
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · Televisi
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66 Chs


Thirteen hours have passed since the Doom Patrol was reduced by the Titans. Even though they were rescued by superpowered kids, they were not happy. Especially their leader, Mento, who disrespected them and their green friend. Not every hero is a nice person. Now, the Doom Patrol walks through the forest, searching for The Brain and Monsieur Mallah.

"Steve, you were too hard on the kid," said Elastigirl.

"Don't start that crap again," said Mento.

"Garfield is still a kid. He just chose to save his friends. He was too young to be forced to make such a tough decision," said Elastigirl.

"He may be a kid, but he chose to be a hero. Heroes are supposed to put saving innocents in front of everything. Even their friends. He's too immature and childish to do what we do," said Mento.

"But, he was once a member of the Doom Patrol," said Elastigirl.

"Once. He's now a Teen Titan. He will never develop hanging with those kids," said Mento.

"Don't disrespect those kids, man. They're smart and powerful. They defeated Trigon," said Robot Man.

"But, they also brought him here. They may be good at bringing trouble here, but they're not good at fixing the problems that they create," said Mento.

"So, I guess that we won't ever call on them for help," said Elastigirl.

"Never," said Mento.

"What if we need their help? We were captured for five months and they saved us. What do we do if that happens again?" said Elastigirl.

"Us getting captured was just a fluke. Won't happen again. Especially because we're prepared," said Mento.

"Whatever you say, Steve," said Elastigirl.

The Doom Patrol continues to walk through the forest until they hear something. They hear something powering up like a generator. They turn around and see a giant robot walking out of the giant trees.

"Another one of these guys? Do they ever do anything original?" asked Negative Man.

"Step aside," said Mento.

Mento sends a wave of mental energy at the robot, but it only removes the leaves off of its metallic body.

"This guy must be tough. Doom Patrol. Attack!" said Mento.

The Doom patrol goes on the offensive. Elastigirl enlarges herself and tries to attack the robot, but she is frozen by an ice beam from the robot's one eye. Negative Man sends his spirit to attack the robot, but it is trapped by a net, sent back to his body, and paralyzes Negative Man. Mento tries to send another mental blast, but he has to dash away from the laser bolts being fired by the robot.

"Do you think some blaster shots will defeat us? Try harder, brain," said Robot Man.

Robot Man charges at the robot and tries to leap on it, but the robot creates a magnetic field and he bounces right off of it like a ball hitting a brick wall.

"Magnetic field? Good improvement," said Robot Man.

The robot is tired of playing games and is ready to end the team. A giant blaster forms out of his head and he aims it at the members of the Doom Patrol. It prepares to fire, but Robot Man leaps onto the robot and starts to bash its giant head. He then pulls off its chest and starts to pull out its wires and gears.

"Cliff, what are you doing!" exclaimed Mento.

"Taking down this guy!" exclaimed Robot Man.

"I can help!" exclaimed Mento.

"No! Get going and hunt down Brain!" exclaimed Robot Man.

"Ok!" exclaimed Mento.

Mento sends a mental blast to both Elastigirl and Negative Man and frees them. He then runs up to them and makes sure that they are ok. He then runs towards the forest with his allies in tow.

"What about Cliff?" asked Negative Man.

"He's dealing with the bot. We have to keep moving," said Mento.

"We can't lose him again. Not again," said Negative Man.

"He won't die, so keep moving," said Mento.

"He better not," said Negative Man.

The Doom Patrol runs at top speed away from the robot as their robotic friend combats it. The robot explodes after being defeated, but the Doom Patrol still decides to run. They continue to run until they reach a desert. They are nearing the Brotherhood of Evil's base.

"Robot Man," said Negative Man.

"Is fine. The Brotherhood of Evil's base is at the end of this desert. We're almost there," said Mento.

"But, we will be completely exposed. We needed Robot Man to cover us," said Negative Man.

"We don't need him. We will be fine," said Mento.

"Having him here would make the job way easier," said Elastigirl.

"We have never done easy things, Rita. Now, let's go," said Mento.

The Doom Patrol enters the desert and tries to walk as fast as they can, but it's hot and sandy. Can't go too fast. They walk for around thirty minutes until they see a large amount of sand in the air ahead of them. Suspicious, Mento looks forward, but can't see anything.

"Negative Man, take a look," said Mento.

"On it," said Negative Man.

Negative Man releases his spirit and takes a look from the sly, but it doesn't look good. Tanks are on the horizon and there are a bunch of them.

"We got company," said Negative Man.

"How many?" asked Mento.

"A lot," said Negative Man.

"A lot of what?" asked Mento.

"Do you really want to know?" asked Negative Man.

"Tell me," said Mento.

"Tanks," said Negative Man.

"Great. Battle positions!" said Mento.

"Let's do this!" exclaimed Negative Man.

Negative Man gets first bites and destroys some of the tanks and their operators. Elastigirl enlarges herself and smashes the tanks with her immense size. Mento uses his mental powers to create a sand tsunami and destroys some of the tanks.

"That was too easy," said Negative Man.

"This isn't over," said Mento.

"Not even close," said Elastigirl.

It truly isn't over. The tanks stop firing shots and send out rockets to kill the Doom Patrol. They can't handle the pressure and have to get out of there before they become burnt corpses.

"Mento, there's an opening. We can escape through there," said Negative Man.

"I hate to run from villains, but this is the time to run. Let's go!" said Mento.

Mento and the rest of the Doom Patrol run towards the opening. They enter the opening and continue to run until they run into a minefield. The mines start to beep rapidly like they're going to explode, but they don't. They created an electric cage, forcing the Doom Patrol to sit there like sitting ducks as robotic soldiers plan to shoot them.

"We're easy targets in here. We have to get out," said Mento.

"I will deal with the mines. Just get out of here," said Negative Man.

"But, you will be sacrificing yourself," said Elastigirl.

"It will be for the best. Cliff did his part, so it's time to do mine. Now, go!" said Negative Man.

Negative Man sends his spirit out and the mines follow it. This gives the Doom Patrol time to run away. In the air, the spirit releases his power to destroy the mines and darts towards his body. He gets close to his body, but he doesn't make it and just sinks through the ground. The Doom Patrol reaches an overpass, but a blast hits one of the rocks and it starts to fall on them. Elastigirl sees this coming and pushes Mento out of the way. She then enlarges herself and catches the rock.

"Rita, what are you doing!" exclaimed Mento.

"Just go, Steve. Save yourself and defeat the Brother of Evil," said Elastigirl.

"I can't do it alone," said Mento.

"Try to! Please! For the Doom Patrol and Garfield!" exclaimed Elastigirl.

"I will," said Mento.

Mento runs away from the overpass as it falls onto Elastigirl, seemingly crushing her. A flash of memories flash in front of Steve's eyes and he nearly tears up, but he can't cry now. He has to defeat The Brain. An hour passes. Mento now sits behind a rock in front of the base of the Brotherhood of Evil. He then starts to look over the rock and starts to analyze the base.

"Many robot guards. This won't be easy, but I have to do this for the team," said Steve.

Steve walks away from the rock, but the guards have disappeared in seconds. He doesn't notice this somehow and still sneaks up to the base. He reaches the entrance and uses his powers to bust down the door. Expecting for more guards to come, he readies to fight, but no one comes. Suspicious. This doesn't affect the leader and he continues to walk into the base. He walks in a straight line, looking into the dark rooms, but finding nothing, He continues to walk through the base until he reaches the main room. The light comes on and he sees The Brain standing before the Quantum Generator and he is surrounded by a robot army.

"Welcome, Mento to your doom," said The Brain.

"So, you built the Quantum Generator this fast? I'm surprised," said Mento.

"You shouldn't. This is a normal day in the office for me," said The Brain.

"I will stop you," said Mento.

"You can't stop anything, Steve. Your team is dead and you're all alone. You can't win," said The Brain.

"He isn't alone. He never was," said Beast Boy.

Once The Brain hears the voice of the green boy, the unconscious bodies of Monsieur Mallah and Madam rogue are dropped to the ground. Confused, MEtno watches as the Titans burst into the base.

"What is going on?" asked Mento.

"We came to help. You need it," said Beast Boy.

"I thought that you wouldn't come after I called you a-," said Mento.

"A fuck up. It hurts, but I'm still a hero. I have to save you and defeat the Brotherhood," said Beast Boy.

"The Doom Patrol is dead, Garfield. There's no point in saving me. I'm just a stingy old man," said Mento.

"Your team is fine, We saved them and defeated the things that they were fighting. The Doom Patrol still exists and they are waiting for you to lead them," said Beast Boy.

"Thanks, Beast boy. Let's defeat the brotherhood right now," said Mento.

"No need. We've already won," said Jordan.

"What?" asked The Brain.

Jordan grapples to the platform and kicks The Brain in his metallic face. He then presses a few buttons on a panel. New coordinates pop up on the screen behind him.

"This place is going to blow! Let's get out of here, guys!" exclaimed Jordan.

The Titans and Mento escape the base as it is sucked into the space-time continuum. The Brotherhood has been defeated for now. An hour passes. The Doom Patrol and the Titans now stand before each other, surprisingly smiling.

"You kids did well," said Mento.

"Ummm. Thanks," said Raven.

"How long until the brotherhood comes back?" asked Jordan.

"Probably a few weeks. The Brain works hard and fast," said Negative Man.

"We'll be ready and we won't be alone," said Mento.

"When they do come, don't be scared to call us," said Beast Boy.

"We will. We're so proud of you, Garfield," said Elastigirl.

"We are. I apologize for disrespecting you and your pals. You guys aren't just good. You're amazing," said Mento.

"Thanks for the compliments. But we're just doing our job. I may not be a member of the Doom Patrol, but you guys are still family. If you need help, you know who to call," said Garfield.

I have to drop this chapter a little early because I got stuff to do today. As always, enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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