police," said Batman.

The Batwing flies towards the dock and lets down a rope. Batman grabs onto it and ascends into the Batwing. He enters the Batwing and flies towards the city.

"You came home, Jason," said Jordan.