
At School

I parked the car and got out we walked in together our hands intertwined. I could see the look on people's faces especially our friends and some were looking in jealousy I could not blame them B had a lot of admirers and I had my fair share.

I walked her to her class and she kissed me on the cheek I was permanently dumbfounded.

"D you finally did it" said Mitchell

"Did what?"

"Your nerd ass too clueless finally had sex"

"Why does everyone keep saying that no we didn't"

She just scoffed and walked away I went to class the day was unusualy boring except for PE I was on the girls football team and was the captain honestly I don't know why these people insist on calling me a nerd maybe it's because of my glasses or that I do very well in exams .

Our school has a tradition that if you were on the football team and were dating someone that person had to watch you play in your jersey and today it was my turn.

B came out to the field wearing an oversized hoodie but she unzipped it to reveal my jersey the entire team started whistling and screaming B and D KISSING it was childish really but then she blushed in my direction and forgot all about their teasing.

The went on as usual and as usual we won as we left the field for the changing rooms some of the girls in the bleachers accompanied us.

I went to the shower and came out in only my bra and a towel around my waist Blessings turned to me her went wide and she reached over to run her fingers over my abs I felt a chill go down my spine and as if nothing happened she skipped out of the changing room

'Was she trying to tease me?'I thought

We went back to class and were informed that the seniors would have a trip and that it would last a whole week.

'Blessings POV '

I can't believe this an entire week all to ourselves I mean so many things can happen in a week.

"Hey B will you and Daven finally do it?" said Mitchell

"I mean we don't have to do it so soon?"

"Of course you do I mean I know Daven and her ex's all have something in common that they love sex"

That sentence rang in her mind for the rest of the day she really was not ready to do it but she was sure that she wanted her first time to be Daven but the thought of it scared me to my wit's end.

I decided to talk to her about it when she drove me home.

"Hey Dav"


"have you ever thought of sex you know with me?"

"I have"

"and when do you think we will do it?"

"well whenever you are ready to"

That made feel relieved she is so considerate I think I'm falling for her.