
The Sex(R18)

It was a cold winter night there was complete silence as if the chirping animals in the area were aware of deed that was about to be committed.

I instinctively closed the blinds just in case anyone was peeking. I exhaled waiting for her to get in then suddenly the door swang open revealing almost half the female population of our school in the middle the only person I had been waiting for.

"Take care of our precious gem or I kill you in the morning!" exclaimed Tanasha.

They all left leaving the two of us she went to the bed and sat down motioning for me sit and after I did she straddled my lap and kissed me hard on the mouth to which I answered by holding her thighs and pulling her close and the fight for dominance continued I touched her back and flipped us so that I was on top I left her lips and went down to her neck giving her as many hickeys as I could.

Her moans enticing me further I went down even further til I reached her nipples and sucked like a baby when I satisfied with the results I further and kissed her stomach I looked up to see her face completely red.

"Are you want to do this cause I can stop if you want"

"Yeah am sure"

I went back down and disappeard between her thighs first I licked her then I sucked on the clit

and right when was about to cum I stopped and got of the bed she gave a pouting look and

asked why did I stop while out of breath.

Then I climbed back on and slowly pushed two fingers inside her and started to pulling in and out which started a melody. When she cum she moaned my name as loud as she could.

I picked up her leg and positioned us all the while her eyes closed with a smile on her face.


She started humping on top of me I felt my climax all over again and surly in a few minutes I moan again as I reach my second climax. She collapsed next to me and covered us in the sheets we spooned until the morning.


I woke up to her voice talking about exucitives and business stuff cause she helps her dad with his business.

"You should probably go take a shower" she said to which I glared

"Do you think I have not tried but my hips and legs hurt so much I can't move"

"I'm sorry I forget it hurts the first time especially if you orgasm twice"

Before I could even respond she carried me to the bath tub and let me relax in the bath booms.

*Hello readers I thought this story would come out more interesting so I am starting a new one boss and employee stay tuned*😘😌