
The Necromancer King (A Game Of Thrones)

"I shall strike east... and conquer." A Targaryen prince blessed with the gift of boundless potential over all types of magic. Men will bend to his will, whether through life or death. An endless horde of warriors who do not require rest or food will follow him to the ends of the world. He who summons fire, commands the wind and controls the flow of the sea will continue to march and conquer what is rightfully His. This is the story of the first Dragon Emperor of the World. (Thanks to my old friend boundlessvortex for the cover.) (MC is an OC if you're wondering.)

SovereignOfHeaven · Televisi
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124 Chs

A Dragon's Gift

Without much idling around, Aerion began to resurrect all of those who had fallen in the battle. He started with the batch of souls he had collected from the battle. Soul Knights were by far the most valuable type of undead that he could create but, unfortunately, he didn't have enough proper souls to utilise all of the corpses from the battle. However, Aerion had overcome this problem before.

As his mastery over Necromany continued to grow, Soul Summoning evolved to be capable of 'creating' a soul if he didn't choose a specific soul to summon. These artificial souls were inferior, resulting in less impressive Soul Knights... but they were still Soul Knights. A decent majority of his Soul Knights were created through this method.

Instead of creating artificial souls, Aerion decided that he would seek out some willing volunteers among his men. It was a rather difficult decision to make but, in the end, he was only offering a greater opportunity for those who served him while making the consequences that come with the opportunity clear. It was their decision to make after that... not his.

Knowing the devotion that his men had for him, he knew that there was bound to be enough souls to gather. Not just enough... there would be too many volunteers!

Aerion made his Soul Knights advertise the opportunity to his living warriors earlier and now, they all stood before him at the entrance of the palace. The Sealord's palace was surrounded by a good two hundred men, with plenty more filling the streets... it was even more than he had estimated at first.

The Kingsguard who stood behind him were more than aware of what this was. Being his main protectors, most of them found it slightly insulting that this opportunity wasn't even mentioned to them. Aerion, of course, did not mean to insult them... he only wished the best for them, in truth. Soul Knights, no matter how close they were to being alive, were all dead men.

For him to take their souls, they would have to die first... which he wasn't willing to witness. The soldiers before him were far more expendable than the Kingsguard he had grown up with from a very young age until this very day (excluding Ser Barristan). Even giving to this opportunity to his soldiers was difficult before... nevermind his Kingsguard.

Aerion dismissed the majority of the soldiers present, leaving only the first twenty. He provided them all with poison that was swift and sweet in case they didn't wish to bloody their own hands.

"Now, you must all die to be reborn anew," Aerion stated bluntly.

The soldiers bowed one last time, as living beings.

"For the Emperor."

The majority took the poison while the rest decided to have one last... battle amongst each other.

A fight to the death amongst them all.

How bizarre...

Aerion thought as he ordered the Soul Knights to provide them with weapons.

And so, they thought to the very death with the last surviving warrior killing himself. Afterwards, Aerion extended his palm as emerald flames grabbed hold of their souls before storing them within himself.

"My Emperor, is there a reason why this offer was not extended to the Kingsguard?" Jaime inquired. "It is the duty of the Kingsguard to protect the King from harm until death. We would be much more capable of completing this duty upon being reborn... is this not true?"

"These old bones of mine require some newfound strength before they start to crack." Ser Oswell japed at the expense of himself.

Ser Barristan glanced in his direction, smiling slightly.

"You are not the only one. If Ser Arthur is willing as the three of us are, then you do not have a reason to reject, my Emperor. You have the potential to be among the greatest rulers who have ever lived and we can all agree that it would be a great shame to die before witnessing what you will become."

Ser Arthur smiled. "I, too, am willing to serve you until you breathe your last, my Emperor."

"You four..." Aerion did not turn to face them. Although stubborn at first, he was now convinced by their devotion. "I could not ask for a better group of Kingsguard."

"If this is what my Kingsguard desire, then it will have to happen at a later date."

"A later date... why not now?" Jaime inquired.

"You all deserve proper deaths, those befitting of my Kingsguard." Aerion turned to the Sealord's palace and walked past his Kingsguard.

"I will hear no more inquiries surrounding this matter."

"Understood, my Emperor."


After over a week of reinforcing his forces through the corpses he had gathered and securing his hold on Braavos, Aerion had made all the preparations needed to leave. He gave the now youthful Sealord the title of Lord Magister while giving him the responsibility of selecting his own magisters. In truth, Braavos wouldn't operate differently from before until he would begin instilling the policies of the New Valyrian Empire. This would naturally be done after he ascended to the seat of Emperor, which he had yet to officially do.

Aerion opened the doors to Jocelyn's guest room in the Sealord's palace.

"Come, Jocelyn."

"Huh... did you finally remember that I live?" She pouted, making a rather sulky expression.

"I was busy with my duties," Aerion replied. "Now, I wish to provide you with a gift for your tenth nameday and relatively good behaviour. It will be my... hmph, nevermind. Come with me."

"What are you hiding, hmm?" Jocelyn wondered. "Don't tell me that you still intend to return me to my father and with a gift from you, no less. He would set it on fire immediately... you may as well not waste your time."

"Would he, now?" Aerion chuckled. "Anyway, allow me to complete my promise to you first."

"You didn't make the matter any clearer-"

"I will make it clear for you later, Jocelyn." He smiled. "Now, follow me."

She nodded and followed in his steps. Eventually, they reached the Purple Harbour and Aerion hopped aboard the Mad King.

"My Emperor, are we heading out to sea already?" One soldier inquired.

"Yes, but not too far."

"Where are we going?" Jocelyn asked.

"The Titan... you know, the statue you wished to see so desperately." Aerion reminded her. "Now that it is under my control, you may explore the inner chambers if you wish."

"I see."

The majority of the Mad King's crew was ready to leave at any moment so it did not take long for the war galley to set out into the waters of Braavos. After passing the Arsenal and reaching the Titan's feet, the Mad King stopped before the island where the Titan's left foot was stationed.

Aerion jumped onto the island and waited for Jocelyn to do the same.

"What's wrong, you can't jump down?"

"Well... no, I can't. Will you help me down, kind lord?"

Aerion sighed. "Very well."

After helping her down, Jocelyn seemed to be quite pleased with the result... strangely so. Aerion then deducted that this was no more than her mischievous nature.

"Thank you, kind lord."

Aerion felt like sighing again but he resisted the urge.

Instead, he started to walk up the mountain with Jocelyn following him once more. It was not a very steep mountain so reaching the foot of the Titan was not too difficult.

"How did they even build such a statue... it's so wonderful!" Jocelyn stated as she looked up from the Titan's feet to the broken sword pointing to the sky.

"Braavos is the wealthiest and mightiest among the Free Cities." Aerion replied. "The city as a whole may even be more valuable than all Seven Kingdoms combined, especially with the Iron Bank in hand."

"It is that rich?"

Aerion nodded as he reached into his pocket to bring out the gift.

It was an expensive yet wonderful pendant which did cost quite the number of Braavosi iron coins but Aerion had the Iron Bank to cover him. Its chain was made of white gold, shimmering like the summer sea. The pendant itself features a gold frame with many rubies embedded into it, forming a beautiful frame. Inside of the pendant, proudly stood the crowned black stag with fiery eyes made out of more rubies. At its back was a set of black wings as dark as the night.

"Is that a pendant? For who... me?"

"No, your uncle." Aerion made a jest before placing the pendant into her hands. "This is the gift that I spoke of earlier."

As he watched her inspect it carefully, Aerion couldn't help but wonder. "So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful." Jocelyn smiled before returning it. "Would you mind helping me put it on?"

"I may as well."

Aerion walked behind her and separated the chain, placing it around her neck before uniting the chain once more.


She turned to face him.

"I wonder... why does this stag have wings?" Jocelyn wondered.

Aerion smiled. "You will have to figure that out for yourself. And... you won't have to worry about your father setting it on fire."

"Could it be that..."

"You are no longer my prisoner." Aerion blatantly stated. "Which means that you are free to return home whenever you wish. You need only ask, Jocelyn, and I shall return you to him."

"However, if you wish to stay... I am willing to keep you around. Now, don't start thinking highly of yourself because you have more free will or I'll have you shipped back anyway."

"I won't!"

"Brilliant." Aerion smiled. "Now, you'll have the honour of seeing my home for the first time. Sunspear doesn't welcome Baratheons... it never has, in fact, but it will have to make an exception for you."

"Then it doesn't look to be a pleasant visit..."

"If anyone acts in an ill manner, I will put them in place."

Aerion assured Jocelyn.

"Now, do you wish to see the interior or may we return to Braavos?"

"I'm not interested in what's inside... it's only a couple of chambers and halls, anyway. I want a tour of Braavos before we depart."

"Your uncle would be delighted to provide that for you."


Aerion laughed at her expression before beginning his descent back to the ship.

"Are you waiting for your next nameday already, Jocelyn? Hurry up or I shall leave you behind."
