
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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Divine Raven

"Who are you?" asked Raven.

"I've come to take you home," said Jordan.

"This is my home," said Raven.

, "No, your home is with us on Earth, but it's this big demon guy who wants to rule over it and destroy it. We need your help," said Jordan.

"It's too scary for me," said Raven.

"No, it's not. He's not too scary up close. We need your power, Raven, so come with me," said Jordan.

"No," said Raven.

"No? This is your destiny, Raven. We have to defeat him today to save the world," said Jordan.

"Not me. I don't even know who you are," said Raven.

"Don't play these games. Come or I will take you back," said Jordan.

"Never!" exclaimed Raven as she runs away.

"Raven!" exclaimed Jordan.

The young Raven runs towards a destroyed wall and crawls through a large hole. She quickly gets through the hole and runs down some steps. Jordan grapples over the wall and chases after the young girl.

"Wait! I'm a friend! Sorry for being a little aggressive!" exclaimed Jordan.

Raven doesn't care and continues to run. She sees a cave up ahead and runs into it. Jordan follows her into the cave, but she has somehow vanished. Jordan looks around the cave and finds a crack. He walks towards the crack and sees Raven hiding in it. He tries to reach out to her, but she is still scared of him.

"There's no need to be scared of me. I'm friendly. I may look scary, but I'm still a normal guy. Maybe a little abnormal, but a human nonetheless," said Jordan.

Raven is still scared and kicks Jordan, but it hurts her more than him. She yelps in pain as she grabs her short right leg.

"You shouldn't do that. I'm stronger than I look," said Jordan.

"Why do you want me?" asked Raven.

"You're Raven. Don't you remember?" said Jordan.

"No," said Raven.

"Great. You don't have your memory and you turned back into a child. What are you going to say next? You don't have any powers anymore," said Jordan.

"Umm," said Raven.

"Just don't answer. Let's go. Just trust me. Please," said Jordan.

"Will you hurt me?" asked Raven.

"Never," said Jordan.

Jordan sticks out his hand and Raven grabs it. Jordan then pulls her out of the crack and into the wide cave. He then turns around and kneels.

"Hop on my back. I'll fly us there," said Jordan.

Raven hops on Jordan's back and he rockets into the air towards Earth. The flight is normal. It takes them around ten minutes to get back home, but Jordan learns that Raven indeed doesn't have any of her powers left. This may be good or bad, but we will have to see. Back on Earth, Beast, Cyborg, and Starfire fall to the ground after being overrun by the fiery demons. Speak of the devil, the fiery demons return and the three Titans start to fight once again. They blast the demons away until three explosive disks are thrown in the direction of the demons and explode, killing a few of them. The three Titans turn around and see Jordan and Raven, standing behind him, on a car.

"Jordan!" exclaimed Starfire.

"You're back, dude! Did you find her?" said Beast Boy.

"Yeah, but she may not be in the state that we need her in," said Jordan.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Cyborg.

"Just look for yourselves," said Jordan.

Jordan steps to the side and Raven walks out of the shadows. The Titans are shocked by the small appearance of their grey friend.

"Raven?" asked the other Titans.

"Yes. This is Raven," said Jordan.

"Does she still have her powers?" asked Cyborg.

"No," said Jordan.

"How is that possible?" asked Beast Boy.

"She lost them once she became the portal," said Jordan.

"So, she can't help us?" asked Cyborg.

"I don't know, but if she can, she will. If she can't, we will just have to defeat Trigon without her. Let's do this," said Jordan.

"I want to help," said Raven.

"You can't help in this state. Just stay back and watch. We'll deal with your father," said Jordan.

"But," said Raven.

"Just focus on accessing your powers if you can. We'll try our best to defeat this demon, so do your part," said Jordan.

"I will," said Raven.

"Good. Now, let's send this bastard back to Hell," said Jordan.

"Impossible. I have already won," said Trigon.

The Titans look up and see Trigon standing above them. He tries to imprison them with his eye beams, but Jordan dodges the attack and remains on the ground while the other Titans are hoisted into the air. Trigon then tries to step on him, but Slade appears and cuts off his horn with a large double-bladed weapon. Trigon yells in pain and drops the Titans.

"He's distracted! Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

The Titans charge towards the giant demon. They start to spray the demon with the help of Cyborg's sonic cannon and Starfire's Starbolts. Beast Boy decides to help and transforms into a pterodactyl to fly up to the demon and then a T-rex to bite the demon's ear. Jordan joins in the action and flies towards the demon's face. The demon tries to swipe him away, but Jordan easily dodges the giant hands and reaches his giant eye. He then stabs his eye with his blade and uses his foot to push the blade in. Trigon screams in more pain as he is now partially blind.

"That is for hurting my friends, you damn bootleg Satan," said Jordan.

Jordan hops off the demon's face and then throws an ice grenade at Trigon's face, covering his eyes in ice. The Titans take advantage of the demon stumbling back to attack some more. Behind a rock, Raven looks at her friends hurting her father.

"They are hurting him. We can win," said Raven.

The Titans and surprisingly Slade continues to assault the demon until he has had enough. He breaks the ice with his giant fist and first shoots Slade with an eye beam and then hits the Titans with a more concentrated shot. The Titans instantly fall unconscious after being hit. Raven becomes scared once more and runs over to her friends. She tries to shake them to wake them up, but they won't budge. She then runs over to Jordan and tries to wake him, but he also doesn't wake.

"Jordan, you have to wake up. Wake up!" said Raven.

"Farewell, my dear daughter. Sadly, it has to end like this, but oh well. Stuff never goes your way anyway," said Trigon.

Trigon shoots out an eye beam to eviscerate his daughter, but she blocks it with a white shield. This surprises Trigon, but he doesn't show it. He will still conquer this universe anyway.

"You may still have a little bit of my power, but that will not change anything. I created you to bring me back. You have done that and now there is no use for you. You have lost and you can not win. The only reason that you still live is that I allow it. What will a mere child do against me?" said Trigon.

"You may have created me, but you are not my father," said Raven.

Raven is engulfed by a blinding white and she ages up and her hair grows very long. She then shoots out a beam of energy at her "father".

"Insignificant wretch," said Trigon.

"Fathers are supposed to be kind, loving, protective, and a parent. I was protected by the monks of Azarath and raised by my friends. They are more of a father than you will ever be and you are not welcome here. Not even for a second," said Raven as she continues to shoot beams at Trigon.

Raven rises into the air and lets out one more powerful wave of magic that sends her father to a distant place far from this universe and returns the world to normal, removing the people from stone and turning the lava back into water and the sky back blue. The world is no longer ending. Raven hovers back to the ground and turns around to see her friends standing behind her, shocked and happy.

"That was-" said Starfire.

"Amazing," said Jordan.

"It may have been amazing, but I had a lot of help," said Raven.

Raven quickly walks over to Jordan and hugs him. Jordan appreciates the hug and hugs her back. Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy are surprised by the smile and hug of their usually depressed friend.

"She just hugged him," said Cyborg.

"And smiled," said Starfire.

"Are you the real Raven? The white cloak, smiles, and hugs are actions that the real Raven would never do. How can we tell if this is the real you or not?" said Beast Boy.

"Blue is still my favorite color and your jokes are still not funny," said Raven.

"Raven!" exclaimed Beast Boy as he hugs her tightly.

"Quit it," said Raven.

Two hours pass. The Titans have finally returned to their homes and are enjoying their victory over the universe conquering demon. Cyborg stands in the kitchen and places a chef hat on his head.

"We just saved the whole dang universe! So, who wants some french toast?" said Cyborg.

"Me!" exclaimed Beast Boy and Starfire.

"I have the tofu bacon," said Beast Boy.

"And I have the butter of peanuts," said Starfire.

"That sounds amazing, except for the tofu bacon of course, but still amazing," said Cyborg.

"What do you have on tofu bacon?" asked Beast Boy.

"Not today, Gar," said Cyborg.

"Tofu bacon is amazing. You could at least give it a chance," said Beast Boy.

"Not today," said Cyborg.

"But why?" asked Beast Boy.

"Not today!" exclaimed Cyborg.

On the other side of the room, Jordan looks out the window with his arms folded. He stares at the city, glad it no longer resembles Hell. He feels Raven approaching and turns around to see her back in her blue cloak and with her hair shorter.

"Slade got away. Are you going to go after him?" said Raven.

"No," said Jordan.

"No? Strange answer," said Raven.

"If he ever pops his ugly head back out of the shadows ever again, we will take him down or we could just send you. There's no way that he could win," said Jordan.

'Yeah. How do you do this, Jordan?" said Raven.

"Do what?" asked Jordan.

"Be so hopeful when things seem so bleak. I couldn't do it if I tried," said Raven.

"Raven, you don't give yourself enough credit. You are the most hopeful person that I know. From your birth, you were destined to be evil, but you broke that destiny and defeated your father with ease. You are the definition of hopeful," said Jordan.

"I thought that it was all over, but then it wasn't," said Raven.

"You now have the rest of your life to look forward to. You can decide your destiny without the help of your father," said Jordan.

"I guess there are no ends. Just new beginnings," said Raven.

"Your new beginning starts on Halloween of all days. Ironic," said Jordan.

"Ironic indeed," said Raven.

"Maybe I should wear my armor as a costume. It's cool and scary," said Jordan.

"You shouldn't want to wear that thing again. You built it to kill my father and failed miserably," said Raven.

"It wasn't ready. If it was, your father would have been annihilated," said Jordan.

"I doubt that," said Raven.

"Happy new beginning, Raven. You won't get another one of these, so live this one up," said Jordan.

"I wasn't going to do anything other than that. My new destiny has just started and I won't screw it up. Not a chance," said Raven.

Author's Thought Extended (Read this before the Author's Thought Below)

Welcome to the season finale. I had fun writing this season because this season has always been my favorite and I could get a little more original. My favorite chapter this season was "Birthday Blues" and my least favorite was "Night of the Talons". Now, it's time for the TIMELINE!

13.8 billion years ago- Earth 12 is created

1,200 years ago- The island of Themyscira is created

1,000 years ago- Wonder Woman is created

June 6, 1934- Alfred Pennyworth is born

May 10, 1941- John Kent is born

March 14, 1942- Martha Kent is born

April 1, 1942- First appearance of Wonder Woman

September 7, 1946- Thomas Wayne is born

February 12, 1950- Martha Wayne is born

April 5, 1952- Alfred joins the English military

October 22, 1956- Slade Wilson is born

July 8, 1965- Martha and John Kent get married

September 13, 1966- Thomas and Martha Wayne get married

April 24, 1972- Slade lies about his age, joins the military, and is injected with a super-soldier like serum

April 17, 1983- Bruce Wayne is born

February 29, 1986- Kal-El is born and sent to Earth

March 1, 1986- Kal-El is found by the Kents and is named Clark

May 8, 1991- Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed by Joe Chill

July 27, 1992- Barbara Gordon is born

December 14, 1996- Victor Stone is born

September 19, 1997- Jordan King is born

March 12, 1999- Dick Grayson is born

August 7, 1999- Koriander is born

October 7, 1999- Bruce starts to travel the world to train

October 9, 1999- Rachael Roth is born

November 11, 1999- Clark learns about his origins

April 27, 2000- Jason Todd is born

June 19, 2000- Terra Markov is born

August 21, 2000- Garfield Logan is born

June 7, 2006- Inauguration of current Talon

April 9, 2007- Batman is first sighted in Gotham

June 17, 2008- Superman is first seen in Metropolis, and Azarath is destroyed by Trigon

August 10, 2008- Terra is adopted and experimented on by Dr. Jace

2009- Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl, Dick Grayson becomes Robin, and seasons 1-4 of "The Batman", and the formation of the Justice League

2010- Season 5 of "The Batman", Jason is adopted and trained by Slade, and chapter 1 happens

2012- Chapter 2 happens, Beast Boy joins the Doom Patrol after receiving his powers, and Batfamily's first dealing with Slade

2013- Barbara is crippled by Joker and becomes Oracle, Jason is saved from Slade, Jason is brutally killed by the same man and revived by Ra's al Ghul later, Thanagraian invasion, Victor gets in his accident and becomes a cyborg, Terra escapes and is adopted by the Hendersons

2014- Starfire is sold to the Gordonians, Beast Boy leaves the Doom Patrol, Raven, Cyborg, and Garfield make their way to Jump City, The Hendersons tragically die and Terra goes on the run, Jason is trained by many assassins and warriors around the globe, returns to Gotham to watch Batman, stalks Jordan in Jump City, and the rest of Season 1

2015- Season 2 and Jason steals the Red Hood suit

2016- Season 3 and Slade becomes Trigon's goon

October 9, 2017- "Birthday Blues"

October 11, 2017- "Cult of Scath"

October 12, 2017- October 19, 2017- "Court of Owls" Subarc

October 30, 2017- October 31, 2017- Last three chapters

As always, if anything is wrong, I'll fix it later. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts