
Chapter 21 Back to Anna


Annabelle- POV

I slept and dreamed of the white wolf. In my dream I'm trying to get closer and she was always running from me. The scent of strawberries followed her. Why can't I get her out of my head..

I decided the best thing I could do was talk to Leopold. It couldn't hurt to ask him some questions...

I woke up kind of early and decided to try and reach him. I sat on my bed against the wall, closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. On exhale I spoke in my head 'Leopold... I need you'..

The red flames filled my vision. My eyes were closed but I could see them. When I opened my eyes I was back at the lake I'd met Leopold at. That was easy.

There he was sitting in his chair looking across at me, he smiled and I smiled solemnly back.

"Are you alright my dear?.. you look a little lost"

He grumbled seemingly just woke up.

"I...I don't really know how to explain" I admitted trying to find the right words. What do I say?.

"It's alright, take your time..." He waved his hand Infront of himself, ushering me to sit.

I followed and sat down.

"It's complicated, I met a wolf" I began.

"And why is that complicated?" he asked.

"I felt this strange feeling in my stomach, like nerves or worry, like I lost something"..I was rambling, I was about to follow her" I explained.

"hmm" he pondered.

I continued, "Then she spoke to me in my head and now I'm even dreaming about her-"..

"You heard her in your head?.. what did she say?" He asked me with a slightly surprised expression..

"She asked me not to follow her.." I replied.

He sat there just thinking. It was making me nervous all over again.. a strange look soon planted itself on his face and I was growing impatient.."What is it?"..

"Do you think she could be your mate?" he asked plainly.

"My...mate?" I put emphasis on the 'my' part.

"What do you mean my mate?" I asked again.

She's a girl.. my mate could be a girl?.

"Honestly child.. I don't know what is going on.

I thought I knew everything, and then I found you... well you found me, none the less since then things have happened that I didn't know were possible".

I can tell he's being honest but what does that mean for me?. I remained with a quizzical look.

He looked back at me waiting for my response, when I didn't give him one he continued.

"Spirits that are mated can communicate once shifted. That's the only reason I asked... I think it's a possibility". He added nodding.

"So what do I do?" I questioned. I really have no idea where to even find the white wolf. Then what... I ask her if she feels weird when she's around me too?.

"I don't know, that part is up to you... even if she is your mate she doesn't have to be"... what if I want her to be?. I don't even know her, or what she looks like, or her name.. damn I'm so screwed.

"Thank you Leopold" I said closing my eyes ready to go back.

"Your welcome.." his word stretched once again as he placed his palm on my forehead sending me back to my body. It's getting much easier to go to and from this place.


"Annabelle!"..." Annabelle!" Bea was shouting over me, shaking me frantically by my shoulders.

"Ah thank the Gods" she sighed.. "What the fuck was that?!" she said waving her arm around.

"What was what?" I asked not sure what she's asking.

"I came to see you and you were just sitting there asleep. I tried to wake you up, but you didn't wake up and I was worried you'd passed out or something" She sounds abit relieved now at least.

"Bea, honestly I'm fine, I'm just a heavy sleeper"

I hate lying to her but I feel like it's the right thing to do.


A few days later...

Bea had invited me to the campfire tonight. Everyone is pretty much used to me being around so I'm sure they won't mind me joining their nightly tradition. It's like a do it yourself bar, but outside, and with a fire.

Mav and Sam will be there, so will Marcus and at least a quarter of the people that live here.

Bea told me they have one every night to celebrate life, to enjoy some part of it at least.

I think there is beauty in that. These people are free. Out here away from the king they can be whatever they want. I can't imagine what it's like in the king's packs and I hope I never find out.


It was time to get ready. I put on a long sleeve black shirt, black somewhat skinny trousers and black leather boots. I wore my hair natural. Being able to wear what I want is a new thing for me. There's not many choices but hardly any dresses either so I'm happy.

No corset to crush my lungs or lace to make me trip.

No stupid bows in my hair, or make-up that makes me look like a China doll. I can just be me..


I made my way out of the hut after quickly glancing at myself in the mirror. Not to toot my own horn but damn I look good.

Okay I was tooting my own horn but can you blame me?. I can finally relax and breath in what I'm wearing. When you feel good, you look good and so I looked good.

I bumped into Bea on my way out. Her white hair blew into her face with the wind. She readjusted it, using a clip to pin it out of her face..

"I was just coming to see what was taking you so long" She said.

"I was just getting dressed, shall we?" I motioned for us to walk.

We talked on the way about what Bea's been up to, a little about Mav, and how happy Bea is for her sister to have found someone to take care of her. I'm sure it's a weight off of her shoulders. I didn't really talk much as I had something else on my mind. I need to find the white wolf. Since that night I haven't had so much as a whiff of her. I felt sad for some reason.

What if she really is my mate? What if she doesn't want to be? then I have to face being alone possibly forever..

"Bea?..." I called...

"Yeah?.." she glanced at me continuing to walk.

"If we don't find our mates, or it they reject us.. will you marry me?"...

"Marry you?" She looked confused..

"Like a wedding" I explained. She's still confused.

"What's a wedding?" she questioned.

"Never mind.." I laughed, she laughed too even though she clearly has no clue what I'm talking about. Maybe I'll explain it to her later if I get desperate enough.

We arrived at the campfire and I see a few familiar faces. Smoke and the scent of alcohol filled the air. It's lucky they have something on the perimeter to mask the scents because it really stinks of alcohol here.

Bea noticed Mav and Sam stood off to the side and pointed to them. We walked over, Mav immediately embracing me for far too long in my opinion.

We laughed and talked for a little while. Just asking how everyone is and telling them I'm fine over and over again.

It is a little annoying to have people that care about you. They constantly want to know how you are and I'm just not sure how to deal with that. Being around this many people shouting and stinking of alcohol it's making me anxious.

I excuse myself from the group, I need a drink or something. They do say it helps you relax. I need to power through this. I headed to a table set up for drinks and poured myself a cup.

I downed more than half, trying to ignore the burning sensation warming every surface the alcohol had touched. I felt it travel all the way down to down to my stomach. My head rushed a little, I stumbled back but caught myself almost instantly. Woah that was fast.

"Hey...urm, don't you want something to mix it with?" This middle aged man was looking at me like I'm crazy, I watched him fix himself a drink as he kept glancing back at me.. He poured a thimbles worth into a cup and filled the rest with fruit juice that I hadn't seen before. Oh god. Well that's enough for me.

"No.. thank you, I'm good" I replied slightly slurring now. I put the cup on the table and made my way to leave. I saw Marcus on the way and asked him to tell Bea and Mav that I'd left. I'm going to be in a right state soon.


I was getting closer to my hut, I know that...

But it seemed to be taking forever, like I'm in slow motion but the world is spinning so fast.. or is it my head that's spinning? I don't even know. All I know is it's getting worse. A faint whiff of strawberries entered my nose and then left. I was sad that it left, now realising maybe I felt happy when I smelt it. Did I even smell it? Fuck I need to sleep.

There it is again.. "hmm strawberries" I hummed tripping an falling onto the floor. Luckily my hands stopped me from hitting my head. "Fuck!" I cursed rolling onto my back.

I could have fallen asleep there on the floor but the smell of strawberries was keeping me awake, a couple of seconds after I fell the smell was surrouding me, much stronger than before.

Just then I felt a small pair of hands pull me to my feet. I can tell they struggled but now I'm up.

They flung my arm over their shoulder and put an arm around my waist. I lifted my head to see... wait is that Florence?.

Those icy blue eyes resonated in my mind before it clicked... "It's you"...I slurred. I saw her eyebrows raise as a guilty expression spread across her face. She looked sad.

It was the last thing I saw before I passed out. This is the first time I've ever passed out drunk and I hope it's the last. An what a great time to do it.