
Chapter 1

Lost in the Imagination Woods is a pain. Sticks are poking you. It's damp and freezing. Unicorns are beating you at horse shoes. But for Ella, the star of the wood, she can handle it. Petunia, the keeper of Ella, adopted her and treated her keenly.

Ella is a wood nymph.. that's what she thinks.

In the house filled with wood... everything you can imagine, Ella got bored and thought about bothering her keeper.

"Petunia, why are you always hiding these books from me? I'm bored." Ella asked. Petunia took off her glasses quickly and hid the book she was reading and whistled.

Ella ran to her and took the book. Then she started to see the pictures and hit one page..

SNATCH!! Petunia snatched the book from her hand and closed it. "Ella, you yearn to lean in and have a look, but I'm protecting you from this. Now go outdoors and slay the boredom!!"

Ella started to slump in a vexed way and started to whine. "Petunia, its just a paper cut, it's not really a problem. All you need is a little rubble and your problem is solved." Ella explained.

Petunia started to push Ella out of the door and slammed it in her face. Ella rolled her eyes and start to wander in the woods. "Hey Ella would you like to play horseshoes with me?" the unicorn asked. "Sure you're on. Get ready for a beatdown!" Ella accepted