
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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Seven months have passed since Terra sacrificed herself to prevent a volcano from destroying the city. Ever since then, the Titans have been mourning their dead friend. Fighting crime to avoid the pain and make her proud wherever she is. Now, they have a crime that they can stop. The Hive students have returned and are robbing a bank. The witch grabs some jewels while the brute tries to pick up a rack of gold bars.

"Do these jewels make me look chic or ugly?" asked the witch.

"I don't care, just help me lift these gold bars," said the brute.

"It's a man's job to lift heavy things. Don't complain now," said the witch.

"You have magic. Why can't you use that to help?" said the brute.

"Not my problem," said the witch.

"Not your problem? Are you kidding me? We have to get this stuff out before the Titans show up," said the midget.

"You're already too late," said Jordan.

"Huh?" asked the brute.

"Take this boot as a consequence!" exclaimed Cyborg.

The brute doesn't get a chance to turn around before he is kicked in the face by the cyborg and crashes into a wall.

"They're here," said the witch.

"No shit. If you snagglecrushers had just moved faster, we could have gotten out of there faster," said the midget.

"No time to complain, shortstack. We have some heroes to defeat," said the witch.

"Right. Let's destroy them," said the midget.

"Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

The Titans charge at the young villains. The midget presses a button on his suit and creates holographic clones of himself. The holographic clones dart towards the Titans as they duck to dodge them. Jordan pulls out his katanas and slices at the holograms. He dodges at the last second to avoid being squashed by the brute. Raven tries to use her magic, but she is kicked in the back by the witch. She then uses her magic to bring down the roof, but the Titans move out of the way to prevent being hit by the ceiling.

"This is their third raid in the week. This is getting boring," said Cyborg.

"The HIVE Academy is making moves. Their new leader must be up to something," said Jordan.

"I know that you would love to know," said the witch.

The witch tries to hit the Titans with some magic, but she is hit from behind with a Starbolt.

"Yes, we would. Please tell us," said Starfire.

"I would rather not," said the witch.

"Then, we will rip it from you," said Starfire.

Starfire launches more Starbolts, but the witch easily dodges them. On the second floor, the midget starts stuffing jewelry into a bag.

"Oh boy. The grud will make me a rich little man," said the midget.

"I would put that back if I was you. Stealing is wrong," said Beast Boy.

"I don't care about the rules. You won't stop us," said the midget.

"Are you scared of dinosaurs?" asked Beast Boy.

"Why would I be scared of things that don't even exist?" asked the midget.

Beast Boy transforms into a velociraptor and chases after the midget as he runs away.

"Are you scared now, shortie?" asked Beast Boy.

"Ahh!" exclaimed the midget.

Beast Boy continues to chase after the midget until he is hit by a rock thrown by the brute.

"It looks like my aim is still on point," said the brute.

"My fists are also on point!" exclaimed Cyborg.

Cyborg gives the brute a mean right hook and sends him flying into another wall.

"This won't end well. Let's scram. We don't want to get caught," said the midget.

"But, it was just starting to get fun," said the witch.

"Forget fun. We have things to do," said the midget.

"Ok," said the witch disappointingly.

The witch uses some magic to create smoke so her friends can escape. Cyborg tries to chase after them, but Jordan runs in front of him.

"What are you doing?" asked Cyborg.

"We don't have to chase after them. I placed a tracker on Jinx. They'll lead us to where their leader is," said Jordan.

"What if they find out that we placed a tracker on them?" asked Cyborg.

"Trust me. Villains never notice," said Jordan.

Two hours pass. The Titans now stand in front of their computer and a giant H appears on a map of the city.

"So, that's where their base is. I should have known," said Jordan.

"I guess their secret base is no longer a secret anymore," said Beast Boy.

"So, what are we waiting for?" asked Raven.

"A raid would be too primitive. We need to know what they're planning," said Jordan.

"Do we have to go undercover because I'm a master at doing that?" asked Beast Boy.

"How would a green dude be good for an undercover operation?" asked Raven.

"Your green skin would give us up too easily. I have someone else in mind," said Jordan.

"Who?" asked Cyborg.

"An old friend. He will be skilled enough to be a good spy for us," said Jordan.

"Who is he?" asked Starfire.

"The first Robin. Dick Grayson. Now, he has gone solo and protects Gotham's sister city, Bludhaven, as Nightwing," said Jordan.

"Why do you think that he will help us?" asked Raven.

"He owes me a favor," said Jordan.

A day passes. After being convinced by an old friend, the first Robin enters the Hive Academy's cafeteria and looks at all of the young villains eating and socializing.

"Jordan, how did I let you talk me into this?" asked Dick.

"You didn't. You owe me," said Jordan.

"You better take good care of Bludhaven," said Dick.

"Relax, Dick. I got this. Just worry about what the H.I.V.E is planning. If the H.I.V.E is planning something big, it will affect everyone. Even the people here," said Jordan.

"What am I supposed to do? I could just go to the headmaster's office and find the info and leave," said Dick.

"You could, but that would be too easy and suspicious. You have to blend in if we want to get away with this," said Jordan.

"Fine. I guess that I will enjoy lunch," said Dick.

"Good student," said Jordan.

"Shut up," said Dick.

Dick grabs a tray and walks up to the lunch lady. She places some "food" on his tray and he walks away. He finds an empty table and takes a seat to avoid being talked to. Before he can take a bite of his lunch, a giant man decides to stand behind him.

"Hey! You're in our seats," said the brute.

"Newbie, this is our table, so scat," said the midget.

"You should get going. We like to eat here," said Jinx.

"I would rather not. It's just a table, so why can't we just all sit at the same table?" said Dick.

"This is our table, so no. We won't compromise," said the brute.

"I didn't know that a brute like you would know such a sophisticated word. I'm shocked," said Dick.

"Do you think that I'm an idiot or something?" asked the brute.

"Yeah. A brute that calls himself Mammoth would be stupid," said Dick.

"You smug bastard! I'll kill you!" exclaimed Mammoth.

"I don't think that the headmaster would like that," said Dick.

"I don't care!" exclaimed Mammoth.

Mammoth tries to slam his fist on the new student, but Dick flips over the brute and kicks him on the back of the head. He then curb stomps Mammoth through the table, breaking it.

"It seems that we no longer have a table. I guess you guys would just have to move," said Dick.

"I guess that we will," said the midget.

"You may have gotten the advantage on Mammoth, but we'll see how skilled you truly are during combat practice," said Jinx.

"I don't need to show you cannon fodder anything, but I guess that I will have to assert dominance over you losers," said Dick.

"What's your name?" asked Jinx.

"Just call me Flashy Dictator," said Dick.

An hour passes. Dick, Mammoth, Jinx, and now stand in the combat arena. The ground under them ascends as obstacles appear in front of them.

"Gamma Maneuver," said Jinx.

"What's that?" asked Dick.

"Watch and learn newbie," said Jinx.

Jinx, Mammoth, and the midget hop off the platform and run towards the exit. Dick follows a few seconds later and runs towards the robots in his path. Dick pulls out his bo staff and starts to destroy the robots in front of him. The rest of the Hive students deal with the turrets and try to avoid being taken out by spikes. When they get closer, tentacles grab them and hold them in the air.

"Not again! Not in front of Headmaster!" exclaimed the midget.

"Don't worry! Flashy Dictator has come to save you!" exclaimed Dick.

Dick pulls out some explosive disks and throws them at the tentacles. They explode and release the HIVE students.

"Can I get a thank you?" asked Dick.

"Not now. We need to cross the finish line," said the midget.

"Ungrateful bastards," said Dick.

Dick, Mammoth, Jinx, and the midget cross the finish line and an alarm sounds.

"We did it. I did most of the work, but we succeeded anyway," said Dick.

"Shut it, moron. The Headmaster is watching," said the midget.

"Flashy Dictator! You sneak into my school! Destroy my machines and humiliate my top students! You're not amazing! You're brilliant! I see a bright future for you here," said the Headmaster.

"I'm glad to be here. Your school rocks. What is your name?" said Dick.

"Brother Blood," said Brother Blood.

"Cool name," said Dick.

"I get that a lot, but for the three of you. Failure will not be tolerated! You have already been prevented from graduating! If you fail me once again, I will kill you! Do I make myself clear!" said Brother Blood.

"Yes, sir," said the three failures.

"On a more important note, your class project will be revealed in a few weeks. Once it's revealed, the world will be at our mercy," said Brother Blood.

"Woohoo! Brother Blood! Brother Blood! Brother Blood! Brother Blood!" exclaimed the students.

"What is this class project?" asked Dick.

"We have these class projects every year. They bring the world closer to being controlled by us and Brother Blood," said the midget.

"Interesting," said Dick.

Even though he is a spy, dick enjoys the next few weeks. He attends classes and earns the trust of many students. It reminds him of the small amount of time that he spent in high school, but he has to stop this "class project". In the early hours of a usual Monday, Dick sneaks through the empty halls of the school. He reaches the Headmaster's office and enters it. He checks the room to make sure that no one is inside of it. He then takes a seat at the Headmaster's desk and puts a USB drive into the computer. The computer turns on and starts opening its files.

"Come on. Come on. Yes. I found out what the class project is," said Dick.

"What is it?" asked Jordan.

"An ion cannon. He's most likely going to use it to force the world to praise him like a god," said Dick.

"I wished that villains would be more sophisticated. They are way too predictable," said Jordan.

"The ion cannon should be in the tech department. I'll go get it and then I'm out of here," said Dick.

"I'll be on my way to pick you up," said Jordan.

"How was Bludhaven?" asked Dick.

"It's just a less dangerous Gotham. Nothing special," said Jordan.

"The people love me there," said Dick.

"They may love you, but it doesn't mean that this city is any less boring," said Jordan.

"Stop talking crap about my city and get ready to extract me," said Dick.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Just finish your mission," said Jordan.

"Ok, boss," said Dick.

Dick exits the office and walks through the empty halls to reach the tech department. He reaches it in only a few minutes and places a device on the door. It opens the door and Dick enters it. He walks around until he finds the container for the ion cannon and opens it with brute force.

"This is the ion cannon? I thought that it would be bigger and heavier," said Dick.

"It would, but it had to be scaled down," said Brother Blood.

Dick quickly turns around and sees the Headmaster standing behind him.

"Blood, why are you here?" asked Dick.

"This is my school and you're holding my ion cannon. Hand it over," said Brother Blood.

"Does he know that I'm a spy or does he believe that I'm just a bad student?" thought Dick.

"Is there something wrong, Flashy Dictator? I said hand it over," said Brother Blood.

"How did you know that I was here?" asked Dick.

"You may be good at stealth, but you should have known that I had sensors if someone tried to get into my computer. I would usually be mad at you for doing this, but you are very skilled, so I guess that I'm proud. Good job, boy," said Brother Blood.

"Thank you, Headmaster, but I won't be attending this school starting tomorrow," said Dick.

"Why?" asked Brother Blood.

"He's transferring to the Titans School For Extraordinary Youth," said Jordan.

Brother Blood is unable to turn around before he is hit hard on the back of the head by a chair and knocked unconscious.

"What took you so long? You said it would only take a few minutes," said Dick.

"It was hard to find a parking space. I don't think that they like superheroes," said Jordan.

"This ion cannon could have done a lot of damage. You should be glad that I could help," said Dick.

"Well, you owe me another favor. You fulfilled one favor, but you made me fulfill one of yours, so you owe me another favor," said Jordan.

"I'm not your slave. I can't fulfill unlimited favors," said Dick.

"My time in Bludhaven was cool except for the fact Blockbuster escaped and is heading for Jump City," said Jordan.

"What did you just say?" asked Dick.

"I didn't catch Blockbuster and he has escaped and now we have to hunt him down," said Jordan.

"Are you kidding me?" asked Dick.

"Don't give me that crap. You almost got caught," said Jordan.

"I guess we can team up once more to find this guy, but you will owe me after this," said Dick.

"I always pay back favors," said Jordan.

I know that this first chapter/episode of season 3 was a little short, but it's a good start before we go full throttle into the plot of the season. If you saw the title of the volume, you know what's going down. It's going to be LIT and I can't wait until we get deeper into it. Now, it's time to update Jordan's character bio. Not much changes, but I promised updates, so you get updates.

Age- 18

Heifght- 6'1

Weight- 189 lbs

Favorite Lines- "I don't beleive in luck." "Have a little faith."

AP/Durability- Building Level- Jordan may just be human, but he is very physically powerful thanks to the skills he has learned and his crazy workout schedule. In the comics, basically, all of the Batfamily is scaled to be around Building Level, so that is where he will be. Plus, all the Titans at this point of time, even Robin, are scaled to be Building Level.

Speed- Relativistic to Lightspeed- This means that he can not move at lightspeed, but he is close. He can dodge Doctor Light's light beams most of the time. His reaction speed is at least light speed, but his moving speed is a little slower (Hypersonic).

Intelligence- 157- Jordan is very smart. With his IQ, he can make many gadgets, be a very skilled detective, be an amazing strategist, and be a really good teacher. He also has a photographic memory which helps him very much.

Gadgets- Grappling Hooks, Claws, Explosive Claws, Explosive Disks, Smoke Bombs, Taser, Electrical Disks, Ice Grenades, Shock Gloves, Katanas, Bo Staff, Escrima Sticks, Tracking Devices, Hacking Device, Flashlight, Laser Beam Distributor, Heating Device, Mini Explosives, Ice Disks

Suits- Barbatos, Barbatos (Armoured), Dark Pheonix (Armoured)

Skills- Engineer, Chemist, Hacker, Detective, Leader, Martial Artist (Taekwondo, Jiujitsu, Ninjutsu, Kung fu, Kickboxing, Karate, Judo, Akido, Muay Thai), Acrobat, Swordsman

Allies- Batfamily, Titans, Justice League

Enemies- Slade, Joker, Mutants

Notable Victories (Not all of these are solo. Only the first two and Mammoth are solo victories without any one shots gadgets or moves.)- Killer Croc, Bane, Manifestation of Trigon, Mammoth, Slade, Terra

There's the updated character bio for Jordan. Things were added, but not a lot. Hopefully, you learned more about him and his power. Enjoy the chapter and have a good evening!

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