
Chapter 25 Flo


Florence POV-

Ugh...Why did I agree to meet her?..

I couldn't speak to her like that, in that form.

Her eyes were calling to me and I had to distance myself...

Feelings are much more animalistic like this.. I still don't know it means.. or it could be something to do with us both being Lycan.. part Lycan.. I don't know..

I don't think I can handle her as my mate..

I couldn't sleep. I waited until I thought it was most likely that she was asleep and dropped her a note.

I had went by a few times to leave it in the night but each time I heard her awake.. she couldn't sleep either.. glad to know I'm not the only one.


I decided to arrive early. I don't know why I felt a wash of relief when I saw her standing there..

I don't know why I made her a bracelet...I couldn't tell her I made it for her.. so I just walked up to her and grabbed her wrist.. which she snatched straight out from my hands.. I think I would have done the same.

"What are you doing?" She asked slightly shocked...

"If you wear this they can't track your scent" I held the bracelet in my hands to show her..

"Okay.." She accepted it holding her wrist out to me..

I put the bracelet on her wrist, touching her as little as possible.. I want to put out these fires inside me before they begin.. which means distance. -This is not distance Florence.. she's Infront of you...Damn!.

I watched her inspecting the bracelet, tugging on it with a look of intrigue on her face.. I looked away wagering in my mind.. she is cute... No she isn't.

"Thank you Florence.." she said like she wasn't sure if I'd let her.. as soon as she said my name it's like she demanded my attention.. I looked up to see her Vibrant green eyes locked on mine, she is beautiful.

And here is where is all went downhill..

I practically blurted out all the bad things that I feel when I'm with her, leaving out all the good parts..

I told her she makes me uncomfortable, that I think I just feel bad for her.. After me being mean to her, she still managed to actually make me laugh, I haven't laughed in.. I don't even know how long.

And to say thank you, for bringing me laughter after years without it.. when she asked if I care about her I told her "No"..

I know that I care about her but I can't tell her that... she will think it means something it doesn't.

A few seconds after I said no, I watched her eyebrows furrow and then relax, she had made a decision.. She just got up and walked away...

I hadn't expected this.. when I was offending her maybe.. but not at this.

I'm supposed to feel good that I succeeded at pushing her away right?.. Then why do I feel overwhelmingly guilty..

I felt like I'd lost something watching her walk away.. "Where are you going?" I called out kinda hoping she would change her mind.. she didn't.

She just turned back to face me, "I'm going back" before continuing on..

The sadness in her voice was palpable, I swear I almost choked on it..

I'm usually only attracted to men, so the thought that my mate might actually be a female is scaring the crap out of me.. what am I supposed to do with her?.

And she looks so young, she won't even know what to do with me.. Ugh..

Did the Gods have to curse me out like this?..


It's been two days since I met with Annabelle. I'm glad she didn't tell anyone. I just can't be bothered to explain it to Marcus or Gigi.

I hadn't expected my idea to keep her safe to backfire on me.. but it did.

I can no longer sense her coming and she knows it..

I was on my way to the temple when someone in a crowd brushed up close against me.. I would have smacked anyone else, but when I looked up to see her smirk.. I just felt happy. Happy that maybe she didn't entirely believe me when I told her I don't care...

Alot has been happening around here behind closed doors, Gigi and Marcus have been absent for days discussing things. Annabelle must be able to feel the pressure rising, she hasn't been training with Marcus for long, but he hasn't found anything she can't do yet.

She is everything the legends say and more.. Gigi and Marcus will make a warrior out of her yet. I don't know how I feel about all this..

If I accept her, it means I have to accept everything that comes with her and I just don't think I can.

And It wouldn't be fair on her to have to worry about me too.

After spending the morning archery training, I decided to get some lunch. I overheard some meatheads talking about the Lycan girl. How she's going to be at the fire tonight and they hope to get her attention.. I might just drug them so they sleep through it... I'm joking I'm not like that.. usually.

I waited until the sun was setting before giving in and deciding I had to go.. She is not the best person for making logical decisions when she's emotional, that much I know already.

I just put on some grey trousers, black boots with a dark red shirt and a black leather jacket.. I'll fit right in..

I don't drink, I just stood at the side peering through the wash of people. A few minutes later I finally spoted her. She was dancing with Mavelo. The way she moved was like no one else existed... I can also tell she is already pretty drunk.. This is a far cry from the girl I saw in chains..

I saw Sam smiling, awkwardly making his way through the crowd to dance with Mav, they are sickly cute.. barf.. I spent a few seconds watching them. When Iooked back to see Annabelle she was gone..

I took a sharp breath in, my stomach sank...

My first thought was someone could have kidnapped her again.. she was there and then she wasn't.. I didn't even see her go.. Fuck!.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see her, eyes closed, dancing, rolling through the crowd. Another wave of emotion washed over me as I saw an older woman approaching her with hungry eyes. I waited for Annabelle to push her off but she didn't.. she just placed her hands on her waist.. I guess she can do what she wants.. I have no right to be mad about it...

They danced for a minute before the woman whispered something in her ear.. I saw Annabelle nod. Then the

woman dragged her through the crowd and Annabelle let her.. for someone so strong she sure does let alot of people push her around..

They made their way to the drinks table and I just watched as this woman did her best to seduce Annabelle, who didn't put up much of a fight. They were wrapped in each other.. When the woman kissed Annabelle I almost lost my shit.. when Annabelle kissed her back jealousy ran through me like lightning and I started making my way over there.. I need to stop this shit.. Annabelle is clearly drunk, If I don't stop this she will regret her decisions... at this point I don't care if she will regret it, I'll regret it if I don't...

The first time I've ever been happy to see Beatrix..

She did exactly what I wanted to but she went about it in a much nicer way..

I was so close that I heard part of their conversation.. Annabelle didn't even know that woman's name, and yet she felt comfortable enough to exchange saliva.

What does that say about her judgement?..

I decided I was way too pissed off for this..

She thought I might be her mate and yet she was almost going to sleep with someone else..

I need a drink or I'm going to end up following that woman home...

I quickly downed a drink...trying to fill the empty void inside that has only grown deeper since I met Annabelle. Why is everything so much more complicated now.

I hate alcohol..I hate everything about it.. seeing how free she looked though, I felt like I wanted that.

I was on my way back to my hut, I expected her to be long gone but here she is.. still stumbling home.. Her hut is on the route to mine and I guess I'm glad of that now..

All I could think is that she made me so angry.. I need her to know how I feel, even if she doesn't know why.. If she is going to think about anyone tonight it's going to be me..

I'm already tipsy and this might not be the best idea but at this point I don't even care, I ran at her hoping to catch her off balance so she can't just shrug me off..

I pinned her to the hut she'd been stumbling past. When I finally focused to see her after our initial shock, her sparkling green eyes met mine and suddenly I forgot why I was so mad.

I watched her face change from shock to worry..

And now I feel really bad for putting her in this position, how do I end this confrontation?.

"Are you alright?" How can she be so sweet right now, I have her pinned to the wall and she still wants to know if I'm okay, she can obviously see that I'm not..


"What's wrong?" She put her hand on the top of my arm that I held across her chest.. as soon as she did I felt safe, like she's got me..

"I..I don't know" I said trying my best to be honest with her this time...

I broke away from her eyes that were searching mine for answers.. what am I doing?.

"What did I do?" you came into my life...

I need to end this now...

"Nothing.. Just go home.." I sighed pushing myself off of her.. as I did she tried to take my hand in hers and I pulled it away..

"Florence.." She almost whispered compelling me to look at her.. Okay I'm certain now.. She is my mate.

I don't know why we were chosen for each other, I don't even know how she can have a mate, and one that's a female at that. I'm pretty sure that's the case.. where will we go from here?.. She's too drunk to talk about this.. and I think am too... "Goodnight Annabelle" I said as nonchalantly as I could before leaving her still leant up against the hut... Guess it's bed time for meeee.


Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it..

I'd appreciate any kind of opinion on it, even if you don't like it.. any opinion is valid and would greatly help me.. It's hard to read your own writing and form constructive opinion, maybe I'm just really bad at it..

Hello people!!

Twink_98creators' thoughts