
Chapter 24


Annabelle POV-

It's been two days since I talked with Florence..

I don't know why I've suddenly become obsessed with someone I barely know but it has happened. I really think she is my mate..

I've been with models and still not felt the attraction towards them that I feel for her.

I mean.. in this world feelings are different.. I fancied the pants off Bea when I met her, more than all those models combined but this is even beyond that.

I've seen her around camp a couple of times.. she doesn't really get a chance to avoid me now, since she gave me this bracelet she can't smell me.. I guess that backfired on her part.

On one occasion, I saw her walking through a crowd of people and decided, I should too... I made sure to brush up real close to her... I want her to see me, this is a crazy feeling.. normally people just want me.. I saw the suprise on her face before she quickly turned and continued through the crowd.

The funny thing is, though she has a bracelet too, I can still smell her. It's faint but it makes me weak everytime.

Well if I can't have her, I guess I'll have to find something else to occupy my mind..

Luckily today is Collins birthday and so pretty much everyone will be partying around the campfire. Bea has decided to go home tomorrow, she said she will visit. I guess she has another reason too since Mav is going to move here. Mav will leave with Bea tomorrow for the Palace.. After she speaks with her mother and father she will return to Sam.


"Hey are you decent?" Came Bea's voice from outside the doorway..

"Yeah come in.." I called back.. I was just dressed in my black bra and fitted black trousers. I already had my black boots on, but I can't decide whether I want to wear a button up black and grey checkered shirt, or just a plain grey shirt..

She walked in, saw me, put her hand over her eyes spinning away.. "You said you were!-" I cut her off.

"Hey princess?.. can you just shut up and help me pick?" I rolled my eyes.. I've been seen completely starko by hundreds of woman that came to dress the Princess of Fortis.

This really is nothing... and surely she is used to it too.

"Fine.." she huffed turning back to face me, her face was still slightly pink but she soon returned to her cool demeanor. She's so weird..

She inspected my choices, holding each up to me before holding out the checkered one...

"This..Now hurry up" She said as she walked out of my hut... "And do something with your hair!" She shouted at she got outside.. ugh she really likes to tell people what to do.. I can't imagine her and Florence being friends, since they both want to dominate everything.

I quickly threw the shirt on, buttoning it up before looking in the mirror.. Bea is right my hairs a fuck'n mess. I quickly ragged a comb through it and pulled it up into a messy bun...Holy crap I'm really letting myself go. This is the first time in my life I've not had anyone dress me, bathe me, do my hair...

I don't even miss it. I've wasted so much time getting dressed... How many other people can say that? I'm just happy that my old life is gone..

I've also been thinking about my future...I don't think it's right what the king has been doing..he tortures people.. he's exactly the kind of man my father fought to eradicate. Even his own daughters despise him... I don't know what they would think of me if I killed him...The more I dwell on it though.. the more I think that is what it's going to take.

Marcus and Gigi also asked how I felt about more people knowing that I exist... I'm basically a myth..

The packs thought they had been cursed.. If they knew I existed they would think I'm a sign from the Gods and follow me.. obviously they wouldn't know that I'm not even from here..

I don't want people to die for me, because they think I'm something I'm not. I'm certainly not a hero..

"Are you done?!" Bea yelled annoyed.

"I'm done" I said calmly as I appeared from the doorway.

"Finally" She sighed exaggeratedly. "let's go.." She grinned and grabbed my arm dragging me along like I would turn back if I could...

We were quickly greeted by Sam and Mav, they are like a sweet old married couple already, their cuteness is unbearable. There were also about 70 other people dancing around, laughing, drinking.

I learned my lesson the first time, I let Bea pour my drinks. By the second one I was tipsy. By the third I couldn't feel my face. Throughout the night I got some glances off various men and women. From amazement/shock to flirtatious,

you might call me presumptuous but I know what those looks mean.. none of them suited my fancy though..

I just kept thinking of Florence..

I poured the last of my fourth drink into my mouth, holding it up in the air as the last drop hit my tongue. It's very pleasant tasting with the fruit juice. You almost can't even tell alcohol was there. I looked up to see a brunette staring at me, I watched her subconsciously lick her lips before turning red and looking back to her friends.. I might not be dressed in royal attire but apparently I've still got it..

Being rejected by Florence hurts but at least people still want me..

"Anna tell Sam to dance with me!" Mav shouted over the loud drums, snapping me from my thoughts..

I looked over at her pouty face, how could he say no to those puppy dog eyes..

"Sam?" I asked gesturing to Mav..

He shook his head folding his arms..

"Ugh.. fine.. Annabelle.. will you dance with me?"

I looked at her uneasy..

Now she's using the puppy face on me and I can't even say no.. oh for fuck sake Mav..

"Come on then.." I rolled my eyes offering my hand.

She's lucky I like her or I would have plainly said no.. She's also lucky I'm drunk and need to blow off some steam.

Mav took my hand and we made our way into the crowd, the sweaty bodies were bouncing into us and all we could do was sway with the movements. We stayed linking hands, dancing like we were at a rave...

At least this time I actually know people here.

Whenever I snuck out of the castle I could never tell anyone who I was.. I could never make any real connections but here, it's a clean slate.

I feel somewhat free to act as I want.

After awhile Sam must have seen all the fun we were having and finally plucked up the courage to join in, Bea on the other hand decided to remain back, talking to Collin and a few of the guys.. Leaving me no-one to dance with.. oh well..

I continued dancing, leaving Mav and Sam in one part of the crowd. I was so lost in the music, drifting through the sea of people..

A pair of hands gently snaked their way onto my shoulders, I turned around not moving from the persons touch..

It's the brunette from earlier. Her eyes are dark brown, I can't really see her to well. She looks middle aged but still very beautiful.. I think.. I'm getting pretty drunk.

I always knew I had a thing for women.. the way they carry themselves with so much poise and maturity.

I do find some men attractive too, though the thought of doing anything intimate with them makes me feel a tad sick. I'm so glad I don't have to marry a man..

It feels nice to have someone's arms around me, I just put my hands on her slender waist as she kept hers on my shoulders, we weren't moving with the music anymore.. She's slightly taller than me.. She leaned in to say something in my ear so she wouldn't have to shout..

"Do you want something to drink?" Her voice is sweet, seductive..

Another drink couldn't hurt.. admittedly I did come to get drunk. I know I said I wouldn't but rules were made to be broken..

She took my hand dragging me through the crowd letting go as we reached the drinks table..

I watched her carefully, making sure she didn't put too much alcohol in my cup. I don't think I could handle much more of this...

She made both our drinks. Leaving hers on the table she wrapped one arm around my waist handing me my cup "Here" she said smoothly before picking up her cup.. "To a good night" she said smiling bumping her cup into mine.. I smiled back and downed half the cup with her.. this might be a fun night after all.. She took a breath before downing the rest of her cup.. well I guess it couldn't hurt.. so I followed suit. She placed her cup on the table.. she slowly took my cup from my hand placing that on the table too.

I feel like I know where this is going and I don't think I want to stop it. Maybe it's the alcohol or maybe I just want to feel close to somebody.. It's really happening... She gently placed her soft hand on my face before lifting my chin and planting a long kiss on my lips..

I didn't feel anything but that's the point.. I just want to forget everything and right now this is helping.. I think..

I inhaled deeply before kissing her again, this time she met me with more excitement, like the first one wasn't enough for her.. I can tell she's done this before.. her hand made its way through my hair where she it gripped firmly..

"Annabelle.. There you are!" What the hell?.

I broke away from the kiss and from this girl of who's name I don't know yet.. It's Bea and she sounds overly happy like she's putting on a show.. She fully just cock blocked me...

I looked at the girl who just looked nervously from Bea to me.. "I'll see you later" She said before kissing my cheek and leaving me..I rolled my eyes at Bea who approached me looking uneasy..

"Who was that?".. she asked cautiously but still smiling as she made her way to my side. She could probably see the annoyance in my expression.

"I was about to find out before you interrupted me" I laughed jabbing at her ribs..

"Really Annabelle, could you be a little less.." She paused trying to find the right word..

"A little less what?" I asked rolling my eyes again..

"A little less... you?" She said poking me back and laughing..

After laughing with Bea for a few more minutes I decided to call it a night... Nothing to do here anyway with Bea around..

I stumbled most of the way back to my hut when a familiar scent hit me, sweet strawberries..

Before I could even think about if I was going to follow it, she was pinning me up against a hut with her arm across my chest...Even in this moment no one compared to her beauty, even when she looks as angry and as blurry as she does now.. Her icy blue eyes, though raged filled, took my breath away. Everytime I see her I find something else about her to add to her beauty... But why is she angry?.. Why is she angry at me?.. I'm too drunk for this shit... Her expression soon changed to one of sadness...She didn't seem to want to speak so I decided too..

"Are you alright?" was the only thing I could think of, I needed to know why she was sad..

"No.." She said clearly hurting..

"What's wrong?" I asked resting one of my hands on her arm across my chest.. I'm pretty sure I could easily throw her off even in this state, but I don't want to..

"I..I don't know" she stuttered looking down at her arm..

"What did I do?" was the next most important question..

"Nothing.. Just go home.." she sighed letting go of me still unable to look back into my eyes..

I reached out my hand to take hers, but she moved it before I could.. I just want her to be happy..

I want to make her happy.. and she's being fucking weird. Why is everyone around here weird..

"Florence.." I almost whispered, I'm hurt that she feels she can pin me against a hut and I can't even take her hand..

As soon as I said her name her eyes darted to me..

I'm so glad she looked at me.. her expression soon changed to slight confusion before she spoke.. "Goodnight Annabelle" She said plainly before walking off.. I think it's best I just let it go.. Drunk people are not good decision makers..

I really need to go to sleep... Hangover here I come..


So like I said.. promiscuous. - it's just the way I've thought the characters up in my head so there ya go haha.

Almost Everytime I reread what I've written, I have something to change or something to add. So just bare in mind that when you read this, I might not have even read through it once. I just feel the need to post it whenever I finish writing and so here it is.