
The nerdy me and the bad boy

Azzabashriek · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

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" do I really need to do this, like what's so important about having an education" I threw my head back in frustration as I sighed loudly.

" are we really having this conversation again..." my mom rolled her eyes pushing me into the bathroom.

As the door closed I let a long sigh heading to the shower. I really dreaded going to school, I mean what's wrong with just laying in bed all day watching Netflix and swooning over hot actors, do I really need to get an education? ... So I can do what.. huh? get a job and struggle to survive, not much of a thrilling idea.

After I took my sweet time getting ready I headed down and was welcomed by the smell of freshly baked cookies which got me narrowing my eyes in suspense.

Mom only gave me a too sweet smile only confirming my suspension.

" here sweety, have some cookies with your milk before heading to school" she said as ushered me to the stool. I only narrowed my eyes even more at her.

" mom, just say what you want you are scaring me"  I said rolling my eyes knowing exactly that she only act this way if she want me to do something I am really not comfortable with.

" hey, are you saying that I can't pamper my favorite baby for no reason? " she said with a nervous chuckle. I only raised a brow at her making her sigh in defeat.

" OK.. OK I admit I want something from you, you see our new neighbors are super nice and I really want to make friends with Mrs.dylan so we thought we can go out tonight, you know just to hangout at a bar or something but then her babysitter said she can make it tonight, sooo " she said so quickly that she had to take a breath at the end making me chuckle at her cuteness.

" so you want me to babysit her daughter right? " I said with a raised brow.

" that would be so nice of you yeah " she said nodding quickly. Though she can be a bit too much sometimes, I can never get mad at her.

" OK..." I mumbled taking a bite from my cookie.

" oh honey you're the best, you are my favorite daughter you know that? " she said kissing my forehead as she rushed to call Mrs. Dylan.

" I am literally your only daughter" I said rolling my eyes as she blew me a kiss.

" bye mom see you later, if I made it out alive" I said putting my hand on my head dramatically.

" cut it out being a drama queen and get going, it's getting late" mom said literally shoving me out of the house. So much for your favorite daughter.

I was scanning the parking lot for an empty place to park my baby but it was almost impossible since I was late hence the crowded parking.

Founded it! I smiled in victory as I headed to the empty spot when someone so rudely parked in quickly. To say I was angry was an understatement.

I got out of the car slamming my door as I headed towards the car in front of me fuming.

Just as I was about to knock on the window, the door opened and out stepped the most gorgeous man I ever saw in my life.

" hey princess..." he winked at me as he locked the car and was walking away.

"Excuuuuuse me"I said raising an eyebrow to him.

" Okey if want to talk about how handsome I am you can come find me at the cafeteria later cause am kinda running late princess " he said looking serious then checked his watch before turning around again.

I just stood there looking at him with the best " wtf" face I could master.

" Okey stop right there you jerkface, can't you see that was my parking spot?" I said glaring at his soul.

" what's your name princess?" he asked out of the blue. That's it this guy is nuts.

" how's that relevant to what I was saying?" I said taking a deep breath trying not snap his neck right here right now.

" just say tell me your name" he said walking closer to me.

" Sarah" I said rolling my eyes, I really don't know why I did that guess I just wanted to see the end of this.

He came near his car then started searching the ground around it.

" Okey what the hell are you doing exactly?" I said getting really annoyed.

" searching for your name on this parking spot" he said smirking.

I blinked repeatedly trying to process what he just did then inhaled deeply hearing him chuckling beside me.

" Do you think this is funny?" I asked with a raised brow.

" yeppppp" he said stretching the "p".

I inhaled again trying to calm myself so I won't pop a vein in my brain.

" whatever, am not wasting anymore of my precious time with a childish idiot like you" I said turning around to my car.

"leaving me already princess? " I heard his annoying surprisingly sexy voice.

I just ignored him as I hopped into my car again huffing in annoyance.




"Ughhhhhh, did they had to move into this stupid campus?" I sighed glaring at the walls as I cursed my school again for moving into tgis new, huge building making my life just harder.

I swear I passed this plant three times already, i looked at the building map one more time before sighing loudly and banging my head to the wall repeatedly.

" Okey there young lady, why don't you stop hurting that pretty head of yours and tell me what's wrong" a deep voice from behind me suddenly stopped my suicidal thoughts and I couldn't miss the smooth British accent.

" I kinda lost my way" I said awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

" oh, are you new here my fine lady? It's Okey I got you" he said taking my hand and kissing it gracefully.

" not technically, I studied here since freshman year it's just I am not familiar with the new building" I said pulling my hand and musking my blush by clearing throat.

" it's understandable, it's huge and a small lady like youight get lost easily" he said chuckling.

" am not small okey.... Can you just show me the way to the principle office? " I said slightly annoyed, am not that short.

"I apologize for my inappropriate comment, I didn't mean to offend you miss" he said sincerely.

" nah, it's OK" I said with a chuckle at his politeness and formality.

" that's better. Now my lady why won't you follow me so we can get to your class before lunch break?" he said with a charming smile and I couldn't help but swoon at the way he pronounced better so gracefully.







After what seemed like ages we were standing at the door of the principle office.

After getting my schedule and being giving a brief tour around, I headed to my third period - biology - which I gladly shared with Daniel.

Thank God I met him or I would've killed myself, Hailey that bitch of a bestfriend I had was having the time of her life in Austria while leaving me here to suffer alone.

Time flew by and before I even noticed it was lunch break.

I rushed to the cafeteria without a single turn behind, there are two things I take very seriously in my life, food and hot celebrities and I was so damn hungry right now.

After getting my food and settling down and just as I was about to have a large bite from my delicious cheeseburger a voice interrupted me.

" yo princess...." and there goes my appetite.

I inhaled deeply before going back to my sandwich completely ignoring him.

"Oh common princess ,are you ignoring me? "he said .

"no shit Sherlock" I said munching my food quietly as I rolled my eyes.

" are you playing hard to get? cause I might lose interest" he said licking his lips while keeping eye contact.

" do I look like I give a fuck? " I said sipping my coke giving him a poker face.

" Are you always this cold? cause I think I am freezing just by those eyes" he said smirking as he sat opposite of me.

" nope, only on Mondays and when I am surrounded by idiotic douchebags" I said smirking back at him as I saw his smirking face turning slowly into a scowl.

He suddenly stood up making me jump with a startle then leaned so he was in my face level.

" I like you, I guess we will be seeing each other a lot princess.... Oh and by the way I am Tyler" he said whispering the last part huskily then smirked at my flushed face before turning and walking out of the cafeteria.