
The Nerd Reincarnated As a Caterpillar?!

Ash Eastwood is the typical bullied-silent-book-addict in their school, the fruit of a failed marriage, and a victim of abuse. His life is a chaos, as it seems. That's why, when Ash got hit by a four-wheeler truck way back home, he felt not sad or anything, though: blessed. Because at once, his hell pit-like life came to an end. But without knowing anything, Ash will be given a second chance to be reincarnated in a different world where magic, monsters, demons, archangels, dragons, dungeons, and gods exist. Ash thought, when he realized it, that it would be his second chance to redeem himself. But as he sees his regressed form... his ambition and future dreams for himself were crushed to dust, as he realizes that he was reincarnated as a monster! But to be clear, a Caterpillar monster!  What will Ash journey be like? Can a Caterpillar make it at the pinnacle of food chain in a world where those strongest govern the weak? Can he change this new world given to him? A Fantasy Novel by: RV        

Rv01192004 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 5: The Last Training

Chapter 5

The Last Training

Ever since our combat training started (me and Chronas), I didn't really manage to count the days, weeks, or months we spent together. Because the lunatic-berserker violet woman, didn't let my focus on her slip even a bit- even in sleeping.

"Hey, Monster. I'm sensing that you're losing your focus. Don't sleep. Maintain enhancing your magi-core," She said while she is the one who is closing her eyes and soundly sleeping in the ground.

While me, on the other half in the world, stayed focused gathering the small particles in my body to my magi-core. 

'So unfair!'

Even though I haven't felt sleepless since I became a Caterpillar monster. I am a being too, and all beings I expect deserve some rest even a bit!

All I've ever done since I met Chronas is endlessly train my combat skills and after our sparring matches, she will make me do this. Gather the small white particles in my body and move it to my magi-core.

Because as per her, this is the best and fastest method to make someone's magi-core evolve because in the normal span average, it will take a year to move from one stage to another.

And that's also the reason why the number of pure-white magi-core stagers are small because it really needs years and decades of cultivation and training to make your magi-core color lighten. But thanks to this method that Chronas discovered, someone like me will not spend that long cultivating my magi-core until it reaches a pure-white stage.

But the consequences of this technique of Chronas is that.. it is really mentally exhausting. And if you have a low mental power, your mind may stop functioning in the middle because of the aftermath of this forbidden-technique.

It is really like a double-edge sword.

That's also the reason why Chronas was hesitant before to introduce this technique to me because I might lose it if I try it. But afterward, she changed her mind though for a I-don't-know reason and let me try this technique all of the sudden... like she is in haste.

And after she saw that I can handle the mental exhaustion of this technique. The wrenched violet-witch didn't let me even rest after that! Huhu!

'That's why I am in this hellish state! Cultivating my magic-core non-stop. Drop dead! Tsk.'

If I don't have my best unique skill, [Voice Of The World] I can't even withstand this technique of her and her combat training! I am super grateful for my [Voice Of The World], that I can marry it.

'So, [Voice Of The World], what do you say, will you marry a humble monster Caterpillar like me? And live eternally?'

[Alert! Analyzing the question of the host. Please wait. Kai!]

[Alert! Analyzing completed. The answer for the host is 'no'. The skill, [Voice Of The World] is a system that has no feelings and not even a being. The probability of marrying a system is-]

'Ok, ok, I get it System! I'm busted. Shut up already. Tsk! You don't need to explain that thoroughly.'

[Alert! As the host wishes. Kai!]

"LET ME look at your magi-core if you really did not slack and sleep last night," Chronas not convincing and smug-face that is in front of me is the proof that I surpass again another hellish day from her and will start anew.

'Ha, what a freaking life I have...'

Chronas moves her right palm to my upper stomach and closes her eyes. And as she closes those beautiful dark-violet eyes of hers, her palm begins to release a light-violet light that is really warm to feel.

I closed my eyes too, to check my status because I just realized that I also didn't really manage to check my progress on this training since we started. Plus, if I don't check it now, I don't think that I can check it after this because I know Chronas will give me another hell-like training.

'System, can you please show me my information tab, so I can check how grown I really am now?'

[Alert! Gathering the progress data to the host. Please wait for a moment. Kai!]

[Alert! Gathering all of the host data completed. The system will now show the information tab of the host. Kai!]

[Information Tab:

Name: ???

Race: Demon Caterpillar

Level: 70

Unique skill: [Devour], [Voice Of The World]

Ability: [Silver thread], [Grass grip], [Tornado], [Silver Spikes], [Root Possession]


Strength: 300

Agility: 450

Intelligence: 1000

Mana: Higher than-average]

And as that information tab screen showed in my head. My jaw dropped in my mind as I didn't expect the increase in my stats! Because it really grows a lot! I mean, a freaking A LOT.

Is this legit?! Shit... all of my effort is being paid for! Yes! I deserve this after all of those near-death experiences that this woman in front let me experience in her hands!

And aside from that, I have other new abilities in my belt now! But actually, those new abilities I have in my sleeves are the abilities that I tried to create when I was sparring session with Chronas so I can land a hit on her.

Glad though that the system saved those abilities for me. Since it can help me a lot to fight monsters outside of the safe zone once Chronas decides that I am good enough to be released and see the world since most of them is an aoe attack.

'Tch. Anyway, when will that happen?'

After a minute of silence between me and Chronas, finally, she already opened her eyes and looked directly at me. And in that moment, I saw a glimpse of proudness in her dark-violet eyes, but it also went away when she started to speak to me.

"Congrats Monster, you are more promising than I expected. You already now at the light-white stage," She said that with full of boastfulness. My eyes automatically widen at what I hear.

"A-Are you s-sure...? Are you not being mistaken? Can you please re-check, maybe you are wrong. N-No. You are really wrong. You said before that it takes even decades to be at the dark-silver stage with an intense training in magic. That's why it's impossible for me to reach the second last stage of magi-core already. Within that small amount of time! E-Even though I'm using the forbidden technique you teach me! I-It can't really possible-"

Chronas cut my speech with her mocking laugh. It continues to disturb the quietness of the safe-zone for almost a minute before she removes a small tear from her eyes before she starts to utter.

"Monster, never in my life. I made a mistake by looking at a magi-core of someone. It is really true. Believe it or not, you are now already in the light-white stage. And to add, please don't disrespect your hardships and hustle just to be where you are right now," she became serious when she said those last words while looking directly into my eyes.

"You've come a long way just to achieve this. So please, I don't want to hear you again, questioning your own strength just because it is unrealistic. Because in this world, anything can happen and be possible as long as you put your dedication to it and work your ass off on it. Just like what you did back then when I almost cut off your head with my sword and also died many times because of strong-mental pressure from my secret-technique," She inflated my anxiety with that kind of blow.

And in that moment, it gives me the memories of the past where I almost got killed by Chronas during our trainings because she is the woman who will not hesitate to cut off anyone's head if she sees any opportunity to do it.

And also I remembered those times too, that I am just trying the forbidden-technique that she taught me and in my first try, I almost die because of too much lost of blood as I try to move a one-particle in my body to my magi-core but my mental power that time really not manage to do it because of the strong-mental pressure— but thanks to my unique skill [Voice Of The World] I began to withstand the backlash of the forbidden-technique as my mental power and system works together to move each small particles in my magi-core one by one.

Yeah... it really sucks to remember does, but as I remembered them. I also get that Chronas is just… right.

I am here because I am not the Ash Eastwood of my past life anymore, that the only thing knows is to read fantasy novels and mangas to escape his chaotic life.

I am now reborn as a nameless monster. Not just a monster, but a Caterpillar monster who is craving for power so he can stand any hardship that the universe will throw at him. And can be the refuge of someone who is weaker than him.

'Ha... yeah. That's right, maybe I'm just so used to being a weakling that's why I can not believe what Chronas said about my magi-core stage. But truth to be told, it is the reality now. So I must accept it. I am no longer a weakling that can be oppressed by anyone every time they like. I am now a capable being who can stand on their own and be a help for someone who is needed.'

"Ha..." I let out a heavy sigh as I collected my thoughts, "Yeah, right. Chronas, you win. I believe you."

She smiled widely at me, then nodded, "Good, Monster. So... can we continue our sparring now? We already lost an hour just because you are drawing some drama in your head for too long."

My forehead creases and I feel the familiar feeling again that crouches up to my body- the feeling of anger to this lunatic-woman.

"Can I refuse just once?" I said with full sarcasm while smiling at the witch that is in front of me.

She smiled back at me too with the same amount of sarcasm, before withdrawing her majestic sword from the shaft and pointing it at me.


"Of course not, you still have a lot to learn and to improve, especially in your combat skills. So let me give you an extra level of hellish training so we can already make you a killing machine that not any being here in Livettia see!" She exclaimed with full excitement and jumped fastly at me with so much intent of killing me!

I grow my distance from her and use my abilities in my disposal to keep our distance. Because I know already that once her sword reach me- I am fucking dead.


"Silver spikes!"

"Silver thread!"

As I cast those three abilities of mine at the same time, a strong wind pressure starts to create a tornado in the middle of us, while spikes that are created by my silver thread spawn to the ground together with my silver threads that can really slice someone's body if they pass it.

But of course, my opponent is Chronas, she manages to avoid all of my casted abilities without a sweat by jumping in the mid-air and by slicing my thread traps. She also easily eradicated my tornado with one powerful swing of her sword and managed to kill our gap in a second.


"Gotcha!" She said with her demonic tone and attempted to slice my head while grinning at me.

'Shit, even though I am already this powerful, I am still outsmarted and out-leveled. She is really on a different par!'

I close my eyes as I get ready to die in the hands of her.

 But unexpectedly, as soon as her sword is in the state of cutting my head, she unexpectedly stops and falls to the ground as she feels a sudden enormous pain in her chest.


To Be Continued...