
Chapter 35, living in Hell


Annabelle POV-

I woke up alone in an empty damp concrete cell with a metal toilet.

It smells like mildew and mold..

I feel the cold, heavy metal restraints around my wrists weighing me down..

I can just about open my eyes.. this room resembles the one that Bea had put me in to transform, only somehow more dank.

After a good few minutes I began to regain control of some functions of my body.. the previous moments unfold in my head..

I must come to the realisation that I have once again been kidnapped.. I think I am destined to be helpless no matter what world I am in. Maybe I can build my strength and take them out from the inside.. that's the thing I'm holding onto right now.. and seeing Florence again.

I hope she's alright.

A few uneventful hours passed by.. I managed to crawl over to the wall and sit up leaning against it.

I can still feel the toxins flowing through my veins.. I haven't eaten or drank anything in who knows how long.. I have no energy to heal..

When I thought things couldn't get any worse I heard metal clanging from outside the door..

A few moments passed before the door flew open crashing against the wall, revealing a group of men hiding behind long see-through plastic looking shields..

The first two ran at me.. one smashed their shield into my head pinning me to the floor, the other used his to trap my legs.. I'm not even strong enough push them back.. The other men quickly entered the room soon realising I wasn't going to fight they signaled to another person outside..

A tall slender man dressed in all white approached me.. he soon pulled out a needle and jabbed it into my arm..

"This will keep you calm." He said smiling hesitantly..

After he spoke I felt myself getting lightheaded.. not enough to pass out but like I'm on a foggy cloud of morphine.

"She needs to eat." he said looking at one of the guards that wasn't holding me down..

Nobody moved..

"The king will not be be happy if she dies of malnutrition.." he stated..

"Fine.. I'll have someone bring her something." this guard has logic at least.


I've been here two weeks.. how do I know with no sun? Well I don't. When it's been what I think to be a day.. I mark a line on

the stone wall with my cuffs.

They bring me something to eat once or twice a day which means thankfully I am completely healed now.

I don't stay healed for long, up to three times daily I am smashed into the ground and injected with who knows what. Whatever it is, it's keeping me from being able to access the wolf or even talk to Leopold. I tried numerous times of calling to him but to no avail. This poison is making me weak, slowing my healing, I feel sick constantly. I find myself wishing for a rope but I don't even have a bed.

Everytime the doctor, or whatever he is injects me, he offers me a smile, afterwards he is always unable to look at me.. I somehow sense he doesn't want to be here either.


Today I counted 84 lines on the wall.. the thought has crossed my mind that I'm going to live for a long time.. I could potentially be in this hole for many years. In the time I have been here they have hosed me down three times with freezing cold water. From some of the stories I've heard I imagine this is only the beginning.

My hair is dirty and matted.. my back is sore from sleeping on the hard, cold concrete. The heavy cuffs on my wrists are cutting into me more everyday.. not given the chance to even begin healing.

Still no one has told me why I'm here.. I think I'm going to go crazy in this cell with no one to talk to, nothing to even look at but the cracks in the walls.

Sometimes I get lost in my mind.. replaying memories from when I felt free.. it seemed like my problems were so big back then but now.. they seem miniscule compared to this hell hole.


Day 205...I think.

I feel like I'm gaining some kind of tolerance to this drug.. Lately I'm begining to feel stronger.. more in control. I thought I was almost there so I decided to make an attempt at my escape. When the first two men ran at me I was only able to shift my hand, cutting straight through their shields and into their chests with one swipe of my long sharp claws.. snapping the chain on my wrist simultaineously. As soon as they dropped three more took their place charging at me.. I made an attempt to draw my hand back again but I was too late.. they thrust their shields into me first pinning me to the wall smashing my head against it.. the ringing in my ears made their shouting inaudible for a moment..

A second later they pushed me to the ground..

"Up the dose" ordered a guard..

I couldn't see anything as my face was being smooshed into the floor, another moment passed before I felt the familiar prick in my arm, a light fog clouded my vision.. my head began spinning making me physically sick.

The guards replaced my cuff still restraining me, they waited for a minute and then left the room locking me in once again.. I didn't move.. I just rolled over onto my back.. I felt the warm blood dripping down my face and into my hair, from my eyebrow where they bounced my head off the wall.

At least I tried..the last ounce of hope I had finally left my body.

I closed my eyes letting my mind wonder to the short time I had with Florence, I drifted somehow gently off to sleep.


Sometime later I awoke abruptly to my chains being pulled through the wall pulling my arms apart, lifting me on my feet in the middle of the cell.. I didn't know they could do that. Why didn't they do that instead of smashing me around and pinning me down everytime?

After awhile hanging like this the door opened revealing two guards with shields. The man I know now as the King stood a foot behind them. All three entered the room. The guards stood closer to me either side of the king Infront of him.. while two more guards entered and stood at the back of him..

What do they expect me to do like this and heavily drugged up?

"I really hoped it wouldn't come to this." he started in his deep grumbly voice "When I first heard we had been blessed with a Lycan female... countless possibilities ran through my mind.. I even considered having you be the mate to my heir.. but since you have already found your true mate" he said gesturing to my mark, "I know you won't give up so easily. Yesterday you proved me right...meaning there is only one more thing I can do with you." he paused looking me in the eyes "You must understand everything I do is for the future of my pack, my kingdom-" He paused taking a step closer to me in line with the guards..."-and you will do your part.".. he grabbed my neck pulling me towards him, causing my arms stretch even further almost pulling them from their sockets.

I didn't let my gaze drop, I couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing how much pain I'm in.

My face is still covered in crispy dried blood from the conflict earlier and vomit covering the rag like vest top I had on.

The king released me, soon realising I wasn't going to submit, he quickly turned on his heels leaving the cell. The guards followed after, locking the door behind them, finally letting me be alone with my thoughts.

I wonder what hell comes next. I just got out of a royally fucked up situation and this guy wanted to put me back in one.

I waited and waited hours for them to let the chains loose but they didn't.. after what seemed like an eternity the door opened again revealing two guards and the doctor..

The doctor approached me, he wasn't even trying to smile this time.. he pulled a needle out, uncapping it.. he looked up at me in disdain.. "I'm sorry" he whispered before pushing the needle into my neck, forcing the pink liquid into my body..

My eye lids immediately grew heavy.. it didn't take long for me to pass out.


I woke up hazily feeling the familiar cold of the concrete floor against my body, the cuffs secured tightly on my wrists. I opened my eyes to reveal the same four walls. I attempted to sit up when a searing pain lit through my body from between my legs into my stomach.

I groaned doubling over in pain, wrapping my arms around my stomach..

What the fuck happened.. what did they do to me?..

I wrapped myself in a ball on the floor and somehow, despite the pain, I managed to drift back off to sleep.

I feel better after waking up a second time.. I went to the toilet which was painful..some dots of blood were on my underwear. I'm pretty sure someone.. I don't want to say it but I know I was violated.

I was also washed with perfumed soap and dressed in fresh clothes.. I wish I could say I feel fresh but honestly I feel dirtier than I did before.

How can they do this to another human being.. or wolf.. Lycan. Whatever it doesn't matter, no one should be treated this way. I just want this to end.


It's been approximately five days since the king visited me.. he hasn't been back since and I'm glad of that. I still get my regular visits from the doctor to drug me up. Everytime I see him he looks more and guilt stricken.. so he should. I want to kill everyone that is a part of this. Since the first night I arrived I've dreamt up new and exciting ways on how to kill Ronan.. I can't wait to take his head.

I began my nightly routine of watching the condensation drip from the ceiling.. just as I was about to doze off I heard something bang off the door.. a few seconds passed before the door opened. Stood in the doorway was a face that I almost didn't recognise.. Her expression changed to shock when she see me laid there looking back at her.. I sat up quickly.. "Bea?" I asked unsure if she's real or I'm just hallucinating on all the drugs.

"It's this one!" she whispered looking to someone outside the room. I heard brisk footsteps approaching.. then the most amazing sight I've ever seen, if I had the energy I would run to her.. turns out I didn't need too. Florence didn't waste anytime in rushing towards me.. she quickly but gently took my face in her hands, instantly making me feel warm at her touch, she was searching my eyes for something before placing a sweet tender kiss on my lips..oh how I missed this.. I breathed in as much of her as I could before she pulled away..

She didn't waste another second.. she began picking the locks on my cuffs... they might be solid and hard to break, but that's not really any good if you have a Florence to pick the lock.

"Does this remind you of anything?" I asked with a small smile, trying my best to ease the tension on her face.. She didn't look at me but I watched her shake her head slightly and smirk as she continued to work on my cuffs breaking me free..

I looked down to see my wrists for the first time in over seven months.. it was hard to tell the damage as there was old dried blood and new blood smeared over the wounds. I inhaled deeply taking in the sight.. she took both my hands lifting me up and out of my trance.. I stumbled abit as I got to my feet.

"Hurry up!..Quickly!" whispered Bea in a rushed tone.

"Are you alright to walk?" Florence asked quietly, ignoring Bea. How is she so calm right now?..

"I can walk" I replied.. Florence held onto my arm anyway to aid me, I'm glad she did. I wasn't actually sure if I could walk on my own without tripping over my own feet. After we left the cell I see what the corridor looked like for the first time.. it was bleak but a far cry better than my prison. Several doors the same as mine were lining the hallway.

Laid on the floor just outside my door was a guard that was knocked out.. Bea dragged him into my cell and closed the door on her way out.

Bea went first leading us down the long corridor, through a door and down another long corridor that was much more decorated and brighter, painted red with gold ornaments hanging from the walls.

She opened a door revealing a walk in cupboard.. Florence quickly dragged me into it while Bea stood outside and closed the door.

"Here.. you need to put these on.." Florence ushered, handing me clothes that she grabbed from a shelf behind some cleaning supplies.. they look like a servants clothes.. I made an attempt to lift my shirt up, I hissed at the movement of my wrist.

"stop" Florence sighed putting her hand on mine..

"Lift up your arms" I did as she said.. gently she lifted my shirt up and over my head..

She threw the old top with the new one back behind the shelf, picking up the jacket instead.. even though I'm stood here in my bra, this is the least exposed I've felt since I've been here.

She held the jacket out for me to put my arms through.. then helped remove the shorts I had been wearing. After taking the trousers in her hands, I held onto her shoulders as she helped me slide them on..

She dropped a familiar pair of black boots at my feet and I smiled looking up at her. She smiled back knowingly..

Florence bent down quickly helping me with the boots aswell. She stood back up grabbed and my hands, placing two scent masker bracelets on each wrist.. she gently gripped onto my arm with one hand and lightly tapped on the door.. A second later it tapped back.. Florence looked to me with a worried expression.. I didn't know what it meant, I just looked back in confusion.. "shh" she said before hugging me tightly and whispering in my ear..

"A guard is walking past, stay quiet". I just nodded into her shoulder.. A part of me thought I might never see her again.. now here she is trying to rescue me. I guess she was telling me the truth when she said she cared about me..even though I'm not free yet, I still can't help but feel joy to have her in my arms once again.


I might have went abit deep with this one but whilst writing this chapter there is an aspect I kind of wanted to add to the story, hopefully you will understand what I mean in the future :).. As always I hope you enjoyed reading..

Love. Love. Peace :)