
The New Continent

Jarvis Maximus has awoken on an unknown continent on Earth though in this universe Earth was different as leaders for each nation was different from the ones in reality

Dr_Dred · Peperangan
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71 Chs

Demon Base

Left alone in his private office, Jarvis swiveled his chair to face the city beyond his window. The empire he had built, the people he had sworn to protect—everything he held dear was at risk. His mind was already whirling with strategies and different scenarios to protect his people.

He needed to send a strong message to the other Major countries, and attacking the Russian Federation will be the first step in his plan. He blamed himself for not preparing for something like this to happen. As a former Human and high-ranking member of the U.S. Government he knew how far governments would go to obtain power. Especially when that power is far superior to anything that they currently have.

About an hour later, Jarvis had pulled a secure line and called through to the Commander in charge of the operation "Commander Zephyr," Jarvis spoke. "Begin preparations for Operation Nightfall."

An affirmative came from the other end before he hung up. As Jarvis sat back, he stared at the screen once more where images of the Demon base were shown.

So far Jarvis had been trying to take a diplomatic approach to things when it came to the world, but now the Demon Organization may have awakened a sleeping dragon who only wanted to rest peacefully. And they were about to witness his wrath. Their entire organization was about to come crashing down right in front of them.

After a few minutes had passed Commander Zephyr had contacted him again "Your Majesty, the preparations have been made and we are ready to commence the mission" reported Commander Zephyr

"Understood, Commander. You have permission to begin the mission. Any individuals observed within the base are to be neutralized, and any information is to be collected and brought back," Jarvis stated.

"Roger that, Your Majesty," came Zephyr's voice, crisp and determined.

Within the Siberian region of Russia, a Pelican equipped with Stealth systems was flying over the region transporting some Elite Arcadian soldiers to their destination.

Once they were close the Pilot informed them to get ready "We're almost their Commander, get your men ready."

Commander Zephyr and his men stood up and lined up facing the Pelican's ramp. A about 2 minutes later, the Pelican had landed undetected from enemy forces and the ramp door had opened revealing the dark outside.

Commander Zephyr and his squad had filed out of the Pelican and formed a perimeter around their landing zone. Once everybody was out the Pelican's pilot had taken off and returned to the nearest Arcadian military base located within the Chinese Empire.

As the Pelican faded into the night sky, the icy Siberian tundra stretched before Zephyr and his elite squad. Their breath plumed in the frigid air, contrasting against the darkness. Each soldier was clad in a state-of-the-art thermal suit, equipped with advanced weaponry and technology designed by the Arcadian Empire.

The cold didn't even affect them thanks to their armor which kept them warm. Their mission was far too important to be hindered by nature's fury.

Zephyr activated his helmet's night vision and surveyed their surroundings. The sprawling demonic base loomed a few miles ahead, looking like a monstrosity of metal and machinations against the pristine white landscape.

"Let's move out," Zephyr ordered, his voice echoing inside their helmets. The men moved in a disciplined formation; their movements silent as phantoms under the moonlit sky.

The journey to the base was uneventful, with no patrols or enemy encounters. It seemed that their arrival had truly been undetected. Soon they reached the outskirts of the base and paused to observe it from a distance.

Zephyr reached into his utility pouch and pulled out a compact drone, no larger than his hand. With skillful fingers, he activated it and gave it a soft toss into the air. The small machine autonomously ascended to a safe altitude, providing real-time data and visuals of the base layout on Zephyr's heads-up display.

"Commander, we've got multiple hostiles inside," one of his men, Specialist Axios reported via comms, eyeing the base with his own infrared scanner.

"I see them," Zephyr replied, his voice quiet and controlled. "Remember, we're here to collect information and neutralize all targets."

The men nodded in understanding; their expressions hidden behind visors but their determination evident in their rigid postures.

They continued their silent approach, slithering around the base covertly like shadows of death under the pale moonlight, neutralizing any enemies that they could. Soon they were at the edge of the base's perimeter. A tall metal fence topped with razor wire marked the boundary.

Relying on their advanced gear, they scaled it swiftly, careful not to trigger any alarms that might be embedded into the system. Once over, they crouched low to blend in with the rough terrain and pressed forward.

As they moved further into the base, each man disappeared into the shadows, moving silently, their breathing calm and controlled. The men were like phantoms within the base, seamlessly blending into the darkness. Their presence would only be made known when it was too late for the enemy.

Zephyr led his men through the labyrinthine corridors of the demonic base, their every step calculated to avoid any prying eyes or surveillance. Their goal was a central database where they hoped to find valuable information about the Demon Organization's operations.

Upon reaching a fortified door leading to the main control room, Zephyr signaled two of his men forward. They quickly attached an advanced Arcadian breaching device onto the door. Within seconds, the door slid open with an almost inaudible hiss, revealing the pulsating heart of enemy operations.

What met them was a sprawling room filled with holographic monitors and consoles. It was eerily quiet, save for the low hum of machinery and occasional blips from the screens. The occupants of the room were few but heavily armed. Zephyr's heart pounded in his chest as he gave his men a single nod.

Then chaos unfolded.

Arcadian soldiers erupted from the shadows, their advanced weapons whirring to life. Laser shots cut through the chilling air, immediately neutralizing some of the guards while others dove for cover, cries ringing out in confusion and panic.

Their assault was swift and precise. Within moments, resistance had been quashed and the control room secured. There was no time to celebrate; however, now came the second part of their mission.

Zephyr motioned to Specialist Axios to begin the extraction process. With swift, efficient movements, Axios approached the largest console, taking a seat and pulling a sleek, metallic device from his pack. Plugging it into the console, he began to sift through the data on the holographic screen.

A few minutes of tense silence passed as Axios manipulated the holographic images before him. His fingers danced over the controls with practiced ease while Zephyr and his men maintained a vigilant stance around the room.

"Extraction complete," Axios reported finally, his voice sharp against the humming silence. The device which he had plugged in was now glowing softly, no doubt filled with invaluable information.

"Good work," Zephyr commended, "Now let's get out of here, and leave the remaining enemies to the bombers."

Their retreat was as silent as their advance had been. They exited the base, melting once again into the Siberian wilderness like phantoms in the night. The darkness of the early morning swallowed them whole as they moved swiftly towards their extraction point.

As they boarded their Pelican for extraction, Zephyr called for the bombers to finish the job. In no less than 10 minutes as the Pelican flew away, a bright explosion could be seen for miles as the explosion rocked the ground and a massive shockwave flew past them causing some slight turbulence.

Their mission was complete, they had received some vital information on the Demon Organization. And come tomorrow once the Russian Federation try and figure out what happened, Jarvis will make a massive announcement to the world revealing their involvement in inhumane experiments involving his citizens.

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