
The Trip

I swear five in the morning is to early for travel but here we were I had to sit far away from B because our school had one important rule NO DATING and they would take extra precautions during trips and this to us was a total buzz kill.

We were traveling by bus it was so boring until one my homies threw a USB at me and I instantly knew what to do I guess another reason they call me a nerd is because I'm good with tech and all that stuff.

As the tunes kept on playing I devised a plan to sit next to B and I succeeded we talked all the way to the hotel. We were caught in a snarl up which caused her to fall asleep on my shoulder and to be truthful I kinda liked it.

We the hotel safe and sound we warned not to leave our rooms but their were other plans I know am gonna sound like a cliche but all the popular kids had planned an a night party for specific people only and my name was on the guest list

One of us head been to this city before and knew all the hangout places for teens we also bribed the driver to take there and back without a word to the teachers.We were to meet outside after we were sure that everyone else was asleep.

and somehow we went back to truth or dare and it was still the most interesting one among the rest.

I was dared that I had to have sex by the end of the week or they would all tell on me to the teachers I know this would not faze someone like you but me I had done a lot of shit the' you can get expelled over kind '

The dare finally dawned on me when I remembered B she would be heartbroken unless she could be ready by the end of the week

I accepted the dare still not fully aware of how I was supposed to do it. The party ended uneventfully I got to my making sure not to wake up Fenny 'she was such a stuck up' I thought as I smiled then my phone vibrated pulling me out of my trance.

'hey look about the dare you can do it with me and if I'm not ready by then you can choose someone else' B texted

'don't worry even if you're not ready I won't do it with anyone else I'll wait for you'

'really that is good to hear goodnight'


The week continued and everytime I looked at her all I could think about was doing it then she came up to me saying that she was ready I had the biggest smile on my face you would not believe.